I used pdf attach to insert a pdf into the drawing. I have a plan drawing with viewports that references the drawing file. I tried to turn off the layer in one viewport while leaving the layer turned on in another viewport but i could not get it to plot correctly. It's off in my drawing but when i go to plot its on in all viewports. What is the reason that this happens? my plan file is too large i may have to post it seppartly
I'm trying to attach a DWG file to my post but it is appearing not to let me. Shouldn't I be able to attach that type of file? Or is there another file type I should be using?
I have an older drawing that was created by somebody else that is chock full of bad CAD. I have to add some leaders to some text and I'm using the "QLeader" command. For some odd reason when I implement "QLATTACH" it won't attach the leader to the text.
Yes, I could recreate the text with the Qleader command but I'm trying to avoid having to do that because there is a lot of text. I'm not a fan of the rigidness of Mleader either so that is not an option.
I have an equipment list on excel 2013, that I can't insert into my AutoCad (2014) drawing. I've tried using paste special, paste link, using both as excel work book and as an autocad table. I have a wide variety of problems with both. Pasting as autocad table sometimes it wont update, when I try to update the link it locks up the drawing. When I paste as excel workbook it doesn't plot, although it show on plot preview. Is there a memory setting that has to be changed on autcad I have 12 gigs of memory on my computer.
I am so frustrated about one thing that has been changed in the newest version (2013)
Before, in PL command, 2D, I could point my marker at one snap point on a line for example, then I drag my marker to one direction towards where I want the Polyline to start. I write in an number (ex. 1000 mm) for the distance from the snap point, and ENTER it. The polyline starts now 1000 mm from the snap point I chose.
NOWADAYS it attaches in an RANDOM, and for me, inappropriate place on the current drawing when I ENTER the distance
Is it some settings I have to change to get this as it was in the 2012 version?
When I attach a titleblock as an xref in paperspace, it is not lined up on my page that I have set up. It attaches to the upper right hand corner of my screen and I have to manually move it on top of my paperspace. I know there is a way to have them automatically line up.
Is it possible to attache a PCG file created with ACAD 2013 in ACAD 2012? I ask because I keep getting the message "the point cloud data file is not valid!". I have tried using both x86 and x64 and get the same error. I have also tried with ACAD 2011 and get the same error. The file was created from a Leica PTS file.
when it comes to viewports in paperspace in 2013, due to the nature of my work i have several layout drawings all drawn on top of each other and all with ther own txt and dims etc, which again is all on top of each other making it impossible to work in model space, for this reason i work in paperspace within a viewport but now i have upgraded to 2013 while i am in mid command e.g. dimension and zoom into first point then zoom back out and in again to second point, by this time i have been kicked out of the viewport and just in paperspace so cant complete the command, doesnt always happen?
I have drawn my model and am trying to put it into viewports. I have followed the tutorials provided to the letter, but when I create the viewport nothing shows up.
On one of my drawings which was created by someone else, the viewports don't have boxes around them. When you click on them in paperspace, it bring you into model space, and when you click on detail it opens up, but cannot expand viewport., you can't delete it. I want to expand it to bring in detail which is bigger now.
I'm using Autocad 2013, and im trying to freeze layers in certain viewports, but the VP freeze/thaw button is greyed out for all my layers and wont allow me to freeze anything. I dont want to use the New viewport freeze/thaw button.
Dwg A: Circle & Square is drawn in the model space and 2 Viewports in Paper Space annotating the 2 objects Dwg B: Triangle is drawn in model space and 1 viewport in paper space annotating the triangle
i want to bring the Square detail (model and viewport with annotation) from Dwg A to Dwg B,while copying the Square and pasting it in Dwg B with the same reference points, i am having the square object over the Triangle in model space.I do not want to move the triangle since that is matched with the viewport on the paper space and annotated
i want to move the Square to a new reference (while pasting) BUT in a way to have the layout annotations matching and being asscociated with it,
I'm working with alot of overlapped x-refs and every layer for each x-ref will come in to the drawing. When I'm using the viewports I need to freeze all the layers for some x-refs that don't need to show in that viewport. Since each x-ref has well over 70 layers I am wondering if there is a simple way to freeze all the x-ref layers in the viewport.
Some of our drawings have the ability for the viewport view to be dragged despite the viewport being locked. Is there an alternate way to lock, or unlock a view besides the option located on the drawing tray?
Selection of overlapping viewports,I go two overlapping viewports.The issue here that I couldn't access the model space of the small viewport. Double clicking it will access the model space of the big viewport.
So in the last week or so, my C3D 2014 randomly decided not to copy viewports. It copies the box, but nothing in it. Plus you can't go into model space in the copied viewport. Just looks and acts like a normal rectangular polyline. But when you check the properties, it still says it is indeed a "Viewport" object.
Short of reinstalling the software, any setting that would cause this?
When hovering over this button in the layer manager the following is displayed.
"Creates a new layer and freezes it in all existing layout viewports. This button is accessible from the model tab or layout tabs".
Key words here being EXISTING and LAYOUT viewports. So I've got an existing xref attached to an existing layout and per the displayed tip this means, to me, any new layer created within the xref that has this option enabled will be frozen in all existing layouts.
Since a layout is a viewport, I assume this means the layout itself, not a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content from a layout.
Even if this means a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content, that doesn't work either, so what exactly is the point of this feature?
I have an issue when working in paper space in an active viewport. As a quick change i want to move a few items and im zoomed in to do so. Problem is, when i select some items, then pan with the 3rd button on the mouse to select more items, it deselcts all the items i previously just selected.
Is there a fix or something i need to change in options for this? In AutoCAD 2011 there is no problem, but my upgrade to 2013 has the issue and its such a pain, i've reverted to the old program.
I've been messing around with a 3D drawing trying to get it to plot properly. I have 4 viewports on the layout, and the issue is that parts of the viewport are being mysteriously chopped off, as if some great big white box is covering part of the viewport. This is definitely not an issue with printer margins - this is occuring in the middle of the page.
I've deleted all the viewports and created new ones, but the drawing is still being cut off in the same locations. 20 sheets of A3 and most of the day later.
I am trying to learn Annotative text using multiple viewports. My question: I have text in Model space with Annotative scales to match two different viewports in layout space. Sometimes the text or dimensions for that matter appears in a different place in the two windows. What gives?
I have 3D drawing. I put camera's in several places and situations. In viewports I choosed a camera in every viewport. They work nice so long the drawing is open. When I close the drawing after saving it ofcourse. When I open it again , the viewports jump to SOUTH-EAST. and I have to rearrange the view of the cammera again. Although I used the command UCSFOLLOW to solve this, but it did not work.
PS. that happens only in the viewports which based on camera's. The views in other viewports which are not based on camer's, stay without chaning or jumping.
Every once and a while when I open up a dwg, autocad will load with what looks like two viewports in my model space tab. The bottom viewport is not clickable and the top viewport is very thin and is the one I am able to move around in. I would like to get this to stop.
Is it possible to show two different viewports in the same layout that show views from two different drawings? So one viewport would show a section of the current drawing's modelspace, and the second viewport would show a a section of modelspace from another drawing? (and possibly update automatically like an XREF?) Or would the easiest way be to just XREF both drawings into a new drawing, and then show viewports from them in the new drawing?
The new VIEWBASE tool(s) are pretty cool but I have noticed that the solid objects in the viewports that are created by VIEWBASE tool/command display and plot pixelated. I have changed many normal settings like VIEWRES, WHIPARC, ISOLINES... without any improvement. I did notice that there is a property in the property palette called "Shade Resolution" that I am wondering if it might control this setting. The only thing is that I can't change its value from the properties palette.
I did compare the difference between a normal viewport and one that is created by the VIEWBASE command and the normal viewports display the objects smoothly (see the last picture below)
1) How to fix the pixelation issue? 2) Does this property control the pixelation issue? 3) How do you change this prop
I am curious how the default workspace “3D Modeling” is able to combine ribbon panels from both the acad.cuix file and the modeldoc.cuix file in one tab. See attached screen shot to see where I highlighted the differences between the tab in the workspace and the tab in the acad.cuix file. I am trying to recreate this in my workspace without having two separate layout tabs.
Im trying to keep annotative blocks in the same spot on different scale viewports. The main issue Im having is, when i have a lets say house plan in viewport #1 and have all my blocks in place that I moved copyed from my template. When I open another viewport at a diffrent scale the blocks move. Im useing a large number of blocks for electrical symbols we use at work that I need to be in every viewport so we can copy them and place them where needed on the plan.