AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Connect And Transformation Settings
Jul 29, 2013
I have geotif images that I've purchased from Washoe County GIS. They have world files that work great with data connect. That is, as long as I want to work at sea level. We have a Combined Factor mandated by the County for all record maps. it's a simple grid to ground factor. I can set this factor in the drawing settings and import my sea-level coordinate files just fine. The pboblem is that I can't get the Data Connect to work with the transform settings.The problem is the same with Geotif files and SHP files. I've tried using an x-reference drawing to insert the Geotif and then scale up the geotif but the imagery doesn't scale up.
Is it a program bug that keeps Data Connect from recognizing the transformation settings?
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May 3, 2013
I've just installed Civil3D, 64-bit on windows 7(running on bootcamp) and am trying to insert a georeferenced raster image but have encountered some issues.
1. "Home tab>>Data panel>>>insert An Image" - The data panel is missing and it's also not found in "customize palettes"
2. Trying the data connect route does not work either: Display manager>>>Data>>>Connect To Data - There is no 'Data' option and I cannot connect to Data.
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Jul 18, 2013
The transformation settings are changing every time a drawing is reopened. The computation method is switching from "reference point" to "unity" - see attachment. This is causing the software to use a scale factor of 1 instead of the computed scale factor at the defined reference point when scaling our points from state plane to our local ground system. This completely screws up our entire survey workflow that we have been using for almost 2 years. We had no issues like this in the 2012 or 2013 versions.
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Jul 22, 2008
Trying to connect to raster data through FDO Provider , 3D Map for Geospatial, raster formats are Drg, MrSid, Tiff and ECW, all formats load up but do not display, using Autocad Civil 3D 2008.
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Jul 26, 2013
I am trying to insert an Mr Sid file using Data Connect. I am running 2011 C3D. When I try adding the file to the dwg, it tries to execute the query, but then I get an error "There was a problem adding data to map."
The folder containing the SID file has two other files...the .sdw file and the metadata file. Is there another file missing? Or is the SID file too's 1.6GB.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have a set of four images I am referencing into a drawing through the data connect feature found in Planning and analysis that overlap. I am running Civil 3D 2013. I would like to be able to clip the images as well as turn off the transparency but I can't seem to figure out how. If you select the images cadd thinks it is an image referenced outside of Data connect, but the clipping tool doesn't work, and it doesn't even matter if you de-select print transparency in the page setup, it still prints transparent. Is there another set of commands or tools that I am not aware of that allows you to edit an image brought in through the data connect?
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Mar 3, 2013
when I import PNEZD format .csv using import wizard the coordinates get transformed. all points are shifted about 20' in northing and 5 feet in easting. I have to use the import wizard w/ survey database in order to process linework codes.
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Jul 11, 2013
When the attached shape file (change soilmu_a_a.txt to .shp) is imported using MAPIMPORT the data aligns with other imported georeferenced raster imagery (said imagery was imported using the MAPIINSERT command). If the same shape file is imported using the data connect tool it shows up in a much different location (see word document).
The drawing coordinate system code is "UTM83-18F" and the data was downloaded from the Web Soil Survey's data download with the identical coordinate system (see attached readme.txt).
I prefer to use the data connect option when importing this type of shape file because I can label them all using a theme and use stylize the data for visualization/presentation.
As an aside, I have found that data connect does not automatically transform data coordinate systems to match your drawing coordinate system as advertised. I've used the edit coordinate system to no avail; however, again when the file is imported using MAPIMPORT and saved as a drawing (with native data coordinate system) and then that drawing is queried from a drawing in a different coordinate system it seems to transform the coordinate system just fine. Is this a problem with data connect?
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Mar 22, 2011
I have acsii data that I need to add to a map. My coordinate system for the map is CANA83-3TM114
The coordinate system for the ascii points are unknown. How do I transform the data to the same coordinate system as my map?
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May 15, 2013
I have tried the XREF route to look to another drawing to bring in my NED files instead of putting my NEDS with my shapes and point data. The drawing that contains the NEDS were brought in using data connect. When I xref the NED drawing into a new drawing, nothing shows up. Zoom Extents does not show anything nor does anything appear to be turned off. When I do the xref, I see the image of the tiled NEDS and click on use georeferenced location (because I am trying to trick the neds to stay together but translate together). Is there a better way or what could I be missing to get it to show.
Autodesk 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite - Premium
Windows 7 Professional, x64
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Nov 20, 2013
We have a SQL Server instance that I connect to over our network. I can access it when I log into SQL Server Management Studio. In AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 I do not have the option to "Add SQL Server Connection". I tried using the SQL Server Spatial connection but the database does not have spatial data. I only see a list of tables but they cannot be added as feature classes and display the message "The feature class doesn't exist" when I click on a table. I also don't have the SQL ServerProvider.dll in the FDO folder. I tried copying the .dll from version 2012 but it didn't work.
How do I connect to my non-spatial data in SQL Server? Is this a permissions issue?
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May 28, 2013
I'm having trouble connecting to data in Civil 3D 2013. Data connect appears to make the connection, but when I click the "Add to Map" button, all the check boxes on my data get unchecked and nothing is added to the drawing.
I first noticed this using the Basejump add on, but it now happens any time I attempt to connect to any data.
No error messages appear.
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Sep 26, 2012
Data Connect Image Printing problem.I have an Aerial image that I bought in via Data Connect. It's been working well for a while. Suddenly the next time I go to Print, either to the plotter, DWF or PDF, for some reason the entire Image is thrown to the northwest corner of the viewport at a miniscule scale! The image is fine on-screen, until you print or even do a print preview!
I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, did an audit before I reconnected, deleted all my Cache files, but to no avail! This is not the first time this has happened, but the last time it did, disconnecting, doing an audit, and deleting the Cache files before reconnected appeared to solve the problem. But this time (just when we upgraded to Map 3D 2012), it didn't work.
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Mar 9, 2012
Background: Our company has decided to switch from drafting in AutoCAD to Inventor (which we already use to model) and we have started looking at making our templates intuitive using iProperties, parameters, and functions to reduce manual entry of part information in turn to reduce human error. None of us have any experience coding besides a bit of LISP.
Problem: Perhaps it is a pipe dream, but one thing I would really like resolved is we have no connection between the Parts list information (specifically item number and quantity) on the assembly sheet and the part detail on another sheet. Our custom part detail title block pulls the material information and "Inventory Part Number" from custom iProperties we have set up at the part level, but we still need to reference the parts list in the other sheet and then manually enter the item number and quantity. Is there a way to use the "Inventory Part Number" property (which shows up in the parts list on a different sheet) to populate our custom block?
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Aug 19, 2011
I am using two different types of raster ECW and MrSid. ECW file resolution goes way down when plotting. They look like blocks. MrSid files look fuzzy but alot better than ECWs. I've tried RASTERTHRESHOLD, and RASTERPERCENT. Both are set to 90. Using HP6100ps.
Images are fine when using Imageinsert.
Is there a setting i'm missing somewhere for them?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have some transformation parameters from WGS84 to ED50 and I dont know how to use them...How can I use these transformation parametrs in Civil3d ?
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Mar 15, 2013
I am giving a drawing containing all the contour objects in a NAD 83 coordination, I need to transfer them to a project coordination system. I am given with the origins of both system. For NAD 83, it is N6360000 E467000, for the project it is N50000 E8000. I tried to do the transformation using Toolspace->Settings->Drawing Settings->Tranformation, and changed the Local Northing/Easting and Grid Northing/Easting, but does not seem to solve the problem.
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Mar 27, 2013
I am using Civil 3d 2012 and I have a dwg that is in AR North Nad83. The client needs it put in UTM 15 Nad83. Is there an easy way to do this?.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
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Nov 20, 2012
My group is trying to convert a dwg from one coordinate system to another. The original drawing contains points, blocks, etc. in 1 system and we need it in a different one. We tried attaching the dwg to a new map with the new system using a layer query, but this did not appear to bring in the objects into the new system.
"Structures" is in the original system (OR83-NF), "StructuresHarn" is in the desired system (ORHP-NIF)
P.S. C3D 2011
Civil 3D 2013, HF3.0
Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1
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Feb 21, 2012
I am using Civil 3D and Map 3D 2010.
I have some points in a drawing set up in a coordinate system and using a specified point file format, I successfully exported them to another coordinate system for use by our surveyors. I also wanted the pipe route in my destination drawing so I created a shp file from a polyline representing the pipe route in the original drawing using Map 3D Export. When I imported the shp file into my destination drawing there appears to be a slight horizontal difference from the point locations. The shp file doesn't land directly on the points.
To try another comparison, I ran a query on the pipe route to perform a manual coordinate system transformation. The result of this is the exact same as the shp file.
My questions are, which method (exporting points vs. shp files) results in the correct coordinate transformation and why are they different? When exporting points I am not using any specific transformation settings, I am simply selecting the destination coordinate system. When exporting a shp file, Map 3D creates a prj file from the specified coordinate system in the drawing. Are there any other settings I need to adjust to get the same result with both processes? The only thing I can think of is I only have the coordinates out to 4 decimal places in my point file format, do I need to go out farther?
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Jul 9, 2013
I have a created a TIN surface with a DEM file. Drawing coordinates are State Plane NAD 83 feet. DEM file coordinates are UTM NAD27 meters. Surface is shifted approx. 835 miles east.
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Feb 19, 2013
If you have a dwg that is, say, done in west zone but some agencies want you to provide a table of west and east zone coordinates is there a transform function that will do this in a label?
I would still wan everything in the dwg to be in west zone but be able to display coordinate values in other zones.
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Sep 16, 2013
i am located in Greece and the current progection is GGRS87 .
before the GGRS87 we had a system named HATT with the folowing info:
maps 1/5000 based on the Bessel ellipsoid (1841)
i have many drawings with point coordinates in the old system. is there a way to transform them in the new projection?
what else info is needed for the transformation.
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.
Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.
Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.
I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?
Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?
Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go.
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Apr 10, 2013
say you make some parcels in your project with custom data fields like: id_no, permit_no, acres_served etc. you attach an agency provided shape file via an fdo connection that has many fields of information like above.
when you right click on your parcel and do parcel properties you get a tab that lets you input the custom parcel data.
lets say you print an fdo map label showing, say, the id_no, provided in the shape file. Then in your custom parcel properties for id_no you type that in.
is there a way to make an expression to put in the other custom parcel properties that will read, say, the permit_no(id_no) from the fdo like and put that information in the custom parcel property field?
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Jun 7, 2012
I'm having problems getting super elevation data to transfer to different drawings by means of an alignment data shortcut. I know alignments hold the super elevation data so I've gone into my alignments data shortcut, input my super elevation data, saved and closed. Now when I open my finished grade drawing, reference in my alignment and profiles, then create a corridor from that information, my super elevation didn't transfer with the reference.
I pulled cross sections and it appears is has no clue there is any super elevation data. Also, I tried bringing it directly into the drawing I'm doing my corridors in and it erred saying I must be in the parent alignment drawing. Data shortcuts are pretty much useless to me if super elevation data doesn't transfer.
64 bit Windows 7
Intel Xeon (R) @2.8GHz
6.00GB Ram
Civil 3D 2012
Civil 3D 2012
Intel(R) Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz
6.00GB Ram
Windows 7 Professional
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Sep 9, 2011
i have created a data band in profile view that should show a created profiles elevation, but some of the the data fields are missing irregulary. Also in the data band that shoud show the diferenece betven the tow profiles - EG and the new profile the data is missing. The EG profiles data and the surface are ok all is shown.
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Nov 21, 2013
I've started connecting to Raster (.sid) Aerials thru mapwspace rather than inserting them thru the Planning and Analysis Workstation due to greater control with gray scale and resampling raster and such. I started noticing after I save, I can't select anything in my drawing. I was connected to a whole county Aerial .sid file, so i thought maybe if I only connect to individual tiles for my project area which consisted of 9 .sid files, the issue would go away. It didn't. I tried typing REA, purge, audit, then eventually I would crash.
Is there something wrong with FDO connections with .sid files thru mapwspace in C3D 2013???
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Jan 16, 2012
I have been asked to do a workshop away from our offices and have been issued with a laptop.
My only issue is that I would like to copy all my settings, workspaces (including toolbars), plotter settings and drawing template files (.dwt) files from my desktop to the laptop.
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May 3, 2013
I'm trying to construct a complex corridor of urban highway. To simplify corridor i've made assemblies for each side of the road (see picture). This solves problem of countless number of regions (and assemblies) that I'll need to set if assemblies are for whole profile.
The problem with seperate assemblies for each side of the road is that I cannot connect them using Median subassembly because Marked point and Median are in different assemblies.
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Nov 2, 2013
When you paste a surface into another how does it connect the surfaces? Does it create a vertical wall where at the edge of the paste surface? Can you tell it to grade a certain slope to the surface you are pasting into?
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