AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Possible To Create A Specific Contour In Volume Surface
Mar 2, 2012
I created surfaces in Civil 3d 2011 for existing and proposed and I did a surface volume between them. Is it possible to create a specific contour in the volume surface that represents the fill volume elevation (daylight line I think)? My proposed surface is a flood water elevation and I need to define the boundary at that elevation.
I am using Civil 3D 2011 and wondering how to create just one contour on an existing surface at a specific elevation. I need to show where floodwaters would get to at a specific elevation so that contour would be the easiest way if I can contour the surface with just 1 elevation. I don't want to have to create 0.1' contours all over the site and then remove all the extras.
I use Civil 3D 2011 and I am new to it. I have created a natural ground surface from survey points. Now i want to create a finished surface with a specific slope in a specific direction at a specific elevation and then to calculate cut and fill volume.
I can create a flat surface at a specific elevation. How to tilt this surface to a specific slope along a specific direction.
I just upgraded to Civil3D 2014 and Windows 8. When I create a TIN surface using a DEM file no contour lines are displayed. Points are processed and triangles are created and can be displayed but no contour lines. Contour line layers are set to display in the style file.
I would like to create surface from contours and extract points (with value) from on it. I had contours in my drawing; each major and minor contours are single polyline with elevation (Z value).
If I create surface form CONTOUR, some polylines (major or minor) are not included in to surface. After the creation of surface, I tried to erase the existing contour lines (Polyline) from drawing but the surface will be disappearing.
If I create the surface from ''DRAWING OBJECTS'', I'm not able to select the polylines (attachment 01) .
I am working on a large park project. I have a proposed and existing surface. I have created a volume surface to show elevation banding with cut and fill ranges. I need to create a drawing for someone who doesn't have civil 3d showing all the "cut" areas. They really want a boundary of hatch. What is the best way to do this after I change my analysis to -30 feet cut to 0 feet cut.
I've read a few threads on this way back but cannot locate them. I have two surfaces and create a volume surface and it reported the volume as 493 cy. I then ran some sample lines at 25 foot interval and the total volume is reported as 964 cy.
I am working on a project, I was given a file with the contour already mapped out. I am tasked with finding volume of a fill I had to create. I made a 3-D polyline at the elevation I want my fill to start from and going down to my final grade. How can I make surfaces with my map. I do not have any files to make the surface off of. What is the easiest way I can make a layer, TIN has already been done but no surfaces are in the file.
I'd like to be able to create a surface or mesh from contour lines to give a better 3D representation of terrain than just contour lines. "Drape" seems to be the tool ACA, but I'm wondering if AutoCAD can do something similar. LOFT sorta works, but even then, I have to do it in sections, and I'm not really looking for a solid.
I have a drawing set to UTM83 Zone 14 Meters and my drawing units is set to meters also. I created my surface from my point cloud. When i do the contour extract feature (surface object extract), the contours elevation is in the wrong datum or elevation? The surface contour is 620 but the same extracted contour says 188.97? Curious why this happens. It seems to me that it is back calculate elevation or datum to a different coodinate system.
I have a couple of questions regarding surface volumes/analysis in Civil 3D 2014. First, there used to be a way to determine the volume between two surfaces without creating a volume surface. The command is _AeccReportSurfaceVolume, but I can't find it on the ribbons in 2014 to save my life. Do I need to create a new button myself?
Second, and more important, dealing with the elevation analysis in 2014, and noticed that the colors reset anytime that the volume surface is rebuilt? It has always been annoying not to save a color scheme, but at least once you had set it up, the colors stayed as the surface changed. Is there a new setting that I am missing, or is this just a glitch with 2014?
I have a large 200+ acre site that I have created a volume surface and analyzed it using the elevation banding with color to show different levels of cut and fill. The owner has broken this area into 10 different irregular zones. Is there a way to do the elevation banding of a volume surface and have it color the individual parcels. They don't all have to be at once. I can do each one at a time and PDF the drawing.
I have run a volume between two surfaces, I need to further to break that new volume surface up to get volumes for each section. I know in microstation you can fence a volume surface and it will tell you the volume for that area. Is there a function in civil 3d that works like this. I know I can break it up manually and create new surfaces, I am looking for a time saving appoarch and trying to minimize file size.
I can see the area of a TIN surface no worries (under Surface Properties/Statistics/Extended), but want I want to get is surface area of a TIN volume surface where no "extended" option seems to be available to view the area information with this type of surface.
I have a tin volume surface comprised of proposed and existing models for a large earthwork site. I would like a detailed cut fill diagram for presentation to project owner. The site involves cuts and fills up to 30' depths. I would like to be able to represent not only cuts and fills, but give a visual representation of the depth of cuts/fills (ie darker blues and reds in the deeper areas, lighter in the shallow areas). Is there a simple way to do this without setting up 100 different colors of blues and reds in the volume surface properties analysis tab? I have seen contractor software that performs this function rather easily.
Civil 3D API has "TinSurfaceVertex" class and "GridSurfaceVertex" class.
I use those to get vertex:
foreach (GridSurfaceVertex vertice in GridSurface.Vertices) { Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3d punt = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3d(vertice.Location.X, vertice.Location.Y,
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit
First I make surface1 and import the 4 point with elevation 0 sec. I make surface 2 and import 4 point with elevation 1 then itry to find volume of this cube and my result is 0.03 c.meter why this happen.
2) if this above method is wrong give me step by step guide of surface and volume.
I am trying to determine the volume of material (cut/fill) for a roadway surface in C3D 2013 using the volume dashboard.
I have created a fictional surface, basic profile and assembly so I can compare my calcs with C3D. After creating my surfaces and running the dashboard calcs, the program calculated the correct cut/fill volume. However looking at the surface in iso, I saw that additional surfaces were produced around zero elevation - refer to attached snapshot
In my actual model, I am well above zero elevation but these additional surfaces could cause problems on other projects.
I have a pumped storage project where I would like to know the water level if a volume of water is removed. Is there an easier way to do this? Currently I have my drawing set up with my base surface and various top water level surfaces. I have been creating volume surfaces for each TWL and populating a spreadhseet that indicates how volume and surface area differs with TWL. It would be incredibly handy to work this in reverse ie ask the volume surface to lose or gain a required volume of water and update the TWL accordingly.
I need to create surface like this picture 2. I need crate surface by joining 1, 2, 3 like as picture 2 section, but when i crating surface its joining as picture.
This problem have been found . I created a tofo of the rock which rock is bend lower picture 2 section to calculate the volume i need the surface create like this.
I have Civil3d2012 and have created a surface in one drawing and then referenced it to another. It appears to be working, but the contour labels will not work on the drawing where the surface is referenced. I have all the appropriate layers on.
I have drawing giving to us for a senior design project. I'm trying to create a surface to so that I can analyze cut/fill. Not sure if what i'm doing is right or wrong, I've never used civil 3d. But i'm getting break-line errors whenever i'm trying to create the surface from the contour lines.
Heres a link i took of what i'm doing on youtube [URL]........
So I have an existing grade surface and I am laying out a number of different site designs. I've got all my surfaces from those site designs on different layers each displayed in a different layout. I need to label existing contours on each layout in different places. I've setup additional contour label styles (two for each design, major, and minor) and layers (two for each design, major, and minor). However, when I add labels to my existing surface, they come in on the right layer, but whenever I freeze any of the many layers my contour labels are on, they all turn off. The only workaround I can figure is to make copies of my existing surface for each design option and label each independantly. However, this is inacceptable as far as data management goes, since my one file will be hundreds of megs with all those surfaces.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
I have 400 files each represent a tile of contour at 0.5m interval, if I xref all into one dwg it is extremely slow. These files have some 3d blocks which represent xyz and I made a .net program to open each file with "readdwgfile" method. However turned out that the points are not dense enough to generate the same accuracy contours as the 0.5m contours.
I am going home now to use my home computer and see if it can handle all these files xrefed and then bind and explode.
Worst case in make another program to extract only the contours and insert into a blank database. Always difficult when not given raw lidar point files.
Total size for these contour files combined is 327mb.
We have microstation capabilities not sure if it can put in the file in an easier way. I can work with the xrefed bogged down file. But is there a way to only export what's shown ? I have frozen the layers for all other objects from all the references.
I estimated total points from contours will be 20 million. Since each generate about 50000 points. Which is still workable. The computer i use in the office just make this more difficult. Slow cpu. Difficult day. Spent 7 hours programming and got it figured out but didn't solve the problem. I should have known better 20 points are not enough to generate that look in the 0.5m contours.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710