AutoCAD 2010 :: Limit Folder Directory To Only Last Few Directories?

Oct 29, 2012

Is there a way to limit the folder directory to only the last few directories?


If I have the file here,


And I only need to know this,


Some of my files exist in folder directories that extend off the sheet within the plotstamp printing single line and I would like to shorten them to only show the last few directories as all the ones before are exactly the same. I do not want to change the plotstamp to multiline and I can not move the files to other directories as this is just how our system is set up.

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Lightroom :: Get Rid Of Directory Path In Front Of Folder Names In Folder Listing In Library Mode?

Feb 16, 2014

Im using the most recent version of Lightroom 5.3 (updated through CC - even though this has shown up on previous version) on Windows 7 and all the folders in my library are showing up with the directory path in front of my folder names. How can I get rid of this? I do not see any options in preferences to turn this off. I have also turned off preferences in Windows > Folder Options Control Panel "Display full Path in Title bar" option.
I have Lightroom on several computers and have set up preferences the same on each workstation, and this only shows up on one workstation.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Printing Multiple A Size Drawing Using Folder Directory

Mar 31, 2011

Is there a way to sent print to a selected printer by choosing multiple dwg files thru Folder directory without opening autocad? For example if I want to print 12.dwg, 13.dwg, 14.dwg and 15.dwg by just choosing these dwg files on my directory.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Set Variable Depending On Location Folder (find Directory)

Sep 20, 2012

We have user folders on severall servers, now I want the user menu's to be stored on the network so their home folder depends on what server it's located on. I tried using the vl-file-directory-p command but it doesn't seem to work.

Even worse, as soon as the userfolder is found I want to let the script check for a file called user.cuix in the Acad folder and if it doesn't excists copy it from another location to that folder (if possible).

This is what I got so far:

(setq UserName (getvar "loginname"))
(setq RootZW "\\users\zw\")
(setq RootVL "\\users\vl\")
(setq Company "\\CADConf\ACAD13\")

[Code] .......... 

Next to this we have 4 other options as well, but to keep it short I left it at the first 2.

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Lightroom :: How To Limit Size Of Catalog Preview Folder

Sep 15, 2013

I have a 180GB SSD, which I specifically bought, to make Lightroom (4.4) faster and to store 1:1 previews. Initially, I set up Lightroom catalog (containing 18221 images) to never delete 1:1 previews and stored the previews in a high quality mode. This quickly fill up my SSD. I would like to set it up to store as many previews as it can while leaving atleast, say 20GB, free on SSD. The alternative, which is to discard 1:1 previews after 30 days or so, is not really acceptable to me.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer 10 Catalog Maximum Folder Limit?

Oct 5, 2012

I have 17,900 photos and videos in a directory structure organized by date (folders for year, with sub folders for month, day etc).  Recently, Organizer refuses to display newly added folders in the folder tree.  That is, I create the new folder, and rename with a date, at which point it vanishes from the display.  It still appears in Microsoft Explorer.  It looks like there is some limit on the number of folders you can have in Organizer, but surely that is absurd?
I have a new Windows 7 PC, running on a home network (total 3 PCs).  All have (legal) copies of Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements.  Files are stored on a NAS in a shared directory.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Change Default Install Directory

Apr 14, 2010

When trying to install autocad 2010 civil 3D, I cannot get past the initial select products to install page without getting a bunch of errors as detailed below:

Error 1327. Invalid Drive C:


Fatal error during installation.
#7560: failed to run AdskExecuteSequence

and finally;

Failed to initialise AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010

This is because when I installed windows, it assigned the letter H to the system drive (where Windows is installed) and as a result, there is no C drive in the system.

This has not been an issue for any programs installed to date, but is causing me grief when trying to install AutoCAD Civil 3D. 2010

Any way of changing the autocad code or settings around so that it will install to the H drive (or I can decide where it should install)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Limit To Number Of Objects That Can Be Isolated?

Feb 6, 2012

I've got a large job and Object Isolate has been good for our drawing prodeuction but now we're running into some glitches on a regular basis the last few weeks.

1st Undo is being disabled.   Thia really only started since we've begun plotting drawings and Isolating objects.

2nd We can't isolate everything.   Is there a limit to the number of objects that can be isolated?  or anything that controls that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 - Limit Component Movement When Constraining?

Feb 13, 2013

Why is it that when you create the first constraint between any two components, the secondary component moves not only to satisfy the constraint, but also in ways that have nothing to do with the constraint.   This is not occasional behavior, it happens every time.

I always have to stop and move the secondary component back out of the way to get to the other features I need to reference to continue.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Modifying XRecord Within File Header Sub Directories

Jan 8, 2014

As you can see in the attached print screen TheProblen.png I need to modify the XRecord within a file header sub directories.

I have managed to loop through the file directories and sub-directories and even extracted the ResultBuffer of the correct sub-directory.

I now have a ResultBuffer/XRecord that has an array of typed values in it and I need to modify one of the typed values. How do I do it?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Append Directories To SFSP With Raster Design Loaded

Oct 16, 2013

I am in the process of creating 2 lisp routines, one that loads Support file search paths on the network and one that adds support file search path locally. Each routine will be run depending on the ability of ACAD to find a file on the server. I noticed that when I add the new directories the default AutoCAD folders get replaced. I researched this and found that using the SETENV and ACAD I can include the default support paths. 

The issue I am running into is that not all default folders are being added to AutoCAD when I used the ACAD variable. A plugin folder under Program Data is listed in the original install, but it is not listed when I add my directories and used the ACAD variable to add the default directories. The same thing happens when raster design is installed. The help folder and the install directory for raster are not carried over when using the ACAD variable. 

I am attaching the coding for the lisp routine adding server paths. Is there some syntax I can add to tell it to append to the list instead of replacing the SFSP list?

(setq files (vla-get-files
(vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))
(setq SERVNM (getenv "servername"))

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Maya Modeling :: Suddenly Can't See Directories

Dec 31, 2012

Just yesterday I noticed that all my Xfrog plant models were black. They were still showing in the scene as black blobs, but on checking the directories to where the models and their images are--Maya could no longer read or find the directories. They were all still in the same place on my hard drive, and the path to them under the attributes for the models was still correct, but Maya said they weren't there (couldn't reload or click to view them.) Being a newbie I didn't have them all in the 'source images' directory of the project, if that matters, but I hadn't changed or removed anything and they had worked up until now.

I had to step through the different items, bark, branch, leaf, etc., and click the folder icon, reselect the exact same file/image, and poof, it works again. In some cases, just reselecting the file for one entry (e.g. a leaf) would then make the subsequent paths to that image work again, which saved some time. But it seemed like Maya somehow lost whatever linked it to the exact same directory and path that was still there in the attributes and still on the disc. Redoing all the links proved to me that the exact path still worked, but boy...what a glitch to have to go through and re-touch every tree, bush, leaf, etc.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Won't Recognize Directories Or Import RAW

Oct 26, 2011

i am unable to import RAW photographs that are already on an external drive, imported by another program via a netbook in the field. Gives no error message, just won't recognize the directories. Will recognize JPEG though. Taken with a Canon xsi. Lightroom is on an HP laptop with plenty of oomph. Have been using Lightroom v. 3.4.1 with no prior problems for thousands of photos, now all of a sudden...????
just completed installation of LR v. 3.5 and same issue: unresolved.

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Photoshop :: Accessing Fonts Outside Normal Directories?

May 13, 2011

The company I work for has security measures in place which prevent me from modifying any directory within the C: drive. This means, of course, that I can't add fonts to either the system fonts directory or the Adobe/Fonts directory.

Obviously, this is a huge disadvantage, and I'm trying to find a workaround. Any way to make Photoshop find fonts in a different directory? I'm able to create and modify directories on our shared server, so I'd like to create an alternate fonts folder there and point Photoshop toward it.

(I'm using CS4 on a Windows XP 5.1 . I'm a Mac guy at home, so I don't know much about Windows.)

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Lightroom :: Import Videos And Photos Into Different Directories?

Dec 15, 2012

I like keeping my videos in a separate directory from my images so they are easy to find and stream with media center. Is there a way to import both images and video from a card at the same time and have the videos go to a different directory than the images?

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Lightroom :: List All Directories With Folders And Subfolders?

May 18, 2013

How to setup all directories, folders and subfolders of files, on the left (in order by name).  This is easily done in Photoshop Elements.  How is it done in Lightroom 4. 

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Flush Lingering Export Directories?

Mar 6, 2014

how to flush lingering export directories? Screenshot for clearification.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: New Folder Not Automatically Highlighted To Rename

Mar 7, 2012

When you create a New Folder within AutoCad 2012, it isn't automatically highlighted to rename. Is there a fix for this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Best Way To Archive And Move / Rename A Project Folder

Jan 3, 2013

the best way to archive and move/rename a project folder? As the new CAD manager for my firm I am going to restructure our entire server as the current structure is very unorganized and inefficient. Projects date back as far as the 90's and I would like to move them all into an archive folder but also have them still be working files as far as XREF's are concerned. None of the drawings have XREF's that utilize the relative file location feature so when I do move a folder, all of the XREF's must then be updated. This is not an option because I have at least 500 projects that will be moved which would be far too time consuming.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Create New Folder Button In Save As Dialog

Nov 16, 2010

In the save as dialog box, the button for creating a new folder will automatically create a named "new folder" at the bottom of the files list. It does not come up highlighted for naming but can be right-clicked, renamed. If your files list is long you won't even see the new folder created as it does not snap to the folder either. Conversely; I can still right-click, new, folder. This acts as expected which creates folder at the top of files list, highlighted for naming.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 1324 Error / The Folder Path (My Documents) Contains Invalid Character

Sep 26, 2012

I'm currently getting the "1324 Error. The folder path 'My Documents' contains an invalid character."

when trying to run AutoCad 2010. It had been working fine previously, but now it gives this error and won't allow me to use it. I am also unable to uninstall or reinstall the program without getting the same error.

I have confirmed that the profile is not set to roaming. I have also tried deleting the registry entries as recomended here:


The user account is local administrator. The OS is Windows 7 64bit.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Configure 2010 To Point To Specific Folder For Plot Styles

Jan 28, 2011

How do I configure AutoCAD 2010 to point to a specific folder for the plot styles (ie. *.ctb files)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Redirect Path From DC Toolbar Icon To Personal DC2012 Folder

Jan 15, 2013

I'm running Acad 2012 on my personal network.

Last year I set up a new Design Center 2012 folder,that linked my DC toolbar icon, etc, containing my personal block set that I use in Design Center 2012. Everything worked great. Suddenly something has changed.

1. I previously removed the stock DC2012 folder and replaced the folder with a new folder titled Design Center 2012 folder containing my personal blocks, the new folder was placed it in the proper Autodesk file location and worked fine for a year,

When I now go to DC thru the toolbar icon it takes me to the stock DC folder blocks, which I physically can't find a trace of on my computer, but are obviously still on my hard drive somewhere.

2. There is no DC2012 folder which contains the stock blocks on my computer (I have them saved to another drive), only my personal blocks are in my new DC 2012 folder.

3. If drill down thru C drive properties to the AutoCad 2012 folder in Autodesk, my personal DC 2012 items are there and functioning fine if I click them directly.

So, how can I redirect the Acad DC toolbar icon, or whatever, to recognize my "real" (personal) DC 2012 folder w/my own blocks inside instead of the stock? It worked before.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: What Is The Difference Between Set Working Folder And Set Data Shortcuts Project Folder

Jul 12, 2012

I created a new drawing in a project that already has a data shortcut folder created.  How do I attach to it?

What is the difference between "Set Working Folder" and "Set Data Shortcuts Project Folder"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Vault - Copying Files From Folder To Folder

Aug 29, 2012

I am trying to copy big assembly with its folders from one folder to another.I cant use Copy Design because I get too long path error.

Alternative way of copying files and keeping its relationships?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Creating Folder Within Project Folder?

Dec 13, 2011

I create an I part and I noticed it creates a folder within my main folder. This introduces a bit of chaos into my folder structure, is there any way around it?

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AutoCAD LT :: Directory Name Is Invalid?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a single lic. copy of AutoCAD 2012 LT on a single PC tied to a network server.  Our server crashed and needed to be replaced.  When they replaced the server, they gave it a new name so I had to reset all the file paths to the redirected folders for my PC.  Now I keep getting an error: cannot create temporary file (then shows the file path to the old server).  

I have reset all the file location in the files section of the options box, so I do not understand where AutoCAD is still seeing the old server.  Is there somewhere else in the software that I need to change the file paths?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Retrieve Specific Directory

Aug 1, 2012

I want to retrieve the Desktop Directory but i found 2 way :

1 : Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
2 : My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Won't Remember Directory

Jun 13, 2012

AutoCAD Mechanical, using the <<VANILLA>> variant.

Click open icon.  AutoCAD pops up the file open dialog box, in the wrong directory.  I select the directory where my files are and open a file.

Then I click the open icon again.  AutoCAD pops up the file open dialog box in the same wrong directory.  I have to change directories every time I open a file.  Yes, I have the directory I want set in the places.  But that's never been how AutoCAD works.

Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7

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AutoCad :: Transfer Whole Project To Different Directory?

Aug 5, 2011

Is there a way to do this without having to re insert every sheet back into the project one by one? I have over 70 P&ID's!

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AutoCad :: How To Setup Drawing Limit

May 10, 2012

Why we need to setup drawing limit in our model space when we can just adjust everything fit in our paper before plotting/printing like zooming on viewport or just use scale in layout? why we need drawing limit?

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