AutoCad :: 2013 Polyline Extension Won't Attach At Right Place?
Jan 22, 2013
I am so frustrated about one thing that has been changed in the newest version (2013)
Before, in PL command, 2D, I could point my marker at one snap point on a line for example, then I drag my marker to one direction towards where I want the Polyline to start. I write in an number (ex. 1000 mm) for the distance from the snap point, and ENTER it. The polyline starts now 1000 mm from the snap point I chose.
NOWADAYS it attaches in an RANDOM, and for me, inappropriate place on the current drawing when I ENTER the distance
Is it some settings I have to change to get this as it was in the 2012 version?
I used pdf attach to insert a pdf into the drawing. I have a plan drawing with viewports that references the drawing file. I tried to turn off the layer in one viewport while leaving the layer turned on in another viewport but i could not get it to plot correctly. It's off in my drawing but when i go to plot its on in all viewports. What is the reason that this happens? my plan file is too large i may have to post it seppartly
I'm trying to attach a DWG file to my post but it is appearing not to let me. Shouldn't I be able to attach that type of file? Or is there another file type I should be using?
I have an older drawing that was created by somebody else that is chock full of bad CAD. I have to add some leaders to some text and I'm using the "QLeader" command. For some odd reason when I implement "QLATTACH" it won't attach the leader to the text.
Yes, I could recreate the text with the Qleader command but I'm trying to avoid having to do that because there is a lot of text. I'm not a fan of the rigidness of Mleader either so that is not an option.
I have an equipment list on excel 2013, that I can't insert into my AutoCad (2014) drawing. I've tried using paste special, paste link, using both as excel work book and as an autocad table. I have a wide variety of problems with both. Pasting as autocad table sometimes it wont update, when I try to update the link it locks up the drawing. When I paste as excel workbook it doesn't plot, although it show on plot preview. Is there a memory setting that has to be changed on autcad I have 12 gigs of memory on my computer.
When I attach a titleblock as an xref in paperspace, it is not lined up on my page that I have set up. It attaches to the upper right hand corner of my screen and I have to manually move it on top of my paperspace. I know there is a way to have them automatically line up.
Is it possible to attache a PCG file created with ACAD 2013 in ACAD 2012? I ask because I keep getting the message "the point cloud data file is not valid!". I have tried using both x86 and x64 and get the same error. I have also tried with ACAD 2011 and get the same error. The file was created from a Leica PTS file.
When placing a dimension with the text outside of the extension lines, it defaults to placing the text either above right or below left of the arrows. If you try to grip/drag the text to another location (i.e. below right or above left) it won't allow it. I don't know if it is following some standard, but in the example shown, I had to explode the dimension to position the text in the preferred location.
with the Genio Exporter. I need to export the surface triangles from my job, but the Genio export dialouge box only gives me the option to export suface boundaries.
I have imported a dwg witch was created by Revit. The problem is that it creates polyline vertex for curves. But i want a arc, or at least not so many segments.
on the image; on the left is what i got, on the right is what i want.
I'm drawing a polyline with a width of 5". In previous versions, the pline would always appear solid. Now it appears clear. I want it to appear solid. If this is editable in the pline properties, or if it's something you turn on after you pick the first point, much like typing 'W' to enter the width?
I'm working on a project that a coworker already started but he drew walls as 200mm thick polylines and he wants them changed to be two lines set 200mm offset of each other. He thinks there is an easy command to do this.
I am trying to use stabilizer to smooth out a camera motion but immediately getting into problem with using stabilizer as I could not find any comprehensive manual on utilizing this feature.
I have one problematic very important clip with the uneven camera motion: camera moves at a certain rate and suddenly drops or increases in speed. It is around 5 min clip and involves some long panning with uneven rate of camera motion.
It is not shaky as the camera was on a tripod all right just the operator was a little bit drunk and spoiled the hole shot.
Anyway I spliced (cut) the lengthy clip into several segments where I could be able to find a distinguished feature to apply a tracker.
Then I applied an Axis FX through a timeline FX. In the "Axis" main menu I chose "Stabilizer". But in the Stabilizer Menu in the preview window I cannot see my video frames and there are boxes of tracker on the black background. How can I apply tracker if there is no footage seen in the window?
I am not sure how to change this, but I am adding polylines and they are coming in with a "Thickness" of 4" in the properties palette (7th option in General area of properties). The Global width is set to 0 and it shows correctly in a 2d plan view, but a 4" thickness if I do a 3dorbit.
i'm looking for polyline lisp. I type PLINE and type Width specify starting width is 0.0 next specify ending width is 90.0 and then i type 200mm for my distance then i choose again the Width to become 0.0 (starting and ending) then choose Arc. How to create lisp polyline?
Any unpublished system or drawing variable that allows you to toggle to the classic grips on a curve-fit polyline? I have searched online and checked with our reseller but we have been unable to find a way to switch to the historic grips that are available on a curve-fit polyline.
We use only polyline when drawing. Plinetype is set to 0.
First problem is with J (join) command. Sometimes when we try to join different polylines it kills a vertex. Example if i have two polylines (they are not joined) that forms a rectangle it will join them but kill one vertex and turn it into triangle. This dosen't happen all the time.
Second problem i figured a way round for the problem above, if i use the pedit command and then use j the above problem never happens. But instead (also not every time) it turns the joined polyline into lwpolyline. So its all pretty anoing as we have to use convertoply.
Is there some other command than plinetype to resolve his problem.
Is there any way to change the format that's the default save. I don't use .xcf and prefer to use png or jpg. Why do I have to export them instead of simply save? Why did they change it in this version?
Our customer send us drawing with ellipse into.With Autocad 2008 I bought a plug-in call SplineConvert that did the job perfectly but not compatible with 2013.
Is there any plugin that could replace that tool ?
Is there any standard ACAD command that could easily do this Job ?
I need a way to make 2 or 3 times per week this converting on all ellipses of large and detail 2D drawings so no time to offset in and out all those .
I try also DXFOUT in R12 but all the spline are being converted into 3d polyline making a huge files that froze my PC.
I also try FLATTEN but did not see how it work , the ellipse stay an ellipse.
we have a drawing containing different profiles that we use for our plastic fabrication workshop, however will not print the entire profile only the beginning and end even thou is shown in the plotting preview window, we have changed all potting styles and settings trying to make it work with no luck.