AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Without Smooth Edge?

Aug 18, 2013

Some of the files texts are displaying without smooth edge.

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Make The Edge Of Water Smooth With No Flickering

Oct 20, 2012

In this animation attached, please see the water and land interface on the left side of the green land object. Notice when the land object moves to the left, the blue water kind of ripples and flickers at the edge. Do you know what is happening and how to resolve this? How can I make the edge of the water smooth with no flickering?

The land is a a box with a good number of subdivisions with a displacement map making the height of the land. It is the animated displacement map and textures that make the land look like its moving over to the left. There are no bump maps. The water is just a long flat box with many subD's

I have tried increaing the subD's in both water and land objects , but nothing. The animated displacement map should not be producing such jitteriness like this. The grey scale image for the map is very smooth with soft gradients. I rendered with MR, 1/16 sampling, jitteriness checked,

Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000

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Photoshop :: Smooth Out Edge Of A Selection Using Quick Select And Refine Edges?

Mar 7, 2012

Im trying to get used to using Quick Select and Refine edges to mask out objects in my photos.

It works pretty well but Im still having trouble in some spots getting the edge to be a smooth curve.

How do you get the refine edge function to allow you to modify its edge so you can have a perfectly smooth edge?

Ive tried using the Refine Radius Tool and it just doesnt smooth it out completely.

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Edge Animate CC :: Flip Book Animation Doesn't Work Smooth

Aug 21, 2013

i just made an animation. basicly it works like an flip book. i have 30picture laying on top of each other and turn them on after each other( it´s in a symbol).

my problem is that it run not smoth enougt. it seems like it´s too much datasize for edge. sometimes it just stops an one picture for a moment and it seems like the stage has to load the other pictures before continuing.

is there a code to preload the animation? or is there anyway to get it smooth?

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Illustrator :: Easily Render Fillable Shape With One Zigzag Edge And Rest Smooth?

Nov 4, 2013

how do i easily render a fillable shape with one 'zig-zag' edge and the rest smooth?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Make Smooth Looking Menu Icons

Feb 19, 2012

how to make nice smooth looking menu/ribbon icons like the ones that come with AutoCAD? Mine all look pretty lame.

I am using Paint and a 16x16 bit canvas.

Is there a special graphics program that simplifies icon creation?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lines Not Smooth On Work Area?

Nov 21, 2012

while tracing a plan on Autocad 2010, by accident I clicked on something, or performed some unknown commands. My lines, that were smooth just seconds before, suddenly became really pixelated, as if made of many small segments. And when rendering the plan on pdf, it is still the same, and the lines are really thick. I have checked, the line thickness is on default (0.25mm), but compared to renderings I've done before, this time the drawing has really awful lines.

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Photoshop :: Cant Smooth Out My Text.

Jul 22, 2005

Can ayyone help me with what i suspect is a very simple question to most of you. I've created text in photoshop using a number of different fonts. i've placed antialias on them but they still seem to heve jagged edges!! Can anyone tell me What am i doing or not doing. Ive been using the standard horizontal text tool.

Also i'm teaching myself photoshop using the help section within the software. Do you think this is the most thorough and efficient way to learn?

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Photoshop :: Smooth Text Bug In CS4

Jul 24, 2009

When I type using "Smooth" font smoothing and the font size is small, all my characters appear in boxes (see image below). It does not happen if the font size is larger (say above 14pt). It also does not happen if I use "Crisp" or "Strong" but it happens to "None" as well. I encountered this problem in CS4 with OpenGL enabled. I turned it off but the problem remained. I also tried to open the same file in CS2 and the problem was exactly the same. I have not encountered this problem in other applications. I've updated my graphics drivers but no change.Thanks! System Specs:Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83 GHz2 GB DDR2 RAM512MB Ati Mobility Radeon HD 2400 XTWindows XP Professional SP2

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Photoshop :: Making Text Smooth

Apr 26, 2008

I'm trying to make flyers, but whenever I use a large text it prints out very pixelated.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Matching Up Point Clouds Using Alignment Tool / Smooth Object From Point Cloud

May 30, 2012

how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?

Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.

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Photoshop :: Smooth Text On GIF Transparent Background

Jun 5, 2006

I have a white text (without any effects) on a transparent background. When I save it as a .gif image and use it as a logo on a dark background, the text is not smooth anymore. What is the right parameters for saving as a .gif image for web? I mean in the dialog window when saving.

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Paint.NET :: How To Fill Text With Smooth Edges

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to fill this text with smooth edges. The blue part is the font I'm using and the white part is what I filled, using the paint bucket. You can see some jagged/uneven edges between the white and blue. I have tried different blurs, median at low radius, smart blur and several other things. I have even tried those things on just the blue text before filling with the paint bucket and it still shows up like this.

Linked to oversize image

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Photoshop :: Text In PS Appears Fuzzy - Why Not Smooth Vector?

Jul 23, 2007

When I put text into photoshop CS3, and then zoom into it, the edges are all fuzzy and jaggy.

I was of the opinion that all text were vectors in PS and so the edges should be smooth as. Unfortunately, the text prints out all jaggedy on my laser printer also just like it looks on the screen. I've also played with the anti-alias options somewhat. Obviously when I do this in Illustrator, it is spot on vector, but not in PS.

What am I doing wrong here? When I convert the text into a shape, sure... the nice vector lines appear around text. But shouldn't the text be vector straight up when I create a text layer in PS, and then I should be able to rasterize it when adding filter effects etc?

Is there any way for me to work with my text in Photoshop in sharp vector-resolution so that it's sharp at all resolutions? Let me describe a test I've done:

I open up a A4 300 ppi resolution document in Photoshop and simply type the word "Photoshop" at 72pt size Myriad Pro font. The anti-aliasing is set to 'Crisp'. Firstly, it doesn't look the best as it is on the screen with the edges 'jaggy'. Secondly, I hit print and it tells me I'm printing to a non-postscript printer (i.e my laser which I know IS postscript!!). When it prints out, it looks crap just like it did on my screen (edges jaggy).

I then open up a simple A4 document in Illustrator, type the word "Photoshop" at the same size text as outlined above. Looks great on screen OBVIOUSLY because it's vector-based and is sharp at all resolutions. I hit print, it it spits out the document perfectly printed as it is on screen.

I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this with Photoshop, but my text looks garbage only when using Photoshop. Not with any other program out there (ie. MS Word, Publisher, Illustrator, Serif Drawplus, Serif Pageplus, Serif Photoplus....)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Error / Inconsistent Edge Face Relationship

Mar 20, 2013

I want to union all the members in a complex roof truss structure so I can 3D print the model (picture attached). It seems intermittent in which elements will union and which wont. Revisiting the elements they sometimes then union. Sometimes there is no error message while sometimes 'Inconsistent Edge Face Relationship'  

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ModelSpace Crosshairs Wrap From Right Edge To Left?

Feb 16, 2012

In ModelSpace, when I drag the crosshairs over to the right edge of the screen, the crosshairs will vanish and reappear on the left side of the screen.  This is a major problem:  If I am reaching for an object off to the right and overshoot with the mouse a little, the crosshairs will suddenly be way over on the left.  But much worse than this, I have a toolbar oriented vertically on the right side of the screen.  I literally cannot get to that toolbar because the crosshairs swap over to the left side of the screen, instead of changing over to an arrow cursor to make use of the menus.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Edge Color For 3D Solid Object?

May 24, 2012

I've been trying to change the edge color for a 3D solid object but not able to.

I've tried using the function in Autocad but it just wont work.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Adjust The Position Of Text In Order For Animation Text To Be Visible

Mar 3, 2013

I have created my Animation:

The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Put Input Text To Other Text Field With Same Format

Jul 19, 2013

I've created an input text inside a symbol called "Asks" in a timeline triger i use:
message = sym.$("texto");                                  // texto is a textfield
message.html("Write here: ");                             
inputMessage = $('<textarea />').attr({'type':'textarea','value':'', 'id':'message'});
inputMessage .css ('font-size', 18);
inputMessage .css ('box-shadow', '#0a81fb');

[Code] ......

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Edge Animate CC :: Get Text From Text Field?

Mar 17, 2014

What way can i read text from a text field on stage then put this value into a variable?
I can easily write text to a text field via:
sym.$("my_text_field").html("Some text..."); 
But I want to read this text into a vairable? For example:
var theText = my_text_field.text

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Differing Text Heights / Deleting Larger Inconsistent Text?

Jul 24, 2012

I re-opened a drawing this morning and found some text to be different height from the rest. When I attempted to adjust all of the heights to be the same using the properties method, they all became bigger. Instead of all of them going to 6", the 5" text went to 6" and the 6" text went to 7-3/16". So, I checked the formatting size and the properties size and they did not match. See PDF.

deleting the larger inconsistent text?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract Text To Excel File Or Find MEAN Value Of Text

Jul 6, 2012

I have a drawing which has hundreds of levels on and i'm trying to establish what the MEAN level is and the AVERAGE level.  I thought the best way might be to extract the text to excel and perform it there but at the moment the only way i can do it is to copy and paste the text and its taking me forever.  Is there a way to either a) extract text to excel or b) calculate a MEAN value based on texted selected?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: When Text Is Moved Leader Of Dimension Text Disappears

Feb 13, 2012

(Again) The “leader” of the “dimension text” disappears when the text is moved! Why?

I’m wondering why the “leader” of the “dimension text” disappears when the text is moved.

How can I control this setting?

I need to show this “leader” all the time. Is that possible?

Please, have a look on the screenshots below (the file is attached).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Field That Shows Only Portion Of Text?

Feb 4, 2013

Is it possible to create a field that will show only a portion of the contents within an text object? Maybe using diesel or something?


There is a text object that contains "FIRST TEST", is it possible to create a field from that object that contains the first 5 letters of the text "FIRST". If the original text was changed to "SECOND TEST" the field would be updated "SECON"

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Create New Text Style With Text Rotated?

Nov 18, 2013

I wonder if it is possible to create a new text style where one can set the text to be already rotated.

I know that it is possible to rotate text in many ways but the styles always seem to be set on the horizontal to begin with.

C3D 2012
Win 7 64 i5
8GB RAM Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rotating Text From Text Formatting Toolbar?

Nov 1, 2012

I know I can rotate text with the rotate command or from the properties palette, but if I'm editing text and the text formatting toolbar is displayed, why don't I have the ability to modify the rotation right there? How do I get it there? Can I customize this toolbar?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Place Text Along An Arc (not Like Express Arc Text)

Jan 8, 2013

I want to place text along an arc as shown in example dwg, how do this using array or other method?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Line Boundary Around Multi-line Text Region Corresponding To Text Mask?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to do it quickly with many text regions. How to make line boundary around multi-line text region corresponding to text mask?

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Photoshop :: Knife Edge Text

Jun 16, 2013

Didn't do this for any particular reason, apart from experience & fun. It's basically text split into two. The top half becomes part of the blade, & the bottom half is blood.

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Edge Animate CC :: Can Put Different Color In One Text Box

Jun 17, 2013

I am facing one problem to adding color in one text box.
For Ex i am writing a text in one text box - "Adobe edge is the best tool for creating html 5 animation".
 i need adobe edge red color and html 5 animation blue color and other text color will be black.
Is it possible for adding mutilple color in same text box.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Bold Text Inside Viewport And Slim Text Inside Paperspace?

Feb 8, 2013

I have this strange situation.. i use the Arial font inside my cad drawings and when i print my paperspace layout, the text inside the viewport is a little bit more "bold" then the text i put directly on paper space.

Maybe it's a trick to know what text is placed where, but i want all this to be uniform, same thickness. Is there a system variable to correct that issue?

See the image below: It's a 400 DPI scan from an impression i did.

Up to COUPE C1 is the text inside the viewport, under COUPE C1is the paperspace text. Both are the same height... but difference tickness.

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