Messing with creating a Partial CUIX ribbon, new to this with using macros, I have a general understanding. Created a pulldown for creating existing electric polylines, I have macro setting both to the same layer, but not sure how to get so linetypes are different for both. One would be underground and the other would be overhead.
I'm able to add custom panels/buttons into the Ribbons, by cloning the existing ribbon (from acade.cuix) into my partial cuix. However.. I'm not able to add more commands to the shortcut menus, using the same technique.
Is it possible to add custom commands to existing shortcut menus using a partial cuix?
I try to load my menu at application start. But I can't see this menu in the menu bar after start. I see menu only after I "reload" current workspace in user interface customization dialog.
const String myCuiFile = @"D:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsAutoCAD 2008Cuisits.cui"; public void Initialize() { String currentWorkSpace = (String)Application.GetSystemVariable("WSCURRENT"); CustomizationSection acadCustomSection = new CustomizationSection((String)Application.GetSystemVariable("MENUNAME") + ".cui"); if (acadCustomSection.PartialCuiFiles.Contains(myCuiFile) == false)
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
how to make a partial open (saddled) and partial box (housed) stringer?
The only difference is that the open treads do not extend but are the same length as the box treads.Partial_Open_into_Box_Stair.gif Using Autocad Architecture 2012.
I have a water and sewer line that run parallel for the most part. The sewer starts at 10+00 runs west and then turns north about 10+80 and parallels the waterline from that point on.
I want to show the sewer in the water profile as beyond and to reference the sheets to see for P&P information. This works fine.
When i go to show the waterline in the sewer profile it does not show up correctly it only shows up in the initial 80 feet of the sewer profile. Is this because the two alignments are not parallel with each other until that 2nd manhole?
I've made a shape (attached image) and am trying to find a way to use it for a linetype. However, I'd like to have the left and right "blocks" filled (hatch or whatever) so that when used repeatetively in a linetype, the filled and open spaces will alternate. I may change it to be only 2 blocks or 4 - haven't decided yet.
I've made linetypes with simple line shapes, but never one like this.
I have exported the 3 polygons through the Map Drafting ribbon --> Export and then brought it back into CAD. This gave me 3 adjacent filled polygons (3 seperate objects) and I don't know how to show it as one shape entity, much less without the middle fill.
Is there another way I can accomplish this without the use of shapes?
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
To my knowledge this file has not been renamed and definitely not been deleted...Has been moved, but does that matter? The attached image is the error i get when trying to load .cuix as a partial in CUI dialogue box. I cannot load from CUILOAD, either.
I have verified that another cui of the same name is not already loaded.
1. Does the .arg file have the settings of the CUIX file? For example if I want to use a .arg file in another machine to use the same settings for both comps, will the setup be exactly the same?
2. Does the CUIX file have the settings of the .arg file ? For example if I want to use a CUIX file in another machine to use the same settings for both comps, will the setup be exactly the same?
I tried to do a copy of the existing CUIX to a NEW file for backup, but it did not copy the settings of the Quick Access Bar & other settings unless I do them individually. For example I modified the "Double Click Action" menu. But when I looked at the existing CUIX file it showed an older date when it was modified.
This is actually for R2014 but the same thing happened in 2013. I have several custom CUIX files created from loading MNU files. I use them for drop down menus and toolbars. The load fine but are not remembered the next AutoCAD is reloaded. I can't remember what I did because they work fine in 2013. I've CUILOADED them and saved the workspace. I also saved and reloaded my PROFILE. Aren't the menus saved with the workspace?
I have loaded in some cuix files in LT 2010. They have appeared in the customisation area and in the current Workspace and I have turned on the menus I require and no error is returnned, however when I go to the drawing screen none of the customised menus or ribbon tabs have appeared. I have performed an Autocad LT repair and also a reinstall from the add/remove programs and I have also tried a different .CUIX file but still no luck.
I'm trying to import a .tif image into autocad 2013 this image I clipped in ArcMap 10.1 and reprojected. The size of the image that I can't import is 36.6 mb, but I can import a MrSIDs image size is 611 mb into AutoCAD this is the error message that I get when I try an import the smaller image. "this file is an unknown format or invalid for images"
As with every ACAD update, how to do the same task differently and discovering the useful functions that have been removed. With 2014 comes Live Maps which apparently killed Base Jump. But here's the problem, when running just basic ACAD, I can load the background image using Live Maps, but with the same drawing opened in C3D, no image. Using the GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command causes, well, nothing to happen either. Background image to load in C3D? Not being able to plot the image will be the next fun hurdle that will only cause more frustration I am sure.
I would like to update a CUIX and rename it, both the file name and the internal customization group name/description. The main issue is that the associated MNL file will fail to load after the renaming.
The internal name is currently the same as the file name with spaces replaced by underscores.
I have tried the CUIX transfer method, I have tried simply renaming the file and leaving the internal name alone, I have also tried renaming to .ZIP, and modifying the one file inside that contains the internal name/description, recompiling the ZIP and renaming back to CUIX.
As stated above, using any of the above methods the main issue is that the associated MNL file will fail to load. This is with Civil 3D 2014. Also the customization group name may appear in the CUILOAD dialog without underscores and depending on the method the ribbon tabs will not even appear.
I've also noted that the MNL file associated with the partial CUIX loads twice in Civil 3D 2014 and only once in AutoCAD 2013. I haven't done further testing on that.
This is mainly cosmetic as our current CUIX has 2011 in the name and I would like to update to 2014.
how can save my custom menu to cuix file after creating it by vba using ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) and if i can create new cuix file "AMRCuix" and every time i will load it.
We have a custom cuix file that loads some pulldown menus nd ribbon tabs that we have located on the server so that it can be modified and automaticaly updates on all computers once autocad is closed and reopened. My problem is now when I make a change to my setup and save the file, it no longer updates on the other computers.
When I upgraded to Autocad (ACA) 2010 I migrated toolbars, etc. from ACA 2009. I am looking at getting a new computer and would like to know if I can just copy one of the CUIX files onto the new system and have everything work just as it does now. Is this possible, and which of the many CUIX files do I copy? Do I need to also copy the MNU, MNR and MNX files?
I’ve searched the CUIX files but can tell from the dates which are the newest.
This issue applies only to AuroCAD 2013 64. 2012 works fine.
I have three old custom menus I use regularly. They were all in the MNU format when they were compiled to CUIx.
Let's say menu1 has a drop down menu and toolbars. Menu2 has a dropdown menu. Menu3 has a toolbar menu. They are all located in the same folder.
If I load the three menus they work fine for the duration of the session. However, once I quit AutoCAD and restart, only Menu1 loads. I still have to load the other two again. This is annoying. I have created a Profile and a Workspace with the menus loaded and set both current. Exit and again no menus.
while i am trying to load my point cloud files the points appeared in the model but not all points
i entered to the setting of the point cloud from the toolspace toolbar , i found that there are about 32 million points but only 700000 points are displayed in the drawing. Is there a way to display all the loaded points in my drawing to show all the points since i need to render a high resolution pictures for my lots.
I am trying to load multiple Text Sizes into AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 so that I can have a list of the standard text sizes (3/32", 3/16", 1/4", 3/8") to choose from the Annotation tab > Text Group > Annotation Text Height drop down list, instead of having to type them in each time.
At first I thought that I could just add the different text sizes using the TEXTSIZE variable command into my drawing template file, but apparently the Text Sizes entered are only retained for that particular session of AutoCAD Civil 3D. Is there perhaps some other system variable that controls this setting being retained for more than one session??
Then I thought I could just create a program to load the sizes. I originally tried creating a C# .NET program to load the text sizes, but ran into a problem. I then I tried creating another version of a C# program, as well as an AutoLISP script, thinking that it was perhaps some limitation to my approach (which still may be the case). But I still keep running into the same problem. The problem is that only the last text size specified is actually entered into the list of available text sizes. The other text size values appear to be processed but are not retained in the Annotation Text Height drop down list.
The following is my first attempt with C#:
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; public class CreateTextSizes : Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IExtensionApplication { public void Initialize() { // Create following Text Sizes: 0.09375 (3/32"), 0.1975 (3/16"), 0.25 (1/4"), 0.375 (3/8")
Background: Using a new release of 2014 out of the box. Made some changes to the .PGP file, created a custom palette and dragged some tools and gave them some standardized styles. Worked fine all day.
Problem: The next morning I booted up ACA and the menu ribbon failed to load. At the command prompts suggestion I tried CUILOAD. Got the dialog box, found the ACA.CUIX file, but despite pressing the LOAD button nothing happened.
Fix: I looked into the folder where the ACA.CUIX file was located (first folder on the support path), noticed there was a ACA.bak.CUIX file in the same folder. I renamed the ACA.CUIX file and then took the .bak "extension" off of the other file. Everything loads fine... except no customization.
Odd note: Last night, after I closed all my applications I went to shut down my computer and got Windows 7 version of the Blue Screen of Death. I immediately rebooted and all looked OK, but I did not start ACA. Not sure if related but just thought I mention it.
Request: Is there a special step that I missed when creating a custom palette that caused it not to reload?
I tried attaching the offending .CUIx file but the forum rejected it by stating "The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type."
I have added a few custom autocad commands that are specific to my scenario. I created Ribbon (and Menu for classic mode) for these commands and they are working fine. The only issue is that these Buttons (Ribbon and Menu for classic mode) are not loading the images(icons). All I get is a cloud image for both commands.
I have used 16X16 for small image and 32X32 for large image. Both are bmp files. These are attached to the custom Autocad command that I am using. The commands themselves are working fine, except for the image which is not displayed. In short, what can be the possible reason for images not showing up?