AutoCAD Architecture :: Are Layer Keys Only For Objects
Apr 14, 2013
Are Layer Keys only for ACA objects ?
for example:
I'd like my dimensions to be all on layer "D" in the color red.
I added "dimlinear" to the key style. but it just draws dimensions on the current layer.
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Mar 24, 2012
I am wondering why the most basic tools like MTEXT and DIM in the Ribbon don't have Layer Key options? Or am I missing something? I have the annotation content customized with layer keys and annotation scale on the tool pallets but obviously the "same" tool is right there on the Ribbon as well. Problem is that it is not the same tool and the one on the Ribbon is not configurable, like say with a simple Layer Key option under Properties.
I found the article by Koch about how to copy your tools on your pallets to the Ribbon but I don't understand why I have to do more and more set-up work with every new version. Is it really that bizarre to think that people might want dims to come in on A-ANNO_DIMS layer and text to come in on A-ANNO_TEXT layer?
The AEC content seems to find the Layer Keys. How unexpected that a wall would come in on A-WALL layer! It's almost like the people who made the program understand what it is used for.
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Feb 15, 2011
Walls are being created on layer A-Wall, in color Cyan, Lineweight .020, etc. I'd like to edit those layer properties. There must be a matrix somewhere that shows a list of all of the Architectural Objects, the layer that each object will be created on, and the properties of those layers. Where in ACA2008 have they hidden this top-secret matrix? I've accessed Layer Key Styles via about 6 different routes, and nowhere do I find a list of Objects. I see that I could define an override for every component of a Wall object in the Style Manager / Display Properties, but it sure would be easier to just change the layer color once, wherever that's defined. There is only one Layer Key Style accessible through Style Manager, and layer A-Wall doesn't appear in that manager- layers A-Wall-Abov, A-Wall-Blow, etc appear, but not A-Wall. Neither does layer A-Glaz, which is where Window objects are placed.
How does a Wall object know to place itself on layer A-Wall, and where are the properties of layer A-Wall defined?
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Aug 9, 2012
I have a new computer and the F1 thru F12 shortcut keys for ortho, snap, etc. do not work. Rather these ring up computer functions like speaker volumnet and screen brightness. I would like to find the button that returns the shortcut keys to ACAD mode.
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Sep 26, 2012
Accelerator Keys
My accelerator keys for the right-click object-snap cursor menu do not work. For example, I will be drawing a line and I will bring up the object-snap menu, then I will select āEā for endpoint snap, the āeā will display in the dynamic input window and the snap does not work.
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Jul 31, 2011
i'm guessing in track view/curve editor or in the parameter editor...
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Apr 20, 2012
There is no motion in my meshes when using set key or auto key.
So lets say I have a cube and set a keyframe at 1 and move it a little to the right and set a keyframe at 13, between 1 and 13 there's no motion from 1 to 13, just it jumping straight to 13. I hope that makes sense, I've tired going to Animate setkey options and checked current manipulator handle, didn't worked.
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May 9, 2013
I have several .dwg files that I use as templates. I run find and replace VBA routines on the template .dwg files, ie find $Flavor$ and replace it with "Grape", and then I save the .dwg to another directory with a new name.
These VBA routines work well for acdbText and acdbMText objects, but I have a bunch of AcdbAttributeDefinition objects in the .dwg templates as well.
After much research about the AutoCAD object model (I'm mostly a Microsoft Access VBA programmer), I have come to understand that these AcdbAttributeDefinition objects are actually "remnants" of a block that no longer exists in the drawing.
Anyway, I'd like to convert all of these orphaned AcdbAttributeDefinition objects to acdbText objects in the templates and then delete the AcdbAttributeDefinition objects. I have some code that does just that.
However, the issue that I am having with the code is that the newly created acdbText objects are not on the same layer that the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects were on. I don't know the syntax to identify what layer the AcdbAttributeDefinition object is on or how to specify what layer on which the acdbText object is created.
how to keep the acdbText objects on the same layers as the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects during the conversion and deletion process?
Here is the code I am using currently:
Sub AttConvert(dwg as string)Dim oDocument as AcadDocumentDim ent as AcadEntityDim aa as objectset oDocument = For Each ent In oDocument.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then' DO SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY WHAT LAYER THE ACDBATTRIBUTEDEFINITION OBJECT IS ON
' DO SOMETHING TO SPECIFY THAT THAT IS THE LAYER TO CREATE THE ACDBTEXT OBJECT ON Set aa = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(ent.TagString, ent.InsertionPoint, ent.Height) End If Next ent For Each ent In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then ent.Delete End If Next ent End Sub
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Sep 27, 2011
How can set that an object only moves per 1 pixel increments when moving using the arrows keys?I am designing a few web banners right now and when i move objects with the arrow keys to have them placed exactly, they jump with more then 60 pixels in one go making this exercise a bit useless.
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Feb 15, 2013
I have a bunch of objects on a particular layer, and they're all different colors and linetypes and lineweights, and i want them to all take on the color / linetype / lineweight that i chose for that layer.. how do i do this?
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Jun 20, 2012
Say I have 2 items, one is on layer "M-Duct" and the other on "M-Pipe" (they are in the same drawing). Any lisp routine that would create the layers "M-Duct-New" and "M-Pipe-New" (based on the same color and LT as the original layers) and then move those objects to the newly created layers?
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May 31, 2012
I'd like to have/write a lisp to change all objects on layer "0" to layer "PC - Module"
If possible also;
save the document close the document open next in directory run layer changer program again.
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Sep 26, 2012
I need to find all instances, references, etc, of a layer and change it to another layer. I'm not talking about lines and objects or even blocks, but more like properties nested inside of wall styles and cleanup definitions, anything like that. I can't use the QSELECT or any similar command because the layer in question is being referenced inside of individual styles (i'm guessing that's the only place).
We drew our interior walls and our exterior shell for our building on two different drawings so that two people could work on them at the same time. They were xref'd into each other. We got to a point where we needed to put them back into one drawing so I binded the Shell Xref into the interior drawing. This saved us a lot of time but now all the layers from the Shell drawing have this prefix to it "01Shell&0&". This isn't really a problem but I'm a bit OCD and it bothers me to have two different layers for the same thing, one regular and one with the prefix. It means everytime we change the properties of a layer, we have to do it twice. I've already changed everything I could back to the original layers but the Shell layers still show up from time to time. They are nested deep inside of wall styles and custom cleanup properties, custom encaps, and so on.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have been working in PSP since PSP 7 so I am pretty familiar with the program. In PSP X4 when I go to adjust the opacity of a raster layer using the opacity slider on the layer palette toolbar. I click on it and I can't use the arrow keys to adjust the value. My arrow keys have no effect on the opacity slider at all. how I can get it working? It has never worked for me in PSP X4.
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Jul 8, 2013
I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.
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Aug 23, 2011
I get the message "One or more objects cannot be saved to the specified format" when using Architecture 2011 and 2012. My other other machines running the same software have no problem. Have purged and audited but it still does it.
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Jan 27, 2012
I am currently working on a project with an architect and I have some elevations that are in the current floor plan sheet. During the last project review he wants to move them off the floor plan sheet and onto another sheet. No Problem. However when i went back to regenerate the elevation to copy to another sheet, I noticed that there were a flashing boxes where the old elevations were. Is there something there that needs to be purged somehow. I tried using the purge command and they are still there.
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May 23, 2012
I do not know what has changed but the select objects works differently now. For example, when 3 lines are drawn and the erase command is selected. I do a crossing window and the command line says 3 objects selected. But when I do it again and only select 2 lines, it says 2 objects selected and the 3rd line is then unselected. It used to say 2 objects selected and ignore but the total was 3.
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Aug 13, 2008
my OS is Vista 64bit. i was using ACA2008 SP1 without any problems about a year.i decided to uninstall it and start using ACA2009.i have uninstalled ACA2008, 3dsmax2008 and other autodesk apps and removed some folders 'autodesk' and 'autodesk shared' from vista system folders.i also delete 'autodesk' from registry (LocalMachine/Software & CurrentUser/Software).then i installed ACA2009 64bit without any problems. after install i start it and there wasn't any problems (but i do not use any AEC objects, so i don't know if they was working).next i installed 3dsmax2009 & sp1 for it. max worked OK.then i installed sp1 for ACA2009. instalation was OK... but when i start working on a project i realised that AEC objects (wall,door, etc.) dont work at all ACA2009 starts OK without any warning or loads at startup AECarchBase (and other AEC related stuff) but when you are trying to use any of wall,door,window it does do nothing... for example when you select wall from tools pallete it shows command 'WallAdd' in command line and then wall command ends without any warning or also doesn't work from command line or menu the strange thing is when i uninstall ACA2009 and install ACA2008 again problem was also now in ACA2008 !!!
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Sep 16, 2013
I am experiencing this very compromising situation.. i am starting to get out of breath literaly. I am trying to save my 3D but cad say to me some objects cannot be save into specified format.
Then No save.I am trying to find a way to identify these objects..
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Aug 29, 2012
ACA 2013: How to get the 'One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created' why this is coming up?
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Oct 17, 2012
Soms of the objects in my 3D view "disappear" when clicking on it. The edges are still visible while the rest of the objects get invisible. This is only the case for some objects in my 3D view. I have no problem with the visibility of the objects in the structural plans or elsewhere. How can I make all objects visible in 3D again when clicking on them?
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Apr 26, 2013
I used architecture on my pc. I installed Autocad on another pc with the same Serial code. I can see on the top that my version suddenly is a Educational version. I'm telling you this because i don't know if this is the reason of my problem.
The problem: i can't see the properties of an object when i use autocad architecture in the educational version.
For example: I make a wall and i place a window in the wall. Now i want to change the width of my window, using the properties bar. SO i click on my window (right mouse button) and click on PROPERTIES. It opens the properties bar BUT i can't see the window and his properties. At the top of the properties bar it says "No selection".. How can this be when i begin with the right mouse click on my window?
When i do it in the other direction: Open properties (ctrl+1) first and then select for example my wall, still nothing changes in the properties bar!
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Jul 30, 2013
I produced some objects in Inventor 2013 and exported to DWG to be assembled in AutoCAD 2013. All is fine except when i look at the objects in a 'hidden' view these weird diagonal lines appear over the objects. I am unable to clcik these but when i zoom in they gradually disappear but. If I try to plot the object as shown these lines are printed. This also happens when saving to pdf.
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May 13, 2011
On a large 2012 drawing, suddenly the entire drawing is half tone and every object is locked. When you try to select an object, the little lock symbol apprears next to the cursor. I must have done something inadvertantly to lock the entire drawing, but I can not find any command or reference to unlock the drawing. This problem is also unique to this drawing.
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Nov 14, 2013
ACA 2011
So, I extract elevations from my model. No prob. Works perfectly. I then often edit linework to change some linework fine. However, What if I want to change/edit a Hatch? When I click on 'Edit Linework', the hatch automatically turns off to allow me to edit the linework... Can one edit the Hatching?
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Oct 2, 2013
I used to have a third party plugin that had a "clone" command.
It was like "Add Selcted" & keep matching the properies for more new objects. So new objects would match the layer, linetype, etc.of what was previosly selected Not just the once.
Is there a command like this in ACA 2012 ?
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Dec 13, 2012
We are trying to create a set of palettes for a building type that we specialize in. How do we add the spaces to a design palette and can we include a room tag with it?
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Sep 15, 2011
The best way to have normal AutoCAD objects (lines, plines, arcs) adhere to the Display Configurations.
My original idea was to contain all of the 'vanilla linework' in one Multi-View Block per Construct, thereby enabling me to set the Display Properties for that MVB and have the linework show/hide depending on my Display Config. I end up having to 'edit block in-place' if I want to change anything, which seems to work but there has got to be a better way.
My only other idea was to somehow link Layer Filters (which I'm unfamiliar with, and probably using the wrong term) to the Display Configs so that depending on the current Config, certain layers would be frozen/thawed. This seems like the way to do it, but it is not obvious to me how I might be able to achieve this through the Display Manager.
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Sep 23, 2011
We model the building using AEC steel members in AutoCAD ACA. When the piping group xrefs our model into their model (in regular AutoCAD) to add their pipe, the AEC steel behaves properly in model space, but when they go to dimension in paperspace (for example from the center of their pipe to the face of a column) osnap does not recognize the AEC steel geometry.
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Feb 15, 2013
I'm trying to work in some drawings that we got from another employee working in a different office using Civil. When I open the drawing, I get a message that says:
This drawing contains newer versions of objects
To work with the newer objects in a limited fashion, enable proxy graphics and then resave the drawings in the current version. You can also export the drawing to AutoCAD; however, be aware this permanently converts AEC objects to basic AutoCAD objects.
I tried typing in PROXYGRAPHICS and turning it to 0, then resaved it and closed it. When I opened it again, it still gives me the same message. I had the person that sent us the drawings resave it to different versions of AutoCAD. I still get the message.
The biggest problem I'm having with these drawings is that the units are set incorrectly for our use. They are set to civil standards. Like, when I xref in our titleblock, it comes in as being 3 inches long instead of 3 feet long. When I type in UNITS into the command line to change them, I get the message: Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application. I tried usnig the -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, but I get the same message.
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