AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer - Cannot Input Unicode Character To Command Prompt

Dec 13, 2012

I've been using AutoCAD 2013 Korean in Windows XP and Windows 7(32/64bit).

I have a question the command prompt.

The line have the name of layer : 0 (default layer)

I create another layer. It's unicode

And I will change name of layer 0 to 도면층1.

But I can not input unicode character to command prompt.

But It was changed from property dialog.

Can I input unicode character from command prompt?.

Previous version(AutoCAD 2008,2009,2010,2012) CAD worked well.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Prompt Position

Jun 13, 2013

My command prompt window position moved to top left corner. Want to move back to bottom left corner.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Prompt Only Shows Last Line

May 1, 2013

We (the entire office) haven't had this issue in 2012, but in all of our 2013 installations, this is occurring.

In 2012, several rows are displayed in the command prompt, say for example you do a distance command, there are two rows of text showing the information the user might want to see.  It displays the first row of, distance, the angle in XY plane and the angle from XY plane.  The second row displays the delta X, delta Y and delta Z.

In 2013, it only displays delta X, delta Y and delta Z.  The user have to hit "F2" to invoke the "AutoCAD Text Window" to view the first line of text.

I hope there is a variable setting for this, and not an oversight by Autodesk.

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AutoCAD VB :: Insert Unicode Character Into String?

Feb 6, 2013

I need to insert a registered brand character (®) into a string for a product model using code ("Model Name ®"). How do you handle Unicode in VB .NET?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Put Spaces In Command Line Input

Oct 1, 2012

I want record a macro to update a title block. We've revised the formatting of our title block.  The block name is the same, only some appearances change.

I noticed in the insert command, "You can replace an existing block definition with an external file by entering block name=file name."  This would be great.  I could just type in the block name and the file name and AutoCAD would replace the current with the new version in the file.  Then do an ATTSYNC and we're done.


The path and the block name both have spaces in them.  Is there any way to make AutoCAD stop taking the space as a return?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dynamic Input / Command Line

May 10, 2012

I've update AutoCAD 2012 to AutoCAD 2013 and I have a problem when I type "L" or "C" to draw a line or a circle, the command line says "Unknown command "L". Press F1 for help". It's the same thing if I fully type the command "line" or "Circle". But some other commands works normally.

Working on:
Windows 7
Intel Core i7 2.93Ghz
8 Go RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Insert Command Turn Off Dynamic Input

Feb 13, 2013

Why AutoCAD 2013 turn off dynamic input when we use the insert command. It happens only when using dynamic blocks.

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Revit :: How To Insert A Unicode RTL Control Character From The Context Menu

Jun 6, 2013

I am while i am tryng to insert right to left text (hebrew) in to a tag lable.

while I type I use the context manue to change reading order but when i finish typing it changes back.

I tried to manualy insert a unicode RTL control character from the context manu, but it doesent have any effect.
I hope I am missing somthing and its not a bug( entering long text (in hebrew) is criticle for notes and scheduals)
RAC 2014
win 7 64bit

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimension Input Prompt

Aug 15, 2011

What or where is the setting to change the dimension value input to automatic rather than accepting the default every time I put a dimension in?  I don't want to be prompted for input.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Get User Input Via Prompt

Oct 3, 2013

I have this working without the prompt, if I under manually the margin via var margin = 10; it works. it also seems to return correctly when I print what the input from the user is, but it doesn't seem to want to work and freezes.
it says "point value expected"
//Helper functions
function print(i) {
    if(i == "object"){
        print("you are trying to printObject, use printObj(); function");
    else { 

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AutoCad 2D :: Open PGP From Command Prompt?

Mar 29, 2011

how can I open file acad.pgp from the command prompt, without going through menu Tools ---> Customize ---> Edit Program Parameters

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AutoCAD 2013 :: ArcText And UniCode

Sep 25, 2013

How do you get ArcText to recognize special characters.  

If I create a string in MText with special characters IE "Rotate the handle 45 %%d" or "Rotate the handle 45 U+00B0", I get a text string in the drawing with the degree symbol. 

If I enter the same string in the ArcText input box, the degree symbol does not show up in the drawing, only the control characters.

In researching this problem, the only thing I could find, anywhere, was a Rev14 ArcText update specifically for special characters.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select Object Command Prompt

Jun 4, 2012

I'm creating a VB.Net routine which will run the REVCLOUD command.  In my application I prompt the user to select a single polyline using:

EntRslt = acDoc.Editor.GetEntity(EntOpts)

Then later I run the REVCLOUD command using:

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("_revcloud Object Poly No ", False, False, True)

Where Poly is the polyline I selected earlier.  Of course, the line above doesn't work since "Poly" is interpreted as a string.  But I would like to figure out how to pass my VB.Net selected Polyline into the REVCLOUD command.

How I might do this?  The REVCLOUD command will not accept the "Previous" selection set so setting the Implied Selectoin does not work.  If my Polyline was the Last object in the database I could use the "Last" option, but it isn't.

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AutoCad :: Correct Command Prompt Follows Return Key

Oct 24, 2012

I've noticed this annoying trait in AutoCAD 2012 when drawing a polar array that I hadn't noticed in previous versions. I used to get stuck in a loop having to repeatedly enter the number of items in the array trying to get it to move on to the next command prompt of what angle of fill I required.

CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
Ad infinitum...

I then discovered that this only seems to happen when the cursor is left over the centre of the array you clicked on. But if it's moved to one side the correct command prompt follows the Return key. This isn't intuitive as you have to leave go of the mouse to input the required number at the keyboard, so it tends to be wherever you just clicked, and you end up in the pointless loop.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Prompt - Glyph Not Defined

May 16, 2012

I am getting this error message many times in my command promt.

** Glyph not defined at: U+0050.

Where I can download the font for this error? I searched in google, but I dont find it.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Prompt / Save In 2013 Drawing Format?

Nov 14, 2012

As many of us seam to do the option to save by default to an older version of AutoCAD or universal DXF format is selected, my problem is however when you save an existing drawing a prompt appears asking if 'Drawing*.dxf last saved in AutoCAD 2004 format. Save in AutoCAD 2013 Drawing format?' this has annoyed me for years!

I have set it as default DXF 2014 for a good reason I don’t want a prompt asking me if I want to then save it as 2013 or I would have set it like that on my default setting, gets on your nerves when you are doing 100's of files.

Win7 64 Pro - Asus P8P67 PRO - i5-2500k CPU O/C@4.5Ghz- OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - 8GB Ram - GTX550 Ti - SpaceExplorer.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Isolate Layer Command Does Not Work

Nov 19, 2012

instead of isolating the entity selected, it LOCKS all other layers, except the one you select

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Menus In Command Prompt?

Nov 22, 2011

I am able in lisp to create a command prompt selection menu, easy (see code below).However what I want is for the lisp to be ready to undertake an action UNLESS I select an option.

An example is the offset command wich has a function ready to roll (namely the specify offset distance) "OR" I can interrupt the "specify offset distance" and enter one of the sub options (in the case of offset Through/ Erase/Layer).

My code attempts to offset also, UNLESS the user wishes to specify a distance.
(DEFUN C:loadoffset ();CREATING MENU FOR SUB COMMANDS [GETIT] [GOTIT]...(setq choose (getstring "
Select an option... [1=GET DIST] [2=GOTDIST]: "))(if (or (equal choose "1"))(GETIT))(if (or (equal choose "2"))(GOTIT));TERMINATING SELECTION MENU...)(defun getit ( gotit )(setq MYDIST (getdist "
SELECT A DISTANCE: "))(gotit))(defun gotit ()(command "_offset" MYDIST pause pause"exit"))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Change Command Prompt Directory

Aug 17, 2011

When you use shell command and type cmd, command prompt appears and the default location is My Documents. How can i change it to another directory by using only lisp?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: LAYDEL Command - Delete Unused Layer

Mar 30, 2013

I'm trying to delete a unused layer. But when I do that I get the following error (see attachment). I googled a bit and figured out that the LAYDEL command might solve my issue, but as I'm using Autocad 2013, that's not possible, as it doesn't have this command...

The block that causes the error can also be deleted, I tried with the purge command, but must be doing something wrong cause it didn't work. Oh yeah, with regard to the purge command, I see it this way (attachment 2), how can you display it in a window kind of view to get a better overview?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Change Open Or Attach Method From Command Prompt To Windows Option

Mar 7, 2013

For some reason I now have to enter a path name at a command prompt in order to open another drawing. I also have the same situation when trying to attach a pdf or jpeg file to my drawing. how to revert back to the standard window of opening or attaching options?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loop File Names In Command Prompt?

Dec 6, 2012

I have a parent directory with x-amount of folders contained inside. I say X-amount because I would like to keep adding or deleting folders as time progresses. I want the folders contained within this parent directory do be read into a lisp variable and then be printed to the command prompt till every folder is displayed by name, then the loop may stop.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Suppress Mtext Command Current Text Style / Prompt

Nov 3, 2011

I'm running the following string in a routing that is looping so I get dozens of these prompts. How to supress these?  Or, do i have to use to entmake?

(begin loop...
(command ".-Mtext" CSW-Tpoint "W" 0.0 (vl-filename-base (vla-get-imagefile image)) "")
);end loop

Prints to the command line..

Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No

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Illustrator :: Call JavaScript Through Command Prompt?

Mar 13, 2009

I need to call the .js file through command prompt. And also through programming language like c++, java. This is for "illustrator cs".

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Input From Command Line?

Sep 30, 2013

I am writing a API in .NET. I can send commands to the AutoCAd command line using the sendCommand feature but can i access the result returned too? I am not able to find the right class/function the redirect the command result back to my API

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AutoCad :: Calculate During A Command Input Value Request?

Mar 16, 2012

Is it possible to input an arithmetic expression (like 0.7*24) when a command asks for input value? For example during offset command. I thought it is possible to use calculator command inside a command but there was no success.

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AutoCad :: ARRAYPOLAR Command Input Of Item Malfunction

May 17, 2012

Have tried the ARRAYPOLAR command on AutoCAD 2012 and seems that there is a problem with the prompter asking for number of items. It seems to randomly accept or reject the numerical keyboard input:

Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
Type = Polar Associative = Yes
Specify center point of array or [Base point/Axis of rotation]:
Enter number of items or [Angle between/Expression] <4>: 10
Specify the angle to fill (+=ccw, -=cw) or [EXpression] <360>:

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AutoCad 2D :: Arctext Command - Unable To Change Character Spacing Settings?

Feb 8, 2012

when using the arctext command I am not able to change the character spacing setting. Also, if I select the arc text which I created and select properties, then attempt to change the character spacing setting my AutoCAD 2010 system reads fatal error and crashes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disable Command Alias Input Dialogs?

Jun 6, 2012

When I create a rectangular box in Autodesk Inventor 2008, shell it, and create a new sketch on any face and press E I expect to be greeted with the extrusion options. This does not happen, and a command alias input dialog appears in the status bar.

I really want to turn this off, since it has happened on other occasions as well. Since there's no other way to get to the extrusion feature, it completely halts my work.

Usually when I don't know what a feature is for and I'm not attempting to use it I expect to not see it- especially when I perform actions that don't usually bring it up. I'm not sure why the behavior has been put there. Hopefully it's not put into later versions (I've seen 2010 complaints as well) so someday an upgrade will remove the annoyance.

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AutoCad 2D :: Turn Off Dynamic Input Tooltip When Using Distance Command?

Jul 23, 2012

I have recently had my 2007 upgraded to 2010 and I'm finding it annoying that everytime I use the distance command the DYN button turns on and I get too much information on the screen as well as a little box I have to exit everytime. How to keep the DYN button switched off? I'm just happy to have the distance information in the command bar at the bottom.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Prompt Position Display At The Bottom Of Main Display

Jan 23, 2013

After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?

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