If I have a Crescent Road (P - shape) where the Alignment returns to itself, when i draw pipe network parts in profile, the pipe network gets drawn wrong, ie. the tie-in structure at the intersection is drawn at the wrong station.
My understanding is that the structures will get drawn at the station closest perpendicularly to the alignment, so the structure is going to the end station as opposed to the beginning simply because the end segment of the alignment is closer.
Is there any way to make a structure use a different perpendicular station (without shortening the alignment)?I don't want to move alignment or structure.
We have a big piping job coming up and as Civil3d still lacks some of the labelling abilities we want in the profile view bands. I am updating some old vba that adds a profile line of the invert of a pipe network to a profile view effectively tracing along the bottom of the network like I know a lot of people do by hand.
My original code works on assuming that the start and end structure are at the start and end of the alignment in the revised code I want to allow for situations where this is not the case.
Leading to my question is there and easy way to find the distance a profile view part is drawn along the parent alignment or do I have look at writing my own function possibly extracting a polyline from the alignment and finding the distance using intersectionwith and distancefrom functions with the structure.
I'm trying to add assign a Pipe Network to a profile view Band in Civil 3D 2011. I was using COM to add profiles to bands because I couldn't figure out how to do it in .NET. But when it comes to pipe networks I don't see how you can do that with COM. How the .NET implementation is supposed to work? Here's the code I have that works for COM, except for the pipe networks. I essentially need to assign the correct pipe network to the band.
public static void AddProfileToBand(this ProfileView profileView, ObjectId profObjId, List<BandItemInfo> bandStyleInfosFromSet, ObjectId profileBandSetId){ using (Transaction tr = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
Pipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently. We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.
I have a network that I showed in a profile view and, to creat my proposed pipes network I simply copied the pipes and structures and used network split.
Now I have two networks, but when I project those pipes and structures into a profile they are not visible.
If I check the profile view properties and look at the pipe networks tab, all the pipes are shown as drawn.
If I have a pipe that spans between two profile views, is there a way to label the pipe in each profile view with only the lineal feet that is showing in that profile view?
I have a storm water pipe network and a sanitary pipe network. In the profile view I am displaying both networks. My question is in the profile view the storm pipes are in "front/foreground" of the sanitary pipes. Is there a way to "trim" out the sanitary pipe profile lines where they pass behind the storm sewer.
Kind of like a display order so looking at the profile I can tell which pipe and in foreground and which are in the back ground.
I have a storm crossing shown on a road profile, and the ellipse that represents the storm pipe is only showing part of the inner wall (I've attached an image). This pipe is skewed slightly, but the entire pipe crosses the road alignment, and this should not make any difference.
Also, is there any way, yet, (I'm using C3D 2011) to have the label show not only the pipe name, but also the invert where the pipe crosses the road alignment, and remain dynamic,? In other words, without having to edit the label text, and lose the dynamic capability. Land Desktop would do this, but it was not dynamic, of course.
What can I do to show intersection information in a profile label?I mean, supose I have two roads (A and B)... what should I do to show in the road A vertical profile the name and the station of road B in the properly position of this A profile? URL....
Settings > Pipe Network > Right Click > Edit Feature Settings > Default Profile Label Placement, gets you to this point:
Does the highlighted line only apply at the time that the label is placed? I have multiple sewers to label and I want to each set of labels at a different elevation. Changing this default will have NO effect on existing labels?
I can create labels to display stationing in a profile, but is there a way to display the coordinates in the profile instead? When I need to move my pipes I am using the station I get from the profile label and then use grip move. If I could get the N, E, I could just type it in on the Vista table.
Water main pipe network profile labels for structures do not attach to the structure properly in C3D 2014 (this same label style works fine in all previous versions of the software, through the 2013 release). The labels come into the drawing at a northing of 0 rather than attaching to the structure itself. However, if you grip edit and reset the labels, they reset to their correct attachment point. Additionally, if you attempt to grip edit the profile labels with Ortho mode on, it moves the label back to a northing of 0. I've created a new block for the structure, but that does not resolve the issue.
I've included a link to a Chronicle video that demonstrates the label behavior. [URL] .......
I am having problems with the display of my structures in a profile view. Previously, when I change the inverts of the pipes connected to my structure it would automatically adjust the bottom (sump) of the box invert to match my lowest pipe. However, for some reason it has stopped doing it and is now displaying the sump invert incorrectly. I have my style set to "Display as a Boundary". I have edited the structure sump to be by both elevation and depth, but it does not update the sump elevation. I have tried to grip edit the sump but it seems to be locked at a certain elevation. I have a profile with 10+ structures and they are all at multiple depths. I realize there are minimum depths allowed by the structure, but I have exceeded the minimum depths in all cases. Attached is an image that depicts my problem. No matter what I do to change the depth it stays locked at a certain elevation.
As it stands, if you view a pipe network in a profile view with no vertical exaggeration, you expect to see what is essentially an accurate long section in all directions. However, rather than being applied perpendicularly from the center line (or arguably the invert), diameter is applied strictly vertically.
Now, this made sense in the days of hand drafting when it was far easier in a vertically exaggerated profile view to simply measure the dimension vertically rather than determining how the exaggeration affects the perpendicular distance. But with the computer doing the measurements, is this really a problem anymore? I've debated that to some degree it's strange to consider that the crown of the pipe may be at a (slightly) different station than the invert, but this is simply fact in the field. And I've also thought that it's nice to be able simply measure vertically in an exaggerated profile, but I can't remember the last time I dug my scale out of the drawer.
All the theory aside, the real problem appears when you try to profile a vertical, or even a near-vertical, pipe. The fact that the diameter is applied vertically means that the vertical centerline is shifted the length of the pipe radius downward and upward. In other words, rather than seeing the invert and crown of the pipe, you just see one line, though it's really two lines on top of each other.
I wrote this off for the last 4 years of basic Pipe Networks because I acknowledge that storm/sanitary outside the building is rarely designed vertically, but with 2013's release of the Pressure Pipe Network, I really expected Autodesk to change the way the profile views represented pipes.
Need getting pipe top elevation in profile view data band? In labels it's possible to perform calculations via expressions. In data bands – not. Inablity to get pipe outside top elevation in profile view leads to dead end in my hunt for smooth workflow.
I have my alignment running up the page, it is the red line. I can show the profile of the pipes and structures that run with the alignment but I want to she the elevations of the crossing pipes, not just the circle in the structures where they cross but the elevation of the crossing structures and pipes, (str 102-103 and 104-105). Almost like a profile that is cut and looks north (up) instead of the cut looking east west.Can I turn my profile view or take a view at a certain station or do I need to make alignments that run east west to do this? I have included a pedicure for reference.
I created a pressure pipe with no bends since my alignment is fairly straight. However, I'm changing the elevations on the pipe using a combincation of the profile view snaps and elevation edits in the properties and it doesn't restrict my deflection to my deflection settings not does it add any bends.
Is this still a missing function in Pressure Networks? Or is there something I'm missing?
I cannot find a way to only have pipes in profile view to only show the invert (bottom) of the pipe. All my pipes are running around the same elevation and the profile is pretty busy with both invert and crown of pipe shown.
Every structure for my Sanitary pipe network is showing up properly in the profile view except the last 2. They're showing as rectangles when they should have the cone on top. I've checked the properties of the correct ones and the incorrect ones and they're the same style. I looked at the parts and I couldn't see anything wrong with them. In the screenshot you can see that the 3 manholes on the left are the correct kind with the cone whereas the 2 on the right are just rectangles.
I've been having a problem with a pipe structure not showing up in a profile view. I have a single pipe network with everything (pipes and other structures) showing up in the profile when I select them, right-click, and click on "Draw Parts in Profile". Like I said, this works for all the other pipes and structures in the profile except one. When I select the structure individually and try to draw it into the profile, it still won't work. A friend told me to make sure that the structure is within the surface, and it is.
I clicked on a pressure pipe in profile view and selected "Edit Pressure Network in Profile...". The panel that came up has a button that says "Follow Surface". I did that and selected all of my pipe and entered 4 feet below surface for my water main and it put alot of deflections in my pressure pipes. How to remove the deflections?
Using part builder, I created a new pipe part for an odd-sized CMP arch pipe. In plan view, the pipe looks good. At first glance, I thought the pipe was drawn correctly in a profile view, but I realized that the pipe was displayed with the invert located at the wrong place in the profile view. I thought this was because the insertion point of the new pipe part that I had made was placed at the incorrect location in part builder.
So, I swapped out the incorrect pipe size for another one that I knew was correct, and then deleted the incorrect pipe from the pipe parts list, and went back to part builder, and placed the insertion point at the invert of the pipe; then saved the edited pipe part, ran partcatalogregen, added the "corrected" pipe part to the pipe parts list and swapped in the new corrected pipe size to the pipe network. However, the pipe still displays incorrrectly on the profile view.
The pipe data is correct in the pipe properties: the invert is stated to be located at elevation 20. The overall height of the pipe , 38" (3.1667') is correctly displayed on the profile view. But the actual location of the pipe invert is not shown at the correct location, elevation 20, on the profile view.
I am using Civil 3D 2013. I work in an office where we have a few different flavors of Autocad (LT, MEP, regular vanilla AutoCAD etc...) and versions (2010 LT, 2011, 2012, 2013).
For the most part there isn't much inter-office drawing coordinate that has to happen, but there is the occasional project where multiple disciplines (Structural, Mechanical and Civil Site) have to share drawings.
The specific problem I am having is when I share my 2013 Civil 3D drawing with a user using 2011 MEP. He gets the typical rectangle for the proxy objects (in my case, my pipe networks for sanitary and storm drain). We've tried downloading and installing various object enablers, but there doesn't seem to be one for a 2013 to 2011 scenario. So I setup my parts to be on layers that he can just turn off. HOWEVER... the actual pipe network (not the structures, parts, labels etc... the network itself) ends up on layer 0. For this specific project, I do the old (ssget "x" '((8 . "0")) search to select all objects on layer 0, add those objects to a selection set (pselect), then in my modify objects dialog I filter for pipe networks, then change the layer to something other then 0.
While this is a workaround that works for me, what I really want to know is if there is a way that I can change the default layer that the network (again, not pipes, structures or text, the actual network) so I don't have to use the workaround. Any thoughts?
P.S. It's killing me that I had to create a new Autodesk login and now all my AutoCAD "street cred" is lost
"The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based."
I have make a road network. Then i make a corridor surface using corridor extends as outside boundary. I also create a boundary in the interior side of the roads with interactively tool, and i use it as a hide boundary. The corridor surface look fine but when i am trying to make a finish Ground Surface pasting the corridor surface after Existing Ground surface then the hide boundary of corridor surface make holes in finish Ground surface.
I created pipe network for my storm drain project. I have located all the structures (manhole) to all angle point of my alignment as required. Also I "insert" manhole every 400' per local code requirements using the command "network layout tools; structures only. My problem is I couldn't find the tools how to trim the pipe that pass through the manhole. Please see attached pdf file.
I need to project a crossing pipe onto a road centerline. I have water running down one side of the road 7' off the centerline of the road and sewer running down the other 8' off the centerline. There is storm drain running perpendicular across the road.
The sewer and the water are projected onto the centerline of road profile. When I draw the crossing pipes in that profile view and change the override, because it does not cross the centerline, it disappears from the profile view. How can I accurately show the crossing at the proper invert of the respective crossing without drawing the ellipses manually?