After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?
I'm creating a VB.Net routine which will run the REVCLOUD command. In my application I prompt the user to select a single polyline using:
EntRslt = acDoc.Editor.GetEntity(EntOpts)
Then later I run the REVCLOUD command using:
acDoc.SendStringToExecute("_revcloud Object Poly No ", False, False, True)
Where Poly is the polyline I selected earlier. Of course, the line above doesn't work since "Poly" is interpreted as a string. But I would like to figure out how to pass my VB.Net selected Polyline into the REVCLOUD command.
How I might do this? The REVCLOUD command will not accept the "Previous" selection set so setting the Implied Selectoin does not work. If my Polyline was the Last object in the database I could use the "Last" option, but it isn't.
I've noticed this annoying trait in AutoCAD 2012 when drawing a polar array that I hadn't noticed in previous versions. I used to get stuck in a loop having to repeatedly enter the number of items in the array trying to get it to move on to the next command prompt of what angle of fill I required.
Example CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>: <Type in 20 and hit Return key> CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>: <Type in 20 and hit Return key> CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>: <Type in 20 and hit Return key> Ad infinitum...
I then discovered that this only seems to happen when the cursor is left over the centre of the array you clicked on. But if it's moved to one side the correct command prompt follows the Return key. This isn't intuitive as you have to leave go of the mouse to input the required number at the keyboard, so it tends to be wherever you just clicked, and you end up in the pointless loop.
We (the entire office) haven't had this issue in 2012, but in all of our 2013 installations, this is occurring.
In 2012, several rows are displayed in the command prompt, say for example you do a distance command, there are two rows of text showing the information the user might want to see. It displays the first row of, distance, the angle in XY plane and the angle from XY plane. The second row displays the delta X, delta Y and delta Z.
In 2013, it only displays delta X, delta Y and delta Z. The user have to hit "F2" to invoke the "AutoCAD Text Window" to view the first line of text.
I hope there is a variable setting for this, and not an oversight by Autodesk.
I am able in lisp to create a command prompt selection menu, easy (see code below).However what I want is for the lisp to be ready to undertake an action UNLESS I select an option.
An example is the offset command wich has a function ready to roll (namely the specify offset distance) "OR" I can interrupt the "specify offset distance" and enter one of the sub options (in the case of offset Through/ Erase/Layer).
My code attempts to offset also, UNLESS the user wishes to specify a distance.
(DEFUN C:loadoffset ();CREATING MENU FOR SUB COMMANDS [GETIT] [GOTIT]...(setq choose (getstring " Select an option... [1=GET DIST] [2=GOTDIST]: "))(if (or (equal choose "1"))(GETIT))(if (or (equal choose "2"))(GOTIT));TERMINATING SELECTION MENU...)(defun getit ( gotit )(setq MYDIST (getdist " SELECT A DISTANCE: "))(gotit))(defun gotit ()(command "_offset" MYDIST pause pause"exit"))
When you use shell command and type cmd, command prompt appears and the default location is My Documents. How can i change it to another directory by using only lisp?
For some reason I now have to enter a path name at a command prompt in order to open another drawing. I also have the same situation when trying to attach a pdf or jpeg file to my drawing. how to revert back to the standard window of opening or attaching options?
I have a parent directory with x-amount of folders contained inside. I say X-amount because I would like to keep adding or deleting folders as time progresses. I want the folders contained within this parent directory do be read into a lisp variable and then be printed to the command prompt till every folder is displayed by name, then the loop may stop.
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
Why can't I get the "3DMIRROR" command to mirror the magenta box along a zx-plane defined by the middle of the steel T-angle?
First, I use the ZX option, and after that fails to work, I try the 3-point option using a picked first point and two ortho-points to define a zx-plane.
Also, there's some randomness in the sense that some of the time the exact same series of steps will produce the correct result, but not this time, as the video below shows.
I'm also attaching the drawing in AutoCAD2010 format.
has something changed in 2011 controlling prompts to save pdfs when publishing from sheetset manager?? im using page overrides, which uses dwg to pdf.pc3 file. it publishes but no prompt for file name. i have checked the sheetset publish options and it is set to multiple & prompt for file name, however it still doesnt prompt and saves it in the folder nominated. where else is this controlled?
What or where is the setting to change the dimension value input to automatic rather than accepting the default every time I put a dimension in? I don't want to be prompted for input.
::Basically I need to push button (my custom command with function like: ^C^C_f2d; - fraction to decimal) and invoke the routine to enter fraction or decimal to bring either
15.125" - will be 1'-3 1/8"
1'-3-1/8" - will be 15.125"
same as:
Command: (rtos 15.125) "1'-3 1/8""
Command: (distof "1'-3 1/8") 15.125
but instead of typing (...) I want pop-up texbox for input, or just simple input: 3/5" in command line to get 0.6 .
Is it possible to create a 'drawing scale' defined attribute inside my title block when brought into paper space? I tried setting it up using 'plotscale' fieldname with various formats and it keeps coming in as 1" = 1' or 1:1 rather than 1" = 20' because that's what my plot scale is inside paper space but my drawing scale is 20 scale. If I bring the title block in model space, it adjusts, but I don't plot from model space. Surely there's a way to make this automated inside paper space.
Also, I just setup a 'Date' attribute inside my title block today. What's the difference between Date, Saved Date and Plot Date? Will 'Date' update if its in a drawing and opened up a month from now and saved or do i need to take 'Date' out and replace with 'Saved Date' or Plot Date'?.
without reiterating a lot of what is said in this thread: [URL] ......
This happen outside the potential malware infection?
if you care to not click-through, the problem is that certain commands (not all of them) simply do not disply in the command line. so the MOVE command for example looks like this:
How can I change the way the Project Browser maps the creation of new projects?
Currently, the new project folder is created and named according to the Project Name prompt. We want the folder to be named according to the Project Number prompt...
Is it there anywhere in photoshop a glyph palette, since i am using many icon fonts and it is slowing me down everytime to go to "Character Map". Or if not as part of photoshop is it there any plugin/extension that could give me this feature?
I am building a glyph font in Illustrator CS6. The problem here deals with a large number of assets, all of which need SVG exports at 32x32px (due to a strict grid definitions) for import and compiling purposes (assets need to be sequential in naming for accurate import and compile and maintenance as well). All of the AI export solutions I have seen require the SVGs to be on individual artboards or in separate layers in order to export.
Artboards are extremely limiting as AI has that infamous 100 artboard limit.
When it comes to the layers solution, as far as I can tell, there is no way via extensions or otherwise to take sublayers (grouped/compound paths intact; release to layers does not retain the compound paths) and turn them into top-level layers which can then, in turn, be exported as individual SVG's via this script modified by Tom Byrne.At this point it seems like an entirely manual process.
I've got a number of multi-line text elements in my document and I want to decorate them with some icons that further describe the content. If I can find a font that contains all the icons I need, it's pretty simple. I just add the glyphs from that font in the normal text flow. Maybe change their colour.
But what if I can't find a font and need to use other graphics sources for the icons? They're not in the text flow and I'd need to align them to the font baseline by hand, and update it whenever I change the text length or font size.
I'm looking for a way to insert a graphic directly in the text flow, much like adding an image inline in MS Word or HTML. Maybe it will be necessary to adjust the graphic size or the vertical alignment a bit, too.