Photoshop :: When Printing Vector Based Program Generated PDF File
Apr 13, 2013
I bought a software which comes with a camera auto-focus calibration chart. The manufacturer mentioned that this chart is generated by a vector base program so customers can ajust the size of chart without any problem. The chart file is in pdf format.
When I use my Photoshop CS5 (on Windows 7) to print it from my Epson 2200 inkject printer, it only print the vector part without filling up the inside of the vectors enclosed area to black. Even the words in the footer are printed the vectors only (without fillup the word with black).
How would one generate a shape (e.g. a roto'd shape that is tracked) and enable its use as a path for a text write-on?
The text node only has one input and if I set text to write on a path then there is only a straight line to manipulate from scratch - with no options to load or save or connect as far as I can see...
I'm trying to figure out a way to reduce the size of a cylinder that is created in another program (LFM or Cyclone) and imported into Autocad. I've tried Solidedit and I can increase the cylinder diameter but I can't reduce the cylinder diameter.
How to edit a .wmf file that is a graph and was generated by a statistical program. I need to visually enhance this graph, making it look more appealing for publication in a manuscript. It's very simple, just need to make rectangles behind the existing text that form the columns in the graph, and shade the rows of the graph to assist the reader to follow the row across the graph. While I can edit the text on the .wmf, I can't get a rectangle to be placed under the existing text unless I lower the opacity of the rectangle which won't work as I need black and white only. I've tried converting the text to rectangle, but the stretching of the text won't be acceptable. What would be the workflow I should attempt to follow to enhance the looks of the document in illustrator? Is there a trick to getting the rectangle to behave? It works just fine if I actually type NEW text in, then place a rectangle, but I'll have to work with the info in the .wmf file - can't re-type it all.
The files I am creating in photoshop are all coming out very pixelated lately. Especially after I flatten the image or export it to a pdf. This is true even for text layers, eps files I placed, and vector-based objects I drew. The photo layers are pixelated too, even though they were hi-res to begin with and I only made them smaller when I added them to my document. Why everything is so pixelated? I tried changing the file from 72 to 300 pixels/inch, but that didn't clarify the images. It just smoothed the edges a bit.
i am trying to use a seamless vector pattern i created in illustrator in photoshop, however when i resize it it is rasterized. is there a way to keep it a vector and use it as a layer effect?
I'm looking for a source where I can purchase maps that i can edit in AutoCAD. We do a lot of work that requires Google Maps-like renderings and would liek to save the time we currently spend creating these maps manually.
Is this something that is possible? Basically I have an excel file with sample data that comes coded (red background for fail, Green for pass) Then we transfer that into halos on a DWG. got a routine to count the halos in a DWG. Now I was thinking it would be nice if it compared the number to the excel file to make sure no mistakes were made when placing the halos.
So as I mentioned I've seen rountines to read data in cells but none to count cells based on colour.
I'm running Photoshop CS6 (13.0.1) 64bit on a MacBook Pro running OS X Lion. About 60% of the time when I try to double click a vector smart object instead of opening it up in Illustrator I get an error that says, "Could not edit original smart object because of program error." This most recent time it was a smart object from vector data I copied and pasted from Illustrator into Photoshop.
A vector editor/maker similar to the UI of PDN? I always liked the simplicity that PDN offers while being able to create stunning works, but I'm working on some flash movies and have been told vector images are the way to go.
I have a HEC RAS model which I ran a steady flow simulation on, and then I tried to use the GIS Export button to get a .sdf file. When I tried to connect to the .sdf file in Civil 3D, I got these errors:
Failed to connect.
Failed to open FDO connection.
File is not an SDF file, or is an SDF file with an unsupported version.
An error occurred during SDF database access.
I played around with the settings I chose when I exported in HEC RAS and couldn't get any different results.
I have a hard drive published service configured in Publishing Manager that creates JPGs of any images that are placed into that published service. For the most part all the settings I specify on that service are adhered to when I "publish now". However one setting appears to be ignored and that is File Naming | Rename To:.
In the configuration of that option in Publishing Manager I have the rename to option set to "Filename - Sequence". When this option is set the example text it states at the bottom of file naming displays what I expect it be on output. However, when I "publish now" the file exports but with the original file name of the photo. Let me explain further. Typically when I've fully processed the photo I use the Lightroom file rename option to rename the file from the orginal import name to something more descriptive.
This seems to work fine with both the information in LR and the actual file name being correctly displayed. Even when I select the file for publishing the example file name show matches the new name after rename. However, the actual file generated always as the original imported file name. This happens for all files.
I'm trying Frame Generator one last time to design the custom frames we build for our equipment. I've always had problems with getting FG to generate the right part numbers and file names. I have the part numbers figured out, but does Frame Generator still not have a good way to automatically create unique file names for frame members? If no one can get it to automatically generate unique file names, how do you manage all of the duplicate file names generated over time?
My surveyor gave me a topo survey done in no particular coordinate system. He set up his total station on a PK nail and gave it a coordiante of (5000, 5000, 100). I used this survey to generate a surface.
I also have a site survey of the same site, done in state plane coordinate system. the two surveys have mulitple common points; pk nails, iron pins ect.
What i need to do is move the points for the topo survey over to the survey that is in state plane. A simple move command will not do this.
How do i go about moving these points to thier correct location without having to manually edit the .txt file?
I have an assembly in which the thickness of each of the layers in an assembly are generated from a part file that is split via a sketch. I use the Make Components tool to break the part into the individual layers, which also spits out an assembly.
Is there a way to push the thickness value of these parts that will update automatically if the thickness is changed in the parent part, in order to reference this property on the drawing?
I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary. So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.
The PS file InDesign CS6 generated to use to import into Acrobat for printer spreads has pixelated halftones. Is this a problem with InDesign CS6? Does it contain a post script driver?
In previous versions of CorelDraw, a vector graphic could be saved as a WordPerfect Graphic with a .wpg extension.
When you pulled this graphic into MS Word, it printed as a vector graphic and was perfect. This was great for such things as signatures, and looked realistic.
BUT with subsequent versions of MSWord, the .wpg graphic is no longer recognized, so one is left having to export a .cdr vector graphic as an .emf file which is NOT vector graphics and looks pixellated.
Interestingly, I can copy a .wpg image from a file made with Office 2007, into Office 2010 and it takes it!
Any alternative format that one can use to get Word to recognize as a vector graphic?
I'm using CorelDraw x6. I imported some AI clipart into my drawing. While the clipart looks fine on screen, when printing the image to my HP Color LaserJet some of the clipart doesn't render correctly (see attachment). The dark brown area of the bell is jagged and the black lines should not be there. How to correct it so the images print out nicely?
BTW, when printing to an HP ink jet or converting the image to PDF then printing it looks fine. Only on the color LaserJet does this happen.
I want to get some designs I've done printed, the design are pretty simple block colors and shapes, Xara Xtreme 5 is brilliant for doing these designs. However the T-Shirt printers (spreadshirt) want to files a vectors graphics. This is what they say on the site
Transforming objects into curves Transform all design elements and text into curves.
This is possible with Corel Draw: highlight the part of the design you want to convert. Click on 'set up' - 'transform into curves'.; You may run into a few problems when converting complex pixel graphics into curves. Try to convert as few individual objects and colors as possible. Note: vector graphics for plot printing can have up to three colors per design.
Check the minimum size of the object After you've converted to curves, you'll have to check every element of the design to make sure that it has a minimum size of 1.5 mm. One trick for checking this: create a small circle with a diameter of 1.5 mm and lay it over the smallest parts of the design. If the area is smaller than the circle, it's too small for plot printing.
Save image as vector graphic Unfortunately, you cannot just open a pixel graphic into a vector program and save it in a vector format (.eps.) This is not enough. You have to manually make sure the pixel graphic has been converted into curves.
Can I just export as an .eps and it'll work, or do I need to convert to editable shapes then export?
I recently did a tutorial as I wanted to learn how to make vector backgrounds (for large printing purposes and to save on file size)
I was wondering if this particular tutorial I did can cause the banding when professionally printed.
This is the link: [URL]....
What it is is simply making a shape with a gradient. Adding a solid color rectangle behind that shape, Selecting the shape and rectangle and creating an opacity mask. This creates a nice blend effect and I hope it looks as smooth on screen as it does in print.
Dealing with this situation of "banding", what worked for me is adding a curve layer to the top of my layers and adjusting the sliders all the way to the right in order to see on screen the "banding" more clearly. Is there a way to do this in Illustrator? They also recommended designing in 16-bit, however I think these graphcis I will be creating are very large (for booth displays) and I imagine the file would be outrageous in size.
I have a lisp program which will create a cover sheet for my electrical drawings by extracting data from the title block. Once this is done, I manually print the cover sheet.
What I would like is to create the cover sheet, have the lisp program pause, print the cover sheet, then when printing is done, quit the drawing file so the cover sheet does not remain.
I tried several approaches, but the lisp program finishes before the cover sheet prints.
Is blurb a good program for printing a digital photobook? Is the LR5 process better than downloading blurb and then sending it in to be published?Which of the LR5 blurb options is the best?
I have tried multiple times now to download a trial for Photoshop CS6 Extended. Everyone says that the CS6 trial is already the extended version and only changes based on your serial number at purchase but every time I try to open a video project of mine it says "This file contains a timeline-based animation (Photoshop Extended only)"