AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Non Coplanar Pipelines And Blocks?

Jul 8, 2013

I have recently received a drawing in which I found that there are several blocks and plines which are not coplanar the lines and other objects in the drawing. Now, I know that there is the flatten command to use when this stuff happens.. It works fine for 2d simple lines but when it comes to plines and other objects its a bit too cumbersome, and I even tried exploding everything and flattening everything but not even that worked to my likings.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Polylines Are Non-coplanar

Mar 12, 2013

We just upgraded to 2013, and one computer is having a weird issue.  There is nothing in the drawing.  He draws two polylines.  When he goes to fillet them, it says they are non-coplanar.  The properties palette says both polylines are elevation 0.  why this is happening and how I can fix it?

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AutoCad :: Lines Are Not Coplanar?

Oct 21, 2011

I am getting the lines are not coplanar when working off of a surveyor's drawings which is testing my patience. I am using LT so I do not believe I have access to LISP. How to use the FLATTEN command which must not be a function for LT because it is unrecognized.

Do I have options to flatten it?

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AutoCad 2D :: Lines Are Non Coplanar - Z Coordinate Is Not 0

Feb 10, 2008

I've been having a drawing problem at work lately on Autocad 2007. Some lines I draw cannot be filled so I have to trim them instead. The reason why is that these lines are not coplanar. I've also noticed that the Z coordinate is not 0 and have checked on the 3d View that lines are awfully not in the same plan. Does it have to do with the X-line?

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AutoCAD LT :: Fillet Round Angle - Lines Are Non Coplanar

May 30, 2012

I want to "Fillet" a round angle. If I set the radius and then click the 2 lines then Autocad comes with the message: "Lines are non Coplanar" This problem just started in a drawing i was working in ( 50% were already done by Fillet perfectly ) , I draw only 2D.

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AutoCad 2D :: Chamfer / Fillet Commands Do Not Work - Lines Are Non Coplanar

Dec 29, 2013

I am working on someone else's file, using CAD2010..For many lines, Chamfer & Fillet commands do not work, "lines are non coplanar "..In the Properties, all Z = 0

I tried Flatten, nothing changed.

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AutoCad 3D :: Creating Surface / Region Or 3D Object Using Non-coplanar Points

Aug 6, 2013

How to go about creating a surface, region or 3D object using non-coplanar points? I'm drawing a few different 3D models for an artist friend of mine to use in her proposal on a local public art project.

However for this version I am bottlenecking on how to create these regions. I have vertical(ish) beams of varying height twisting in different directions with sheets of alternating metals welded in-between, the bottoms line up straight with the tops following an S curve but with the twisting geometry the top two endpoints for each will always be in separate planes.


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface From Blocks

Aug 16, 2012

I need to create a surface representing our site conditions in 1998. I have a drawing which consists of hundreds of "points" which are not really AutoCAD points, they are blocks (little ticks) with elevations assigned. How do I convert this into a surface without manually creating points on top of each block (i.e. clicking hundreds of times).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can Not Purge Blocks

Nov 14, 2012

I have a file with 403 blocks in it that can not be deleted, purged, or seen.  I've attempted to WBLOCK the linework out, copy and paste the linework out, exploding every object in the file, changing everything to bylayer and layer 0, purging and -purgeing, but the blocks are still there along with a number of linestyles associated with the hidden blocks.  Is there any way to get rid of these blocks?  I have a file attached with nothing else in it except the blocks I cannot purge.  They are also not associated with any styles. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Blocks INSIDE Of Another DWG?

Aug 13, 2013

Is there any way to export blocks INSIDE of another dwg?

Background info:

At my company, we have a series of template .dwgs that get copied every time a new project is created.  We update the template files as we create new blocks, styles, etc...

When I'm working in a specific project and create a useful block, it would be nice to export that into the template file without having to open the template drawing and insert/redefine it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Retrieving Data From Blocks

Mar 27, 2013

I was given a C3D file with a road alignment including sections.  But the all the road data is a block.  Is there a way to retrieve all the data in order for me to do some quanities for my estimates on material volumes.  When I go to the prospector tab, there are no points, surfaces, or alignments listed.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Text In Blocks Styles?

Jul 23, 2013

I can't find information for how a block's text is utilized in a style. Here are some details. I have a unitless block with a non annotative text size of 10. This block is part of a style with a size 'use drawing scale' of .12. At 40 scale, it inserts at 4.8 size. If I change the text size to 8 it inserts at 4.8. If I hcange the text size to 5, it inserts at 3.

My question is how are the annotation scale, block text size, and style insert size tied together? OR are there other variables influencing the scaling? I have attached a screen shot of some of my unofficial tests.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Read Anonymous Blocks

Oct 23, 2012

I have the follwoing error in C3D R2013.Unable to cast object of type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.BlockTableRecord' to type 'Autodesk. AutoCAD. DatabaseServices.BlockReference'.

When casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity..Make sure the source type is convertible to the destination type

My code is:
Imports SystemImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GeometryImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports Autodesk.AutoCADImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ApplicationImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.LayerManagerImports.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Blocks For Description Keys

Jan 10, 2013

Civil 3D Newbie here.

I am making a directory full of the blocks we will use for the description key file to use. My understanding is that all of these blocks (manholes, hydrants, trees...etc) should be on layer "0" and of standard size. Manholes should be about 3' in diameter, transformer pads around 4' square....etc. Essentially, 1 = 1 true scale.

Is this true?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Linking Blocks To Text

Mar 14, 2012

I'm currently working with AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion.  The drawing has hundreds of callouts for different elements all over the site.  The callouts are in form of a block, with a number inside. The number corresponds to a notes page which lists each detail in chronological order. (nothing new there)

Due to an expanding and shifting job site, notes have been added and deleted.  The problem is now we have to go back through and update all the callout blocks.  For example: We have 75 notes in our list, if note number 3 changes or is deleted, we need to go through and change all the numbers in all the blocks to reflect the change to the list.

Is there a way to link blocks to an mtext list? or possibly a spreadsheet?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Blocks From Attached MDB

May 9, 2013

I have an access database attached to a blank drawing.  The database is a list of existing oil wells.  I want to have civil3d (or map) create a custom block (I already have the blocks created) inserted at a coordinate in the database and propagate the other fields in the database into attributes in the blocks.  For instance, the first two fields in the database are the x and y.  Some of the other fields in the database are the well status and company name.  Is it possible for Map to read the first two fields to know where to put the block, then select the block to insert based on wells status and company name, and then complete attributes from the other fields (section, township, range, county, etc) into the block?  I'm having a hard time getting my head wrapped around the map3d user's guide talking about topologies, link templates, object classifications, etc.

Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Hollow Blocks In Viewports?

Jul 26, 2012

I am getting hollow blocks in Vieports. When I look in modle space the blocks are filled.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotative Blocks With Several Different Scales

Nov 21, 2013

We use a lot of annotative blocks with several different scales and often find that they have changed from thier standard names to several *u blocks that do not behave annotatively. I have to go in and explode them once or twice to get them back the right name and they show up as individual blocks in different scales. Is there a fix for this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Blocks From Design Center?

Jan 22, 2013

Can you open two dwgs and copy blocks from one design center to the other?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Dynamic Blocks Inserted Off In Space

Feb 24, 2012

I've created my first dynamic blocks...but when i insert them into my dwg they are way off in space. i've tried selecting a base point in the library file. and i've tried using INSBASE 0,0,0 but no luck. my dyn block is made up of several individual blocks.

using: civil 3D 2011

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Blocks In Line Label Styles

Feb 15, 2012

I have a line label style that consists of two blocks (crowsfeet). The blocks are taking on the properties of the current layer when xrefed. I have enclosed a couple of drawings to show this behavior.

Open the "crowsfeet sheet" drawing. You will notice the crowsfeet are green.

Change the current layer and regen. The crowsfeet will change to the color of the current layer.

To take this one step further:

Freeze the current layer in the current viewport. The crowsfeet disappear.

Change the current layer. The crowsfeet reappear with the color of the current layer.

The objects in the blocks are on layer 0 with a color of bylayer. Changing the color to byblock produced the same results.

The only workaround I found was to change the color of the objects in the block to something other than bylayer or byblock.

Civil 3D 2012 SP3 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz, 16GB Ram | NVidia Quadro 600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Blocks Not Coming In At Correct Scale?

Mar 4, 2013

I am having an issue inserting a detail call out "block". The blocks were created to be annotative however, when I am inserting them into my paperspace at 1" = 30' it shrinks up the block. In model space it shows at the correct size.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Tool Palette - Blocks Won't Insert

Mar 22, 2012

I am working with a client who has a standard tool pallete with blocks. I already have imported/customized the tool palletes as per their manual. The blocks show up in the tool paleltte, but when i drag to insert them. It can't locate the symbols file and gives me this error : Source drawing "H:MASTER-SYMBOLS.dwg for block "X" not found.

I have the master symbols drawing as indicated and pathed the location through optionsfiles tool palletes file locations.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Blocks From Cogo Points?

Feb 11, 2013

We are in the middle of upgrading from LDD2008 to Civil3D2013. This is a 2 part question. Since there are NO point labels similar to Poiint labels in LDD2008. It is making cleaning the elevations up very teadious. With point labels that are just Mtext. I would rotate 1 label and then match properties to rotate the rest and then jiust more the elevations to make them readable.

How do you all deal with cleaning up the elevations?  Is there a way to match proprties as far as the rotatiion of the points? or do you Create blocks from Cogo points?

So, I starting playing with the Creating Blocks from Cogo Points. This creates a block with attributes similar to the way Softdesk treated points back in the day. I ran into a couple of issues. 1 being, it rounds the elevation to 3 decimals places.

When it creates blocks from the Cogo Points some of the blocks are giving me 0.000 elevations for points that had actual elevations.

Civil3D 2013
Dell Optiplex 9010
Intel I-7 3770 CPU @ 3.4 Ghz
16 gb RAM, 64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Blocks And Description Keys?

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to set up our templete and I am having issues.  I have set up description keys and such. When I import our survey data all comes in (ie blocks and linework). The problem is when I try to plot the block that are inserted on what appears to be the correct layer they do not plot out.  When I freeze the point layer the block disappears as well. What setting am I missing that will create the blocks according to the description key and keep them on a separate layer like it did in Land Desktop but keep them dynamic? I am not sure if the subscription service covers.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Control Plot Style Of Blocks

Mar 11, 2013

How do I control the plot style of blocks?

Say I draw some lines on layer "0" and use the "block" command to make a new block. Next, I insert that block I just made onto some layer "X".

I am using .stb.

How can I control the plot style of the block?

Also, if the block is used as a civil 3d object, say a pipes structure, where does the plot style in structure properties fit into the hierarchy?

I have tried changing all the following variables to no affect: layer "0" plot style, layer "X' plot style, object properties plot style, stucture style plot style 

Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3

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AutoCad :: Where To Get Free Blocks For Small Civil Projects

Feb 13, 2013

Where to get free blocks for small civil projects? I am putting a roundabout in on our site and they are **** about AS. its not a public road but need a block to see hoe they usually set these things out.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Existing Right Of Way Marker Points / Blocks For XS?

May 9, 2013

 I've been able to successfully place R/W markers in my cross sections (as well as FO, TEL, GAS, Beam Guard).  Where to find an Existing R/W marker ' EX R/W'?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Station Offset Labels Of Blocks

Apr 25, 2012

how to set-up a style what i want to do is label the station and offset of the insertion point of a block by selecting that block and placing the name of the block at the end of the label. as such it would read sta: 14+58.25 - L12.50' P Pole

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Labels With Dynamic Blocks?

Nov 21, 2013

I am labeling my pipe network structures and I was trying to create a label with a dynamic block. I want to have an octagon with text that I can change. So when I label INLET 1 I will have the information I need plus a symbol that corresponds to it. 

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Control Plot Style Of Blocks

Feb 26, 2013

So i've got a profile of a waterline. To show my valves, bends, tees, etc. I made a style for each and used null structures set to no plot for my plan view and made blocks for each appurtenance to be projected for the profile view.

This job is going to bid with two separate contracts and there is one sheet of overlap. I need to show some pipes and appurtenances proposed on one sheet and existing on another.

The one problem i'm having is controlling the plot style of the blocks in profile view, I've tried changing the structure style, making a new layer putting the block on that and changing the layer plot style, everything I can think of. I need it to be controlled via a vp plotstyle setting because I have another sheet where it needs to be displayed differently.

Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3

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