I'm looking for a source where I can purchase maps that i can edit in AutoCAD. We do a lot of work that requires Google Maps-like renderings and would liek to save the time we currently spend creating these maps manually.
Disk based shadow maps seem to be broken in Maya 2012. When selecting "Add Light Name" the output file name inserts the symbol "|" between the light name and the file name making the name invalid in windows. So the shadow map never gets written.
I tried rendering a sphere with an multipage pdf earthmap over backburner. The map is only loaded and rendered in lowres. Rendering on each workstation locally works fine and highres and as expected.
All of the tutorials I've found address how to create a stroke from a path, but that stroke is not editable. What I'd like to do is create a vector shape that is only a stroke, not a closed shape.
I'm trying to File > Save As an Adobe Photoshop CS6 PDF and then be able to open it and edit the text in Adobe Acrobat X. Whenever I attempt to edit the text it is a raster image and it doesnt matter what I do in the photoshop pdf settings.
I want to be able to do this so that the text is able to be searched by google / search engines when I make the PDF available online.
Corel Draw 5 did this very nicely but it's obsolete and I can't load it onto this machine (HP all-in-one Pavilion desktop with Windows 8).
I am working with hand-drawn images but since I need to manipulate the outline/s with a 4 - 12 pixel tool, it would be great to just be editing nodes instead. Creating the image from scratch as a vector graphic would be a horrible large amount of work and is not feasible at this time. Is there any way other than Corel Draw 5 to make the conversion from bitmap-type images to editable vector graphics, ie: editable nodes?
PS - I don't have $700 - $1000 to spend on software at this point but do have Photoshop Elements 11, Premiere 11 and Lightroom, plus GIMP and the usual. Where should I start?
The files I am creating in photoshop are all coming out very pixelated lately. Especially after I flatten the image or export it to a pdf. This is true even for text layers, eps files I placed, and vector-based objects I drew. The photo layers are pixelated too, even though they were hi-res to begin with and I only made them smaller when I added them to my document. Why everything is so pixelated? I tried changing the file from 72 to 300 pixels/inch, but that didn't clarify the images. It just smoothed the edges a bit.
i am trying to use a seamless vector pattern i created in illustrator in photoshop, however when i resize it it is rasterized. is there a way to keep it a vector and use it as a layer effect?
I bought a software which comes with a camera auto-focus calibration chart. The manufacturer mentioned that this chart is generated by a vector base program so customers can ajust the size of chart without any problem. The chart file is in pdf format.
When I use my Photoshop CS5 (on Windows 7) to print it from my Epson 2200 inkject printer, it only print the vector part without filling up the inside of the vectors enclosed area to black. Even the words in the footer are printed the vectors only (without fillup the word with black).
I have a flash animation, just shapes and tweening. I was wondering if there's a way to convert it to After Effects but keeping it editable (i.e. getting AE shapes and keyframes).
What are some workflows people are using for creating P&P sheets?
I have a project that is 8 miles long so I created all the profile views (18) in one base map drawing using the plan production tool and then they are xrefed into my individual sheets.
I'm finding that doing a save or regen take approx. 30 seconds each time. That seems unusually slow to me.
I asked my reseller about it, and their comment was "We wouldn't recommend that many profile views in one drawing".
I assumed (maybe falsely) that if the plan production tool allowed it, then it should work.
Also shift position (north/south). Have done this before in Autocad cannot remember process. It was a very simple procedure but I can not find any documentation on it. I do remember it involved picking the new position for each corner of the quad.
As well ,is there a way to clip the collar in Autocad. A clip that will not be affected by other clips necessary to other drawings?
A simple editable mesh object, a piece of terrain, which has standard texture on it an no modifiers, just some UV's on channel 1.
Whenever I add "edit poly" modifier or convert it to editable poly, additional geometry will be created. Statistics show that only vertex count of the selected object goes up about 6x but no additional faces are generated. This not the case when check on a sub-object level, there are lot of additional faces created. I've never seen this happen, jumping between edit poly and edit mesh has been easy without any errors like this.
I've tried the same model with 2013 as well - same results. Also tried collapsing the object, removing uv-mapping, different materials, attaching the mesh to empty box, etc, garbage collection, exporting it to obj and importing - even then same thing happens.
I would like to know if I can import my AutoCAD 3d file into 3DS MAX, with the lighting maps and material maps intact. This is because I am doing my thesis on AutoCAD 2011 but I would like to use 3DS Max to do a walk through video.
I'm working on a permit where I need to display topographic contours, but have different maj/min intervals depending on the slope of the topography. To me, this seems a little strange and makes for misleading information, but it's what the permit requires.
I'm covering a roughly 5000 x 5000 sq ft area with a partially built landfill on it and a rather changing surrounding topography.
I have an irregular shaped polyline in civil 3d that needs to be 31.5 acres. It is currently 32.8 acres. Without manually rescaling this polyline over and over again in order to achieve a polyline that represents 31.5 acres, can Civil 3D automatically draw the polyline to represent 31.5 acres for me?
I'd like to build a location-based quantity takeoff using compute materials (actually using a mix of QTO, composite volumes, and maybe parcels and bounded volumes but this question is specific to compute materials). I have been working on this technical challenge today and hope to have it solved by tomorrow morning.
I created a new 'Quantity Takeoff Criteria' and added materials for the items I'd like to takeoff with compute materials, such as the corridor shape volumes that are not well handled by QTO. So there are structure quantity types for materials Pave1, Base1, Curb, RW.Footing, Wall, and Barrier. But, when I return to Compute Materials I have the option to assign 1 object to each corridor shape named. Here is the problem, there are 36 pave objects named Pave1 and only 1 material Pave1.
The solution I tried is to go back and edit the code set styles to add a location prefix like 99CL1>M>06 to the link names - making 36 99CL1>*>**-Pave1 objects. But, apparently these are links and obviously not objects so the names did not go through to the compute materials objects list.
The next two approaches are: 1) Go back to the subassembly properties and edit the codeSetStyle with prefixes - I assume this means I'd need a distinct subassembly for each location, a unwieldy situation. 2) Create a specific material and shape pair for each location, for example 36 99CL1>*>**-Pave1 material and Pave1 shape pairs. An awkward workaround but preferable to defining a specific subassebly to each location.
I wanna interpolate points from surface but only in that area where my sample lines intersecting with the surface. There is a point creation tool that makes this based on polylines but I have to many data and it will get to much time to do this. So, for better understanding I attached some pictures, in the first picture it is shown the final result which I have made based on polylines, but here is also a problem, the tool is not putting points where the surface is changing ( on my second picture I highlighted with red circles).
I am in case to model a stormwater network contain ditches with irregular sections, open channels and closed pipes in SSA. I do not have access to IDF curves for the Project area. We got a weather station in site which is giving us continuous data from last 3 months till now. At this stage we just decided to use certain Rainfall intensity (mm/hr).
We got some check points to check the turbidity. What I need to know after analyse is i.e what is the flow at these points at 6:00 pm if we experience the rainfall from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm with 20 mm/hr rainfall intensity.
So my concerns are with these available basic data, which method is suitable? and as long as we approach more valued data from in site weather station then which method will be the best. If i want to input time of concentration manually for each subbasin then how can i input TC of pipes or channels in SSA? URL....
where MATT said: "SSA does not calculate the Standard-Step method. The Rational Methods (including modified, and DeKalb) all compute the runoff to the inlet or junction. As soon as runoff enters the system, continuity and momentum calculations take over. SInce you are using Steady State Qin = Qout, so no routing occurs on pipes."
how do i understand the flow in certain points i.e 2 hrs after the rainfall is finished if I can not define TC for pipes or channels?
Simple program that will adjust invert elevations of a pipe based on the cover depth.
I have a existing uitility maps that only label the the cover depths. I have to show these utility crossings in my profile views. I have different rules set up for various depths when laying out my crossing pipes in plan, but I need the ability to to edit the various cover depths more quickly. I am using Civil 3d 2012 only.
I have a bunch (hundreds, so manual input not an option) of X,Y points without elevation data that I would like to import into a DWG and assign an elevation that is based on an existing surface object. Is there a way to do this for a point file? The command for inserting individual points would be the "Create points - Surface > Random" but I don't see a way to do this in a batch type method where i have my PNE formatted input file to just move the points to sit on the existing surface.
Is there a way to set up a custom Point Label Style that will change the text color if the information entered meets particular criteria? I will be entering sample measurements taken on two (2) different dates, but if the sample data is greater than 1.0, I want it to show up a different color.
how to manipulate the size of the wipeout for a text mask.
Simply selecting the masked text in C3D 2011 provided pick boxes at the four corners of the wipeout, making it very easy to manipulate the size of the wipeout box. I'm hoping to do the same in C3D 2012, but the wipeout seems to be treated like a block and lacks the pick boxes.A system variable maybe?