AutoDesk Smoke :: Write Text On Vector Path Generated From Elsewhere?
Oct 7, 2012
How would one generate a shape (e.g. a roto'd shape that is tracked) and enable its use as a path for a text write-on?
The text node only has one input and if I set text to write on a path then there is only a straight line to manipulate from scratch - with no options to load or save or connect as far as I can see...
I got that message when I was trying to export a Quicktime movie - although it appears it's going to let me continue to export the Quicktime - I'm hoping it'll have audio when all is said & done. Although I understand the words, I have the following questions:
1. What does it really mean?
2. How will affect me/my life/the Quicktime file I'm exporting?
3. Perhaps most importantly, why is it happening & what can I do to prevent it in the future?
The file I'm trying to export is the same one from the 7-hour Process time thread I posted about on here recently. It's the simplest possible thing:
- 1 Layer of around 15 "reels" spliced together - 1 (adjustment) Layer of a single color correction gap effect that runs the length of the whole timeline (don't think this has anything to do with the problem at hand)
- 1 audio track w/ 2 mono layers, L&R, of a single AIFF soundtrack file
How to deal with vector images in smoke? I would like to use smoke for working with vector images for mograph work. Howo work with AI/PDF and EPS files? As pixelating them would be a waste. It would be nice if smoke 2013 has this feature.
I'm making an HD version of a moving matte I did a while back in After Effects. I'm considering rebuilding it in Smoke.Basically I need to zoom into a shape, I guess cut by a mask, but I need to retain the crispness of the edge.
Having a Gmask on a media layer is rasterising the vector shape by the time it gets into Action so I can't blow it up.Do I need to do all the animation in a Gmask node? I see that it has it's own axis and schematic so so that could be ok, but I wonder if you can do it in Action.
Also, can I import a vector into Smoke as a Geom any how? The Geoms in Action and Gmask are interchangable are they?
I created a 3D text and a 3D path. Now I simply want the text to follow the path (the text should always look at me, so I can read it). But as soon as I connect the path to my axis of my text, the letters are being pushed together. No matter what path settings I try (Look at... etc) the letters don't extend back to their original "position"
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I'm doing an animation with simple camera moves. One of them is a camera moving slightly around an object. I want to make a "look at" or similar, so that the object is always in center no mater where i move the camera. This works untill i connect the camera to a 3D path - then the aim follows the path - not the camera :-|
How can i animate a camera on a path and make the aim stick to a certain location in my scene?An extra question: How can i make an object move at a steady speed on a path no matter how i drew my path (hope this makes sense)?
Why is there a difference between the text from the soft fx and the text in action? If you look at the attached picture, the 3 lines look slightly different although they shouldn't. The first line was written inside the soft fx.
The second line, with an ugly outline, is the 3D text, and although it's the same font, it looks thinner here. And the third line, which I think looks a little too soft, is with AA turned on in action.
So why can't I achieve the same look in action, as in the text soft fx?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Is there any way to make vector text bear the characteristic of "closed path data"? Perhaps prior to, or after, applying the text in PSP? I am trying to import files from Corel PaintShop Photo Pro into MotionStudio 3D.
I am able to bring in vector objects created, but is there a way to make it so that vector text works also, by making vector text "closed"?
I bought a software which comes with a camera auto-focus calibration chart. The manufacturer mentioned that this chart is generated by a vector base program so customers can ajust the size of chart without any problem. The chart file is in pdf format.
When I use my Photoshop CS5 (on Windows 7) to print it from my Epson 2200 inkject printer, it only print the vector part without filling up the inside of the vectors enclosed area to black. Even the words in the footer are printed the vectors only (without fillup the word with black).
I have a video layer in Action with a ring of text orbiting around it. Unfortunately the text is not disappearing behind the video layer on the backside of the ring.
I have composed a scene in action that contains 3d text with a reflection layer. I animated the reflection to keep the part of the image that I want to appear on the letters in view. Everything looks ok when I step through in action or click preview, but comes out wrong when I render.
It looks like there may be some sort of timing issue, so I've checked for slip and TW problems and found none. I've also checked for transitions on other axes that might cause a problem and see none. Is this a bug?
So in Action, how do I set the justify for a 3D Text object?
I've moved on... But for the life of me I can not find the option to set the justify for 3D Text. I thought I had done this before in action, but I can't find the option.
I'm trying to add a soft shadow in 3D text. I've succeeded in getting the shadow but can't find a what to soften... blur... the shadow. I m sure it's a button some where.
I have two questions on animating 2D text. First, is there a way to randomize the actual text, as you can do in AE? For example, I have a string of numbers, le's say "24234" and I'd like them to change randomly over time. Second, I'd like the text to flicker on and off, but on regular intervals, such as every frame it would alternate from 0% opacity to 100% opacity. I was thinking of doing this with an expression that would simply evaluate the frame, and outout 0 or 1 depending on whether the frame is even or odd.
When I add a text fx to a gap effect in the timeline. During typing I can see the axis. but after typing I cannon drag it on screen. I have to enter the editor to move it around. Am I missing something?
I'm trying to reveal text using Gmask and Blur. When I apply the effects I get a dark edge around the text. I've tried the different key operators in the blur node but that's not working.
how I can seperate the underline line in the text editor from the text? I can make the line thicker but place the line. I thought that there maybe an expression that controls the placement of the line.
Is the load text "feature" not working in pre2? What Im trying to achieve:
Toolbar (the new tab) -> text/input: none -> Load -> roll down menu to "text file" -> roll down menu to "UTF-8" -> click the text file i've created using TextEdit = nothing happens.
Have i missed something very obvious or is it broken?
In TextEdit i choose to make the text "plain" so i can save it as a UTF-8 but during the load of the textfile smoke "tells me" "Cannot open"
I have a string of text that I'd like to animate in a way, that the text is already visible, and then one letter after another grows a litte and then scales back down to it's original size. The only way I would know how to do it is manually typing every letter, but that's a lot of work! So I thought, maybe there is something else (I already looked at the presets, but they didn't really work..
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)