AutoCAD Architecture :: Frames Around Blocks And Xclips?

Aug 12, 2011

Lately our drawings are showing frames around most of our blocks and clipped xrefs.  I have set xclipframe to 0 in a drawing and then when I immediately go into the drawing it's like I never set it to 0.  This is becomming an issue in a lot of our drawings since switching to 2012.  There's only a few of us using 2012 and there are a few using 2011.  I was just in a drawing that wasn't showing any frames and then all of a sudden I mirrored somehting and all these frames appeared around the blocks in the drawing.   Other than constantly setting xclipframe to 0 this is annoying.  This is also a problem now when we send the drawings to consultants.  We send it with the frames off but when they get it the frames are on.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Using Blocks (frames) To Print Pages From Modelspace?

Oct 11, 2012

We use to have a 3rd [party plug-in which allowed users to insert a block (frame) in model space when plotting the blocks would automatically be selected and printed in the order they were inserted.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Link Frames Width And Height To Door Schedule?

Oct 17, 2012

how to link a door frames width and height to the door schedule?  For example if I have a 3'-0" x7'-0" door the frame width would be 3'-4"x7'-2", I would like this to automatically generate in my door schedule when I insert a door without me having to manually put it in.  I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2010.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy Blocks To Another Drawing

Apr 11, 2011

I have a question.  I have several 3d models i've set up with 3d blocks in each one.  They're separate to cut down on drawing size.  I want to create a database of blocks so to speak by copying all the blocks into one drawing.  I tried going through Design Center to copy the blocks in, but it won't let me just copy them.  Is there a simple way to do this?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Explode Blocks In 2011?

Jul 13, 2012

Is it possible in ACA2011 to explode a block, but control what layer the pieces go to?

I have a block for a closet rod and shelf , but it always has to be re-sized once in the drawing so  i must explode it.  since it was made on layer 0 it explodes to that layer and I have to change the items to the proper layer.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Copy Blocks To Different Drawings

Oct 27, 2013

AutoCad Architecture 10, How can you copy blocks to different drawings? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Export Data From Spaces And Blocks

Feb 7, 2012

I have questions about exporting data for drawings.We make use of spaces to create a list with room numbers, room use and the area.

we also create plans with office furniture.we have blocks with attributes to extract data like workstation numbers, department, roomnumbers etc.for the info from the spaces we use export property data to create an database file.for the export of the attributes we use dataextraction to crete an .xls file

Is there a way to combine the work so that we can export the attribute data with the export property data?Is there a way to link the blocks (who are within a closed pline) to the pline (space)? Can it be done with lisp or VBA?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Match Properties Changing AEC Blocks?

Dec 21, 2011

We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids.   In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer.   I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet.   I've never had this happen before.   In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files.   Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).

I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.  

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Custom Hatch Patterns Using Blocks?

Mar 15, 2011

I've not done custom hatch patterns in the past, but I'd like to create a custom hatch pattern using a block I have.  Is there an easy way to do this?

Would like to make a 8" CMU (section) hatch pattern, as an example, to use in automated sections that I generate.

Pretty easy to see where I'm headed w/ this.

Any easy conversion tool or the ability to explode the block, select everything for a hatch pattern and click "OK".

Likely there isn't, but it never hurts to ask when starting out.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotative Blocks In Paper Space (Tab)

Feb 8, 2013

I have created a block in the model tab with the annotative scale set at 1'-0" = 1'-0" with the UCS set to World. When the block is inserted in model space either on the model tab or thru viewport it displays and prints correctly. However when the same block is inserted into paperspace on a layout tab the block appears correctly but when printed either hardcopy or PDF it is rotated 90 degress around its insertion. This malfunctions the same whether it is inserted directly or nested in a legend block.

It is also not one particular block or drawing but (mal)functions across drawings and block definitions.

I really don't want to have to make two sets of blocks for the project.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Design Centre Blocks Palettes

Sep 14, 2013

After 20 years of using Autocad thought it time to get serious about putting all my symbolslocks on palettes. Went to design center, selected a folder and right clicked to get "Create Tool Palette of Blocks". Creates a black palettes but no block tools ?

All symbolslocks are individual files. I'm using ACA 2014.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Attribute Info In Blocks Not Showing Up?

Jan 4, 2011

I have stored a few blocks in our library in 2D.  They contain attributes such as detail numbers, elevation/sheet numbers, and side attributes for keynotes.  But whenever I drag the blocks in now, instead of prompting for the information to be filled out for the attributes it only asks for insertion point and scale and that's it.  it inserts the block but no text shows up, not even a default text.  There has to be a setting to turn off or on.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Changing Text In Multiple Blocks

May 12, 2011

I have a schedule on a drawing and they used blocks for all the text.  I want to change all the letters to uppercase.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2013 Crashing When Inserting Blocks

Jun 26, 2012

Last week we upgraded to ACA 2013 from ACA 2012.

I am now having issues any time I try to insert a Block into any drawing - I get a Fatal Error.

I have uninstalled & reinstalled this afternoon but I am still having the same issue.

It happens when I am trying to insert blocks from both the Design Centre & also from Tool palettes.

Other users in my office do not have this problem, the only difference between my set-up & theirs is that I have installed the 'AEC Section Display & Tag Scale Hotfix' but I have tried uninstalling this but had the same results.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multi-View Blocks Rendering Through Viewport?

Dec 18, 2013

When I pick rendered for my shadeplot on a viewport, none of the materials applied to multi-view blocks show up.  Is this common or is there a fix?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Tags (Multi-View Blocks)

Feb 24, 2011

I have a Room Tag (multi-view block) that was created in a previous release of AutoCAD Architecture that is not coming in at the correct scale in AutoCAD Architecture 2011.  When we used to insert this block into an 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it came in at a scale of 12.0,12.0,12.0.  Now when we insert it into a 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it comes in at 9.0,9.0,9.0.  So, at 1/4"=1'-0" it comes in at 4.5,4.5,4.5; when it should be 6.0,6.0,6.0.  I have many custom blocks that we have created for door tags, section refs, etc. and would just like to know what scale factor needs to be adjusted to fix this small issue. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Drag And Drop Blocks Into Palettes

Sep 28, 2012

I am creating new tool  palettes for lab equipment blocks. I was able to create a new palette and drag and drop blocks into it. When I go to create other palettes I am unable to drag and drop blocks into them. I am able to drag and drop into the tool palette I previously created and then drag and drop into the new palette.

But when I shut off Autocad and reopen the new palettes disappear. How can I create a new tool palette and it works, then create other tool palettes and I can not drag and drop to it? I am using Autocad Architecture 2013.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2011 / Counting Blocks Inserted In Current Drawing

Apr 5, 2012

I was looking for a way of counting blocks inserted in my current drawing.

F1, brings up HELP.

In the search box i type BLOCKS.

Results =

Overview of Hatch Pattern Definitions

Create a Shortcut Menu

Overview of Shape files

Overview of slides

Work with User Interface Elements

Multiple Drawing Folders

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Insert Key Plan As Small Part In Title Blocks

Aug 11, 2013

I need to insert a Key Plan as a small part in my title blocks. I have a key plan ready in my model section. I did tried to play around in the block editor but could not find anything useful. I wish I could insert the key plan like viewport in the layout section.

On the side, my file directory always showed up on the paper when I printed my drawing out. Do you know how I can get rid of this ?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Access And Edit Attribute Data Of Sub Blocks Inside MVB

Mar 26, 2011

Seems like Multi-View Blocks are like that hot red-head in high school that you really want to get to know until you get to know them.

I made a bunch of blocks for my electrical plans. Annotative symbols for plan view, 3D blocks for model view, and elevation blocks for elevations. I then started creating the MVBs.

Upon insertion the annotative blocks appear super small and the model view blocks scale way up. The model view blocks are not annotative and are not supposed to scale at all. It seems MVBs see any block inside that is annotative as an indication that the entire MVB shall be annotative. Fustrated, I finally found a work-around that is a bit half-arsed:

I made another block as a sort of holder for the annotative symbols that was set to not be annotative and inserted that into the MVB. VOILA! the MVB itself doesn't scale, but the annotative symbol inside the non-annotative block does. This works fine except for one caveat: I can't edit attributes that are in blocks inside of blocks. If I made another block to use in the MVB for the attributes, it would work, so long as I don't make it annotative, which isn't what I want.

So, A) is there a better work-around than the block-in-a-block-in-a-multi-view-block method, or B) Is there a way to access and edit attribute data of sub-blocks inside a MVB?

Maybe my next thread will be about red-headed Multi-View Blocks with carpets that match the drapes.

Edit: Running ACA 2009

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Convert All Blocks In Drawing To Mass Elements And Export To IGES

Oct 7, 2013

I´m trying to write a script to convert all the blocks in a drawing to mass elements and export them to IGES thereafter.

I would like to select everything first. Then launch refedit and select all the blocks.

After that I would like to convert them to mass elements. When saving to IGES I would need to select everything again.

I pieced the following script together, but it fails. I think it is bexause of the request to select objects manually. Could I add a delay which would enable me to select an object?

Also it looks like ACADA is not accepting the "all" command when pselect is called by a script.



- 2500K @ 4.2Ghz- 8GB - Radeon7970 -
- Xeon 1230V2 @ stock Ghz- 32GB - Quadro 2000 -

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select All Blocks Like Selected Blocks With Window?

Feb 28, 2011

(defun CELBLKS ( / e blk ss blkl)
 (setq blkl ""  ss (ssadd))
 (while (setq e (entsel "


i have this lsp, it works great but how can modify it if i want select with a window.? exemple: if i have 3 differentes blocks, i want to select them with windows and the lisp select all blocks that are identical of those 3.?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Zoom All & Extents With Blocks Containing Fields On Layout Tabs

Aug 22, 2013

We have a new title block which now contains various fields to automatically populate the drawing number, number of sheets, issue etc.  The problem we have is when we go to zoom all or extents on a layout tab it moves the layout to the right each time.  If we only have one layout or we use a plain title block i.e. with no fields, the zoom works fine (layout stays put in the center).  This is also true if we directly insert a field onto the layout - again no problems. 

The cause of the problem only happens when a block containing a field is inserted onto the paper space of a layout and,there are multiple layouts containing blocks with fields.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Finding Number Of Times Specific Blocks Used In A Drawing?

Aug 8, 2013

How to find no of times specific blocks used in a drawing?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Stretching Same Parameter In All Blocks In Drawing From One Field?

Jul 15, 2011

How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.

For example:  Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.

I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name.  I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field.  Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.

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AutoCad 2D :: Replace Dynamic Blocks With Normal Blocks Based On Parameters

Aug 2, 2012

We used a bespoke program to convert our drawings to Java applets for web usage. This does not cope with dynamic blocks at present and we have started to receive drawings from our clients using them.

I need to replace this with standard static blocks based on one of two criteria. Either:

1) Replace based on visibility state (have generic chair block with multiple different chair types set by visibility type, need to replace depending on which type it is set as)

2) Replace based on parameter (have table with size set by dimensions, need to replace with static block for each dimension)

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Add Exact Same Objects And Visibility State To Blocks

Jan 7, 2014

I have over 100 blocks that I need to add the exact same objects and visibility state to.  Is there a way to globally make this change, or even to copy the visibility states from one block to the next without having to recreate the states in each block?  I thought I had previously run across a routine on here that would make changes to multiple blocks at once, but I can't seem to find it now.  

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert The Blocks In Dwg File To Lines That Are Centered On Those Blocks?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a project in 3D that I would like to export to Stadd.  This requires lines rather than blocks.  Is is possible to convert the blocks in the attached dwg file to to lines that are centered on those blocks?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: AttSync Of Blocks - Takes A Long Time With Numerous Objects

May 18, 2012

The AttSync command does what it advertises fairly well.  My problem is that I have thousands of small blocks in a single drawing.  (My current drawing has 2100 block references with four attributes in each one.)  I may change the attribute values in a few of them and need to re-sync the attribute locations.  When I run AttSync it updates every single block insertion.  One of two things are desired:

1)Flag each block insertion as having been sync'ed, reducing the number of objects requiring synchronization when AttSync is called again.  Provide a way to force all to be sync'ed.

2)Allow a selection set in the AttSync command after selecting the block to sync.

Either or both of these would a great time-saver for those of us with large numbers of blocks with attributes.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Exploding Blocks With Negative Values?

Apr 24, 2013

I built a building foundation for a grading plan and I have another building that is the exact mirror of it. I have tried to mirror it. Didn't work. I created a block of the feature lines and inserted it with a -1 x value but I can't explode it. I tried the regular explode and xplode. Neither worked. I can use the the block to draw feature lines over but it just seems so much easier if I could figure out how to explode the block.

C3D 2013

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Delete Last Attribute In All Of Specific Blocks

Jan 24, 2012

I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks.  When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up.  After I explode the block, there is no text.  The attached image shows the properties of the block.

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