Illustrator :: Call JavaScript Through Command Prompt?

Mar 13, 2009

I need to call the .js file through command prompt. And also through programming language like c++, java. This is for "illustrator cs".

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Illustrator Scripting :: Call Actions Through JavaScript

May 2, 2012

Currently i'm doing automations for Adobe Illustrator CS4. I have created some actions due to the limitations of scripting in Illustrator. I need to call this actions through javascript.But in applescript i can able to call the actions by using the do script method.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Color Change Command In JavaScript

Feb 4, 2013

I managed to write this javascript. It automatically changes the colors from one swatch (byName) to another (byName) in my opened illustrator file. But if this one color doesn't exist as a fill or outline color in a file, I get an error message, because the script can not detect the color. The script stops. I am working on a batch of Illustrator files with 3 colors to change, but some files contain just 1 or 2 of the colors.Is there a command for javascript which says: "Only change the color, if the color appears"?

Here is the script:
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
with (docRef) {
var findColor = swatches.getByName('TSB Dark Blue').color;
var replaceColor = swatches.getByName('TSBDB').color;

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Call Command On Runtime

Sep 3, 2012

How to call AutoCAD Command with .net C# on runtime?

For Example,

After opening my Drawing File thro. .net C#,


I need to use the AutoCAD command Oleopen


Here is some error.

Normally how to use the AutoCAD commands with .net C# programming.

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AutoCad 2D :: Open PGP From Command Prompt?

Mar 29, 2011

how can I open file acad.pgp from the command prompt, without going through menu Tools ---> Customize ---> Edit Program Parameters

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AutoCAD .NET :: Call GROUPTOG CadWorx Command From Addin Possible

Sep 13, 2013

I need to call the GROUPTOG, which is a CadWorx command, from my .Net AddIn.  Is this possible, and if so, how would one do it?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select Object Command Prompt

Jun 4, 2012

I'm creating a VB.Net routine which will run the REVCLOUD command.  In my application I prompt the user to select a single polyline using:

EntRslt = acDoc.Editor.GetEntity(EntOpts)

Then later I run the REVCLOUD command using:

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("_revcloud Object Poly No ", False, False, True)

Where Poly is the polyline I selected earlier.  Of course, the line above doesn't work since "Poly" is interpreted as a string.  But I would like to figure out how to pass my VB.Net selected Polyline into the REVCLOUD command.

How I might do this?  The REVCLOUD command will not accept the "Previous" selection set so setting the Implied Selectoin does not work.  If my Polyline was the Last object in the database I could use the "Last" option, but it isn't.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Prompt Position

Jun 13, 2013

My command prompt window position moved to top left corner. Want to move back to bottom left corner.

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AutoCad :: Correct Command Prompt Follows Return Key

Oct 24, 2012

I've noticed this annoying trait in AutoCAD 2012 when drawing a polar array that I hadn't noticed in previous versions. I used to get stuck in a loop having to repeatedly enter the number of items in the array trying to get it to move on to the next command prompt of what angle of fill I required.

CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
CMD = Enter number of items or [Angle between/expression] <4>:
<Type in 20 and hit Return key>
Ad infinitum...

I then discovered that this only seems to happen when the cursor is left over the centre of the array you clicked on. But if it's moved to one side the correct command prompt follows the Return key. This isn't intuitive as you have to leave go of the mouse to input the required number at the keyboard, so it tends to be wherever you just clicked, and you end up in the pointless loop.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Use Command Type Call Form In Visual Studio

Nov 5, 2013

I have a project related to connect autocad and visual studio(VB.Net). Example: I open my file autocad and then use command type call run visual studio.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Prompt Only Shows Last Line

May 1, 2013

We (the entire office) haven't had this issue in 2012, but in all of our 2013 installations, this is occurring.

In 2012, several rows are displayed in the command prompt, say for example you do a distance command, there are two rows of text showing the information the user might want to see.  It displays the first row of, distance, the angle in XY plane and the angle from XY plane.  The second row displays the delta X, delta Y and delta Z.

In 2013, it only displays delta X, delta Y and delta Z.  The user have to hit "F2" to invoke the "AutoCAD Text Window" to view the first line of text.

I hope there is a variable setting for this, and not an oversight by Autodesk.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Prompt - Glyph Not Defined

May 16, 2012

I am getting this error message many times in my command promt.

** Glyph not defined at: U+0050.

Where I can download the font for this error? I searched in google, but I dont find it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Right Mouse Click Doesn't Open Menu If Call Command From Palette-Set

Oct 23, 2013

I have my own Palette Set.

On this Palette Set I have a palette withe a tree.

On the right click of the node, I call a command (it's one of our own ObjectARX commands, but the problem is the same with a build in command).

The command wants the user to select a point, with a few options. If I first select a point (left click) and then click right, everything works fine.

But If I click with the right button, before I select anything, the menu is not shown.

The code for calling the command is really easy:

 As said before... I don't call the _ARC command... but for the arc Command the right click menu is not shown also...What can I do, to get the normal behavior of the right click?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Menus In Command Prompt?

Nov 22, 2011

I am able in lisp to create a command prompt selection menu, easy (see code below).However what I want is for the lisp to be ready to undertake an action UNLESS I select an option.

An example is the offset command wich has a function ready to roll (namely the specify offset distance) "OR" I can interrupt the "specify offset distance" and enter one of the sub options (in the case of offset Through/ Erase/Layer).

My code attempts to offset also, UNLESS the user wishes to specify a distance.
(DEFUN C:loadoffset ();CREATING MENU FOR SUB COMMANDS [GETIT] [GOTIT]...(setq choose (getstring "
Select an option... [1=GET DIST] [2=GOTDIST]: "))(if (or (equal choose "1"))(GETIT))(if (or (equal choose "2"))(GOTIT));TERMINATING SELECTION MENU...)(defun getit ( gotit )(setq MYDIST (getdist "
SELECT A DISTANCE: "))(gotit))(defun gotit ()(command "_offset" MYDIST pause pause"exit"))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Change Command Prompt Directory

Aug 17, 2011

When you use shell command and type cmd, command prompt appears and the default location is My Documents. How can i change it to another directory by using only lisp?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer - Cannot Input Unicode Character To Command Prompt

Dec 13, 2012

I've been using AutoCAD 2013 Korean in Windows XP and Windows 7(32/64bit).

I have a question the command prompt.

The line have the name of layer : 0 (default layer)

I create another layer. It's unicode

And I will change name of layer 0 to 도면층1.

But I can not input unicode character to command prompt.

But It was changed from property dialog.

Can I input unicode character from command prompt?.

Previous version(AutoCAD 2008,2009,2010,2012) CAD worked well.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Change Open Or Attach Method From Command Prompt To Windows Option

Mar 7, 2013

For some reason I now have to enter a path name at a command prompt in order to open another drawing. I also have the same situation when trying to attach a pdf or jpeg file to my drawing. how to revert back to the standard window of opening or attaching options?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loop File Names In Command Prompt?

Dec 6, 2012

I have a parent directory with x-amount of folders contained inside. I say X-amount because I would like to keep adding or deleting folders as time progresses. I want the folders contained within this parent directory do be read into a lisp variable and then be printed to the command prompt till every folder is displayed by name, then the loop may stop.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Suppress Mtext Command Current Text Style / Prompt

Nov 3, 2011

I'm running the following string in a routing that is looping so I get dozens of these prompts. How to supress these?  Or, do i have to use to entmake?

(begin loop...
(command ".-Mtext" CSW-Tpoint "W" 0.0 (vl-filename-base (vla-get-imagefile image)) "")
);end loop

Prints to the command line..

Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No
Current text style:  "Standard"  Text height:  0.0833  Annotative:  No

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Prompt Position Display At The Bottom Of Main Display

Jan 23, 2013

After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?

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Illustrator SDK :: Call JSX From Plugin

Jul 11, 2012

I want to call a ".jsx" from my plugin.i have added a custom menu item in File menu and now i want to call a ".jsx" file on its click event.

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Illustrator SDK :: Call User Action From A Plugin

Oct 11, 2011

Is it possible to call an action made by a user, if yes how I can retrieve it (by its name ?) and is it possible to set some arguments of the action ?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Call Swatch From The Library

Jul 20, 2012

I'm writing a script to create a new AI document with a restricted swatchbook. The designer is supposed to use only the swatches/inks provided by this script. So far I was able to delete all current swatches and add a CMYK or RGB spotcolor swatch.
var inkt02 = app.activeDocument.spots.add(); = 'inkt 2';
inkt02.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
var kleur02 = new CMYKColor(); = 10;
kleur02.cyan = 80;
kleur02.magenta = 0;
kleur02.yellow = 90;
inkt02.color = kleur02;
var newSpotColor = new SpotColor();
newSpotColor = inkt02;
newSpotColor.tint = 100;
Often we will be dealing with Pantone colors. No need to define these, as they are inside AI already, right? But how to call them from the library? I'm new to ExtendScript.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Programmatically Call Up Print Dialog

Aug 15, 2013

Is there any way to programmatically call up the print dialog?  Or is there some sort of "send keys" function similar to the corel vba?

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Illustrator SDK :: Prompt User To Select Art?

Feb 21, 2012

Is there a method available to have the plugin pause and wait for a user to click some object, then continue? Or does all user interaction have to happen before/after the plugin is run?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Get User Input Via Prompt

Oct 3, 2013

I have this working without the prompt, if I under manually the margin via var margin = 10; it works. it also seems to return correctly when I print what the input from the user is, but it doesn't seem to want to work and freezes.
it says "point value expected"
//Helper functions
function print(i) {
    if(i == "object"){
        print("you are trying to printObject, use printObj(); function");
    else { 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Convert JavaScript To AppleScript?

Apr 3, 2012

I need to convert javascript to Apple script.
try {
app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( '.ARD' ).remove(); } catch (e) {};

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Tell With JavaScript That The Text Was Set To Overprint

Feb 24, 2012

If I were to select some text, then checkmark 'Overprint Fill' in the 'Attributes' pane, is there a way to tell with JavaScript that the text was set to overprint?
I've been experimenting with this code in ExtendScript, but it keeps returning false:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
$.write(doc.textFrames[0].textPath.fillOverprint + '

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Stroke Alignment From JavaScript

Jan 21, 2013

I'm trying to set the stroke style for a path item I've drawn through JavaScript, however I can't find a way to set the stroke alignment for my path item.

I've checked the Illustrator JavaScript reference but I can't seem to find that option in there.I would expect something like:
pathItem.strokeAlignment = StrokeAlignment.OUTSIDE; // This doesn't work, what is the correct way to set the stroke alignment from JavaScript?
If I change the option in the Actions Panel it comes up as 'Set Stroke/Alignment: Outside', so there must be an equivalent way of setting it from JavaScript. Is there a way of converting Actions to JavaScript so you can see which properties and attributes are being set on the object? What is the correct way to set the strok alignment from JavaScript?

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Illustrator SDK :: Convert Artboard To JPEG Using JavaScript?

May 24, 2013

The code below is export artboard to jpeg using javasript.
function exportFileToJPEG (dest)
if ( app.documents.length > 0 )


How do I do this in Illustrator SDK plugin? library that this class ExportOptionsJPEG reside in illustrator api?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Add Spotcolor To Colorgroup In JavaScript

Feb 11, 2012

How to add a spotcolor to a colorgroup in javascript?

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