AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Transition Between Large Cut And Fill
May 16, 2012
See drawing attached.
I have a large fill area directly dropping to to a large cut area. All of the above work is in rock, There is a retaining wall along a section of the "cliff face" but not at the ends where the cut and fill meet.
I would like to transition the fill batter on to the cut batter to enable the filled area above to be self supporting.
How do I get it so that when I draw a shape it will fill with color? In my options bar there is a rectangle with color where I can choose that, but sometimes that's not up. How do I pull it up?
How do I fill a canvas with color without having to cover it with a large rectangle to fill? I've gotten answers to this but none has solved the problem.
I've attached a screenshot of some "webbing" I have going on between regions in my corridor. As you can see on the left, there's the start of a left turn pocket lane, which is why I have two different assemblies. This is just one instance, but this is happening along my entire corridor. I've given up on trying to resolve and have made gaps in my corridor. But me being an engineer, gaps bother me and would rather figure out a solution. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with point codes?
I have a building pad where I created a grading of 5:1 to existing grade. I want to change one side to 20:1. How do I go about transitioning the 5:1 to the 20:1. I create the 20:1 and the contours just dead end into the 5:1 grading area
I need to transition to one subassebly to another. The first subassembly is at existing ground the other assembly is above ground. See following picture:
I need to transition from station 12+50 to 13+50. See following picture:
Here is a picture of the Corridor Properties:
Do I need to make a different subassembly in between the two stations? Is there a command I am not seeing that does it for me?
I'm designing a single 2% cross flow blke path. I wanted to reverse the cross flow so I created two corridors, one flowing to the left and one flowing to the right along the same tangent centerline. I want to add a 50 foot warp transition in between them. I'n not sure how to do that. I thought of the intersection design but that won't work.
I have to fill in a large area of shingle siding (vertical shake) with color and so far the only way I've discovered to accomplish this is to fill in each individual shake, one-by-one (and there are hundreds and hundreds of them). I'm using a pdf file oepned in Gimp. I tried saving it as a jpeg in the hopes of selecting an entire wall of shakes and coloring them with a single click, but it didn't work.
I am working on a project where some of the corridors require different daylight slopes. I need to transition between a region with 2:1 slope to a 10:1 slope. My local civ3d support said something about using grading tools to achive that.
What I understood was that my assemblies should not have any daylight sub-assembly and that i should grade the corridor and than add a transition zone between the different gradings. Did I understand correctly?
I'm looking for a way to determine (and preferably edit) the values of P1 and P2, the offsets of the initial tangents into the PC/PT of the shifted curve. It's not in the (admiteddly basic) book I have either.
[Edit: OK, after double-checking,I just found Widening offset clothoid, but I'm still none the wiser.]
With Civil 2010 I used superelevataion to transition a street's cross fall from left to right. It was very straight forward with 2010.
Now with 2011 it appears that I cannot add superelevation to an alignment with any curve and change the crossfall of a street from left to right over 20m.
How to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
Is it possible in civil 3d to input a cross section of superelevation as parabolic rather than straight section in civil 3d. We are looking at a parabolic bend of 40 degrees.
I have a grading that, going left to right has a a region of relative elevation, a transition followed by another region of relation elevation.
I need to change criterior of the transition region to another relative elevation with the appropriate transition on either side.
I deleted the original transition grading (with the menu commands) and tried adding the 3rd relative elevation but keep getting prompted for a transition length instead of the relative elevation (I am choosing relative elevation criterior). It seems the feature line doesn't want to let go of the original definition. I should be able to replace that original transition with a new criterior, No?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
Along my corridor I have different assemblies I used. My sidewalk is curb side in some locations and in different locations there is a boulevard between the curb and sidewalk. I want to transition between these different assemblies and I want that transition to show up in the cross sections I cut. Isn't there a way to tell Civil 3D to transition from one assembly to the next one as you could in Eagle Point?
my surface is way through the in and out transition of my superelevation. the waves are dependent on frequency (ie if i change from 1m to 5m the waves get longer.
I watched the cul-de-sac placewhere and I seem to missing some functionality shown. Specifically the ability to link a transition lane to an alignment and profile via corridor properties>logical name>no width shown as the placewhere shows?
When stitching together a large panorama, the content aware tool doesn't work if the image is >30,000 pixels. When you use the tool on large images (after I have flattened the layers and using the magic wand to select a white area at the top), it runs through the process as if it is going to fill and then after the "fill" window completes, the selected area remains white.
I noticed on some other forum posts that jpg saving couldn't occur on >30,000 pixel width images, so I changed the image size to 29,999 (from ~39,000) and the content fill tool worked.
In attached file the normal cross slope of secondary road(AB) is 2% Right to left (Right higher). and for primary road cross slope is 2% Left to Right (Left higher). I produced this junction using intersection wizard and cross slope of secondary road only starts changing from start of curb return to match the long slope of primary road. Is this possible to increase this transition lentgh on secondary road to create smooth contours.
I have an assembly that contains a basic lane tranisition with a retaining wall next to the road. I have created an alignment for the lane transition to follow but the wall stays in the same place. Shouldn't the wall move with the lane transition? The sub assembly are inserted connecting each other. what am I missing?
Is it possible to add a base depth to the transition lane assembly? I need to do volumes for my road, (pavement, base) but there is a section with a transition (which only has one depth), so that section is off.
I have been trying to add a county wide 3m dem into C3D 2012 with no success. My goal is to be able to open a drawing, zoom into a small section of the county and instantly have an accurate surface to look at. I realize this is an extremely large file with over 450 million points but I was hoping that if I set the surface to "no display" then created a boundary around the work area before turning the surface on it might work. However, I can't even get the dem to load without crashing the computer. I've also tried adding a data clip boundary to the surface then adding the dem. This worked but was extremely slow loading defeating the purpose. Is there another method used for adding a dem as large as this to a surface?
My problem is that when i add a map through WMS connection and later turn my drawing with the map into a .pdf file, the outcome is a very large file (my certain A4 drawing was 30,4 Mb). I guess AutoCAD stores a lot more info than i need the drawing.
Managing with a 30Mb file is very difficult when i need to, for example, sent it through an e-mail.
I have some very large comma delimited ENZ files that I wish to create point clouds from. When I try to read points into a points cloud from this file I get "an error occurred in data processing" after a few seconds.
Since the error occurs early on, I was assuming C3D is getting hung up because of the first row of the file which contains an "x,y,z" header. The text files (around 270MB) are too large to open in wordpad, excel or similar, so I'm not aware of any way to edit or delete this line. To counter this I tried creating a new point file format using "x" as the comment tag (and setting all the other parameters as required. This "parsed" properly when testing on the file, however when I tried to import either as points or into a point cloud I still get the same error as above.
Is the file size/number of points too large for C3D or is it some other problem?
Is there anyway to prevent a corridor from jumping across large distances as in the attached screen shot? There are no targets in any of these regions.
I have a large drawing with 5 meter contours that are 2D polylines on elevation. In Civil 3D 2012, when the crosshairs touch a polyline the drawing hangs for quite awhile. I've cut a piece out of the drawing so it is 28mb instead of 121mb and now the hang time is much less but it still does it. It does not happen in AutoCAD 2012.
Windows 7 x 64 Intel i7-4770 CPu @ 3.40 GHz 24 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro K2000D Civil 3D 2014 (i.108.0.4, SP1)
The vertical spacing in curve and line tables (the space between the text and the horizontal line) is too big. This makes the table too long and hard to fit on maps. For regualr tables, you can modify this. However, for curve and line tables this is not available. Is there a .NET file that creates/formats the tables that I could modify to reduce the spacing??
I am in Civil3D 2012, and am trying to render a retaining wall we doing. I set up a corridor, surface, and profile, and have it working with plans and such, but when I try my hand at rendering it looks rather odd. The surface is fine, and I can choose materials on the vertical wall subassembly, but It just shows a paper thin object ever 25' and a large surface on top. Does the top of the wall need a feature line as well.
I am trying to create a localized existing surface from a very large topo. I promoted the existing surface shortcut into my drawing, then created a cropped surface to be put in a new drawing. After creating the cropped surface the new file shows that a surface has been created, however, the surface contains no data. I am using c3d 2012.