AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sort Curves By Parcel Number And Curve Length
Oct 17, 2013
How to sort curve table data by parcel and then curve length? Out here in Oregon, one of the standard ways of defining a curve table is to show the length of curve and have each curve in the parcel grouped together.
I have not figured out a way to do this in C3D. At one point, Sinc had started working on the issue for us, but I don't think he ever got anywhere with it (or at least it didn't get into his add on.
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Apr 2, 2013
I went to sort my parcel list in the prospector by label and doing so made all the parcels vansih from the list. I have turned off show preview. I expand the site to get to parcels. I click on parcel but nothing appears in the prospector. The parcels are in the drawing. I can view each one in preview. The list was there until I tried to sort them.
If I do a refresh they try to come back for a split second then are gone again. A restart does not make a difference
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Aug 7, 2012
I don't have much experience with parcels. We don't subdivide property. But I have to do some Acquisition maps and this is the first time I've had an opportunity to do them in Civil 3D.
I wont get in to the gory detail, but I created some parcels that were very slightly off for rotation. It turned out there were some distance problems too. I thought I would just rotate the parcel based on a couple of known corners and then snap to corners I had from a drawing in the correct system.
Mostly that worked. But now I have a curve that isn't tangent because the far end of one of the tangents was adjusted. Also, somehow, the radius is off. I'm only talking about a couple of thousands of a foot, but I'd like to make it right since it has to be edited anyway. I've tried the parcel editing tools from the ribbon and read some of the sections in help that I thought might apply. I haven't been able to adjust the curve.
So now after all the warm-up, my questions. Can I just erase that curve and use the parcel creation tools to add a new curve? Will that curve automatically be added to the correct parcel? Is there anyway to modify the existing curve to be tangent to the revised lines? IOW What's the best way to proceed?
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Oct 11, 2013
I've created a Line & Curve table to display my metes & bounds. One of the curves is displaying an incorrect length, off by .01. It was caught as my project was reviewed by the city engineer. I went back to the database (Prospector --> Sites --> Parcels) and my mapcheck does conflict by .01.
Why is the mapcheck different from the Line / Curve table? How can I 'fix' the table to match the mapcheck data?
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Mar 12, 2012
I have edited the "GeneralLegalPhrasings.xml" file used for the parcel report "General_Legal_Description_for_Parcels".
Two issues: 1. it will not label a reverse curve shows them all as "compound curves". 2. A curve to curve is always shown as "NonTangent".
I've attached the .xml file (I only edited the imperial parcels - the second large group of <Metes>).
Quite simply, these two "types" below have the words "reverse curve" and tangent or non-tangent accordingly in the output phrase, but it only creates non-tangent compound reports.
Curve to TangentReverseCurve
Curve to NonTangentReverseCurve
This is the report from the parcel in the attached dwg file (notice the "curve to the left" -> "curve to the right" labelled as compound, and all non-tangent curve to curve):
From the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence, North 90° 00' 00" West, 129.16 feet to a point for corner;
Thence, North 00° 00' 00" East, 100.00 feet to a point for corner, the beginning of a curve; tangent
Thence, 61.46 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 39.13 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 55.34 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 47.09 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the left, having a radius of 29.98 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 42.40 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 94.33 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 30.03 feet, a central angle of 180° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 90° 00' 00" East, 60.05 feet, to a point for corner;
Thence South 00° 00' 00" West, 169.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.483 acres of land.
Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64
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Oct 15, 2012
I noticed when you put in vertical parabolic curves onto the profile tangents it will ask you if you want length or k.
however depend on which one you specify. it will hold on to that value when it comes to changing the tangent locations. for what i am doing now i want k by default. but accidentally i put in length because i just went through all the pi's quickly to put in the curves. but i see no control which allows you to control which type to hold. this is a property inside the vertical curve but it's not exposed to user. once you create by length that's it. until you delete the curve and re enter using k then it will hold k.
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Jul 28, 2013
How the length of the vertical curve is calculated in the C3D?
I’m wondering regarding the equation used to calculate the length of the vertical curve.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have a record plat drawing with multiple parcels and parcel styles. For my lands of the grantors I view port froze the lots and right of way layers from my parcel styles. I don’t want to show them in this viewport. To my surprise the lines show up in the object layer we have set for parcels. This was not the case in 2011. We are in 2014 with the first hotfix update. I understand putting the parcel styles in the object layer, but why another mysterious line under it? I did create parcels from objects, but had them erased when I created them. This did not matter either way. Is there a way to get rid of them? I did put them in a new layer, set it to “No Plot” This kept them from plotting, but I really don’t want to have to take the time to do it.
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Feb 22, 2010
I am adding curve label numbers to a parking lot to create a table with the curve delta/radius. My problem is that #9 is being skipped. Its going right from 8 to 10.
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Oct 26, 2012
Why I get this error when trying to enter a curve number?
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Oct 17, 2012
When creating and labelling a parcel Autocadd Civil 3d places a label in an adjoining area outside of the intended parcel.
The label seems ubrelated to the intended parcel and is labelled with a diferent parcel number, area, etc.. No additional parcel boundaries seem to be created.
Have created a closed polyline for parcel creation as well as a number of other steps to ensure that there are no breaks in the enclosed parcel.
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Apr 12, 2012
How can you add the chord bearing, chord length, and tangent to an alignment table with the curve data in it? I have the length and direction but cannot figure out why the others will not load and update in the chart. I am using Autocad Civil 3D 2012
Autocad Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit)
Precision T3500
Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
6.00 GB
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
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Dec 5, 2011
I have some problems with this drawing. I have some parcels and buildings, and a number for each of them. I attached data to parcel and building number, and I want to create topology and then to create thematic queries, based on any data attached to the numbers. And I don't know how to do that, and how can I use thematic query to show me the specific parcels based on the data I want if the table is attached to the parcel number and not on polylines. Same thing on buildings...
For example: I want to make some thematic maps based on tax value, street where the parcel is located, area, or on buildings: how many levels they have, and more.
I uploaded a example file to be more specific, with data attached to numbers, without topology created (drawing cleanup is done).
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Apr 22, 2009
How do I construct a sort of compound curve using Autocad?
What I got is a circle or arc of about R=6. A node or endpoint about 5-6 units away from the center. I want a curve of R=10 to create an arc to go through the endpoint, and be tangent to the arc too. I can visualize it, but cannot draft it.
Now, I realize that there are a few possible solutions, but only one applies. I tried using the 2P function on curves, but instead of being tangent to the curve it comes up at a right angle to it. I can draw a tangent solution within a couple of seconds, but a curve?
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Aug 7, 2013
I am try to create a function that compute the length of a line such as the picture shows on top. The code I have now only getting the straight line distance. It's there a way to compute the curve distance?
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May 11, 2013
With using superelevation wizard in Civil 3d 2012, changing the lane width is not affecting the resulted values of transion length and run-off length, Is that correct ? ( as civil is using standerd AASHTO tables which assume that lane width typically is 3.6m )
Also, There is only 2 tables for 2-lanes and 4-lanes roadway, Is it for total road width or for one directon only, and what about different no. of lanes ?
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Oct 22, 2012
Is there a way to use the curve driven (rectangular) pattern referencing two tangent curves (an arc and a tangent line). I'd like to be able to create this pattern of slots in one pattern, otherwise I'll have to make two cut features at each end and use one pattern for the straight and another for the curve.
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Nov 10, 2012
How do i get the length of a group of curves?
if i have some lines and arcs all joined as one continuous curve how do i dimension the total length of these in a drawing layout?
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Mar 14, 2012
Is there a way to show the last number of the dimension length as 5 or 0?I want to show the unit in mm with precision (decimal places) equal zero such that the and to force the last number as 5 or zero
For example, I need to display the 7554 mm as 7555 and the 7558mm as 7560.
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Jan 8, 2013
ONce upon a time you could move your cursor over the image and it would show on the curves curve what that value was of the point your cursor was over.
Hope that makes sense. This was very useful for deciding exactly where on the curve you needed to make adjustments to affect a particular tone.
Its gorrrn, like a caribu. OR can I just not find it?
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Dec 31, 2013
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
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Jan 3, 2012
__Is there a way to 'merge' multiple curves into a single curve?
By this I mean I have file with 2-12 curve layers - I wanted to 'merge' the curves so that I can end up with a single curve with the attributes of many. Maybe is there a script that would do this?
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May 9, 2012
I've been trying to make gimp-curves-spline get variable (which is number)instead of number and I get error.
For example -when I do:
*(gimp-curves-spline drawable 0 6 #(0 0 0 15 255 255))*
everything works well as it should be.
but if I do:*(define spoint 15)*
*(gimp-curves-spline drawable 0 6 #(0 0 0 spoint 255 255))*
I get an error: *Error: Item 4 in vector is not a number (argument 4 forfunction gimp-curves-spline) #( 0 0 0 spoint 255 255 )*As you can see, all I did was replacing the number 15 with a variable(which is a number) I also check it is a number by the *number?* type predicate
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Jun 10, 2013
I try to create a curve with 3 or more equal segments. When I draw random curve using the "Freehand tool" I always get curve with several not equal segments.So how can I create a curve using VBA Macro so that the curve has equal length of the segments.I attach two pictures with curve that i have and with curve that I need to have.
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Jan 18, 2013
Can CorelDraw X4 calculate the length of a curve, meaning if I have an organic shape or curve, can it calculate the true length of the line if you follow the path. (think miles on a road)
I'm trying to estimate the time it would take a CNC machine to cut along an exported path.
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Apr 4, 2013
On a road project I have an acquisition parcel that is matched across 2 viewports on one layout. I would usually slide the parcel label so it's only visible on one layout. Then I'd add a second label that would be visible on the second layout.
This line happens to cross the viewport near the end. If I add a label in the lower viewport that looks reasonable. It will overlap in to the upper viewport. I can drag the label to very near the end of the line but it doesn't look right there. I don't think it's good procedure to try and force one parcel label on to it's own layer so it can be frozen in that one viewport.
Any technique for handling this situation?
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
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Oct 24, 2012
I copied the General Legal Description report and renamed it. When I ran the report, it asked me to save the file Civil.html before opening it. If I run the OOTB report it does not ask me to save the page before opening it. Is this something that I can fix? I have not found a setting anywhere that changes this.
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Apr 27, 2012
I need to make a map of a subdivision with all lot dimensions. I see how we can label all the lines of a lot by picking the parcel label, but it only allows one at a time.
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Oct 21, 2013
I am new to C3D and I have been going through all of the tutorials and learning everything I can from the given data, which has been amazingly useful. Everything has been running spot on except today when I was going throughtthe parcels tutorial, I applied Parcel Number and Area to a group of parcels I created via the tutorial dwg file "Parcle-1A". Everything displays correctly except the Area is not shown as it does in the sample pic. I have applied the "Parcel Number And Area" to the Area Label Style, but it still does not display the area. Only the Parcel Number. Is there some part of this process that I am overlooking? The tutorial dwg file is called "Parcel-1A". It was too large to attach, but you can find all of the tutorial dwg files via the Help Menu. It depends on your OS to where they are located.
If you go under Parcels Tutorial>Exercise 1: Creating Parcels from AutoCAD Objects, you can see exactly what I am working with.
C3D 2014 SP1
DELL Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1650 @ 3.20GHz
NVIDIA QUADRO 4000 Dual Monitor
32 GB RAM / Win7 Pro 64-bit
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Oct 30, 2013
I have a drawing with two parcel tables in it. I would like the header on one to be Line Table 1 and the other Line Table 2, is this possible? When I change the text in the style, the header in both change.
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Aug 21, 2013
2014 (COM Preferred)
Are Parcel center points available in the API?
The origin of the Area Label would be ideal.
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