AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Default Methods For Adding Surface Labels?
Oct 25, 2013
I am placing a lot of suface slope labels in my drawing (as in hundreds). The default settings force you to choose a surface, and then to place it by selecting 1-point /or/ 2 points. The CAD default is the 1-point. Is there a way to change this default to the 2-point so I dont have to change it everytime?
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
I am trying to visualize a road project. The problems is, whenever the corridor surface goes below the EG surface (when the road is in cut) the EG surface is the only visible surface.
I sort of need to subtract the corridor surface from the EG surface, or merge the both surfaces into one.
I have a drawing that someone else created that has a spot elevation label for a surface. It labels the surface (PAD) then automatically subtracts a set distance for another elevation (GFE) and adds a set distance for another elevation (FFE). After doing some research, it looks like it was created with an expression?
I have two questions:
First, where to go to get a better understadning of this? I'm not familiar with expressions.
Second, where can I find the expression in drawing to make an edit to the set distances. I can remove the GFE/FFE as they are separate components in the label style, but I don't see where to modify the distance it adds or subtracts.
We work with Hydro graphic surveys that have large numbers of points. We would like to be able to display girded spot heights colored to represent the elevation. (Similar to elevation banding)
I have created a surface and then created surface elevation points on a grid with spacing of 15m. I have tried looking at setting up a style that will adjust the color depending on the elevation ie 0 to -1 = red but haven't made any progress.
Site layout has moved and rotated a little. Have spot elevation labels in my sheet but unable to use align command. Align command is able to be used but only moves labels rather than move and rotate.
So I have an existing grade surface and I am laying out a number of different site designs. I've got all my surfaces from those site designs on different layers each displayed in a different layout. I need to label existing contours on each layout in different places. I've setup additional contour label styles (two for each design, major, and minor) and layers (two for each design, major, and minor). However, when I add labels to my existing surface, they come in on the right layer, but whenever I freeze any of the many layers my contour labels are on, they all turn off. The only workaround I can figure is to make copies of my existing surface for each design option and label each independantly. However, this is inacceptable as far as data management goes, since my one file will be hundreds of megs with all those surfaces.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
I need write Cut and Fill Labels on Volume surface in each 10x10 meters. Civil 3D can write Spot Levels on grid, but I need write Cut and Fill values in grid area. Using Surface >Utilities>Bounded volumes I can get the values on selected closed polygon, but write to all is very long work. How to do write Cut and Fill labels on grid.
I have surface percent slopes labels in my drawing. I want to change the current style precision to only one decimal not three and I don't want to see the negative in front of the slope value.
I have a project I designed and grading plan is almost done. My proposed surface lables read as 1256.50. How can I get them to read just 56.50? I have a FG surface I created and am labeling using surface elevations. I am running out of room and need to free up some space. I don't want do drop my surface 1200'.
Is there a way in C3D to add elevation information from a profile to an alignment label? What I'm trying to do is add labels to an alignment in a plan view with elevation information from a profile design associated with that alignment at a particular station. For example, the note would read:
ALIGNMENT B STA: 12+83.67 ELEV: 435.87
I can't figure out how to add any elevation data to the alignment note. I really don't want to have to create a section and a corridor surface, but that's the only way I can think of right now... and I'm not sure that would actually let me add a station and elevation in the same note in a plan view.
I want to extract contours with elevation labels from a C3D 2011 surface for use in another 2011 drawing without the surface, as polylines and labels. Is there a way to do this?
Often we build a design surface from feature lines and possibly a grading or two. Then we cut sections.
Now, for set out, and especially for smaller contractors who don't have fancy survey gear, it would be really nice to be able to show design surface levels in section bands BUT ONLY AT THE SURFACE-DEFINING FEATURE LINE LOCATIONS.
I am aware that we can use grade breaks...but this gives us band data at each triangle intercept which is too much data. We can weed this data, but that is indiscriminate and I really need only the data at the surface-defining geometry points (feature line locations.)
We can also use station/elevation labels on the section views but this is time-consuming and non-dynamic. Band labels are dynamic and more or less automatic...if only we could get the discrete locations we need labelled.
I followed the steps I found online to create color-specific surface labels (I assigned red to the cut elev and green for the fill elev.), but when I display them using the spot elevation on grid, I am getting both red and green elevations on same point (they are both fill elev or cut elev.), and why are there two elevations (cut-red and fill green) displaying?
How can I make sure the annotated surface labels spot elevations from my 3d design drawing which is being xrefed into a new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet plots screened?
The Label Style which I created for the annotated surface label spot elevations has all its properties set to be ByLayer for example its color and lineweight. The Layer I assigned the Label Style was assigned to a layer with a color and plot style that should plot any object screened. Color 8 and Plot Style Screened.
What other steps am I missing to assure myself that this Label Style will plot screened in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet?
I also made sure that the xref drawing in which this Surface spot elevation has the correct colors and lineweights and Plot Styles in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet.
I have got a csv file and want to add to the surface but it says error in adding point file.....don't know what to do. Size of the csv is 13MB and contains about 0.2million points.
I have created a surface with a point group. I have a few points on the edge of my surface that need to be added to the surface. I can add them to the point group, but when I updated my surface nothing happens. The triangles don't extend to my newly added points and my profile of the area doesn't show a surface where these new points should be. the new points I want to add have the same properties as the other points in the point group, they are cogo points.
I am using AC3D 2014. I have created a surface from downloaded DEM points, but, as expected, the contours are not as accurate as I would like. They vary from known elevations anywhere from a few inches to several feet.
I also have survey data from approximately 500 points which include Northings, Eastings and Elevations. Is there a way to add these points to my existing contour surface and incorporate these know NEZ points such that he contour surface is more accurate?
I have already converted my "known point" file to a .txt format with comma delimited information.
I am having a lot of trouble adding retaining walls to my surface. I also have to add the curbs of parking lot.
I already have the surface. However I need to tell Civil3D to stop the contours at the retaing walls and not to try to tie them in to anything else. The closest I got was using wall breaklines and I got the top of the retaining wall to have the desired elevation. However, all the contours going to the retainig wall try to go around it and tie in to something else. This ends up creating weird contours and crazy slopes.
Now for curbs, how do I tell Civil3D to jump 6" when it reaches the curb line?
When working with multiple building pads and configurations change rapidly. Is there a method to add a Block or Xref into a Civil3D Surface under Drawing Objects? If so, how could you do it.
I want to have a building block type 1 that I can update the block or xref then updates the surface rather than doing each one individually. The Block would have a FFE of 0.00 and then the stoops, etc would either be a 0.1 drop or so.
When adding data to a surface, there is the option to add it as a "Non-destructive" breakline. [URL] .....
What is this good for? I created a surface, copied it, and created a volume surface between the two of them. As expected, the resultant volume was 0.
I then draw a 3d polyline and snapped to elevations on the surface. I then took that 3d polyline and moved it up 5'. I then added that breakline to the surface as a "Non-destructive" breakline and the resultant volume between the original surface and the one modified with the new breakline was still 0. Absolutely no change was made to the actual surface, it just added additional triangles.
I'm trying to find a reason it's even option and I'm coming up blank. There has to be SOME reason it's there.
A way to associate a default profile style with a surface. In other words, I would like to set a different default profile style for each surface. Same could be true for sections.
I am working on a commercial development with multiple large tenants with multiple standards. To begin to verify the preliminary grading is in compliance, I use the slope arrow surface analysis type.
Due to my multiple standards, I find myself changing these values frequently. My question : Is there a way to make the slope arrow the default analysis type when you are in the surface properties dialog box?
I know it is not a major issue, but it is annoying and repetitive, having to go to the list box, and select slope arrow over and over again. One workaround I have considered to avoid this maddening situation is to make two surfaces, with each criteria assigned to the surface properties and simply paste the main surface into each. Then control which is visible based on what I need to look at.
When adding break lines to a surface, a dialog box like appears that asks for weeding factors and supplementing factors. What I would like to know is, how can I change the defaults to reflect the settings needed on my project.
I am working on a 6 mile highway project whose surface file is 85MB big. So, I created a Data Shortcut of this surface and used this for creating profiles. However, at some locations the corridors go below the surface(as per their original profile) which was not intended. So, I need to restrict the surface to follow the corridors but not go beyond it.
I have created feature lines from corridors and tried to add them as breaklines to the surface. But " error adding breakline" error pops up.
Is it because I am trying to add the breaklines to the mirror surface which I created from Data Shortcut ??
Will it be useful if I copy feature lines to original surface file and add these feature lines as breaklines in that file??
Windows 7 x 64 Nvidia Quadro 2000 24 GB Ram i7 960 @ 3.20 GHz Civil 3D 2012