AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Subassembly - Generic Pavement Not Showing Its Parameters
Jan 15, 2013
When i am creating a assembly, the sub assembly parameters for the generic pavement structure is not showing (such as the lane width or crossfall) Other sub-assemlies show these parameters. Is this a bug or is there a way i can turn this on.
I am trying to apply the stripping pavement subassembly to only fill situation and even though my attachment point is only the fill case it applies it to both as shown. I am trying to get this information to provide a stripping volume for fill cases only.
i am designing a footpath. I have got my corridor and assemblies all right. but when i plot the cross section, the pavement thickness and hatch pattern is not showing.
I am using one assembly for this project and of course the existing surface does not always work well with one assembly so I have been using the corridor section editor to adjust each station individually. Attached is a picture of my first station, I started with a 3:1 fore slope (left side) and have changed it to a 2:1 slope. However, my ditch line elevation did not adjust and my parameter editor will not let me adjust the beginning elevation for the ditch line. I am curious as to what the simple solution is for this so my ditchline and back slope or slope to surface will be portrayed correctly.
Is it possible to change the parameters of a subassembly - for example in an assembly comprising several subassemblies, can I change a parameter in Subassembly.LaneOutsideSuper, for example, to vary the Lane Width from 4m at CH90 to 3.25m at CH160m and keep it at 3.25m for the rest of the corridor.
Is it possible to create subassembly from C3D Stock Subassemblies.dll programmatically using .NET? I need call procedure (Basic Lane for example), set all input parameters and create subassembly in drawing.
When I created my subassembly with subassembly composer, it's difficult to change the sequency of the input/output parameters. Do we have an easy way to do that, Like moving?
I am just having some difficulties using the standard UKIE subassemblies where the carriageway is not showing the parameters correct. See the drawing attached. Eg:
1) The properties does not show the side correctly it has a zero value (not much of a issue as i can use the mirror command) (drawing subassembly)
2) I am unable to choose any superelevation on the subassembly . Now this is what causing me problems.
I have already re-installed the software from scratch and have also downladed the latest service pack.
I have some generic labels inside families to display parameters. These work but they seem to randomly disapear.
I thought it was only happening when families were joined as when I unjoined the offending families the labels were visible again but then after closing and opening the view some of the labels have disapeared again.
If I copy this family to a new location the labels will be visible.
When I use ImportSubassembly API to import my subassembly created by Autodesk Subassembly Composer into my civil project, it reports error-"eFilerError".
Where is the best place to get symbols for pavement markings and signage in C3D2009? I used to get the symbols from symbol manager in LDD. Is there a better library in Design Center?
I have an "ultimate" profile that has be set for a proposed roadway the first 1500' of the roadway will be constructed at this final profile while the last 900' will be constructed for an interim design not at the full depth pavement. So my typical for the final is 9.25 inch of pavement over 14" of stone and the interim is 4" over the same 14" of stone when we transition from the 4" to the 9.25" we are using a 20:1 taper the question is how to model this taper condition and have you had any success.
Civil 3d project. My familiary with actual road construction is quite basic.
I'm at the stage where good Civil 3d practices need to be employed when generating volumes. Attach are two files showing a road section with links and layers & also, the profile.
1. Like to turn off the links first of all and show labels instead.
2. How does the total depth of the gravel road (0.3' for gravel, 0.5' for aggregate base) factor in the profile view? What shown is the EG(in green) and FG,the top of the gravel road.
3. The cross section view: Three surfaces were used, the top of the gravel, the bottom of the base and the Existing ground, Is this correct?
4. Is there two sets of Volumes? 1. Cut and Fill areas, 2. Pavement structure: Volume of the gravel and volume of the aggregate base.
5.Refer to 4. So the Cut and Fill areas need to be done first, then the pavement structure, correct. ?
How to shut off the rendering for the pavement & curb assemblies autodesk provides?Otherwise they turn into black blobs and use a lot of ink when they are plotted.
I have been trying to find the best/most efficient way to make a pavement grade plan for my current project. The only two ways that I know of are:
1) Home Tab->points->Create Points-Alignments->Measure Alignment then select my mainline alignment, enter a profile, enter an offset to create the points. Then assigned elevations of the points to my "pavement" surface.
2) Make lines perpendicular to your alignment (I used sample lines, exploded them to a block reference)->Make a feature line and snap at each 25' segment->Assigned elevations of the feature line to my "pavement" surface->used custom line and curve labels to label start segment z value.
My issue with option 1) is on my project there are multiple curves and I don't know of anyway that I can have the labels follow my alignment. I think the way the alignment labels work is if I would edit the label I would have to manually edit the angle and with multiple curves I don't think this would work the best.
My issue with option 2) is my project is roughly 1.75 miles long with 8 lanes and 12' shoulders, I would have to make roughly 4000 elevation points on my feature lines.
I haven't had to use a generic link slope in a while, but I'm baffled as to why this isn't working for me. Below is my assembly which looks looks fine, but the corridor is doing the opposite of what it should be doing.
And here is what the corridor is doing.
My grass strip link is going in the opposite direction and it's much longer than 7 feet. Am I missing something or is this another bug?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
I am updating a map and besides manually creating my own block for the "arrow" of the leader. Is there more then one generic leader style I am unaware of to make life easier?
When I add features to a surface, they don't keep the feature name. It gets a generic numerical name ie dike:1, dike:2. Is there a way to get the names to hold? How does one keep track of the features/breaklines?
I linked an excel (2010) file with an inventor (2011) .ipt and none of the parameters are showing inside inventor. I was leaving the file external but I embed it also as a trouble shooting step and nothing still. I have no spaces in excel sheet. Is there something special i need to be doing inside excel or inventor?
I've made an stairs assembly that contains adaptive parts that are all controlled by the assembly parameters.
Here is my assembly and the controlling parameters. The stringers on the side are made with the frame generator and use the "extend" feature to get the appropriate length, as driven by the parameters. The reason I used frame generator is so that I can easily change sizes of the stringers down the road, if needed. I chose to make the parts associative so I could control all of the parameters from within the assembly instead of opening each part separately.
My goal now is to be able to use this assembly (or something similar) as a template to create new sets of stairs, all to be placed in the same main assembly.
I attempted to duplicate all of the parts (append a "2" at the end of each file name and replace components in the new set of stairs with the 2nd version) but ran into problems with the two stringers. I can't figure out what to do to get the Frame00001 and Skeleton00001 to reassociate to Frame00002 and Skeleton00002. So any time I change my slope, the original stairs will end up trying to copy the new stringers instead of keeping the old ones.
how can I make this assembly reference a new frame, and secondly?
We are trying to edit a small portion of an existing corridor by adding a generic daylighting subassembly. The add subassembly tool in the Corridor Section editor works, but we get an error because the new sub doesn't have a target surface specified. how to add a target for a sub that is added after the corridor was created?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 & 2014 Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q890 2 x i7 - Q740 quad core CPU's 8GB of RAM 60GB SSD + 500GB HDD NVidia GeForce GTS 360M - driver Win 7 Home Premium
I need to transition to one subassebly to another. The first subassembly is at existing ground the other assembly is above ground. See following picture:
I need to transition from station 12+50 to 13+50. See following picture:
Here is a picture of the Corridor Properties:
Do I need to make a different subassembly in between the two stations? Is there a command I am not seeing that does it for me?
I know this sounds like a really stupid question. Where is the subassembly composer? We have Civil3D 2013, and my understanding was that the subassembly composer was supposed to automatically install in 2013 as opposed to previous years when you had to download it from the Subscription Center.
I have a project where I am removing existing asphalt pavement and overlaying new pavement. I am changing the existing profile and cross-slope to tie-in to the existing profile and cross-slope. know of a mill and overlay subassembly that will allow you to tie the edge to a profile or feature line?