AutoCAD Architecture :: 2012 - Crosshairs Disappearing In Paperspace
Jan 20, 2012
We have just installed ACA 2012 on one of our workstations and randomly the crosshairs will disapear in paperspace. We will still get the cursor icon if we hover over properties and paletts etc. We have the latest service pack and ribbon hotfix. Searching hasn't come up with much.
On occasion when on a layout tab and making a few changes in model space and I preview while model space is still active, crosshairs disappear when I exit preview. So I then save, close and reopen, it is then back to normal.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I just installed the 2011 update (recomended). Now, on restart, all my butto icons are gone! The buttons are still active but I can't see them. They highlight when I roll over but the icon doesn't show up.
I work on a mac and run parallels for autocad. My issue is while working the autocad the crosshairs drag behind my hand movement. when the pointer is moving thru menus it works fine and when i go back to the work space the crosshairs drag behind.
When I open ACAD A14, the workspace is displayed black (I had it set on white). When I zoom out, the screen is white again, but when I move the cursor, the crosshairs are displayed as a black square and leave a black trail, like for example Internet Explorer on the old Windows systems. I can use all functions normally, however my drawings are not properly displayed through the black. I had it running today already, without any problems, but my laptop was not connected to the internet, now it is. Things I tried: Reinstalling AutoCAD Restarting my PC Disconnecting my laptop from the internet and reopening AutoCAD A screenshot is attached. I am a first semester student and the plan is for a supporting structure of a hall that is due on friday, so its nothing that takes up a lot of computing power or anything.
I'm using autocad for mac. I've just saved a pdf in illustrator as an autocad dwg and opened it in autocad. It shows up but is not visible in my paperspace.
I've made sure it's on in the viewport. I've even tried to plot from modelspace but the lines don't show up in the plot. They are visible in the modelspace. They have all imported on the same layer, though some are different colour - some of them do show up, but not many.
I was in paperspace, clicked in the viewport to do something in model space and a compass with north south east and west showed up in the top right corner of my viewport. When I clicked on it, my x-ref rotated. How in the world do I re create this? I have no clue how I even accessed it or what command prompted this to happen.
When working in paperspace trying to setup for a plot Autodesk decides to "freeze" my screen locking some of the drawing on the screen only removable by reopening the drawing.
We model the building using AEC steel members in AutoCAD ACA. When the piping group xrefs our model into their model (in regular AutoCAD) to add their pipe, the AEC steel behaves properly in model space, but when they go to dimension in paperspace (for example from the center of their pipe to the face of a column) osnap does not recognize the AEC steel geometry.
I know the possibility of a plot style just disappearing is slim to none, but I have this user that constantly claims her plot styles have "disappeared".
When I check them, the entire "Plot Style" folder is gone. One day it's there the next it's gone.
She also has this problem with the DWG to PDF print option. It was there, now it's gone. She claims she isn't deleting anything. I will get them back on her PC and a few months later they will be gone.
She is a contract worker who also spends time at her office off site. I am not sure what version of AutoCAD she is using. I manage an AutoCAD group of about 20 users and none have this problem.
We are using ACA2010 and use the project navigator to bring constructs into views then bring the views into sheets, which has been working great, but in the last few months we have gone to a sheet only to find that the view no longer contains the constructs. I was working on a project on Friday and the Site Plan view no longer had the site xrefed into it which I fixed, now today the Site Plan is fine but the Roof Plan is empty. This is not the 1st project this has happened to but it is the 1st time it has happened to me so I know nobody changed something they should not have. Is there a known bug in 2010 or something I should check. I don't want this to happen to the Floor Plan if it does I will lose all my dimensions.
Every so often while working in LT-2010 the cross hairs will vanish from the screen but you are still able to pick items (as u move the mouse lines, etc hi-light in the usual way) also when you come outside the drawing area the mouse pointer will reappear (only while outside the drawing, in the command bars, etc)
the only quick way to return the cross hair to normal is to hit another tab & then re-enter the tab or model i was in. there seems to be no particular command that causes this glitch .
Im new to autocad and started designing my own house in archictecture 2010.
I've been having a propblem with the roof design at the moment, i am trying to get the gable ends of the roof to stand up on a 90 angle on both sides by editing the edges/faces but every time i do this the roof ends disappear so theres a hole in the sides of the roof and you can see into the house. How to do this so they do not disappear?
If we have both the Xref and the File that it is referenced into open on one of the computers here and we reload, the Xref disappears. If we do an undo and close the Xref it reloads without problem.
I tried to replace the user profile from another PC that doesn’t have the problem, but it didn’t work. Is there a Registry setting that cause this behavior? All stations set to “Enabled with copy”
I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden when I try to open an existing drawing it no longer pops up a box to browse, it asks me in my command bar at the bottom to type in the name of the drawing. The same thing happens when I try to "save as" a drawing... How to get this back to normal?
I recently added a block ( by dragging & dropping from our dws block library file) to our shared Tool Palettes. The block showed up properly on everone's computer the day I added it. However each morning when we restart our computers the block is no longer on the palette and I have to redrag & drop it. I thought that prerhaps I needed to export the updated toolpalette, but when I go to the customize tool palettes dialog box and right click on the toolpalette I don't see the export or import options. I am at a loss. We are using AutoCAD Architecture 2013
im having problems with max 2012 after hotfix 2 im working on some terrain and when i just move a tiny bit wireframe just go completely diseaper and its hard to model when you dont se wireframe everything was fine until hf2.
when doing the "distance" command, typically as you go from point to point, the distance will be listed on the page next to my cursor as I go. Then if you left click, right click, it will list the final distance down in the command window. The machine in question no longer displays the distance on the page as you go. This is a very useful feature for us, and although we can distance things, using the text readout in the command window takes much longer.
I have a number of drawings of our facilities that have been added to and revised over the years prior to having an established standard. Most of the drawings are in 2d (lines, hatches, etc.) but portions of the the newer projects were done partially in ADT/ACA (walls, doors, windows, etc.). I need to strip out the 3D information and convert to 2D for an application we will be using. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have done the Save As, Export to, and AECOBJECTEXPLODE routes but all leave 3d faces that can't be exploded any furher. I don't wan't want to use hidden line projection as that creates a very large drawing as all hatches are converted to individual lines.
One of the users in my office is getting the "AutoCAD cannot continue" error in AutoCAD Architecture 2012. I've read a few of the discussions concerning this issue in earlier versions.
After I plot to pdf, I get an error message: You do not have a PDF viewing application installed. Go to the internet and dowload a pdf viewer. The problem is that Acrobat Reader X is installed on my computer. I saw the thread about Reader X having spooling issues, so I reinstalled Acrobat Reader 9. Still get the same message.I can go to the file afterwards and open it, despite this message, but it is supposed to open from Architecture after it is plotted and it won't do that.
I don't consider myself a minimalist in any way, but I like to keep my personal folders clean of any system files. I recently changed the path for the autosave-folder as it intruded my private work files. The problem is that even though I did change the path, every time I start AutoCAD a new 'Autodesk'-folder is created in my personal folder. It still contains the sub-level 'Autosave'.
I work on AutoCad 2012. I am trying to find the revision cloud & tag tool. I seem to only be able to place a revision cloud without a tag on the drawing. I don't see a tag option and searching for the option on the help menu has resulted in zero hits. Does AutoCad 2012 not offer this feature or am I looking in the wrong location?
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I would like to add a hatch file but all the hatch files are located in the following file C:Program filesAutodeskAutoCAD Architecture 2012ContentPackscp_ADT_UKsupport. Adding a hatch file?