AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Toolbox Import Styles And Settings
Jun 23, 2012
I'm having issues with my toolbox--> Subscription Extension Manager--> Utilities--->Import styles and settings for Civil 3d 2011.
I'm getting:
Command: _AeccUiImportStylesAndSettings
Unknown command "AECCUIIMPORTSTYLESANDSETTINGS". Press F1 for help.
It's really annoying. I'm back to using the regular command line.
Is there anyway of fixing this? All the other commands work except this one and it works on my co-worker's machine. I tried switching workspaces, rebooting etc etc. Nothing seems to solve it.
Civil 3D 2011
Win 7
Intel Xeon 3.20GHz
15Gb Ram
Quadro 600
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Jan 13, 2012
Transfer styles/settings from 2012 template to 2011 template
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Mar 13, 2013
I went to import some line label styles from my template with the Style manager and found about they were grayed out. For some reason the curve styles were not. Why would this be? The new drawing only had a standard line label style.
(running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
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Mar 7, 2013
who has a specific layer assigned for the water drop routine verify if you get the same results.
If I take a file that has the layer assigned (C-TINN-WSHD) and import my template using the "Manage-Import styles" it corrupts the layer to (AcDbObjectId::kNull), then when I save the drawing and reopen it's reset to layer (0).
Pretty obvious but this only happens when "Import Settings" is toggled on, but it shouldn't be corrupting the layer if on.
Both files have the same settings and layers in each, so it's not looking for something that isn't there.
See Image.
I was able re-create this with “_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS.dwt”
C3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
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Sep 27, 2013
I open two different drawings, I'll call X and Y. I make X current. Using the setting tabs of the prospector I go to Y drawing and click the plus and open the styles i want to insert into X drawing. So for example I open <General <Label Styles <Note Elevation and drag that style into my X drawing. I go and look at my X drawing <General <Label Styles <Note and see that Elevation is not there.
I have tried using AeccImportStylesAndSettings and also I'm running the sincpac which has an import civil styles function that does not work either. I went to a co-workers machine and he can get the styles import function to work just fine.
why I may not be able to get this to work? I even tried to create a new layout from template and still could not get beyond the styles that are default to my current drawing. My only option is to create the styles manually and that is, well, not an option.
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Nov 8, 2013
I'm trying to import some label and table styles from another drawing and can't seem to do it. I followed the tutorial offered here until I got to the "Manag" ribbon in my Civil 3D and found that the Styles "import Export" option is not there.
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Apr 7, 2013
I import a csv file into my drawing and all the points and figures get drawn correct and on the correct layers.
But I end up getting some extra things also:
1. a little white circle comes in from the marker styles. it comes in on layer V-SURV-NTWK
2. i also get an extra white line that comes in on layer 0.
I have stopped these things from happening now by hitting the light bulb for the "basic" Marker Style and the "basic" Feature Line Styles. But i would really like to know what the Marker Style and Feature Line Styles are and what they are there for.
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Oct 15, 2012
I've got a project that we made some changes to several of our Civil 3D styles. I'm trying to use the Manage/Import Civil 3D styles utility to update my template. It's not working. When the dialog comes up, it shows me what styles are new with a green plus sign next to it. It does not show me the items that are in conflict (changed). Once I process it, the new style does get added to my template but the modified styles did not come over.
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May 3, 2012
When you use the Import Survey Data wizard it automatically creates a point group that goes to the top of the list. This used to be created with a standard point style and description, but something has changed and I'm getting a different symbol and label that I definitely don't want as the default. I would think that this would be controled by the CreatePointGroup settings, but that isn't working for me. I can't find any other settings that would override or control this.
(running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
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Mar 22, 2012
I am using Map 3D 2010/Civil 3D2010/AutoCad 2010. Is there a way to change the default settings in the Map Import dialog box? I want to "Create Object Data" and "Import Polygons as Closed Polylines" with every shp file I import. It would be nice if I could have these parameters selected by default instead of having to check them both with every shp file I import. Is this possible?
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Nov 20, 2013
Recently we have discovered a problem (bug?) with the survey database. We usually import our field data from our Trimble controllers into the survey database (SDB) through Trimble Link. We have been very careful to get all the survey database settings right, so that the data comes through correctly and have been successful up until the last few weeks. We find this a good workflow, where we are able to make edits to our field data (change target heights etc) easily in the SDB and comparisons with Trimble Business Center and direct output on-screen in the controller confirm that our data is reliable. We often have both GPS (long Network RTK vectors from the nearest network base station) and total station observations in the same file.
The issue is that, as the fbk file is imported, the survey database settings change to reflect the content of the fbk file. The "Atmospheric conditions" and "Curvature and Refraction" settings, which I have purposely left unticked (the controller applies these corrections), become ticked. This throws out our heights, especially on the long GPS lines.
We do have the option for a workaround, which involves going back into the Edit Survey Database Settings after import and updating the data in the sdb, but this is clumsy.
This seems to be similar to the issue that was discussed here. However, we have only just encountered this issue in the past month or two, which coincides with when we rolled out C3D 2012 Service Pack 4 across the office. We are planning on implementing 2014 soon, so I have tried it out on 2014 as well, with the same result.
Is this something that others are dealing with too? Perhaps there's some sneaky setting somewhere that I haven't found which locks down the SDB settings preventing them from being changed on import? Otherwise, I think this is a bug.
I am also bracing myself for some comments regarding the dangers of using GPS in the SDB!
Civil 3D 2012 SP4
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Aug 21, 2012
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
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Oct 5, 2010
Surley there is a way to import styles to your current dwg. How to do that?
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Nov 4, 2012
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
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Oct 6, 2013
For certain shoots it would suit me to have my pictures import and look like the embedded jpegs which are created using Canon's standard picture styes. Is there an easy way to create LR develop settings to match the popular Canon styles such as Standard, Portrait and Landscape so that I get approx the same amount of sharpness, contrast, colour balance. Perhaps someone has already done that and they've shared the Lightroom Presets.
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Oct 5, 2012
Where to find/import alternative material styles
egg. AISI 301? EN 1,4310?
Working white sheet metal parts an missing a lot of materials. I know how change the existing materials, but would rather import them from the web.
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Oct 10, 2013
I have custom material, appearance, and sheet metal libraries. I exported all my sheet metal styles. When I try to import them, I get this message:
Error loading file 'file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml'.
Cannot find reference to Colors style named 'Stainless - 2B' in file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml.
Style 'Materialstainless Steel, 304 2B' has not been loaded from file:///M:/00_Styles/SheetMetalStyles.styxml.
The color and material it is looking for are both in the active style library.
Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)
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May 8, 2013
I am having the darndest time figuring out what I'm not understanding with this, "bug". (I call it a bug because it seems to be one, imo.)
Mac OS X 10.75
Creative Suite 5, Photoshop 5.1
If I adjust paragraph settings, like indents, in one file, those options do not return to default when I start a new file. Thus, I find myself wondering why I have such large gaps between lines of copy or to the left, etc. when I start a new text layer. (This actually happens not only in new files, but in new layers - the latter is slightly more understandable in that it's the same file.)
When a lightbuld goes on for me: "Check your type settings." And, lo-and-behold, there things are: space before or after a paragraph; right or left indents. All settings that used to be cleared when a new file - or a new layer - are opened. This is excruciatingly annoying.If I apply a layer style (e.g., drop shadow) to a shape layer, and then I create another shape layer, the latter one automatically gets all the same style settings applied. That is, the new layer has the all the same layer styles applied to it by default. Meaning, I have to then delete those as they are often not what I intend.
In any case, it used to be that I could choose what I want my own new files and layers to look like, not have previously used settings automatically applied.
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Mar 31, 2011
When the 'up' arrow appears in a thumbnail and comes up with the message:
The metadata for one or more of these photos has been changed by another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?
What exactly does that mean? This seems to happen every time I export an image to PS (CS5) and return to LR. What exactly has changed? What settings are being imported if I choose 'import settings from disk'.
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Aug 22, 2012
I have many named UCS settings in the base file but have to apply this setting to at least 30 files... It would be nightmare if I have to do this all one by one.
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Jul 9, 2012
I have been trying to export my annotation settings using the profile function on Autocad 2010. I can't get it to work, and I don't think this is the best way to achieve my goal. I've made a template file, but I don't know how to import it.
My goal is to, as quickly as possible, give 8 drawings the same annotation settings.
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May 23, 2012
Is there a way in Revit to export or import settings much like a profile in AutoCAD and how I set up the icon to point at that profile when the program opens? I would like to know how be able to customize where the program looks for the families and other items over the network, so all users can see the same thing, in options.
Attached is the properties of the AutoCAD icon. The Target is set-up to point to the "AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial)" profile. I would like to do something similar in the Revit icon.
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May 18, 2012
So I'm in the process of upgrading a project from C3D 2011 -> 2012. As a part of the upgrade process I'm doing some drawing cleanup such as purging unused layers/objects, purging regapps, deleting unused scales and finally taking advantage of the Styles Manager in 2012 and purging unused styles.
However, I'm noticing that almost all of my styles are coming up as "unused" unless they are attached to drawing settings, even though there is clearly objects in that drawing using those styles. I noticed this was happening when after running a purge my road profile lines were disappearing because the style no longer existed.
The items that have styles attached are DREF'd into the drawing and are not "live" objects in the drawing, if that makes any difference.
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Feb 4, 2013
We did the upgrade last week and I am trying to use the drag and drop to bring styles and description keys across. Done it many times between 10 drawings. I am opening 2 drawings-one from 10 with everything I want and one in 12 to be my template.
Problem is I am only seeing one the current drawing when I click on TOOLSPACE.
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Jul 9, 2012
I may not be using styles as efficiently as I should. I always seem to be creating styles to meet different circumstances. As shown below if I have any text that can have an arrow, directional or dragged state and a mask, I always end up creating more styles for times I don't want the arrow and/or the mask.
If there is a 3rd of 4th component this can multiply quickly. Am I missing an easier way to handle this or is this what is normally done?
Civil 3D 2012
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May 27, 2013
I am wondering if there is a way to import e.g. a table from a website without loosing the styles (CSS stylesheets). I want the table to be printable - so the resolution of a screenshot is too low.
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Jul 1, 2013
I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8.
I am placing a Word document into InDesign CS6, and no matter what options I choose in the import options, the font styles are not imported into InDesign At the same time, InDesign CS3 imports all the styles perfectly from any Word file.
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Mar 3, 2013
when I import PNEZD format .csv using import wizard the coordinates get transformed. all points are shifted about 20' in northing and 5 feet in easting. I have to use the import wizard w/ survey database in order to process linework codes.
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Jun 21, 2013
I need to twick my lisp routine (attached) to run it without asking.This lisp asks if I want to "Update" or/and "Import," while I have a source dwg. and I want to: (Update and Import).
so how to remove asking and just run the command? I need that routine to assing to a button in OpenDCL project (I think I know how to do that thogh),
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Jul 29, 2013
I had this working in C3D2011 but after having severe issued with it in 2014 I went back and tested in 2012 & 2013 where it failed as well.
If I collect all supported styles using C3D 2014 & SincpacC3D's Export Styles command and export them to a newly created Database, when trying to open that new drawing it will crash C3D with no CER. Trying to run Recover on it results in a few screen flashes and back to the original drawing/screen and no opening of that new file. However, if I limit the selected styles to Export to just label styles, the drawing opens but I get this warning:
But wait, C3D2014 IS the latest version! What the heck is going on inside that code? I cannot show the full code, but the gist of it is that creating and saving a new DWG file is pretty straight forward. As soon as I add in the StyleBase.ExportTo(exportIds, outDb, dupHandler); the file becomes highly unstable.
Again, this worked well at one time, but it sure is not now and I cannot find any reason for it to be creating these bad drawings.
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Jan 2, 2014
I am specifically working with the Section Major Offset lable. The City of Dallas wants the lable to call out the Offset distance and direction over the elevation (example "30.0' LT."). Since zero has not offset direction the label reads "0.0' T." at the center point. Is there a way to include an if/then statement in the label style to remove the hard coded text?
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