I'm drawing a polyline with a width of 5". In previous versions, the pline would always appear solid. Now it appears clear. I want it to appear solid. If this is editable in the pline properties, or if it's something you turn on after you pick the first point, much like typing 'W' to enter the width?
I know you can change the width of the polyline by using the command "plinewid". Is there a way to set a specific width of the polyline on just one specific layer?
For example, I create a layer called "WIDE", and I want the width of the polyline to be 4". But i want the pline width to be 4" ONLY whenever I draw on this particular layer called "WIDE"; but if I draw on the other layers, the polyline width would be back to the default width. Is this even doable?
i have a set of coordinates, not on the polyline. i want to find the polyline width where that coodinate intersects perpendicular to the polyline (shortest distance). without going through all the vertices.
i have a polyline with many segments with varying width, which are constant through the each segments (no taper width). need to read off the "instantaneous" width.
I am having a problem with trying to come up with a way to create an inventor entity that is like an an autocad multi-width polyline. We make some of our lines in our silk screen as multi-width polylines - see example fig 1. I can't figure out how to accomplish this type of line effect in inventor - see example fig 2. We are actively trying to move from MDT2009 to Inventor and i can recreate most everything except this multi-width polyline.-
I have a polyline that has been inserted into a block. I want to scale the block so that the start and end points of the polyline can change but the width of the polyline remains constant.
i know it can be done via lineweights, but you cant "lock" the lineweight in model space,
at the mo, to generate a thinkness in a line i use the global width for that pline.
i dont want to use line weights as i sometimes have multiple lines with different widths on the same layer, i could split the layers, but i'd rather not to.
I have polylines and changed the width to 3/4" and now the Plines are not solid (filled like a hatch) anymore? They are splined as well. I must have changed a setting somewhere and did not know it. AutoCAD 2012.
I have a dynamic block with several look-up values for the polylines width and I'd like to label them (as a text in the drawing over the block), and be able to move this label where best fits. I've being trying inside the block, but then it can't be moved outside of it. I tried MText with field outside the block, but it has to be applied in many one by one.
Should I use the block itself (how?) or there is a lisp for this? I have a lisp for bearing and distance for lines, which places the bearing text above them and the distance text below those lines, no matter what angle is. It will place in the middle and in the same angle as the line. I edited this lisp file, but how to change it for my purpose, as I don't understanding all the codes inside of it.
I've been searching on and off all morning for a lisp routine, without any luck. I'm trying to draw a pline with a pre determined width (5") and be able to draw unlimited line segments then automatically fillet with a pre determined radius (5").
I wrote this generic macro: ^C^CPLINEWID;5;PL;\\;FILLET;R;5;F;P;LAST; to save SOME time but I want unlimited line segments. Can this be modified or would a lisp be the better route to go?
I have a survey symbol for a tree that is created using two polyline arcs with width to make a solid circle. It is scalable in the desc key by tree size.
Sometimes when I plot a drawing the tree symbols plot (both paper and pdf) as "spokes on a tire", like a line with a polar array. (Even though the style is created with 2 polyline arcs with width)
If I explode the point object (not anywhere near ideal) then it plots as a solid circle as it should.
I don't maintain the template, I just use it, so modifying the point style isn't really an option.
I have not been able to nail down when it occurs and when it doesn't.
It used to be that when you selected a ployline onscreen you could set properties for the line in the properties dialog. With this version of ACAD, if the polyline is not of uniform width on all sections then the global width option is missing from the options dialog.
I know that you can now right click and go polyline/width but i suppose i have been doing this a certain way for so long and now i cant and its annoying.
I have a bolt program that draws the thickness of a bolts in elevation as a polyline with a global width, what i need is a lisp to then change this lwpolyline to a hatch, ie if global width is 20 and the polyline is 30 long i need to change this to a 20x30 solid hatch, is it possible to get the the global width and length and convert this to a boundary hatch? I need the same thing done for bolts in plan too as the circle is a lwpolyline also.
I have imported a dwg witch was created by Revit. The problem is that it creates polyline vertex for curves. But i want a arc, or at least not so many segments.
on the image; on the left is what i got, on the right is what i want.
I'm working on a project that a coworker already started but he drew walls as 200mm thick polylines and he wants them changed to be two lines set 200mm offset of each other. He thinks there is an easy command to do this.
I am not sure how to change this, but I am adding polylines and they are coming in with a "Thickness" of 4" in the properties palette (7th option in General area of properties). The Global width is set to 0 and it shows correctly in a 2d plan view, but a 4" thickness if I do a 3dorbit.
i'm looking for polyline lisp. I type PLINE and type Width specify starting width is 0.0 next specify ending width is 90.0 and then i type 200mm for my distance then i choose again the Width to become 0.0 (starting and ending) then choose Arc. How to create lisp polyline?
Any unpublished system or drawing variable that allows you to toggle to the classic grips on a curve-fit polyline? I have searched online and checked with our reseller but we have been unable to find a way to switch to the historic grips that are available on a curve-fit polyline.
We use only polyline when drawing. Plinetype is set to 0.
First problem is with J (join) command. Sometimes when we try to join different polylines it kills a vertex. Example if i have two polylines (they are not joined) that forms a rectangle it will join them but kill one vertex and turn it into triangle. This dosen't happen all the time.
Second problem i figured a way round for the problem above, if i use the pedit command and then use j the above problem never happens. But instead (also not every time) it turns the joined polyline into lwpolyline. So its all pretty anoing as we have to use convertoply.
Is there some other command than plinetype to resolve his problem.
Floating command line width gets shorter and shorter everytime you open up AutoCAD? Civil 3D is real bad, I used it to shoot the above video. In regular AutoCAD, it still shrinks, but it shrinks a lot less.
Any tips for keeping it floating but making the width stay constant?
Our customer send us drawing with ellipse into.With Autocad 2008 I bought a plug-in call SplineConvert that did the job perfectly but not compatible with 2013.
Is there any plugin that could replace that tool ?
Is there any standard ACAD command that could easily do this Job ?
I need a way to make 2 or 3 times per week this converting on all ellipses of large and detail 2D drawings so no time to offset in and out all those .
I try also DXFOUT in R12 but all the spline are being converted into 3d polyline making a huge files that froze my PC.
I also try FLATTEN but did not see how it work , the ellipse stay an ellipse.