AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Contour Surface And Data Point
Feb 11, 2013
I'm working on a topo survey and the contours are crossing each others (See attached pic) and what I did was edit the surface by adding points. I know that these points are fake, but how does this affect the terrain surface for design point of view? I did try swapping edge and deleting lines but makes it worse. Also as you can see in the pic, I don't see the added points like it did back C3D 2008.
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Apr 27, 2011
I have a drawing set to UTM83 Zone 14 Meters and my drawing units is set to meters also. I created my surface from my point cloud. When i do the contour extract feature (surface object extract), the contours elevation is in the wrong datum or elevation? The surface contour is 620 but the same extracted contour says 188.97? Curious why this happens. It seems to me that it is back calculate elevation or datum to a different coodinate system.
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Mar 2, 2012
I have Civil3d2012 and have created a surface in one drawing and then referenced it to another. It appears to be working, but the contour labels will not work on the drawing where the surface is referenced. I have all the appropriate layers on.
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Jul 8, 2013
I just upgraded to Civil3D 2014 and Windows 8. When I create a TIN surface using a DEM file no contour lines are displayed. Points are processed and triangles are created and can be displayed but no contour lines. Contour line layers are set to display in the style file.
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Feb 24, 2012
I have drawing giving to us for a senior design project. I'm trying to create a surface to so that I can analyze cut/fill. Not sure if what i'm doing is right or wrong, I've never used civil 3d. But i'm getting break-line errors whenever i'm trying to create the surface from the contour lines.
Heres a link i took of what i'm doing on youtube [URL]........
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Mar 4, 2012
I am using Civil 3D 2011 and wondering how to create just one contour on an existing surface at a specific elevation. I need to show where floodwaters would get to at a specific elevation so that contour would be the easiest way if I can contour the surface with just 1 elevation. I don't want to have to create 0.1' contours all over the site and then remove all the extras.
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Mar 29, 2012
So I have an existing grade surface and I am laying out a number of different site designs. I've got all my surfaces from those site designs on different layers each displayed in a different layout. I need to label existing contours on each layout in different places. I've setup additional contour label styles (two for each design, major, and minor) and layers (two for each design, major, and minor). However, when I add labels to my existing surface, they come in on the right layer, but whenever I freeze any of the many layers my contour labels are on, they all turn off. The only workaround I can figure is to make copies of my existing surface for each design option and label each independantly. However, this is inacceptable as far as data management goes, since my one file will be hundreds of megs with all those surfaces.
Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
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Nov 26, 2013
I have 400 files each represent a tile of contour at 0.5m interval, if I xref all into one dwg it is extremely slow. These files have some 3d blocks which represent xyz and I made a .net program to open each file with "readdwgfile" method. However turned out that the points are not dense enough to generate the same accuracy contours as the 0.5m contours.
I am going home now to use my home computer and see if it can handle all these files xrefed and then bind and explode.
Worst case in make another program to extract only the contours and insert into a blank database. Always difficult when not given raw lidar point files.
Total size for these contour files combined is 327mb.
We have microstation capabilities not sure if it can put in the file in an easier way. I can work with the xrefed bogged down file. But is there a way to only export what's shown ? I have frozen the layers for all other objects from all the references.
I estimated total points from contours will be 20 million. Since each generate about 50000 points. Which is still workable. The computer i use in the office just make this more difficult. Slow cpu. Difficult day. Spent 7 hours programming and got it figured out but didn't solve the problem. I should have known better 20 points are not enough to generate that look in the 0.5m contours.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
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Nov 7, 2013
How to start pit excavation on a contour surface ?
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Apr 21, 2013
Which is better to do: contour smoothing or surface smoothing? I did a little test with a surface with no smoothing, a surface with contour smoothing set to medium, and a surface with surface smoothing. The results puzzled me. The contours in the surface with no smoothing matched the contours of the surface with surface smoothing. The profiile of the surface with no smoothing matched the profile of the surface with contour smoothing. Are these results typical? I was surprised that the contours of the surface with surface smoothing didn't look smoother. I was also surprised that the surface with no smoothing and the surface with contour smoothing generated the same profile.
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Jul 28, 2011
I would like to create surface from contours and extract points (with value) from on it. I had contours in my drawing; each major and minor contours are single polyline with elevation (Z value).
If I create surface form CONTOUR, some polylines (major or minor) are not included in to surface. After the creation of surface, I tried to erase the existing contour lines (Polyline) from drawing but the surface will be disappearing.
If I create the surface from ''DRAWING OBJECTS'', I'm not able to select the polylines (attachment 01) .
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Oct 24, 2013
I have this contour lines from dwg file (see attached) and I am trying to make a surface out of it. Initially i thought it is already a surface for C3D but i cant seem to follow tutorials. While browsing for solutions from the Internet, it seems it is not even a contour file that can be added in C3D. what is this file and how i can convert it into a surface in C3D?
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Jul 24, 2012
Is it possible to weed contour lines displayed in a surface based on the slope? I am having an issue plotting construction plans due to steep cut slopes and flat adjacent areas. I have several cuts ranging from 33%-50% adjacent to flat areas around 1%. Due to the drawing scale required by the client and the .2FT and 1FT contours required to detail the flat areas, my steep cuts appear as dark hatches due to the tight contour lines.
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Nov 6, 2013
How to use the Surface Contour Label Group class in the .NET API.
My first guess was that I had to create an instance object of the class and name it, and then use a "Create" method (e.g., CreateMultipleAtInterval) from there, like this:
Dim labelgroup As SurfaceContourLabelGroup
However, this doesn't work, as Visual Studio told me "Warning: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."
I tried just saying:
But that didn't seem to work either. How this class works and get it to add some contour labels to a drawing?
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Mar 2, 2012
I created surfaces in Civil 3d 2011 for existing and proposed and I did a surface volume between them. Is it possible to create a specific contour in the volume surface that represents the fill volume elevation (daylight line I think)? My proposed surface is a flood water elevation and I need to define the boundary at that elevation.
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Nov 13, 2012
I am working on three different projects at once. For each project, I was sent a drawing with contours as polylines. Each contour is broken up into polylines about fifty feet long each at elevation 0. I am trying to set the polylines to proper elevation without editing each one individually. Each drawing contains several hundred polylines to modify. I was hoping for some sort of way to use a fence and interval (2') with a starting elevation.
I've searched the internet but haven't found a lisp routine to do this. I thought I remember Land Desktop having something like this, but can't seem to find it in Civil 3D 2012. I have found several threads asking the same question. Each time the poster was referred to a blog 7629. That blog unfortunately seems to have been taken down. If I can’t find an answer soon, it looks that my best option would be to retrace each contour which makes me glad to be paid hourly.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have a database of points I am trying to import, and the point data for each point includes a hyperlink. I've created a set of custom User-Defined Property Classifications for all the data types in the point database, and I've created a point file format to use to import the points.
It's a database of existing curb ramps, the data includes things like widths, slopes, some text, and a hyperlink to the Google Streetview at each ramp. I've created a custom point label that will show the data I need to see at each ramp.
All goes great except that the import fails because of the hyperlinks. I've tested it by removing the hyperlinks from a small test portion of the data set, and the test points are then successfully imported. I suppose I can delete the hyperlinks from the entire database, but if there is a way to include the hyperlinks in the point import I would prefer that.
Win 7E 64-bit, Intel i7, 12 GB
C3D 2012
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Jun 20, 2012
Is there a way for Civil3D to create/generate/extract a contour of a specific elevation such as 105.53 from an existing surface?
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Feb 5, 2013
When I add contour data to my surface, I uncheck all the boxes in "Minimize flat areas by:" except "Swapping edges", and I check the "Swapping edges" box. The next time I add contours, I have to uncheck the same boxes, and check the "Swapping edges" box. I can set the default Mid-ordinate distance, etc. but I can't find anywhere in the settings that I can preset the check boxes for minimizing flat areas.
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Jun 10, 2011
I do a lot of hydraulic modeling and create river bed surface datafrom surveyed points. I need to be able to transfer the surface data from Civil3D to GIS effectively. The issue is that GIS does not maintain the fidelity of my surface based on the breaklines I've drawn. It triangulates based on vertices and often triangulates through the feature lines. In LDD, I was able to do address this by adding vertices to my 3D polylines in a batch-type function. That is, I could select all of my 3D polylines and add vertices to them at the same time. In Civil3D, I have to add vertices to each feature line individually.
Any way to add vertices to feature lines, or to a surface, in a more efficient manner that maintains fidelity of surface data in the transfer from Civil3D to GIS?
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Oct 30, 2013
I am learning to use surfaces in drawing, My main aim is for volumisation tasks. I had been following a tutorial that relied on creting surfaces. i.e
1) from the home tab> Surfaces> Create Surface
2)Add data. From Modify Tab>Surface> Add Data> Point Files.
This worked for me to start with but after changing some settings (looking to display a missing toolbar, I clicked or unticked one or two boxes, Not sure where, I know silly!). The only options I have in the drop down from "add data" are: Boundaries and DEM files. All other options in the list are not clickable.
What setting I need to change or perhaps restore all settings to default. Any comments on volumisation (spoil heps, Data is x,y,Z from survey equipment.
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Aug 21, 2012
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
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Dec 7, 2010
I have created a data shortcut to a surface using Civil3D 2011. When I create a reference to it in another drawing, it shows up in the Prospector but nothing shows up on the screen. I have played with the surface style and made sure all the layers were on and tried closing and reopening the drawing.
I have also tried to reference it into a brand new blank drawing and I even tried to reference a surface in a different file that I have referenced several times before (in 2010). Every time I get the same results. It seems like the surface is there, but I just can't see it.
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May 23, 2012
I have a surface made up of gradings and feature line that I had to come back to and edit. I picked the surface and selected go to source file and when I got there one of my infill's has gone missing and the surface has a big hole in it. The weirdness is the sheet file that refs it does not have the hole. What is that all about.
P.S. Editing a surface built up like a Rube Goldberg contraption is no fun at all. Glad my best practices are coming along since
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS
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Oct 31, 2013
I am working in Civils 3D 2014 and I have a survey with points already on the correct elevation layer, I have tried creating a surface from this but it does not show up.
My process:
- I create a new drawing and insert a block (my topo survey) and click explode when I do this
- I create the surface by TIN and make sure I have the correct layer for the points that I am selecting
- Click ok
- Then go into that surface and turn on all layers and refresh - still nothing
- I also made sure that my surface style was 1m contours so I would definately see this.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have created a contour layer in MAP and need to bring the data into Civil (to create and EGL surface) which I usually I do via an alter properties query.
There is the Create Surface from GIS data in 2014 but this requires shp files so the two questions I have are:
Can the contour layer be output as shp files (and if so how)?
If yes, is this easier/more efficient than my current workflow?
(No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Aug 30, 2013
I have got a csv file and want to add to the surface but it says error in adding point file.....don't know what to do. Size of the csv is 13MB and contains about 0.2million points.
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Dec 16, 2013
I am using AC3D 2014. I have created a surface from downloaded DEM points, but, as expected, the contours are not as accurate as I would like. They vary from known elevations anywhere from a few inches to several feet.
I also have survey data from approximately 500 points which include Northings, Eastings and Elevations. Is there a way to add these points to my existing contour surface and incorporate these know NEZ points such that he contour surface is more accurate?
I have already converted my "known point" file to a .txt format with comma delimited information.
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Feb 1, 2013
I have a 1 mile road topo coming up for design purposes. The curb is standard, but there is full curb & depressed curb. If you had your way from the CAD seat, what shots do you prefer?
Most accurate I've seen iis Centerline, Edge Pavement/Edge Concrete Gutter, Flowline Gutter, Face Curb, Back Curb. More fieldwork, but made a good product.
What I have seen is CL, EP, BC, then "let them just use a template" and several variations thereof.
I have never seen a good way to automatically offset from say BC only and handle depressed curb by field coding.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have a Surface that is data referenced into many different drawings. On one of the drawings, the reference will not show contours until I sync. It will show the boundary. Just one of them...but I can't use sheet set manager to publish drawings since I have to open it up and sync. Is there a setting we changed? The styles are all the same. The surface is on C-Surface, the boundary is on C-Surface, the Contours are on C-Surface-MJR, C-Surface-MNR.
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Apr 3, 2012
Am I correct in assuming that if Surface Labels by One Point is chosen, the slope as shown is the maximum slope of the surface triangle where the point was chosen??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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