AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Editing Profile - How To Turn Off Gray Boxes
May 28, 2013
I am editing a profile. Is there a way to trun off the gray boxes so that I can see the text input box (in blue behind the gray box).
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
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Oct 23, 2013
I have have small gray shaded boxes showing up on drawings plotted in Civil 3D, they are never anywhere I can see in the drawing and they never show up in the print preview. I have tried using multiple printers and still get the same thing. I think it may have something to do with viewports as they only show up inside a viewport window when plotting from paperspace and don't show up when I plot from modelspace.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a group of profiles in a drawing and I want to change how one of the profiles is displayed through the profile view style manager, but I do not want to change how all of the profiles look. Is there a way to change the way a single profile looks without changing all of them?
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Apr 26, 2013
In AutoCAD LT 2013, everytime I do something, little gray boxes explaining what I just did stack up on top of the "Type a command" box. Since you can't see thru, or work thru those little gray stack boxes I find myself constantly panning my drawing back and forth to work around them. It would sure make my drawing more efficient and less frustrating if I could turn off those little gray stack boxes. I've clicked around to try to find out if this can be done, but not knowing what they are called is making the quest a bit difficult.
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Oct 21, 2012
I've attach a profile of a corridor.
I don't know how to turnoff the assembly points .
I may send another inquiry after this it has to with corridor surface and boundaries.
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Feb 27, 2013
Editing components of “profile view”,
In the case of horizontal alignment, one can choose any component and edits its properties (attached) such as its label height (attached).
I’m wondering why such option is not available in the case of “profile view”. The selected component doesn’t bring its edits option (as in the case of horizontal alignment”) and thus one can’t edit its properties like labels (attached).
Then how to edit the components of the “profile view”?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Apr 27, 2012
Can I turn off the begin and end vertical grid of a profile? Currently it can be turned off using the GRID AT VERTICAL MAJOR, even though I'm starting/ending my profile view at stations that are neither major (100') nor minor (50').
Civil 3D 2010.
I attached a pdf to show the vertical line at 19+90 that I want turned off.
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May 19, 2012
All of my pictures in LR4 have turned to gray boxes. The data is still there but the pictures are gray boxes. get my photos back.
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Feb 27, 2013
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
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Feb 22, 2014
I just installed LR4.4 onto my Toshiba lap top, and when I try to import photos all I see are grey boxes.
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Mar 2, 2013
I'm using Windows 7x64 and have recently installed Lightroom 4.3. Initially worked well but after installing Photoshop CS6 I can no longer see images. The metadata and histograms are there but no images. What I see is a set of gray frames, one for each image in the imported group. Each frame is numbered sequentially, and the total gray frames is the same as the number of images in the imported file.
Using the "Develop" mode I still see only a gray box, though the histogram is live, and as I move the cursor across the gray box it shows R, G, and B characteristics as if the photograph is visible.
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Oct 30, 2012
I run a HP DV6 Laptop with Core I7 and Windows 7. While editing my photos my computer appeared to over heat (which is a recurring issue that I'm working to resolve) during mid-post production. Upon restarting my computer, and when I accessed the same photos, I got a very lengthy loading icon when I clicked on a photo under the "Develop" tab. This problem recurred and in attempt to resolve the problem I decided to delete the library and re-import the files. Upon re-import, I cannot view all the photos in the library grid view. I'm not sure if my files are now corrupt from the sudden crash or is it just a data issue with LR?
I've attached a screen shot of what the problem library looks like...
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Sep 6, 2012
How do I turn on the dialog boxes when I enter commands? I finally found HPDLGMODE for the hatch command, but I would like it for all commands, especially array.
I have my FILEDIA set to 1.
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Mar 27, 2013
I'm using Inventor 2011.
Is it possible to edit text formatting (e.g. font, font size, alignment) on mulitple text boxes, rather than having to right click each and click Edit Text? Ctrl+right click doesn't bring the option up to edit text.
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Jul 31, 2005
I am trying to find where to turn on the floating menu boxes in Photoshop CS. Right now I have the tools, color swatches and navigator, but want the layer toolbox. I know I can go to the pulldown menu to select layers, but it is much easer to use the floating box to select my between my different layers.
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Aug 22, 2013
I'm trying to put some black hair brush strokes against a head and they will NOT turn black no matter what I do. I have checked the color tab to make sure it's set in RBG.
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Sep 16, 2013
How come sometimes my foreground/background colors turn to shades of gray when I open a new canvas and I can't change them to color? Is this a glitch or a setting?
Also, sometimes after selecting an area with the lasso and going to the move tool I can't pick up the piece. I get a message that says something like the area is empty.
Lastly, how do I create a stroke (i.e. outline) around a shape?
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Dec 21, 2011
I want to do a glow effect on a logo that I am working on.. the problem is that all the tutorials I've seen are for single text boxes. I will need to have different sizes and fonts so it requires more than one text box. I can edit the first text box to where I can "path from text," add a new layer, "select from path," create an outline using the "grow" effect and then blur the it so it looks like a soft edge with a different color than the text. I would like to do this for each text box, but when I add a new layer for a new letter and attempt to "select from path" it will only highlight the letter that I've already completed with the glow effect. I'm thinking I will have to save the file each time I create a new glow letter and reopen as a new file to add one more glow letter... but is there a faster way? I've attached a screen shot... the whole logo will read like this:
The A,W, and G will be larger and in a different font than the lowercase letters when its done. SO I will have 6 text boxes total.
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Mar 31, 2012
have a problem with the settings of the graylevel profile. RGB and CMYK works fine, but graylevel does not. If I change the modus from RGB to graylevel, white (255, 255, 255) becomes a light yellow (255, 254, 220). Black (0, 0, 0,) becomes (1, 1, 1,).
The monitor is calibrated and there is no color problem. White is white and black is black (as usual). It's just the graylevel gamut in photoshop.
RGB: Samsung Natural Color (rgb profile of my monitor)
CMYK: not important
Gray: Dot gain 10% (I tried every profil but I always got the same result. White becomes a light yellow).
Look at the screenshot, you will see the difference between rgb and graylevel: [URL]...
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Mar 1, 2013
I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.
This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another. I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view. I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.
It's a no-go AFAICT. The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.
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Nov 4, 2013
I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?
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Mar 14, 2013
Im creating a Profile Bandset and would like to have multiple surface/profile elevations shown, ie: EG, FG, Back of Curb and Back of walk. While creating this bandset I see that the text component editor properties only has code for profile 1 elevation and profile 2 elevation in the properties area, which the code for this looks like below.
<[Profile1 Elevation(Uft|P2|RN|Sn|OF|AP)]>
<[Profile2 Elevation(Uft|P3|RN|AP|Sn|OF)]>
Ive tried to write my own code using the profile 2 as an example but it doesnt seem to work as a 3rd surface/profile and only seems to mimic the profile 2 elevation when placed in the band
My questions are as follows
1) does Civil 3d only allow 2 surface elevations in any band set? if it does allow more profiles/surface elevations what am i missing to create it?
2) if Civil 3d does alow for multiple surfaces to be shown in the band set how do i get the text component editor to supply the extra profile elevation codes? or would i need to create from scratch
3) if i need to write the code from scratch does any listing of the codes and meanings of each code ie what does RN, Uft, Sn and so forth do and mean .
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Jun 17, 2013
I have a profile showing proposed storm sewer, existing sanitary, rock surface, existing surface, and proposed profile. Today for some reason the proposed profile and labels, and the existing surface are not showing on the profile and I'm not sure what has changed or how to get them back.
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Jan 17, 2012
I am working C3D 2012. I have a proposed alignment and profile design by another firm that I had to tranfer into C3D. I had no problem getting the horizontal alignment to display from a text file. I tried to do the same with the profile by using the 'create a text file and create the profile from file' command. I got the POB, PI's, and POE to display. I then defined the VC. I wanted to verifiy that the profile was indeed accurate compared to what we were provided. So I tried to execute a profile report PVI Station and Curve Report - I keep getting an error that "No FG profiles in dwg".
I know the Proposed profile is indeed set to proposed in the properties. I have noticed that the icon next to the profile I create from the text file is different than the profiles created from scratch.
Is there a way to convert this profile to be recognized as a FG profile?
Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30 GHz
8.00 GB
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Feb 28, 2011
I try to make curb return profile without profile view like a intersect command.
I was make curb return alignment but I can not find profile command without profile view.
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Jun 28, 2012
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7, 64 bit
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Nov 22, 2013
I have a 10 foot profile view and a 15 foot manhole. I want to show the manhole but not the bottom 5 feet. It is extending beyond my profile view.
Civil 3D 2014 SP1
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Core Quad Q9650 3.0 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit
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Jul 24, 2012
I have yet to produce a profile. I created a polyline and turned it into an alignment.
Looking at alignment Sample(3), I see that it is not superimposed over your surface. The polylines are, but the alignment is not. That will disallow creation of a surface profile.
Is the sample5 an alignment that sits on the surface? how come there is still no profile?
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Jul 17, 2012
differences in elevations of points along Profile 2 (the proposed new road elevation) and Profile 1 (the existing elevation/surface) should be computed and shown right above the Profile 2 line. For example, if at a certain point PT 1 the elevation of the proposed road is 132.44 meters and the elevation of the existing surface is 132.45 meters, the difference is -0.01 meters and it should be shown exactly above the Profile 2 line (or a little bit above it) but not on it. The same should be done for every chosen point along the proposed profile.
So far, I have done this manually, by dragging the difference (already automatically computed and shown in one of the bands below the profiles) to the correct place for every single point. However, I don't know how to do this automatically.
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Mar 17, 2011
We have an engineer who is taking an existing surface and wants to show a proposed road 2" higher than existing.
I told him to simply adjust his assembly for his corridor to account for the 2" difference, but the County agency needs to see a profile.
My questions:
1) Is there a way to easily copy a profile made from a surface and "convert" it to a proposed profile? If we copy and explode, it turns into hundreds (thousands?) of tiny pline segments and it would be a mess to convert all those to a profile 1 by 1. If we make the corridor, and choose "profile from corridor", we do not have an option that could be used to represent the centerline.
2) Other than loss of dynamic updating), would it make sense to adjust the assembly so the top surface would be accurate, then copy the profile, explode the copy to a block and simply shift that (as essentially basic linework)?
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Jul 9, 2012
where to change the text height and color for the lower band where the stations are. Also, how do I get the exist grade and proposed grade to show at the specified stations vertically like LDD used to do it.
Second, how do i mask the pipe in the manholes on the profile. Right now i can see the pipe inside the manhole. I clicked "enable masking" under the structure properties but no luck.
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