AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Broken Reference Text Not Coming In?
Jul 15, 2013
I'm in a dwg that had broken references. I right clicked on Alignments to repair all broken references. Everything came in (surfaces, alignments, pipe networks) but text did not come in from a source drawing; the Source Dwg is a Pipe Network. The network came in but not the text. I opened the source dwg & the text is there. The Event Viewer is showing no broken references so what I'm I missing?
I have got the ole Program Errors Dialogue back again. It seemed to stem from a rogue data shortcut that got broken.
I could not delete the broken surface reference, so had to create another data shortcut, create a reference and then I had the opportunity to delete the rogue surface and then the data shortcut.
Anyway, I got this error on Audit. (see image attached)
I may have made an error by importing a data shortcut I didn't need in past weeks on this job. When a data shortcut is broken, it is quite hard to remove the reference.
Anyway, perhaps I just need to upgrade but I don't want to do it for this curent project as I am almost finished. (famous last words).
So what is causing this error that cannot be fixed? I didn't ask foran Xdata string to exceed 255 characters...
I created an alignment style specifically to label typical sections. My label style includes a triangular symbol (XSM) and alignment reference text (XSL) attached to the symbol. The label attaches correctly to the alignment geometry points (POB and POE) but the alignment reference text which should call the alignment name instead shows three question marks. At no point in the process am I prompted to select an alignment which is as expected. The label should automatically populate with the alignment name. The label properties indicate the appropriate alignment as the reference object.
Civil 3D 2012 (64) Windows 7 Pro (64) SP1, 16 GB AMD Radeon HD 6900
I can create single alignment labels (fixed point, offset etc) that show a chainage and, by using reference text, a profile level for an associated profile.
However, using the main labels that are used for displaying chainages along an alignment (alignment chainage label group) I can also add in a reference text label for profiles here, alongside the chainage one, but there is no option to set which profile it references so it just displays '???'.
Getting the alignment labels to also display associated profile levels at every chainage point would be incredibly useful.
I am labeling structures and need to use the station & offset for the street alignment not the alignment for the pipe network. It works great for the station but the offset is not working properly. It reads 0 as though it's reading the alignment for the pipe network. I've tried copying a label and adding reference text, creating a new label from scratch, putting 2 pieces of reference text in (1 for the station & 1 for the offset), and just doing the offset in the reference text instead of the station & offset...none of those have worked.
I need to get a station and offset for a bunch of points and have it show up in the point label. i can't find reference text in the label style so i was wondering if there was a good workaround.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
We can add Reference Text in Label Components. it can be referenced to Alignment, COGOPoint, Parcel, etc. For example, after that it is needed to select a COGO Point, and Label is changed from "???" to a property of selected Reference Object. I want to add Reference Text by VBA.
I'm trying to create an alignment label to display profile elevations at regular stations. Two questions:
1. I use an expression to set the text height. When I add a regular text component in the label this works fine, but when I add reference text I can't seem to use the expression as text height. 2. I want to use an expression to 'Truncate' the elevation, so that 178.35m displays as 78.35. I can't find a way to create an expression to do this (within the Alignment station labels).
Using C3d 2013. I am looking for a way to place the deflection angle of the PI of an Alignment in the label of a structure part that references said alignment. But PIs aren't an option when I select Reference Text type. Common sense tells me it would be under Alignments, but none of the PI data is an option of the Contents' Text Component Editor. I couldn't find it under any of the other Reference Text types either. I can pull the station value from the referenced alignment, is there a way to get it to tell me the deflection angle at the PI it sits on? Or even the difference in the instantaneous direction just before and just after the part?
I know listing the deflection angle of a PI is possible, as I have seen it in several examples of labeling alignments. I just want to place it in the label of other objects.who can tell me how to display LT (to represent left) and RT (to represent right) when the deflection is positive or negative respectively.
I'm adding a reference system grid to my paper space viewport. The default text format for the military grid reference system is almost perfect, except for the figures that are superscripted (see attached figure) - which I would prefer are aligned on the same baseline as the larger text, but still at the smaller size. Is there a way to customise the text format so that the reference system remains dynamic, but I get the exact format I want?
I have structures and alignments data referenced. If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?
I am getting this error in my production drawings.
My setup is as follows:
- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.
- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.
- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.
- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.
BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.
How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?
The cross section at the culdesac is not coming right (attached). Instead of a gradual slope, i get a drop near the centerline. I am targeting to the CL alignment and profile.
Whenever I type a command all of a sudden I now get the commands coming up in a grey text line (like a ghost image) and I am wondering if I accidentally touch a keystroke that enabled this because it did not appear before.
I am having an issue inserting a detail call out "block". The blocks were created to be annotative however, when I am inserting them into my paperspace at 1" = 30' it shrinks up the block. In model space it shows at the correct size.
I am trying to model a system of existing storm pipes, where the last catch basin actually has two outfalls: one an 18" pipe and the other a 24" pipe. They have different invert elevations.
I have the pipes set up correctly in Autocad, so that the profile shows up right, and the plan view in Storm Sewers shows up right, too. However, the model does not separate the flows.
Is there a way to manually enter the approximate amount of flow that will discharge through each pipe?
I am using to generate a custom table in my .idw files to make a plot stamp. The table is showing up, however, the text is garbled. When you open the .idw, the table properties show the text correctly but the display is coming out messed up. I have attached a picture of what each looks like. I moved the table off the sheet for clarity.
Public Sub PlotStamp() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim oInvSheet As Sheet oInvSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet Dim oTitles_Plot(0) As String oTitles_Plot(0) = CurrentFilename
I tried many times to paste excel table into autocad using paste special/paste link/autocad entities/. The first problem is that the table is coming out with text all over the place, not properly formatted. When I click on the table it's covered by some kind of frame or hatch-like. I am using 2010 Office pro Excel. See attached.
I have recently been using Sheet Set Managers (SSM) more recently and have found them quite handy but I am also finding some peculiarities with it too. I have no issues setting up a SSM and getting it to plot all my sheets either to our plotter or to PDF at full size (24x36), however when it comes to setting up a half size (11x17) page setup and overriding to it, is where problems occur.
What I want is a page setup that I can select that will plot 11x17 from 24x36. So, I first created a page setup that does this in our template (.dwt) and then set the page setup overrides file to our template file (under sheet set properties). Next I right-cliked on my sheet set and went to "Publish" and then "Publishing Using Page Setup Override", but the list it populated for me did not reflect all of the page setups we have in our template??? It listed two page steups _24x36 and _30x42 (see attachment). These page setups can be found in our template under page setup manager along with several others which don't show in the overrides (see attachment).
Is there a reason the other page setups aren't coming up in the SSM overrides menu?
Possible to open a drawing that was created with AutoCad Civil3D 2011 and create all of your Civil objects and data references if it is a bad idea to then open it at a later date in AutoCad Civil as Autocad 2011. Does this effect any of the data in the drawing. It has been recommended here that we do this for making minor line/text edits as some folks have slower computers that cant handle the civil side of the program.
why we are constantly facing corrupt drawing files that lose references.
I am working with a goverment agency and we have hired two cosultants to work on a projects. They are using data shortcuts for surfaces, alignments and pipe networks. When they delivered C3D files to us get our reviews, (they burned the dwgs on the CD) all surfaces and alignments are broken.
My question is:
1) How do I repair those broken C3D objects?
2) What should i request the consultants to provide us so that when I open these drawings at my end, the surfaces are not broken.
Back in LDT you used to be able to mouse over point descriptions of dragged state points to get Osnap to select the node. Civil 3D has apparently done away with this, why who knows but its very very hard to know what point your selecting if say you have a bunch of points on top of eachother. Can this be enabled anywhere?
The very mundain work around is to use 'PO to select the point entity, but it does not show the little osnap indicator on the point marker when you use 'PO.
I created an assembly with a broken back subassembly. I moved it to a 40cm horizontal offset away from the axis. I attached it to a corridor using two polylines as targets. One for the broken back and one for the outside lane. In civil 2011 everything works fine.
In civil 2012 the ETW is offseted by the same value i moved the subassembly away from the axis! If i change the subassembly offset to eg 1m then when rebuilding corridor the ETW moves to 1m away from the target polyline!
Same strange behavior using subassembly R2011 or R2012.
This is my 'Preferences' window, as you see the text is missing and it just generally looks weird as crap. That's the same with all the windows etc.
Then I added my old fonts because I was setting up this new PC (1k+ fonts) and then I got this problem. already tried re-installing Photoshop several times, deleting configs and restarting my computer but nothing seems to work and the problem persists...