I've got 1800 attributes that need to be numbered from 1 to 1800 from left to right.
I got a Lisp that can do that but the only thing is when I select it with selection window, he wil sort all atributes on their unique handle code. So I have the first 40 attributes going from left to right with groups of numbers at the wrong place like 1-10, 31-40, 21-30, 11-20 instead of 1-40.
This is because when you copy an attribute he wil place a new unique handle coded attribute and the copy contains the previous handle code.
But if I select them one by one from left to right and run my lisp it just works fine cause it seems it doesnt look at the handle code to place the numbers in that order.
So is there a way that I can select multiple attributes, like I'm selecting them one by one from left to right, so I can bypass this attribute handle code?
Trying to change the color of a layer in a viewport (different than the default layer color (i.e. model layer color)). Objects are set to bylayer. Changing the VP color in the layer dialog brings up the color dialog, select a different color, click OK and the VP Color DOESN"T change in the layer dialog. It stays at its previous color. Occurs on several machines.
i was trying to model a character in Maya and somehow messed up the pivot. The handle stretch beyond the horizon in the scale and move tool, and for the rotate one i can't see the circle no matter how far i zoom out.
My units are set to decimal. In acad 2004, the dropdown list showed options like 1"=50' In 2013, it shows options like 1/32"=1'-0" How can I get it to display such as 1"=50' like before?
I created a drawing in model. Then some how messed up and have two images showing up in landscape view via viewport. So it seems that their are two viewport windows working?
In the full version of AutoCAD you could rotate the objects inside a vieport when you are in paper space. Can you do that also in AutoCAD Lite 2013? and if so, how?
I have a drawing with 13 layouts for a set of easement documents. They are in TN state plane and if I close and open the drawing the coordinate system in every single viewport on every single layout resets itself centered about the origin (state plan of this part of TN is around (2210437,238922.) so 0,0 is a long way from there.)
This error can be reproduced simply by saving and opening the drawing again but only in this one single drawing. I have never encountered this before in 12 years. I have done it over and over hoping it would not repeat but it happened again and now I have to redo all of my layouts...again. This is costing me a great deal of time. I am running Civil 3d 2013 and am going to move this drawing back to 2012 in the hopes of stopping this bug.
I have audited repeatedly and I purge all of my drawings often.
I am running 64bit ACAD on a 3.4ghz Xeon with 8gb ram.
Is it possible to find and zoom to text without switching back to the model space.
ie I am in a viewport in paperspace and i want to find text which resides in model space. I want to zoom to that text in the currently active viewport and not switch to its location in model space.
I cannot get the layer color to change in a specific viewport. The property manager shows the new color I have selected, but the color does not change in my viewport.
I am trrying to rotate the view that I have in my viewport. I used to use a command that had the options Alingn, rotate etc but in this moment I do not remember that command. I you do not remember either
I started a drawing for a project, and so far I don't have much information in the drawing. I created a few objects, then went to one of my Layout pages and created a viewport to view the objects, and bam - some of the lines are missing (the yellow objects). As you can see on the screen grabs, I hovered over the Model tab to prove they're still there. Even when I double-click inside the viewport to edit through it and try to grab the objects, they're apparently gone. But they're not, they show up in the Model tab.
The layer they're on is turned on, thawed, and unlocked, but every object in that layer is missing when I leave the Model tab. I've opened viewports on other Layout pages, and they all refuse to show the yellow lines.
If its possible to have a viewport stay locked on a geometry in model space?
For example- we layout our page geometries in model space and outline them in a VP in paperspace. however say we move the entire drawing in model space- we have to go back and redo every viewport on every page. is there a way to prevent this or stop this from happening?
I am currently running map 3d 2012 and my co-worker is running 2013. When she plots in paperspace, there is text that gets plotted that is outside of her viewport. When I open up the drawing on my computer, it plots perfectly. I attached a clip of it, the thick black is our drawing border, the viewport is where the color stops.
There is a default viewport in Layout1. How can I reposition and resize it on the paper? It would also be sufficient if I could delete it--how do I do that? (then I could create one that fit my needs)
Briefly, what are disadvantages of not using Model view?
Turn on/off layers in the current viewport only, I’m wondering if there is a command that can be plugged on the “quick access toolbar” by which one can turn on/off layers in the current viewport only.
The available command to do so is “Freeze and thaw in current viewport” (attached) and it sounds it can’t be plugged in the “quick access toolbar”!
Is there a way to plug the command “Freeze and thaw in current viewport” in the “quick access toolbar” (attached)?
I can't seem to change a viewport in layout view to show my drawing properly. No matter what I do the page only shows a very zoomed in view or a very zoomed out view. I have tried all menu options witht he word scale in, including the scale list. I have looked in the properties inspector.
Just switforeveched to AutoCAD 2013 from 2011. I kept the classic interface as I did since forever. This is the problem I am having now. After I created a viewport in a layout, I right click on the viewport border fully expecting a menu to come up so I can set the type to be 2d hidden. But nothing like that occurs. The help menu came up. How do I get the viewport menu to set the view type?
I am trying to organize 7 viewports in paperspace. My drawing is a metric drawing, and when I set a scale to one view port (for example 1:25) then double click into another viewport, the viewport that I origanly set at 1:25 vooms out to fit all contents in model space.
Sometime the ViewCube disappear from my screen, so it is not possible to rotate my drawing so see my objects in 3D.
The same ViewCube is in my Viewport and in this case I would like to make it disappear due the Viewport is locked and the commands do not operate normally here in this area.
Just in case you do not know what is the ViewCube please check the images attached.
Is there a way for me to display different points in each viewport? I have figured out how to freeze layers and realize I can put the points and labels on different layers but am curious if this is the only alternative?
I'm finding a problem with solid fill, drawn in model space its fine, but viewed through a viewport and all I see is the outline of it in wireframe.
I'm not having this problem on other drawings, it's limited to this file, but a colleague has also had as well it so not my workstation. This narrows it down to this specific drawing being the problem.
As regards variables, FILL = 1, FILLMODE=1.
It is just solid objects with the problem, polylines with a width display OK as does fill text.