AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Or Remove Vertices On Contour Label Lines
Jun 17, 2013
As far as I know there is no way to add or remove vertices on contour label lines. Is this correct?
If so it's another one for my wish list.
Neil Wilson (a.k.a. neilw)
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
how does one go about truncating surface contour elevation labels so they only show up to the tens place on the left side of the decimal (i.e. 50.25 instead of 5150.25)? I tried changing the rounding option under the style edit to "truncate" but that did not appear to change anything...?
It must be the medication, but I just can't remember something I learned in the last couple weeks regarding contour label intervals. I've been using C3d 2013 for about a year now and had used LDD 2004 until the upgrade. I've become pretty comfortable with the styles based implementation now.
What exactly controls the numeric value shown in a contour label? I've got them looking fine on my site. I imported my styles and settings to a coworkers site but for the life of me I cannot remember what I had to change to get the contour labels to show increments of 1 foot (they were showing fractions of a foot)… Typing the word "fractions" triggered my recall. The problem and solution was in the drawing units.(Inches vs feet).
How much time I spent looking through the style settings in search of the one setting I was missing... both times! One of the best ways to push things from short term memory into long term memory is "Increased active practice".
One thing I learned this time: The style settings are not always the source of the problem. It could be something very basic. It may save time to check the basics first.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I have been creating contour surface labels, which utilize a 3-point contour label line with grips to adjust, and this is my question:
when i create a single contour label, clicking specifically on a contour i want labeled, the contour label line with the 3-grips extends beyond several contours and thus places a label at every contour it touches. i can manually fix this by shorting the line, but this seems very inefficient.
1. is there a setting to have the label only placed on the center grip of the three?
i am creating contours in civil 3d, exporttoautocad2010, and there is this white box under the contour label, i don't want this, i DO want it to trim the contour to show the text better but NOT the white box.
I have no option to select my contour label style in my drawing all of a sudden. See attached dialog. They do exist in the settings but no option is available.
I have Civil3d2012 and have created a surface in one drawing and then referenced it to another. It appears to be working, but the contour labels will not work on the drawing where the surface is referenced. I have all the appropriate layers on.
I'm working in 2011. Just labeling some contours in a new drawing, using the 'Multiple' setting. I found I could only draw one tangent of Contour Label Line. If I continued, I could click but no labels were created and on finishing the command I could see that those clicks had been ignored. What gives?
I found that the labels were on the current layer, instead of the layer they're meant to use.I also realised that my current layer was locked (from the previous task).
if the current layer is locked, the contour labels ignore the layer setting that they are meant to use, and come in on the current layer instead. And you can only draw one tangent's worth of contour labels at a time before finishing the command and restarting.
Solution: make a different layer current or unlock your layer.
are contour labels generally created on the current layer and then moved to their proper layer?Is that why it hit a snag: it wasn't permitted to move the object to a different layer because the one it was on was locked?
In C3d2011 I cant seem to change my contour label style from STYLE A to STYLE B. Seems I used to right click and change it from there but that oprtions not available?
I cannot get my contour label to mask the contour line that it sits on. I have no problems creating contour labels for my surface (whether using single, multiple, or multiple at interval options). I have set my contour labeling defaults to not display the contour label line, as well as set Label Mask Type to Contour Line Only. Under contour label style under Layout>Border>Background Mask, this is set to True.
How to use the Surface Contour Label Group class in the .NET API.
My first guess was that I had to create an instance object of the class and name it, and then use a "Create" method (e.g., CreateMultipleAtInterval) from there, like this:
Dim labelgroup As SurfaceContourLabelGroup
However, this doesn't work, as Visual Studio told me "Warning: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."
I am manually editing my section geometry by moving the grips and am wanting to remove some of the additional vertices that I don't need in a certain area. How to delete extra points? I can't seem to find a way to do this either graphically or in the Section Editor. I am using C3D 2010.
I have a client that just started using C3D 2010. When I sent him a topographic survey with contour lines (I am also using C3D 2010) he called me and asked if there was a way to select an individual contour line and have it display the elevation in the 'properties' dialog box. I have not been able to find an answer for him.
We recently received a LiDAR data in the form of an .asc file. Brought it fine into Civil 3d.
However, the level data is in mm so levels are showing as 98450 instead of 98.45. The level ranges from 98450 to 166260.
When I create a surface and set the style to show contours, it only displays contour lines below 100,000. Is this a limit in Civil 3D or am I missing some setting somewhere? I'm using the UKIE template btw.
I’m having some issues with my CAD. Every now and then, my contour lines disappear and I can’t get them to reappear. My surface border and triangles will appear but not the contours. Sometimes if I change surface styles they will appear but other times they are gone forever.
Troubleshooting: Regen AllAuditPurgeLayers on/offLayers frozen/thawedPromoting (if the surface is a data short cut)Changing the surface styleChanging the contour interval
None of this has worked…
AUTOCAD Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU W3565 @ 3.20GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 12.0GB System Type: 64-bit
I am having problems viewing my contour lines after I create a surface. I create the surface using points. The contour lines will show up when I create the surface. After I close the program or the drawing, I am not able to see the contour lines again. The contour lines are on in the surface style. How can I see the contour lines without creating the surface again?
I need to create points with surface elevations along sample lines. The points need to represent the verticies one would see in the section editor. I've attached an image of my section editor for one of my sample lines. I need to create points that represent these 24 verticies along this sample line and do so for the rest of my sample lines as well. Is there an automated process to create these points?
I just upgraded to Civil3D 2014 and Windows 8. When I create a TIN surface using a DEM file no contour lines are displayed. Points are processed and triangles are created and can be displayed but no contour lines. Contour line layers are set to display in the style file.
I have drawing giving to us for a senior design project. I'm trying to create a surface to so that I can analyze cut/fill. Not sure if what i'm doing is right or wrong, I've never used civil 3d. But i'm getting break-line errors whenever i'm trying to create the surface from the contour lines.
Heres a link i took of what i'm doing on youtube [URL]........
When I plot my dwg my contour lines disappear. Looks good in model and layout but when I plot (usually to pdf) the contour lines do not show. Labels for contours are there. I attached samples.
I have this contour lines from dwg file (see attached) and I am trying to make a surface out of it. Initially i thought it is already a surface for C3D but i cant seem to follow tutorials. While browsing for solutions from the Internet, it seems it is not even a contour file that can be added in C3D. what is this file and how i can convert it into a surface in C3D?
I am trying to add contour lines to a surface at very specific elevations (rain event elevations). I can add all the intervals I want but can't seem to figure out how to add a contour at a certain elevation.
Is there a way to remove the background mask from one label that has a style that calls for a mask? The way I've handled it was to create a Child of that style that has no mask.
I'm fairly new to C3D and im having a few teething problems with section view display
1 - How to I remove the bottom label on the vertical axis (label 25.00 on the image below).
2 - How can I get only the start and end labels offset away from the line?
3 - Can I change the size of this title (SCALE 1:200) to be different from the CHAINAGE 10.00m title?
4 - My band sets are labeling grade breaks every 2m. Why does my grade breaks show at 2.24m/5.44m etc I would expect this to be 2/4/6/8/10/12/14m or is there a way I can change this so that they only label to major grade changes (i.e. the bottom of slopes).
I need to make a map of a subdivision with all lot dimensions. I see how we can label all the lines of a lot by picking the parcel label, but it only allows one at a time.