AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Turn Transparency Of Raster Images Off When Using Data Connect
Jul 23, 2012
I have a set of four images I am referencing into a drawing through the data connect feature found in Planning and analysis that overlap. I am running Civil 3D 2013. I would like to be able to clip the images as well as turn off the transparency but I can't seem to figure out how. If you select the images cadd thinks it is an image referenced outside of Data connect, but the clipping tool doesn't work, and it doesn't even matter if you de-select print transparency in the page setup, it still prints transparent. Is there another set of commands or tools that I am not aware of that allows you to edit an image brought in through the data connect?
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Jul 22, 2008
Trying to connect to raster data through FDO Provider , 3D Map for Geospatial, raster formats are Drg, MrSid, Tiff and ECW, all formats load up but do not display, using Autocad Civil 3D 2008.
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Aug 19, 2011
I am using two different types of raster ECW and MrSid. ECW file resolution goes way down when plotting. They look like blocks. MrSid files look fuzzy but alot better than ECWs. I've tried RASTERTHRESHOLD, and RASTERPERCENT. Both are set to 90. Using HP6100ps.
Images are fine when using Imageinsert.
Is there a setting i'm missing somewhere for them?
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May 3, 2013
I've just installed Civil3D, 64-bit on windows 7(running on bootcamp) and am trying to insert a georeferenced raster image but have encountered some issues.
1. "Home tab>>Data panel>>>insert An Image" - The data panel is missing and it's also not found in "customize palettes"
2. Trying the data connect route does not work either: Display manager>>>Data>>>Connect To Data - There is no 'Data' option and I cannot connect to Data.
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Jul 29, 2013
I have geotif images that I've purchased from Washoe County GIS. They have world files that work great with data connect. That is, as long as I want to work at sea level. We have a Combined Factor mandated by the County for all record maps. it's a simple grid to ground factor. I can set this factor in the drawing settings and import my sea-level coordinate files just fine. The pboblem is that I can't get the Data Connect to work with the transform settings.The problem is the same with Geotif files and SHP files. I've tried using an x-reference drawing to insert the Geotif and then scale up the geotif but the imagery doesn't scale up.
Is it a program bug that keeps Data Connect from recognizing the transformation settings?
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Jul 26, 2013
I am trying to insert an Mr Sid file using Data Connect. I am running 2011 C3D. When I try adding the file to the dwg, it tries to execute the query, but then I get an error "There was a problem adding data to map."
The folder containing the SID file has two other files...the .sdw file and the metadata file. Is there another file missing? Or is the SID file too's 1.6GB.
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Jul 11, 2013
When the attached shape file (change soilmu_a_a.txt to .shp) is imported using MAPIMPORT the data aligns with other imported georeferenced raster imagery (said imagery was imported using the MAPIINSERT command). If the same shape file is imported using the data connect tool it shows up in a much different location (see word document).
The drawing coordinate system code is "UTM83-18F" and the data was downloaded from the Web Soil Survey's data download with the identical coordinate system (see attached readme.txt).
I prefer to use the data connect option when importing this type of shape file because I can label them all using a theme and use stylize the data for visualization/presentation.
As an aside, I have found that data connect does not automatically transform data coordinate systems to match your drawing coordinate system as advertised. I've used the edit coordinate system to no avail; however, again when the file is imported using MAPIMPORT and saved as a drawing (with native data coordinate system) and then that drawing is queried from a drawing in a different coordinate system it seems to transform the coordinate system just fine. Is this a problem with data connect?
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Nov 17, 2011
Heard complaints about how XREF's with raster images take forever to load and unload? Any time you select the XREF in the Xref Manager the images process, whether they are turned on or off. When did this behavior start?
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May 24, 2012
Working in 2013 Raster Design. The commands for raster tools are not working. When attempting to insert an image the following message appears:
c:program filesautodeskautocad raster design 2013aeciibui56.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs. Unknown command "IINSERT". Press F1 for help.
Similar messages appear when trying other commands located within the Raster Tools tab.
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Oct 31, 2008
How can I make a raster image transparent? I would like to see image #2 below image #1 by making image #1 semi-transparent. I can make one specific color in the image transparent..I am working from a scanned image in jpeg format. I would think it should be easy because any Microsoft Office program can do it. I have searched through multiple Autodesk discussion boards to no avail.
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a small raster image (png) xrefed to an Autocad 2012 dwg. The image is on its own layer and the transparency of the layer is set to 60%.
When I select TPY the image displays correctly on the screen (i.e. semi-transparent). When I tick Plot transparency in the Plot dialog box and send the plot to our HP Designjet 800 the raster image prints exactly as I want (semi-transparent).
However when I use the Autodesk pdf writer (Dwg to pdf) the resulting pdf does not have the semi transparent appearance and the raster image appears in all its brilliant color even though it displays correctly (i.e. semi-transparent) in Print Preview. And, yes, I have ticked the Plot transparency box before seeing it to the pdf writer. Other autocad entities such as plines which are semi transparent are fine, its only the raster image that seems to lose its semi-transparent quality.
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May 15, 2013
I have tried the XREF route to look to another drawing to bring in my NED files instead of putting my NEDS with my shapes and point data. The drawing that contains the NEDS were brought in using data connect. When I xref the NED drawing into a new drawing, nothing shows up. Zoom Extents does not show anything nor does anything appear to be turned off. When I do the xref, I see the image of the tiled NEDS and click on use georeferenced location (because I am trying to trick the neds to stay together but translate together). Is there a better way or what could I be missing to get it to show.
Autodesk 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite - Premium
Windows 7 Professional, x64
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Sep 28, 2012
A GIS person has asked me if I was able to convert a Civil 3D surface they have received into raster data files so she can use the data with ArcGIS. Just wondering if this is possible with Map3D? She normally gets someone in another office to do it, he uses an ArcGIS addon to take the data of the surface and converts it. The result is a bunch of ADF files and an XML file.
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Nov 20, 2013
We have a SQL Server instance that I connect to over our network. I can access it when I log into SQL Server Management Studio. In AutoCAD Map 3D 2014 I do not have the option to "Add SQL Server Connection". I tried using the SQL Server Spatial connection but the database does not have spatial data. I only see a list of tables but they cannot be added as feature classes and display the message "The feature class doesn't exist" when I click on a table. I also don't have the SQL ServerProvider.dll in the FDO folder. I tried copying the .dll from version 2012 but it didn't work.
How do I connect to my non-spatial data in SQL Server? Is this a permissions issue?
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May 28, 2013
I'm having trouble connecting to data in Civil 3D 2013. Data connect appears to make the connection, but when I click the "Add to Map" button, all the check boxes on my data get unchecked and nothing is added to the drawing.
I first noticed this using the Basejump add on, but it now happens any time I attempt to connect to any data.
No error messages appear.
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Sep 26, 2012
Data Connect Image Printing problem.I have an Aerial image that I bought in via Data Connect. It's been working well for a while. Suddenly the next time I go to Print, either to the plotter, DWF or PDF, for some reason the entire Image is thrown to the northwest corner of the viewport at a miniscule scale! The image is fine on-screen, until you print or even do a print preview!
I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, did an audit before I reconnected, deleted all my Cache files, but to no avail! This is not the first time this has happened, but the last time it did, disconnecting, doing an audit, and deleting the Cache files before reconnected appeared to solve the problem. But this time (just when we upgraded to Map 3D 2012), it didn't work.
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Dec 30, 2012
I used the industry model template for the North American electric grid, thinking it would link the data I saw on the tutorials. I am pretty sure that I need to find industry models for the electric grid now that I can't seem to get the conductors to show up on my map. Is that right? where I can find an industry model of the electric grid around Lake Michigan?
If I cannot find an industry model (a database?), can I just switch workspace to "Planning and Analysis" and import the models I have (images, West side of lake only) and attempt to manipulate those (while keeping everything I have)?
I have lost much work repeatedly upon saving. Do I always have to "check in" my data before saving?
Is there an easier way to match-up roster images (that aren't GEOTiffs) to shape files (that have a coordinate system) rather than using "scale," "rotate" and "move"? I didn't have luck with the "pick" option and monkeying around with manual manipulation didn't match up well. Perhaps there is a way to manipulate points on an image?
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Apr 4, 2012
I do not see a way to control visiblilty of a raster image (jpeg) in a family (titleblock) that is in a project. I want the ability to turn off a stamp before plotting. R-2012. Raster images in model categories did not work. Adding a parameter in the titleblock family under 'Lock Proportions' did not work. (Other elements that use these same parameters to turn on/off visibilty were available there.)
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Mar 9, 2012
Background: Our company has decided to switch from drafting in AutoCAD to Inventor (which we already use to model) and we have started looking at making our templates intuitive using iProperties, parameters, and functions to reduce manual entry of part information in turn to reduce human error. None of us have any experience coding besides a bit of LISP.
Problem: Perhaps it is a pipe dream, but one thing I would really like resolved is we have no connection between the Parts list information (specifically item number and quantity) on the assembly sheet and the part detail on another sheet. Our custom part detail title block pulls the material information and "Inventory Part Number" from custom iProperties we have set up at the part level, but we still need to reference the parts list in the other sheet and then manually enter the item number and quantity. Is there a way to use the "Inventory Part Number" property (which shows up in the parts list on a different sheet) to populate our custom block?
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Mar 22, 2010
Where can i get satellite images in .j2w .jp2 format to import to Autocad Map 3D, can i get this type of formats from google earth or other "free" sources?
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Jul 12, 2012
how to turn off transparency display of the xrefs? When i xref drawing A into drawing B, drawing A displays transparency. That autocad default and I want to turn it off.
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Sep 3, 2013
I am attempting to bind a logo in my title block and I don't see where I have the option to bind an image.
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Oct 27, 2011
I normally am a Civil 3D person. Learning something new as the company I work for has been tasked with creating some GIS maps for a client. Still have only a couple of months experience with Map 3D. The current task at hand is creating a map of our client's district boundary to replace an old exhibit hanging in client's office. I used mapiinsert to insert 64 MrSID raster images, then data connected some SDF file for the boundary, major thoroughfares, and tributaries. The overall aerial imagery, after clipping, is about 11 miles by 17.25 miles. I am planning to plot this on a 48" x 76" sheet of paper at a 1200 scale.
The problem is that I get about 1/8" of an aerial image and 75-3/4" of blank paper when I try to plot. I have tried to reduce the raster image quality and bumped up the Rasterpercent and Rasterthreshold system variables to their maximum settings with no improvement. Images show when I do a preview, but do not plot out. I also tried creating a PDF but I get the same result with a thin strip of aerial when I do that. I use Bluebeam for PDF.
Map 3D 2011
Intel Core i7 processor
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit OS
HP Designjet T1100ps with optimized driver
Yes, I know the HP is only a 44" plotter, but I am plotting to fit a 36" roll so that we can view a check plot before we forward the file to our reprographics company for full size plots. I have also tried different settings on the plotter but nothing I have tried has had any impact.
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Oct 16, 2012
I just loaded AutoCAD 2013.... when I printed out a drawing which included a picture .bmp file format, only the picture comes out completely black. It's looks like the raster images printed were reversed. It appear as a negative image.
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Jul 22, 2013
How many raster images can I add to an AutoCAD drawing?
Is there a limit? If so what is this limit and how can I change it?
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Oct 7, 2013
We're having problems with exporting/printing raster images, mostly earial-images.
This raster images aren't showing up, but the problem happens at random and on different pc's/platforms.
We are running AutoCAD 2011 LT on windows XP and windows 7 x64 platforms.
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Sep 2, 2013
My boss has been having problems with some drawings containing Raster Images, they display on every workstation besides his.
The saved path is correct but the images all list 'Unreferenced' as their status, I've tried reloading them and even detaching before reinserting them but to no avail. He is running Autocad 2013 (SP2 installed).
Also, he's had this problem for awhile now but it's happening on his brand new pc too, which suggests a possible network problem? He's on the same wireless network as half of our office but he's the only one experiencing this issue.
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Mar 16, 2011
My Raster images TIFF are not printing although they show up in the print preview. They are attached as exernal referneces, loaded and the layers are set to plot. I would like them to plot. Autocad Map 2011
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Apr 20, 2011
I imported the .dwg file from ArchiCAD 12 to my AutoCAD 2008.
The problem is that, there are some dots (Autocad recognizes it as "raster image") all over the drawing. And I need to delete them manually each one of them.
Is there way I could do this automatically? Is there a way to select all the "raster images" at once, and then delete them?
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Aug 11, 2013
In the old days (15years ago) we scanned a lot of files to DXB, and simply imported the image into the .DWG as small objects. (I believe they were treated as polyline segments). The lines from the original scan became a series of small polyline segments (not joined) but the scanned image plotted as good as the original, and even better, the objects could be erased and a "hybrid" drawing created without xrefs or "embedded" raster files. You could manipulate the scanned objects with normal autocad commands, and they existed on Layer 7.
Now, I am forced to Import a TIFF and "embed" the object (if I want it to be a permanent part of the drawing), and edit it with seperate programs like Raster Design.
QUESTION: How to convert a "embedded raster image" into a DXB image?
The scanner used to do the work for me and save the image as DXB. It was not a "vectorization program", but the raster lines became small (not joined) polyline segments in the process.
I don't want to "vectorize" with a seperate program, because then it just "traces" with a zero-width polyline.
The old scanner used to save to DXB, now I don't even see that as an option.
Any words of wisdom about creating a "scan" that can become "objects" (even small dots) INSIDE the DWG file, instead of a "Raster Image" that has to be xref'ed or "embedded", and will not even plot to a DXB or HPGL format?
I have mostly TIFF files that I would like to "convert" to DXB, and not have to re-scan them. I hate that the Raster file is treated as a seperate xref or "embedded" Raster Image.
I KNOW we used to scan directly to DXB and bring in the objects with the DXBIN command!
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Mar 26, 2012
We frequently create PDF files using the DWGtoPDF.pc3 . We have a lot of drawings with a raster background image. In version 2010 I could create a PDF and the raster image would show up. We recently upgraded to Map 3D 2012 and although the raster shows up in the preview, it does NOT get plotted to the PDF.
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