I have some storm sewer alignments that I've put into profiles in C3D 2011. The pipe network that I used to create the alignments from is a reference created from a data shortcut. I've created profiles of these storm sewer alignments, and the station labels for the storm structures are displayed at question marks until I go into the structure properties for each structure and link it to the correct alignment.
The problem is that whenever I synchronize my data shortcuts because someone has updated something, all of the links in each structure to the alignments disappears and I am back to? for my stations in the profiles and I have to go go fix it again. how to keep this from breaking?
I do see this recent message [URL] that appears to be a similar problem, but it was said in that thread that this problem was introduced with C3D 2012, but I am using C3D 2011.....
I have structures and alignments data referenced. If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?
Does the source file size impact the functionality of a surface data reference?
Case 1 I have a source dwg that has a single surface, Surface A, in it and is an overall small file size. Case 2 I have a source dwg that has Surface A as well as another 10 surface and the file size is HUGE.
When I data reference out Surface A from Case 1 versus Case 2 does the new drawing look back at the entire drawing or just the surface data to make sure the surface is up-to-date when syncing?
I was so excited to hear about the new pressure pipe networks that I had to get into the software. What I have found is both promising, and a little bewildering. The promising aspects are that the pressure pipes appear to act and function effectively, and in a manner consistent with real world design that is easy to understand and use. Kudos to Autodesk!
That being said, I do have a couple of complaints. First, the pre-loaded fitting and appurtenance libraries are very limited when it comes to sizes and materials that are more commonly found in the land development arena I work in (8" PVC is our bread and butter). Hopefully, additional resources are forthcoming - they usually are.
Second, and more importantly, I can't figure out a way to data reference a pressure pipe network. If we can't data reference the pressure pipe network, then we really can't use them at all, which would be very disappointing.
I have a Surface that is data referenced into many different drawings. On one of the drawings, the reference will not show contours until I sync. It will show the boundary. Just one of them...but I can't use sheet set manager to publish drawings since I have to open it up and sync. Is there a setting we changed? The styles are all the same. The surface is on C-Surface, the boundary is on C-Surface, the Contours are on C-Surface-MJR, C-Surface-MNR.
my colleague that is on holidays right now sent some civil 3d drawings that contain data references to another office and they are having broken reference issues with the surfaces. I opened the drawing in our office and the surfaces are there and showing the data ref symbols in prospector but when i look through the data shortcuts folder below in prospector the surfaces are not there.
how do i locate the .xml files or if they have been deleted how do these surfaces appear in my drawing.
I've just used Data Shortcuts for the first time but I've found that I can only reference in Surfaces and Alignments. Is this correct? The file I am creating my model in, has Corridors/Feature Lines/Gradings as well but I can't create Data Shortcuts for these? or am I missing something?
I have a major error currently affecting my work that I need to resolve ASAP. I'm using C3D 2012 64 bit with Windows 7. I have multiple model drawings that I have created pipe networks and view frame groups in, and using those model drawings I have created plan and profile sheets from the view frames. I created data shortcuts of all my pipe networks and referenced the pipe networks into my sheet drawings. In the sheet drawings I drew the network parts into the profiles, and everything displayed exactly as it was supposed to. No issues at all.
Now fast forward about a month. Out of the blue one day I open one of my sheet drawings to perform some edits and notice that the pipes that were previously displayed in the profile views showing inside and outside walls with the centerline turned off now show up as a simple line. I haven't changed any settings at all. I looked at the properties of the pipes, and they seem to have all ignored their asigned diameters- the pipe data in the referenced network now assumes all inverts & crowns are the same elevation as the centerline.
Long story short, I have gone so far as to completely reinstall the program and restart the drawings, but the more I edit the oringal network the worse the problem gets. Now all of my structures are attaching themselves to the surface profile instead of the pipes, and the entire network gets put onto my current layer rather than the layers I assign in the Create Pipe Network Reference dialog box.
It happens to any drawing I try to open on this network- even ones created by third parties that I haven't edited. And the problem resides in the drawing because anyone I send the drawings to has the same problem. It will even crash the entire program sometimes when they try to open my drawings.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 - Windows 7 64 bit - Intel Core i3-2120 - 8 GB Memory
i have this drawing which i created data reference to the wrong project in the wrong coordinate system and worked off that. then now i am trying to correct it. so i copied the dtm and did coordinate transformation and got that right. now the model drawing is still linked to the original dtm from the other project folder.
if i remember right back in 2007 version there was a completely built in shortcut editor which allows you to change the path in current drawing. now it's all greyed out. there is no access. so is there a way to bypass this? probably pretty common thing to do. say you want to try different version of the same object to try your design just swap it back and forth.
They should make a right click button on the data shorts in current drawing and says "browse data reference" not show up when only broken reference occurs.
one way i can think off now is copy the files to local. disable network drive, then let it broken reference show up then browse to desktop one then delete desktop one and hopefully it get the broken reference again and not look for the very original one. i think it's probably gonna do that, there is some "hidden" thing stored in the object to point to the original path which not available to users.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
How do I remove excel data links from my Reference Manager (see attached image). What I have been doing is AutoCad erasing the graphics from my drawing but the link still remains in the xref manager window.
Civil 3D 2012. One structure in my pipe network is not following along when the network is data-referenced in to other plan drawings. The structure is present in the source drawing, and included in the network, along with the pipes that are connected to it. All other structures and pipes are operating fine.
I have a sheet that has several alignments data referenced and labels applied. Recently some of the alignments changed (slightly extended), I checked the sheet and all of the labels have auto updated. Everything looks good. A Print Preview looks good.
When create the print (to pdf), the alignments that changed and all the labels do not show up. Nothing changed with layers, styles, etc. I tried Synchronize and Refresh from Prospector. I can create another Data Ref but don't want to go thru all the labeling again.
Preview and pdf attached.
C3D 2012 C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
What is causing my EG Data Reference Surface to disappear on screen and Profile goes to crap? I've noticed this twice on same project in separate drawings. If I go to Toolspace and synchronize then it appears back on screen.
First dwg: I created a Pump Station Site Plan and data referenced in my surface and pipe network. I save and close then reopen and EG is gone until I synchronize.
Second dwg: I created a Railroad Crossing Exhibit showing plan and profile. I data referenced in my surface and pipe network. Same thing...save, close, reopen and I have to synchronize it to have plan and profile to appear ok.
This isn't good when I have .dsd files that I typically plot my drawing package from. I sent multiple sets of drawings to the plotter and all my Pump Station Site Plans were missing the surface contours. For this sheet, I had to synchronize and send separate plots just to have contours appear.
I using a data reference/shortcut to properly label an alignment in paperspace. However when I reference the alignment in and apply the labels the aren't the same as the original alignment that I am referencing. Is there a setting where I am supposed to apply a new beginning station.
Also it seems as though the stationing(distance) isn't even matching up 1:1 with the original drawing. For example in the original base drawing my alignment starts at 10+00 with the next PI at 14+76.98, but the stationing on the reference alignment starts at 0+83.33 with the very same PI being labeled as 1+23.08. So the very same distance is 476.98' in the real design and the drawing it's being referenced in, but the stationing of the referenced alignment shows it as 39.75 Units.
I've attached a screen of the beginning of the alignment.
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 16GB RAM
I have found recently that surfaces that are sampled in profile views are not synchronized when the drawing is opened. This is incredibly frustrating when I'm just opening a file to plot a new copy. If I forget to resynchronize the drawing, the sampled profiles will not plot.
I have some drawing files that I keep on synchronizing manually everytime I open them just to show the EG, FG and Pipes properly to my profile view. I've already checked everything that could possibly cause this problems like name of my shortcuts, their location etc. etc. ...some of my files worked just fine so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong with some that has this problem. Im using C3D 2012.
I have a file that looks like it is going to open nice and fast and then it gets stuck at 50% synchronizing references. It literally takes over 5 minutes for the file to come completely up and ready to work on.
In the file I have an existing ground surface data reference and two corridors (with alignments, profiles and profiles views) that are basic access roads roughly 1200' long each with a very basic assembly. I also have a pipe network data referenced that is just a bunch of pipes that represent existing utilities crossing the access road so I can show them in cross sections. The final thing I have in here are 50' cross sections for each of these access roads.
why does it take me 5+ minutes to get into this file?
I am getting this error in my production drawings.
My setup is as follows:
- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.
- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.
- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.
- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.
BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.
How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?
I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.
Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.
Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.
I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?
Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?
Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go.
say you make some parcels in your project with custom data fields like: id_no, permit_no, acres_served etc. you attach an agency provided shape file via an fdo connection that has many fields of information like above.
when you right click on your parcel and do parcel properties you get a tab that lets you input the custom parcel data.
lets say you print an fdo map label showing, say, the id_no, provided in the shape file. Then in your custom parcel properties for id_no you type that in.
is there a way to make an expression to put in the other custom parcel properties that will read, say, the permit_no(id_no) from the fdo like and put that information in the custom parcel property field?
I'm having problems getting super elevation data to transfer to different drawings by means of an alignment data shortcut. I know alignments hold the super elevation data so I've gone into my alignments data shortcut, input my super elevation data, saved and closed. Now when I open my finished grade drawing, reference in my alignment and profiles, then create a corridor from that information, my super elevation didn't transfer with the reference.
I pulled cross sections and it appears is has no clue there is any super elevation data. Also, I tried bringing it directly into the drawing I'm doing my corridors in and it erred saying I must be in the parent alignment drawing. Data shortcuts are pretty much useless to me if super elevation data doesn't transfer.
64 bit Windows 7 Intel Xeon (R) @2.8GHz 6.00GB Ram Civil 3D 2012 Civil 3D 2012 Intel(R) Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz 6.00GB Ram Windows 7 Professional
i have created a data band in profile view that should show a created profiles elevation, but some of the the data fields are missing irregulary. Also in the data band that shoud show the diferenece betven the tow profiles - EG and the new profile the data is missing. The EG profiles data and the surface are ok all is shown.
I've just installed Civil3D, 64-bit on windows 7(running on bootcamp) and am trying to insert a georeferenced raster image but have encountered some issues.
1. "Home tab>>Data panel>>>insert An Image" - The data panel is missing and it's also not found in "customize palettes"
2. Trying the data connect route does not work either: Display manager>>>Data>>>Connect To Data - There is no 'Data' option and I cannot connect to Data.
I dont know if its the UCS thats twisting or something else thats happening . If you look at the screen print i attached you can see that the view cube is orthogonal but the cursor is slightly rotated. If i restart my computer this will not be the case.
Then the cursor and the view cube both will be orthogonal. But after a while, for no reason it will rotate again and I have to restart my computer!
I want use my corridor where I need it and not use one in certain areas. For a proposed dike. Some places doesn't need to be replace. So I need a way to use my section on the alignment. where I can find that option?
I'm using Civil 3d 2010, and I insert a block with mult. inserting point, press the CTRL and cycle to the insert location I want, then I O Snap to the location on the drawing.
I use ctrl-rt-click (default) to get the o snap list and pick the osnap, however it is still in the cycle mode, so I can not get the osnap mode.