AutoCAD 2013 :: Scaling XREF Drawings
Apr 29, 2013When I import a drawing using XREF command from one file to the new file the scaling between model space becomes all messed up. making the adjustments between the two?
View 7 RepliesWhen I import a drawing using XREF command from one file to the new file the scaling between model space becomes all messed up. making the adjustments between the two?
View 7 RepliesI am trying to come up with a way to track a block or xref in multiple drawings. I have multiple drawings that have the same block in them and I was hoping that there was a way I could find out what drawings have the block without having to open up every single drawing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the attached screencast video you will see that I have a drawing set up on the left of the screen to show where all the sections are taken through the building. I have setup a layer called SPC SECTION LINES which is set up to be bylayer and on the colour green.
When I XREF this drawing into the sheet file on the right side of the screencast you will see how the colour turns yellow when reference into the new sheet file?
Why does the colour of the line change when it gets xrefed into a new drawing?
the screen cast can be found at [URL]
Most of my design work requires me to xRef an existing title block to my paperspace and vport my drawing into my titleblock in paperspace. However, when I attach my titleblock using xRef into my paperspace, the scaling went totally out. Mostly my block comes out way bigger than it is suppose to. The problem is that I have set my designs and block to function in milimeters, so basically it should scale down to the same scale right?
And also, it's quite troublesome to keep going back to my titleblock dwg to edit/save and reload it back in my design. Is there anyway to explode the xRef titleblock? Every time I tried they keep saying its an external reference. Is there any way to go around this so I can edit it without going back and forth?
I'm running into a problem today setting up a drawing. The drawing has three viewports at different scales all looking at different parts of a model I have xrefed. The problem is that when I set a viewport to 1" = 50' for example, it is really being set to 1" = 50" -- off by a factor of 12. I cannot figure out where this problem stems from, but it is driving me a little crazy at the moment. I can work with it, by setting the scale with this correction factor in mind, but I would rather be able to set my viewports correctly, in case someone uses this drawing later as a go by or to do revision work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I am trying to make a site map for a building my buddy just bought. I found a lot map on the city's online database, cropped it to the area of his lot's block, and saved the image file. I then opened up a new autocad file and xreferenced the image. I know the front of his building on the site is 45' so I made a polyline that is the length of the facade over top of my xref image. Then I selected the image, used the scale command, selected one side of my polyline as a basepoint, used reference, entered 45' as the known length, and then selected the other end of the polyline. My image scaled but is now incredibly small. So small that the entine site isn't even 1". I keep trying but I'm doing something wrong somewhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two drawing files of arrows. One inserts uniformly and the other assumes that I want to specify the X and Y scaling separately. These drawing files do not contain blocks at the moment, but may have as some point in the past. I can't find anything in the drawing files that sets the block scaling when there isn't a block in the drawing, but one of them is behaving as if there is and the other one is not. How do I change all of my similar drawing files to insert scaled uniformly?
I see the option to scale uniformly on the insert dialog box, but I need this for a script, so I need to use the command line version.
Here is a copy of my command line for inserting the two drawing files:
-INSERT Enter block name or [?]: Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left
Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000
Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/Rotate]: 0,0
Specify scale factor <1>:
Specify rotation angle <0>:
-INSERT Enter block name or [?] <Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left>: Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left
Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000
Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]: 0,6
Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>:
Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>:
Specify rotation angle <0>:
Note that the first time Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left comes in with no reference to option X/Y/Z, but the second time Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left has the option, and there for requires the extra line of input.
i need to send a drawing out to a clent of our's. it has a XREF with it . so here what i do. open drawing, purge it, go to xref manger highlite the referrence, right click, hit bind, Bind Xref/DGN underlay window comes up check bind hit ok it go thur it stuff. the xref disapear from the drawing but it still shows in the xref manger with a coment on the command line that say : Error : at least one of the specified xref failed to bind for an unknown reason.
We are a small company with two PCs - 1 laptop and a server. We are having problems using xref drawings across the network. The laptop is mapped to the Z drive and the reference file is on the server (D drive). Each time we open a drawing on the laptop (Z drive) the xref files which is saved on the server (D drive) cannot be seen. We reattached the file and it works fine until we closed and reopen the drawing. When the drawing is opened on the laptop the xref is not loaded on the screen. However, the file extension can be seen but no drawing is visible.
In summary how can we tell get the laptop to permanently reference xref files saved on the server without them dropping out?
So, I am working off a site drawing of an 80,000 sq ft production plant that was drawn by some old school drafters using probably AC 14. Most of the departments are drawn in xrefs. However, probably 10+ people worked on this project of mapping the plant so nothing is the same. I cannot describe the frustration of inconsistencies of this drawing. Alas, my question: some of my xrefs are shown in literal dim lines, what is going on? When you go to the original xref, the lines are as bright as they always are. When the xref is in the main drawing, the lines are dimmer than everything else.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor new drawings, is there a way to program Autocad to always load Xrefs relative? We pretty much use xrefs everywhere, and it seems like it would save a lot of time if I didn't have to open the External References and change each xref to relative.
Also, if you have an existing drawing and need to change the xref from absolute to relative path, is there a way to have it automatically do that? I'm assuming there isn't, but thought I'd ask.
When ever i open a dwg file (it contains Xref files) it's take a long time to open... and i tried the same file to open in Autocad 2007, it's opened with in a second.... and also note that the Autocad 2007 installed in a Dual core pc with 4gb RAM.. and the 2012 is installed in Core i7 12gb ram with NVIDIA graphics card.. and it's 64 bit Windows 7 too.. When i try to open a file it's shows "Loading c:/ ....... base.dwg, etc.. ..
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe 2D drawings I am working with were exported from 3D REVIT files to 2D AutoCAD files. There are several XREFed drawings that are both mechanical and architectural from the original REVIT files that for whatever reason, the block's line weights came over with line weights of 70 in those blocks.
When I plot, the objects are a blur with the line weight so high. I tried using the command "setbylayer" but that didn't work since nested blocks still had lineweights of 70. Is there a VBA or LISP routine to run through all the blocks (including nested) that can change the line weights to a given number?
I have a Windows 7 machine running AutoCAD 2013. When trying to open any drawings from our AutoDesk Vault 2013 server, AutoCAD will hard lock/freeze and can only be closed by using Windows Task Manager. When accessing the same files through the Vault first, without opening AutoCAD, they open with no issues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to know how to set up my dwg so that 1cm = 1in. when I'm drawing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedLets say that I want d drawing to be printed on scalw 1:50 why do I need to input at the plot properties 20mm to 1 unit in order to get it correct?
Also different question. If i want to print on paper roll and the one dimension of my drawing is 297 (A3) and the other dimension is undifined how can i set the paper size? Because under the drop down menu paper size the sizes are all fixed.
I'm trying to scale down 3D drawings but when I use the 3DSCALE command the perspective gets distorted. Is there a way I can scale my drawing without messing up the perspective?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWe receive site survey dwgs generated in Civil 3D that contain 3D topos with elevation tags. The elevation tags are clearly scalabe anno objects that scale correctly in the received civil dwg. The elevation tags won't scale correctly in our dwgs - they come in too small to see.
- Both dwg's have units set to decimal.
- I tried copying / pasting the viewport from the civil dwg to our dwg and the text is still too small. This tells me it's a dwg specific variable and not a viewport setting.
- I have Civil 3D object enabler installed, though I don't think this has any bearing.
It would be nice to use the original tags and not have to re-create every elevation tag.
I am having problems to scale 2d objects I use the command scale but when it request a base point it said "extremely small scale factor ignored" I have to do this 5 or 6 times until the command works.
The other thing is that I can not do a 1 dimension scale in 2D.
This is in Acad 2013. This wasn't happening last week, and I don't know what changed. I have a small drawing file with a few point blocks with attributes and some lines I'm trying to insert into a main drawing. I've made sure that both files are set to "unitless" in the following variables:
I've run SCALELISTEDIT on both files and reset them to "metric and imperial scales", and saved both files. The base points in both drawings are 0,0,0. Both files are in the WCS.
I've run audit on both files. I've run purge in the main drawing to make sure it doesn't already contain a definition of the small drawing. I've rebooted the PC and restarted acad.
When I insert the small drawing into the main drawing, the points come in at the correct coordinates. But the lines connecting them and the point block attributes are scaled up by 39.3700787400 and are far away.
When I type in the command "SC" for scaling the object, it'll asks me to specify base point then I can enter what scale I want it to be, such as 2 times or 0.5 for half sacle.
with the new 2013 version, sometimes it'll exit the command if I select the insertion point of the block or if the object is at the 0,0,0 location of the drawing. it'll also give a message of "the scaling factor is too small". But I haven't enter what scale I want to scale the object yet.
Is there a way to set the Multileader scale for DIMSCALE when it is on the tool palette like you are able to do with every other block? Maybe a lisp routine so set the Multileader style and to dimscale?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI still have a problem with copy and pasting drawings in the right units. I checked discussions but nothing seems to work. To make things less confusing for me I'll explain the situation in detail:
- I have a drawing file, in metres, that I want to copy to another file.
- My second drawing, in inches, is where I want to paste the drawing from the first file.
Let's say I have a line that's 1 m in the first drawing. When I paste onto the second drawing, it pastes as 1 in.
I tried insunits, units, etc. but it always comes out small when I paste it. Manually scaling the files will lose the accuracy.
I'm currently trying to make an MV block which is a combination of a 2D symbol and its 3D representation. I want the 2D symbol to scale in line with the annotation scale so have set the annotative flag on my symbol block but I do not want the 3D representation to scale so this does not have the flag set. However, when I put the two blocks into my MV block and then alter the annotation scale, both the 2D and 3D blocks both scale.
Is there something more that I need to be doing to to make the two blocks act independently and comply with the annotative flag set on them? I have seen this behaviour work on MEP2013 but can't see anything different on its 'devices' and my simple blocks.
how you get objects, say i drew a rectangle, to the correct size from model space to paper space. And why when you change the dimensions of an object to meters from milimeters, does it not change the size of the object on paperspace when it's at the same scale.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm rendering an equipment shelter that sits atop a gravel pad. I've picked the "Gravel Crushed" material, and it looks OK, but I'd like to be able to scale the material so it isn't so "fine". I'd like it to be more coarse.
How to change the scale of the material?
I have just upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 to 2013 so I'm unfamiliar with the latest set up & dont' have time to explore it properly yet. I see that 2013 has a different projection method for paper space views but for the present I am still using solview & soldraw which I am familiar with to get my work done on time.
In 2008 the 'Linetype manager' page let you tick a box 'Use paper space units for scaling' so that different paper space view ports would automatically scale line types to suit the viewport scale. To draw details of parts of a view I would normally copy the basic solview view port, alter its property to a layer named VPORT, scale this viewport to the desired scale to show what I want to detail & the linetypes would automatically scale so that they appear the same as in the original solview view port.
This pick box is not in the linetype manager page in 2013, how can I achieve this?
When I have to scale something after bringing it in from another drawing (Windows copy, paste), usually (but strangely not always, it seems) the dimension text and arrows are all messed up. If I scale down, they are (obviously) way too big, up, and they are microscopic. How is this best avoided / dealt with? I imagine it is something with the DIMSTYLE not being copied over or something?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I accurately set the scale on a raster underlay based on 2 (or more) points where I know the distance between them?
In fact I would like to do this on 2 axes separately so that it stretches.
I am used to georeferenceing like this and getting raster underlays the right shape for the coordinate system I am using. How I can do this in AutoCAD, which used a very simple coordinate system.
My plan designer uses Chief Architect and has converted his drawing into a DWG for me to use in AutoCAD 2013. When I open the drawing however, it is not to scale. I've tried importing it using the copyclip command to a blank drawing but it doesn't convert to scale. When I've tried using the scale command it doesn't scale properly.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble when I import XRef’s and the scaling of lines. When the drawings are importing the hidden lines do not show up as hidden lines. I know this might be a scaling issue but I do not know how to correct this. The XRef drawing is drawn at a scale of 1-1/2”=1’-0” and set to print on a letter size paper but the drawing which it is imported to is set to be printed on a 11x17 but the viewport is still at the 1-1/2” scale and the lines are shown as continuous.
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