AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SSA Results Not Looking Right

Dec 23, 2013

I performed an analysis on a system, but when I play the video some of the pipe segments the water line jumps back and forth angling in different directions.  Some of the pipes get full and then the water line just drops down to the bottom.  I also cannot get the pipes to drain at the end, I tried running the analysis for a long time span and it just sits at the point that it wants.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Coordinate Transformation Results

Feb 21, 2012

I am using Civil 3D and Map 3D 2010.

I have some points in a drawing set up in a coordinate system and using a specified point file format, I successfully exported them to another coordinate system for use by our surveyors. I also wanted the pipe route in my destination drawing so I created a shp file from a polyline representing the pipe route in the original drawing using Map 3D Export. When I imported the shp file into my destination drawing there appears to be a slight horizontal difference from the point locations. The shp file doesn't land directly on the points.

To try another comparison, I ran a query on the pipe route to perform a manual coordinate system transformation. The result of this is the exact same as the shp file.

My questions are, which method (exporting points vs. shp files) results in the correct coordinate transformation and why are they different? When exporting points I am not using any specific transformation settings, I am simply selecting the destination coordinate system. When exporting a shp file, Map 3D creates a prj file from the specified coordinate system in the drawing. Are there any other settings I need to adjust to get the same result with both processes? The only thing I can think of is I only have the coordinates out to 4 decimal places in my point file format, do I need to go out farther?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Conditional Horizontal Target - Odd Results?

Dec 10, 2012

In particular, I am attempting the infamous task of creating driveway openings using a horizontal target with my sub-assemblies.  I referred to the AU 2010 video tutorial that gets passed around here on the boards, and for the most part, it works with ONE tiny exception.

Like in the AU video, I set my conditional target to look for a particular layer, and I first attempted the exercise by placing ONE polyline (i.e. driveway opening) on the layer, and set set conditional "found" and "not found" targets to find this pline.  The target found the pline on the layer on the right side of the road where I drew it, and created the opening as hoped, but it created an opening on the LEFT side of the road as well!

What do I have to do to prevent the conditional horizontal targets from ignoring the exact opposite side of the road?  In my assembly, the left conditions are set to LEFT, and the right conditions are set to RIGHT, but when the corridor gets modeled, BOTH sides of the road will show an opening even if there is only one pline drawn.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Zoom Results In Multiple Undo Commands

Jun 21, 2012

I am using Civil 3D 2013, Windows 7 x64.

Intellizoom does not seem to work properly on certain drawings, where if I undo... nothing happens. Rather, it tries to undo *each* click of my scroll wheel, without doing anything. This results in dozens and hundreds of undo commands, most of which are totally useless. This of course breaks my undo command, rendering it almost pointless. If I make a change, zoom out and decide that the change is not needed, I cannot easily undo; I have to undo something like 50 "commands" that do nothing, before I get to the "real" undo that I wanted to undo in the first place.

I understand there is the "Combine zoom and pan commands"; this is checked off. It does not seem to do anything. How do I make my undo command useful again? As a keyboard user, I want to use ctrl-z for my undos. I do not want to go to the undo button, pull down the menu, and search trhough the 50 commands to find the correct command to undo to, especially since I never had this problem before in previous versions of Civil 3D.

Some additional information:

1. I can open some other drawings that get the correct undo/zoom behaviour.

2. I can open the drawing I have problems with using a previous version of Civil 3d (2012), and get the correct undo/zoom behaviour.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SSM - Place Model View On Sheet Results In Crash

Jul 9, 2012

Every now and then I'll have a sheet that will not accept placement of another model view from the sheet set manager. (There are usually two or more model views already on the layout).  Every attempt will cause AutoCAD to crash. I run recover and audit and the problem persists.

Today I did something differently. I added a new layout, and successfully placed the model view on that layout (I accepted the condition that the layout was not part of a sheet set). Then I went back to the layout I really wanted the model view on and was able to place it without any problem.  The significant difference I can see is that I usually have only one layout (I typically delete layouts I don't use which leaves only one layout). It seems to me that having one layout and only one layout while attempting to place a model view on it could very well be the cause of this random crash problem. I have not been able to confirm this yet but the next time I crash trying to place a model view, the first thing I will try is to add a new layout.

Civil Design Professional Since 1983 (Intergraph), AutoCAD since 1989

It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1
Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM
nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Alignment From Object Results In Wrong Length?

Sep 17, 2013

I am working on creating an alignment from a single polyline. The polyline, which was originally created in Carlson 2012, is a flat polyline that is about 1200 feet in length. When I select it with create alignment from object, it accepts it and seems to work. For some reason though, the stationing is way off  --- e.g. the true 50' mark is showing up as 0+04.17 which results in an end station of 0+99.31 on a 1191' polyline.

edit> I also have tried this with a brand new polyline I created in civil3d, same issue.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 SSA Detention Pond Peak Outflow Results

Jan 2, 2013

Attached is my 1st project using SSA for detention pond design.

Where is the best place to view the results for the detention pond peak outflow and maximum HGL?

Also, the program seems to separate the results per year storm...anyway to view the results for all year storms in the same report?

how do you attach the .spf file?

2013 Civil 3D

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Publishing Image Results In Ugly Visual Artifacts In Image?

Oct 1, 2013

I have installed Infrastructure Design Suite 2014 on one of my users' workstation and one of the several problems she is having I can't find info on anywhere:  When she uses the DWG to PDF driver she is getting strange artifacts that, at first glance, look like little blocks randomly placed around her drawings.  These are always over/ in  viewports.  They do NOT show up in plot preview.  I tried plot and publish.  Both give same results.  When zoomed in you can see they are tiny little viewport control dialog boxes that seem to have been placed on the plot at random. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Simulation Results In API?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm developing a program which runs several simulations and obtains the results automatically.

I'm using the dynamic simulation API created in Inventor 2013. For that I use the GetResultValues(ByRef values() as Double) method of the class DSResult. 

I used the method inside the VBA of inventor and worked well. But when I wrote the program in Visual Basic Express 2010, the method doesn't return anything.

I share an excerpt of the

Dim odoc As AssemblyDocument
odoc=invApp.Documents.Open(testPath, True)
Dim dsman As Inventor.SimulationManager = odoc.ComponentDefinition.SimulationManager
Dim dssim As Inventor.DynamicSimulation = dsman.DynamicSimulations.Item(1)
Dim oJoints As Inventor.DSJoints = dssim.DSJoints
oJoint = oJoints.Item(1)


The method GetResultValues(values) should modify 'values' to a time,value vector.

It works well inside Inventor, but doesn't in the program in VB, although it runs the simulations and does everything else right.

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AutoCad :: PUBLISH To PDF Produces No Results

Dec 12, 2011

I've got an issue which is preventing me from being able to PUBLISH multiple DWGs to PDF.

I can successfully PUBLISH multiple DWGs to hard copy with no problem - and it is very easy.

However i seem to be missing something when trying to PUBLISH to PDF.

Ive tried creating a 'Page Setup' which nominates a PDF writer (Adobe PDF or PDFCreator) and the printing device, and that will only work for 1 of the specified DWGs. I have also tried specifying 'PDF' in the "Publish to:" pulldown in the PUBLISH dialogue box - which returns no result. The PUBLISH dialogue box closes and nothing else happens.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Getting Simulation Results Via API

Apr 18, 2012

I'm running several dynamic simulations via the API. Then I am getting the results to write in a text file. I want to know the force in a joint so I get the vector of values via

Dim oResults As DSResults
Dim oResult As DSResult
Dim value() as Double
Call oResult.GetResultValues(value()) 

this vector is a time, force vector but when I verify mi data against the Output Graphe all the decimal points from the force information are gone.


In Output Grapher

Time (s)Force(N)

In the vector from API


is there a way to correct this? I'm getting many force and movement info, so I don't know which ones are reliable.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Different Results When Inserting Objects Into DWG

Feb 1, 2013

While in model space anything I insert, copy/paste or bring into model space looks squashed compared to the original data. It's like the Z axis is rotated. As it sits all the original data in model space looks fine or "flat" as it should.

When measuring the inserted squashed object it's giving me the correct dims but because it's squashed 18" looks like 12", if that makes any sense. Also if I copy/paste the original data in model space into another new template it then looks squashed.

Is there a system variable or setting just for that dwg that could have been changed?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Different Results Between Frame Analysis And FEA

Jan 27, 2013

I am trying to run a simulation on a 4 layer part that has two base layers of I-beams, a frame I made in the frame generator (below) and a solid sheet on top. I am having some issues with the FEA side and was curios to see if the frame analysis tool would yield the same results as the stress analysis simulation. For the frame generator I saw 4 times the amount of deflection despite using (what I believe) are similar loading and constraints, however now I am unsure if I can trust to run an FEA simulation with a frame generated component. The frame is made up of 2 inch steel box beam with a 0.25 inch wall thickness. For the frame analysis package, I have applied a pressure that equates to a 70 kN load across four different sections of the frame. Supports have been placed under all four corners, with 1 being fixed and the other 3 free to move. For the FEA simulation, I applied a similar pressure by creating 2 inch wide plates and applying the same pressure at the same four points. There are also 2 inch square pads under the four corners of the frame with one edge of one pad being fixed and the bottom of the pads having a frictionless constraint. There are separation contacts between both the pressure plates on top of the frame and the frame as well as between the pads and the frame.

with the frame generator is that all the segments of the frame are bonded together (under contacts) which makes sense since they are welded together. However when I put a sheet on top of the frame, there are 3 contact points created between each beam on the frame and the sheet (one on the face of the frame that is in contact with the sheet and the other two on the rounds of the frame and the sheet, even though the rounds are not actually in contact with the sheet). Either way, I am seeing deflections of less than 0.1 mm when a 70 kN load is applied which I know is not right and just want to know if using a frame generated component is not possible with an FEA simulation.

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AutoCad :: Loft Of Circle Results In Surface?

Jun 16, 2013

I'm making these legs for a piece of furniture. I need this to be a solid object.

So I drew a vertical line, set the radius using circunferemces. Then (can't remember how, it was long time ago) I manage to turn them into surfaces (circles, so it's an area).

Now when I loft them, it won't result in a solid. Why?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insert Script Always Plots Different Results

Aug 1, 2012

My insert script always plots different results(off by a little bit, but not much)... unless I manually paste them line by line which complete defeats the purpose of having a script.

(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,10812,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,10949,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,10812,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,11096,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,11234,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,11096,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,11234,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,11381,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8581,11518,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,11381,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,11518,0" 1 1 90)(command "-insert" "RK_183" "8916,11665,0" 1 1 90)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Looping Through Results

Jun 3, 2013

I wrote a lisp, that grabs all text and assigns it a variable. Here's what it looks like:

(setq numbers (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 1 "*")) ))
(sslength numbers)  
  (setq numb1(ssname numbers 0))
    (setq enlist1 (entget numb1))
    (setq texty (fix (caddr(assoc 10 enlist1))))
    (setq value1 (cdr(assoc 1 enlist1)))

In this case length returns a value of 20.  I can repeat this command 20 times and have all these variables but I don't think that is the best way.  I do need the "y" value insertion point of the text.  Line numbers are very important with what I do.In the end what I want to do is

1.   sort through how ever many values sslength returns.

2.  compare a blocks attribute "y" value insertion point with that of all the text values.

3.  If both y values are equal then that blocks "tag name" will be changed.

Here is what I am doing on the block end with for reference:

(if (= texty fuwhole)
(setq funum1 (subst (cons 1 (strcat "FU" value1)) (assoc 1 funum1) funum1))
(entmod funum1)
fuwhole is the blocks "y" value insertion point.
funum1 is the blocks dxf group code

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Get Consistent Results When Copying Viewports

Jun 2, 2011

In some drawings the viewports automatically display viewport objects when I copy them and some they do not. There must be a systems variable and I searched through the systems variable tool in the Express tools and couldn't find it. How to get consistent results when copying viewports.

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AutoCad :: Measure Tool Not Displaying Results In 2013 Mac?

Jul 3, 2013

Measure Tool Not Displaying Results In Autocad 2013 Mac

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AutoCad 3D :: Revolving Closed Polyline Results In SURFACE?

Dec 11, 2012

I have been using AutoCAD to create product designs (baby bottles) for the last three years. I am normally drawing lines, arcs and splines to create the shape, then I use PEDIT to create a closed polyline and REVOLVE to create a SOLID 3D object from that shape.

Couple days ago, AutoCAD is not longer creating 3D solids when I use REVOLVE as usual (even using older files and/or the same shapes or polylines that I have used before to create 3D solids). The result of REVOLVE is "SURFACE (REVOLVE)" (I got that from properties). But, the most uncommon thing is that AutoCAD is revolving fine one or two times per day after many many tries. (normally I am closing and opening files and trying to revolve some stuff many times, using the same process and suddenly it revolves the sahpe as a 3D solid)

I attached a picture showing two objects created using the same group of lines, splines and acrs. One is a solid 3d object and the other one is a surface (revolve) as result of using REVOLVE command. WHY????

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publish To DWF Results In Large Black Areas

Mar 16, 2012

I have a drawing with multiple layouts which is of a road plan and profile in 2 view ports.

When I publish the multiple drawings to DWF the 2nd viewport with the profile in it is completely black, but when I plot to DWF a single layout, it works fine which I don't understand. Surely the publish command publishes to DWF with the same settings as when you do a single plot to DWF, no?.

I have attached an example of the publish result.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Coordinate Conversion Operations May Generate Incorrect Results

Aug 2, 2012

I get an error message when I load a map with Map 2009 (XP) that was last saved by 2012 (Win7 x64).  The error message is this:

Warning: Drawing {drawing name} was created with a version of coordinate system {coordinate system name} that is different from the version installed on your system.  Coordinate conversion operations may generate incorrect results.

I tried opening and saving it with 2009 but the error persists.  What causes this error and what can be done about it?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Get Net Volume Results Into Variable

Nov 11, 2011

There is a command in autocad that will get a Bounded Volume from a closed polyline and a volume surface (command "AeccReportSurfBoundedVolume").  It reports the results to the screen. How to get the "Net Volume" results in to a variable using Lisp? 

Maybe a lisp routine that gets information from the text screen.  That would not be ideal but I could work with that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Results For Different Extrusion Thicknesses Of Each Tine

Mar 30, 2012

I am using Inventor 2012 and am having issues trying to do a parametric study.  I want to view the results for different extrusion thicknesses of each tine after running the "simulate" command. for some reason it will only show the results for my original thickness.  i am think it may have something to do with my constraints and how i have them set up. i attacked my Inventor file and hopefully a pic of what i  am working with. 

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Batch Plotting Results Of DWG Compare

Aug 9, 2013

I have run the DWG Compare Plug-in on two DWG files.  The results show the plan in grey while the differences in plans are showin in color. If I plot an individual layout to PDF the plot looks perfect meaning the plan is grey and the differences are color.

When I batch plot, all of the layouts lose their ability to plot the results of the DWG Compare and just print like the original DWG file whether it be mono or color. is there an entirely different way to go about batch printing to a combined PDF the results of a DWG Compare?

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AutoCAD LT :: Export Layout Command Not Giving Desired Results?

Feb 8, 2012

I need to have users plot to DWF from paper space so they cancustomize all the layers colors etc, on that specific paper space tab. I then am mixing this with FDO data generated out of Model space. Unfortunately, when using the EXPORTLAYOUT command, the data is coped into Model space but seems to retain it's paper space coordinates. I had hoped this function would behave like CHSPACE and copy everything from paper to model space in the same scale.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: GetBoundingBox Return Bad Results For Z Value

Aug 5, 2013

The lisp routine displays point values of a boundry (window) of an object using the vla_getBoundingBox.

The concept of the routine is to select any object and return two Point window value.

This routine works, but I noticed the Z point is changing depending on the object type drawn in 2d space elevation 0.0.

Test: Open a new drawing.  Set the snap value to 1.0 just to make is easy to see values.

Draw three objects: A horizonal line, A Rectangle and Arc.

Load the gbb.lsp and run it, gbb

Select all three objects and notice the results.

It appears that objects the have an curve change the Z value (very little), but Z should be zero.

Try it with a polyline and then PEdit and FIT and re-check the Z value.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loft And Thicken Results In Broken Surface

Jul 19, 2013

I am having problems creating a profile around a path. The profile (image-1) resulted in an undesirable corner (image-2).  Which I don't know if that can be fixed.  My workaround was to create a lower profile, and then loft between the 2 rails.

The loft results in a twisted surface (image-3).  So to correct this under loft> transition I turn off automatic mapping and edit the point set.  I always end up with one extra set of points, or edge, and end up having one set of points on top of another, a duplicate edge.  Which I believe is where my problem lies.  However I can not delete this extra point set, so there is not much I can do there. Am I missing something?  This results in a surface loft (image-4).  When I thicken this surface by 6mm it results in this broken solid (image-5)

I have tried merging tangent surfaces in the loft command, which appears to work better, but when using thicken the error message reads that the thicken operation did not produce a meaningful result.  When I change the thicken direction I get a solid, just not the one that I need.

I had many other strange errors, and seemed to have solved some of them by taking the fillets out the sketch, and applying them to the solid.  But this should be an easy operation, and I can't seem to make this work at all.

I am using Inventor 2014 and the ipt file is attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stress Analysis Results - Movement Not Consistent

Dec 16, 2011

I have a stress analysis result that doesn't make sense to me. I have a flat plate, that is loaded with 100psi equally throughout the surface. I have an array of bolt holes that are 120mm x 109mm spacing. When I do the simulation and look at deflection, I see more movement on the ends. I expected the movement to be consistent eveywhere?

Is this an Inventor issue, or are my expectations in error?

On a side bar, is there a better way to constrain holes than on their edges? I would think that would give errors on the stress levels due to the point (line) contact.

Inventor 2011 Pro 64 bit
Windows XP Pro 64 bit
Dell Precision PWS390
Intel Core 2 CPU 6700 @2.66GHz
7.93 GHz Ram
ATI FireGL V7200

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check-in Assembly - Missing FEA Results Files

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to check-in an assembly, however there  are missing .fins,.fsat,.ftes, fmsh and .fres files that cannot be found on my local machine, in the vault or on the other machines on our CAD network. 

is there a way to remove references to these files so the assembly can be checked into the vault? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 - Unknown Command Results In Massive Lag

Jul 4, 2013

[URL] Basically, when I accidentally input a typo into the command line there is a massive lag before AutoCad comes back to life. Nearly three seconds.

This happens on our AutoCad 2014 LT installations too.

I have all the predictive/corrective command line features turned off.

I have also uninstalled 360 and online content services, prior to the problem, to no avail.

Our office internet is proxied, and there are no ports opened for any Autodesk products.

It's losing us valuable seconds / minutes / days / weeks / months, depending on how you look at it.

System information: Win7 x64 / 3DSMax Design 2014 SP3 / AutoCad 2014 SP1 Lenovo E30 ThinkStation Xeon E31225 Quadcore @3.10Ghz PNY GTX760 XLR8 2GB (332.21 Driver) 24Gb Ram Corsair 650w PSU

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scaling Action Does Not Produce Expected Results

Jun 10, 2013

I am relatively new to dynamic block. I have generated a dynamic block that has four hole. I have HDistance and YDistance linear parameters set with mid point as their base location and action assigned so that they spread apart equally in horizontal and vertical direction and it works fine.

I am now adding another linear parameter (to change hole diameter) by trying to assign scale action, to increase or decrease hole diameter of all four holes simultaneously.

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