AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Networks With Multiple Pipes?
Mar 15, 2013Is it possible to simultaneously create a pipe network with multiple pipes?
View 5 RepliesIs it possible to simultaneously create a pipe network with multiple pipes?
View 5 RepliesHow Autodesk came up with the wall thicknesses for pipes in their parts lists under pipe networks in Civil 3D? I found that for DIP the wall thicknesses for pipes was way greater than anything commercially available; and that for PVC the wall thicknesses were way thinner than what's commercially available.
Are most client's modifying these lists to conform to pipe specifications or ignoring these discrepancies?
I have an existing pipe network and a proposed pipe network. When I label a structure in my profile view, how do I combine the different network information? (Or do you usually have one network for both proposed and existing?)
For example, I have an existing pipe that will remain, but I will replace the structure and connect it to new pipes. On my label, I want to label proposed structure, pipes, and existing pipe using italics.
Somehow I copied something and now when I open my drawing I have deplicate pipe networks with one being named something like Pipe Network and the 2nd being named Pipe Network(1). Pipe Network(1) does not show up in the toolspace. It has duplcated every pipe network in the drawing. I deleted all the pipe but when I close and reopen the drawing it comes right back. I've attched a pic. The single line is the original, the double line is network(1).
View 6 Replies View RelatedOn a waterline that I am currently working on, we have existing utilities (gas, fiber, electric, etc.) surveyed and need to display those on our profile. Typically we will determine the crossing locations and offset those x' below the existing ground.
The problem I am having is that in a mile and a half of waterline, there are 100+ crossings. Creating a pipe out of each of those, applying the correct pipe type and display, naming the pipe network, etc, is too time consuming. It's faster to draw them on our profile manually. Also, with 100+ pipe networks, it slows down the drawing considerably. And if we create data shortcuts, then we have to create a reference to 100's of pipe networks in our plan and profile sheets.
I have a drawing that started as a pipeline network and am trying to easily convert the pipes to polylines or something of the sort to export to shapefiles.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn my drawings when I want to edit a label, I click the label, the ribbon changes and gives me options for that label, I click "edit label group" then a dialog box for that label style pops up and gives me more options.
Same drawings on another employees workspace, after clicking the label the ribbon changes, "edit label group" is selected from the ribbon, the command line then asks to pick a label you would like to edit even though you already selected a label.
What is the issue here? Does a system variable need to be set to "1" instead of "0" somewhere?
I layed out a pressure netowrk horizontally using 6" pvc pipe. It includes some 45 degree bends and such and even some curved pipe. Now the engineer wants to adjust the alignment in the area of the curved pipe.
First of all the modify area in the ribbon on the plan layout tools for pressure pipe is an absolut joke. It lets me break a pipe (which deletes one end of it), move a pipe (but the attched pipes don't move), or slide a pipe (whatever that's supposed to do).
If I grip edit a curved pipe, this will not work. The curved and tangent pipes will now no longer be tangent to each other and when laying out an alignment on the pipe itself, the curves will not work correctly when going to stake it out.
Is there anyway to have the Pipe Networks tab of the Profile View Properties dialog box default to having "Show only parts drawn in profile view" selected automatically?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to show a pipe network structure on my section view. The catch- the structure is 10' away from my sample line. Is there any way to project structures onto section views? C3D 2011
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I am having an issue with the pipe networks drawing the pipes incorrectly in the cross sections. Whenever there is a crossing pipe running parallel with a structure, the pipe shows as a large ellipse instead of showing the pipe walls.
Some of the pipes are not running exactly parallel with the sample line, but they are pretty close. I know in the profile view you can change a setting to make a pipe show as a pipe end or as a regular pipe. Is there a setting for the cross sections as well? If not how do I get the pipes to show correctly?
I have a 18' x 10' special structure where I'd like to be able to connect the pipes as shown to the structure but I'm not aware of any way to force the Connection point of the pipe to the desired location along the structure.
Normal behavior is to connect all pipes to the same insertion point or center of to go about maintaining pipe connection orientation to reflect the design requirements?
So I wanted to put my existing 2d linework for a water main into a pressure network. I have done quite a bit of reading about pressure networks and the lack of different pipe materials and apputenances to choose from. It seems as though the fittings are all there for the most part.
The way I understand it is the only pipe material that is shipped with C3D is Ductile Iron and if you want PVC or something else, you open the content catalog editor and change the dutile iron pipe to polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Am I on the right track here?
As far as appurtenances go, when I open up the Content Catalog Explorer there is nothing for hydrants, valves, wyes, etc...... Is the only thing I can show then bends?
I have been working on a site layout, and the engineers changed the final topo. I have imported a DEM file, and changes all of my pipe networks to reference this final grade. But all of the pipes I have placed do not reference this surface, but all of the networks do. Other than changing all of the pipes individually (which is what I have started to do through Pipe Properties) is there a quicker and easier way to have all of the pipes reference my new surface, and also is there a quicker way to apply my rules to this new surface other than the same way (through Pipe Properties changing my rules, and right click to apply rules).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created a complicated 3D utilities model using pipe networks. All the clashes have been ironed out, the 3D DWF looks great when rotated, the client is happy. Now It is time to hand it over to the contractor to build. He hasn't got Civil 3D and isn't going to get get it. He either want's the information as an x,y,z, text format or a 3d polyline. I cannot see anyway of doing this with the tools available.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe are in the process of updating our pipe network structure label styles. The styles are displaying the inverts in a random order (Please see caption) & we'd like to show the inverts in descending order from highest pipe as first text string & lowest pipe as bottom text string. Is there a way to globally tell civil 3d to always use a descending invert order? Only fix we've found is to disconnect & reconnect the parts in order to adjust invert order.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
Another collaboration question so you have a compressed design program and want the drainage to be designed while the finshed surface is yet to be completed.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have designed a pipe network in Civil 3D 2013, first I created a rule set for both structures and pipes, then I created a parts list, next I built my network.
Where more than two pipes connected to one structure, I found 'applyrules' couldn't align everything appropriately, so I had to manually amend the levels in 3D to ensure the pipes connected correctly (soffit to soffit / top invert to top invert).
My problem is that after doing all this, the surface model has been amended! I have changed the reference surface in the network properties and in the vista. The rim height of my structures seems to have been adjusted in the most part but my pipes have not.
In areas where the surface has gone down, my minimum cover is violated. Is there a way to move the pipes back down to minimum cover, without using 'applyrules', as using that command would change the gradients to the minimum, some gradients have changed during my manual adjustments.
Furthermore, where the surface model has reduced in level significantly, my pipes are now above the surface and the manhole has stayed there too.
I need a way for 2 users to work on a pipe network at the same time. I was thinking about creating Data Shortcuts, but I’m looking for a better way to accomplish this. For example, can I export a pipe network created by another user into a master file? (which contains all my networks consolidated together). I want to work on one part of the network while another user works on another part of the network then combine into a single file so that I reference everything into our P&P sheets.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created a pipe network from a object (alignment wLpolyline) I want to set my inverts at the inside edge
of my SDMH not the center. I go into Edit Pipe Networks then the vista (table). I don't see a option to do that.
Is there a setting in the SDMH structure style or somewhere else?
As an example I come in at 6250.0 at inside a 48" MH and go out at 6251.0 at other side of MH.
I wanted to use a catch basin that shows the depressed curb & lip like the one in the Pipe Network Video
but it not in my parts Library even when I create a full parts list it still isn't there. Is ther a way to go on line and download part structures?
I have a sanitary pipe network as well as a storm network. Now I need to extend the sanitary network one extra section. I go to edit the network, and choose the correct parts for structure and pipe from my catalog.
When I choose the draw; pipe only, structure only, pipes and structures it highlights like normal, and in the 'command' box it says to choose an insertion point. When I click an insertion point (either to an existing structure or a new place on the screen) the draw button that was highlighted becomes unclicked and nothing gets drawn. However this is only an issue when pipes only, or pipes and structures is picked. When I choose structures only It works fine.
I have created a new pipe network in a drawing that contained previously created networks. When the Network Layout Toolbar came up the dropdown for pipes was empty. If select a start point a network structure is placed there but at that point it stops, it won't allow entry of a second point. Last week IT rebuilt my Windows profile.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi utilize part masking in my profile structures but it only works with connected pipes not other networks pipes.
Besides wipeouts, how do you get around this?
I oftenly do conception for parkings and always need to have the calculated rentention of water volume in the pipe there a way to have that information with Civil 3d ?
Googled the subject and i only found a topic on trench's for the pipes ...
Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012
OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I am using Civil 3D 2013. I work in an office where we have a few different flavors of Autocad (LT, MEP, regular vanilla AutoCAD etc...) and versions (2010 LT, 2011, 2012, 2013).
For the most part there isn't much inter-office drawing coordinate that has to happen, but there is the occasional project where multiple disciplines (Structural, Mechanical and Civil Site) have to share drawings.
The specific problem I am having is when I share my 2013 Civil 3D drawing with a user using 2011 MEP. He gets the typical rectangle for the proxy objects (in my case, my pipe networks for sanitary and storm drain). We've tried downloading and installing various object enablers, but there doesn't seem to be one for a 2013 to 2011 scenario. So I setup my parts to be on layers that he can just turn off. HOWEVER... the actual pipe network (not the structures, parts, labels etc... the network itself) ends up on layer 0. For this specific project, I do the old (ssget "x" '((8 . "0")) search to select all objects on layer 0, add those objects to a selection set (pselect), then in my modify objects dialog I filter for pipe networks, then change the layer to something other then 0.
While this is a workaround that works for me, what I really want to know is if there is a way that I can change the default layer that the network (again, not pipes, structures or text, the actual network) so I don't have to use the workaround. Any thoughts?
P.S. It's killing me that I had to create a new Autodesk login and now all my AutoCAD "street cred" is lost
"The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based."
I would like to change the manning coefficient for multiple existing pipes. I can't use the Panorama tool as it doesn't provide this parameter.
How could I do this?
Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Is there a way to label multiple structures/pipes at one time in profile view? We have tried selecting all at one time, right click and add label, but it only labels one of the structures/pipes.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen using the publish command to print multiple sheets from Civil 3D, it will sometimes fail to print certain objects. Usually it is a profile. Occasionally it drops some of the pipes. When we plot sheets individually it plots fine. Only C3D objects are affected, not regular ACAD objects. It only seems to be pipes and profiles. This problem is sporadic. It may be drawing specific but the sporadic nature of it makes it hard to say for sure.
The way we set up our drawings, profiles and pipes are almost always DREF's. This appears to be related. If we creat a test drawing with everything in one drawing publish works fine. If we then seperate into two drawings, DREF the data, and then publish again, the pipes disappear (from the plot not the drawing itself).
The same problem occurs on two different printers so I don't think it's driver related.
It started happening when we were on 2008. I thought maybe it was just that version. However, it seems to have gotten worse in 2009.
We have Civil 3D 2013 (and 14). We need to create an ArchGIS file that includes pipe networks created with C3D, pavement and building which are polylines. export from C3D to shp file, or import dwg into ArchGIS. Since no one here has worked is familiar with map where would be a good place to start looking for information on accomplishing this task.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile using Tube and Pipe Inventor names the pipes like this pipipe.1320836514248.ipt .
I would like to set it to numbers only .
Can I create a pipe network from multiple objects?
For example, I have 10 feature lines that I want to use to create one pipe network. Instead of creating 10 pipe networks one at a time, can I create one pipe network all at once?