GIMP :: How To Make Curves Spline Get Variable Instead Of Number

May 9, 2012

I've been trying to make gimp-curves-spline get variable (which is number)instead of number and I get error.

For example -when I do:
*(gimp-curves-spline drawable 0 6 #(0 0 0 15 255 255))*

everything works well as it should be.

but if I do:*(define spoint 15)*
*(gimp-curves-spline drawable 0 6 #(0 0 0 spoint 255 255))*

I get an error: *Error: Item 4 in vector is not a number (argument 4 forfunction gimp-curves-spline) #( 0 0 0 spoint 255 255 )*As you can see, all I did was replacing the number 15 with a variable(which is a number) I also check it is a number by the *number?* type predicate

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GIMP :: Curves Spline Batch On Set Of Images (2011)

Feb 10, 2009

I am attempting to set up a batch that automatically runs gimp-curves-spline on a set of images. However, I have never used Scheme before and therefore am not sure why my script is returning "batch command experienced an execution error"

Here is the command I am using to call the script(via a windows .bat file)

gimp-2.6.exe -i --verbose -b "(color-curve "C:\gimpbatchtest\*.tiff")" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"

And the script itself:

(define (color-curve pattern) (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1))))
(while (not (null? filelist)) (let* ((filename (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))))
(gimp-curves-spline RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image HISTOGRAM-VALUE 3 '(0 0 64 200 128 46))
(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename)
(gimp-image-delete image)) (set! filelist (cdr filelist)))))

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating And Controlling Irregular Shapers Of Spline Curves

Oct 28, 2011

Many times I see that these types of irregular shapes which comprise of spline curve are created with very less or no dimensions, so I want to know how this spline curve was created and can be controlled, if I want to create it in an exact manner what dimension I should use ? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Curved Sheet Metal Over Spline / Multiple Curves

Jul 11, 2013

How to curve a piece of sheet metal over the outside curved edge of the attached part. I can do it the old fashioned way but was wondering if it could be done in sheet metal which would give me the flat pack automatically (that way there is less chance for errors). There are several of these baffles joined together by a spine and the sheetmetal will eventually go over all of these, and have a few modifications to shape the end profile.

The outer curve is a spline which has changing radius and hence to use a contoured roll would be rather difficult and time consuming (there are also some flat sections at each end of the curves as well).

Autodesk Inventor Professional Student 2013 is the version I'm using.

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Maya Animation :: Convert Baked Mocap Keys To Spline Curves?

Oct 9, 2011

I have a skeleton with baked motion capture keys on every frame. I'm wondering if there is a method to convert these baked keys to curves, so it will be possible to start cleaning up the animation. I'm fairly new to dealing with mocap. Perhaps there is a method for achieving this in Motion Builder rather than Maya, that I'm not aware of?

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GIMP :: Unbound Variable Error With No Variable?

Nov 5, 2013

I'm attempting to write a batch script to add some layers to a pre-existing image and save a copy. I've gone through the tutorial, and have run the demo code from Basic_Batch with no errors, but my (what I think of as simple) script throws an "Error: eval: unbound variable: ?" It also seems to cascade the error to other scripts, as I then get "unmatched parentheses: 2" errors from what I assume to be the script immediately following my own during Script-Fu load. This occurs whether running from batch or clicking "Refresh Scripts" from the Script-Fu menu.

What I could find on this forum and Google suggests that I may be required to 'define' one or more of my variables before using it, but for the life of me, I can't figure out which one that would be, and the error (reporting that '?' is undefined!?) I've quintuply (probably more ~_^) checked my parenthesis matching, but they look fine to me.

In case this was an encoding issue, I've tried saving my .scm file as both UTF-8 and ANSI. I should also note that I'm running Windows 7 x64 in English-US.


(define (script-fu-build-imagebasefilemytext)(let*((image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE basefile basefile)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))(title (car (gimp-text-layer-new image mytext "Courier" 18 UNIT-POINT))))(gimp-image-add-layer image title -1)(gimp-image-clean-all image)(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable "K:\\Images\\Temp.gif" "Temp.gif")));

Since I intend for this script to only be run from batch, I haven't bothered including the typical register stuff.

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Illustrator :: Jagged Curves Created With Variable Stroke Width Tool?

Jul 24, 2013

In Illustrator CS6 and CC, when the stroke width tool is used on a curve, the curve is actually made up of a series of straight lines instead of smooth vector curves:

whereas in CS5 it looks perfect.These images may be too small to see the details, but the difference is there. Is there a workaround for this? Or is it recognized as a bug?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Create Radius Dimension On Circular Drawing Curves Projected From Spline Edges

Dec 4, 2011

API enhancement/fix in SP1: Cannot create a radius dimension on circular drawing curves projected from spline edges.Does it in some way trying to refer to the issue with nonplanar arcs turning into splines in drawings saved-as AutoCAD .DWG?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Adding A Number To A Variable

Feb 3, 2014

I am trying to add a number to a variable.  var n=y+36...So I am creating a new variable (n) whose vaule is 36 points more than the variable "y".

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AutoCad 2D :: System Variable To Keep Stacked Fraction With Leading Number?

Jul 5, 2011

System variable to keep a stacked fraction with the leading number?

We open the same drawing on different computers at work and on one computer the number will be 21/2 but on the next computer that opens the same dwg the 1/2 will have been bumped down to the the following line. I don't know if this is a problem with the autostack properties, although I can't find anything about that, or if its a problem with the tabs.

I'm completely at a loss and its becoming a problem because if one person opens a project to plot it and it looks fine but the next person opens it and every mtext in the dwg is wrong it becomes very time consuming to fix.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Read A Number From A Variable And Rotate A Shape

Jul 26, 2012

I'm using the variables panel in Illustrator to pull a data set I've got.
For example there's 2 text variables and 1 number going from 0-359. I'm looking for a script which looks at the variable name and pulls the number, then uses that number to rotate a shape by that many degrees.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Assign Variable Based On The Number Of Characters To Be Removed

Apr 1, 2013

(defun layun (target_obj / original_layer original_layer_info target_obj_atts new_layer )(setqoriginal_layer (cdr (assoc 8 (entget target_obj)))original_layer_info (tblsearch "layer" original_layer)target_obj_atts (entget target_obj));setq(if (or(wcmatch original_layer "*-P123"); REMOVES 4 CHARACTERS(wcmatch original_layer "*-P123456"); REMOVES 7 CHARACTERS(wcmatch original_layer "*-P123456789"); REMOVES 10 CHARACTERS );or(progn(setq new_layer (substr original_layer 1 (- (strlen original_layer) ??))) ; NEED TO ASSIGN VARIABLE TO MATCH THE NUMBER OF CHARACTERS TO REMOVE(if (not (tblsearch "layer" new_layer))(progn(entmake ;;;begin to make new layer(list'(0 . "LAYER")'(100 . "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")'(100 . "AcDbLayerTableRecord")(cons 2 new_layer) ;;; layer name(assoc 6 original_layer_info) ;;;re-use original linetype'(70 . 0) ;;;flags - use default flags(assoc 62 original_layer_info) ;;;re-use original color);list);entmake);progn);if(entmod (subst (cons 8 new_layer) (assoc 8 target_obj_atts) target_obj_atts)));progn);if);defun

assign a character where ? is shown so that it matches with the number of characters to remove based on the 3 lines above (see wcmatch lines).  At present, whatever number I replace that ?? with, it removes that number of characters from the layer that I selected (if it meets that WCMATCH criteria).  Another option which may be more difficult is to be able to have the routine look at the object layer and if it contains -N- or -D- or -NEW- or -DEMO- then to remove all the characters that follow these layer modifiers.  This way I can cleanly add another project modifier behind these modifers. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sort Curves By Parcel Number And Curve Length

Oct 17, 2013

How to sort curve table data by parcel and then curve length?  Out here in Oregon, one of the standard ways of defining a curve table is to show the length of curve and have each curve in the parcel grouped together. 

I have not figured out a way to do this in C3D.  At one point, Sinc had started working on the issue for us, but I don't think he ever got anywhere with it (or at least it didn't get into his add on.

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AutoCad :: How To Make Spline To Polyline

Feb 27, 2012

Im using autocad lt 2004. My plotter does not recognize splines, and I would like to convert them to a polyline. How to do this, been trying to do if for a few days now but to no good.

when I highlight the spline it will not give me a option to turn the spline into a pline.

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3ds Max :: Subtract 3D Spline From A Wall To Make Archway

Oct 21, 2012

Im trying to subtract a 3D spline from a wall to make a archway. Both are editable polys. When I subtract the 3D spline from the wall using boolean operations It shows the wall as hollow, normally this doesn't happen when I subtract other objects from the wall so what I need to do. I tried looking at existing threads but the only suggestion is collapse the stacks, something that is already done.

Attached are two images showing the problem.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Some 3D Spline Gears

Dec 22, 2013

I'm trying to make some 3d spline gears in autocad, I start by generating them in eMachineshop then importing into autocad, this works fine but the gear is imported as seperat lines so I can't extrude them, i also cant join the lines because after zooming in there are quite a few gaps. How I can join the lines together without manually connecting the dots? I'll include a copy of the gear, eMachineshop only outputs dxf files as far as i know.

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3ds Max :: How To Make Shape Permanent Independent Of The Sine Wave Spline

Jul 12, 2011

I have some text that I put on a sine-wave path using the PathDeform modifier. Is there some way to make that shape permanent, independent of the sine-wave spline? The DeformPath mod won't collapse on the stack.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Spline Design Generator - External Involute Spline Error

Sep 28, 2011

I'm trying to create an external involute spline (ANSI B92.2M) Fillet Root Side Fit 26.9mm x 1 mm x 26 teeth x 38 mm long using the spline generator with Inventor 2012. I created a test shaft"M-182-AMA.ipt" that is Ø26.9 mm x 38 mm long with 1 mm radius on each end of shaft.

I use the following steps:

1. After creating component "M-182-AMA.ipt" I select Design tab>>Power Transmission>>Involute Spline.
2. A window appears that has the caption "Involute Splines Connection Generator".In the Dimensions section I choose "Splines Type: ANSI B92.2M - 37.5 deg, Fillet Root, Side Fit, 26 x 1.00 x 38 x 5H/5h" and change the Length to 38 mm.
3. In the Shaft Groove section I use Create new, and I push the Reference 1 button that turns blue, I then select the od feature from the model and I get an error(see attached pic "error1.jpg).

I changed the 26.9mm od to be 27mm and it still gave me the error.

Work Station : Dell Precision R5400
OS: Windows 7 Business 64 Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5405 @ 2.00GHz, 1995 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Dell Inc. A10, 4/30/2012
Graphics Display Card: ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL V) 1.00 GB Adapter RAM
Computer Memory: 8 GB ECC RAM

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Photoshop :: How To Make Variable Width Line

Sep 10, 2007

how to make the line smaller in the start, and wider at the end. With a brush, I can only figure out how to draw with the same thickness all the time..

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Photoshop :: How To Make Custom Curves

Jun 15, 2013

How can I make curves like this in PS?

how to make custom curves?

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GIMP :: How To Create Variable Transparency

Sep 4, 2013

I'm sure 'variable transparency' is not the right way of putting this.

I have an image which has some text in white. However because of the aliasing the text is not 100% white against the background (black). Rather; the edges are shades of white.

I want to convert the image so that the text is transparent. If the text was 100% white it would be simple. Colors.. Colors To Alpha. However that doesn't work as it doesn't deal with the shades of white around the edges of the text.

I want the shades of white to be transparent with the same degree of opacity as they white. So the white in the image is 100% transparent and a pixel which is say light grey to be 90% transparent. (The end image is going to be used as a webkit mask; showing the background behind the masked element).

I don't know where to start with this. I know PNGs support 8 bit transparency so it should in theory be possible.

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GIMP :: Menu Filter Unbound Variable?

Feb 23, 2013

My problem is it's in its own menu under Filters and I would prefer to have it under Light and Shadow. So I open the script using Wordpad like I've done many times before with similar scripts and go to edit the menu path. I make the change, save it, and refreshed the scripts and I get the error "eval: unbound variable:" I tried changing it back and I got it again.

Here is the code, again the only line I've changed is

"<Image>/Filters/RSS/Ray S_tudio" to "<Image>/Filters/Light and Shadow/Ray S_tudio"
;Ray Studio v0.2;;Ray Studio - ray effect creation script;;;Version history:;==================================================================;ver. 0.2 (November 27th 2011); - official release;;==================================================================;script-fu-ray-studio;Main function;LIST OF ARGUMENTS:;IMAGE - processed image;;LAYER - processed layerй;;FLOAT - lightning edge;;COLOR - ray's tone color;;FLOAT - ray toning

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AutoCad :: Exploding Text - How To Make Vectors Curves

Jul 8, 2012

I have a problem in autocad7, once i explode text to make it a vector the vectors go from being curves or radius to straight lines, how to make them into curves as we have to run a cutter path the only thing is they cant be splines.

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GIMP :: 2.8 Crashing On Using Curves?

May 22, 2012

Every time I use curves on the new 2.8, it crashes out GIMP. I'm on a Mac.

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GIMP :: Sloping Clone Tool With Variable Angle?

Sep 2, 2011

Where is it? On page 332 of Gimp Bible (2010) it illustrates it in the dialog box, but it is not present in mine. I think that I am running the latest version.

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InDesign :: How To Make A Variable Object Style (fill) To Be Triggered By Running Header Change

Mar 28, 2014

I have a long document with text variable running headers along page edges. Behind each running header on the Master Pages, there is a black band. I want the color black to change to several different fill colors, when the running header changes, to define different "sections."

It's one document, no separate chapters or sections, at this point. See attached image.

Is there a way to tie the fill color of these colored bands to the running header so that it changes when the running header does? I think what I'm looking for is a way to make a variable object style (fill) to be triggered by the running header change. I have no experience writing scripts, but am willing to try. Plan B will be to unlink the master items and manually recolor on each page.

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GIMP :: Smooth Curves Of Enlarged Images

Oct 20, 2012

Enlarging an image results in pixalization becoming very obvious. Is there a way to smooth the curves of the enlarged image?

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GIMP :: Align Text To Curves Or Circles?

Apr 30, 2012

I would like to insert some text and have it aligned to a curve or circle. Preferably the curve would not be visible, but used only to align the text.

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GIMP :: Modify Path - Can't Manipulate Curves

Oct 4, 2011

My problem is that when I try to modify path, I can only manipulate one curve, and then it won't recognize any more curves - when I hover the cursor above next curve I want to change, the cursor icon is that with rectangle, not the one with four arrows, and when I click on the curve, it just adds new node in this place. It never happened before. I don't know how else I could describe this problem, but I made a short video that displays it better: [URL] ........

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GIMP :: Feature Similar To Levels And Curves In Photoshop?

Feb 16, 2012

Does gimp have a feature similar to levels and curves in photoshop? In photoshop, a new layer for levels and curves is created?

Is there a particular part of the forum where similarities / dissimilarities with photoshop are discussed?

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GIMP :: Musical Overlay To Mold To Curves Of Face

Apr 29, 2012

I am working on an image of Elvis and using layers and blending techniques to put the music to one of his songs over his face. But I want the musical overlay to mold to the curves of his face. Is there a way to do this? The blend mode I'm currently using is Multiply. I have tried other layer modes but it still does not give me the effect that I'm looking for.

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