AutoCAD 2010 :: Losing Cross Hairs Coming Out Of Viewports?
Feb 28, 2012we lose our Cross Hairs coming out of view ports, they do retrun a few minutes later.
View 2 Replieswe lose our Cross Hairs coming out of view ports, they do retrun a few minutes later.
View 2 RepliesI am an occasional user of AutoCAD. I have a received a drawing from a company where the cross hairs are at 45 degrees and I can only insert dimensions at 45 degrees.
I have tried PLAN > Enter > Enter . This rotated both the cross hair and the drawing 45 degrees
Every so often while working in LT-2010 the cross hairs will vanish from the screen but you are still able to pick items (as u move the mouse lines, etc hi-light in the usual way) also when you come outside the drawing area the mouse pointer will reappear (only while outside the drawing, in the command bars, etc)
the only quick way to return the cross hair to normal is to hit another tab & then re-enter the tab or model i was in. there seems to be no particular command that causes this glitch .
When deleting bolted connections from my assembly using design accelerator I am left with black cross hairs where the connections used to be, I can't seem to delete these from my model either in the assembly itself or by editing the sketch, what are these, why are they left over from a deleted connection and how do I remove them ... ? ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I keep my command line docked, but as I type a command as an example "LINE" it displays my typing where
my cross hairs are. I want it to display at the docked command line not at my crosshair location
Had a problem when screen capture stopped working, stating that I had an audio problem, so I uninstalled X6 Ultimate and reinstalled.
Screen capture is now working EXCEPT that as soon as the recording starts, red flashing cross hairs appear which I cannot remove and they show on the captured video. This did not happen before when screen capture was working. Is there a resolution on how to stop these cross hairs from appearing.
Is there a way to turn off cross-hairs for Photoshop when using a very fine brush? i recently bought Wacom Cintiq 12WX and find cross hairs under the pen incredibly jarring.
i selected "normal brush tip" option in preferences > cursors menu and it works fine with bigger brushes but currently i'm working on a small-format illustration and use 1 and 2 px brushes a lot and cross hairs are still present for brushes that small.
Photoshop CS6
Wacom Cintiq 12WX
Windows 7
When I click on a civil 3d object the contextual ribbon will light up (which is fine) but instead of my cross hairs comming back in the drawing window I get the pointer that would be used to select an item in the ribbon (in the drawing area) and I have to click in the drawing area to get my cross hairs back or to grip edit the object or to delete the object.
Is there a option/setting I need to change to be able to get me cross hairs back after selecting a civil 3d object?
Just move to Civil 3d 2012, this worked just fine in '11...
Suddenly my CS2 has started to act up. First, after opening a file and start to do a background erasing, the brush shows up as crosshairs.
after a brief time of working with those limitations, when I click on the downdown menus, they get highlighted, but nothing drops down. If I try to close the file or the program, all I get is a warning "ding".
Using Civil 3D 2012, windows 7 pro 64, Radeon HD6970 video card.
The pointer flickers when in AutoCAD, especially when in menus, between the arrow and the arrow / waiting circle. Also does this flicker with the cross hairs and the waiting symbol when in the drawing window. Have all the drivers up to date no luck.
Have also tried multiple different pointing devices. Also have several instances where text will not move or allow to be modified until I save and restart the program.
We use a table with an inserted jpeg image (company logo) as our title block. Everything works fine when you start a new drawing, however, when one tries to insert the template into an existing drawing or thru a new layout, the table that is our title block comes in mirrored with the rows and columns all out of whack.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhy my xrefs are coming in really dark ? I like to have a black model space so it's really hard to see them. There must be a setting somewhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe company I'm with recently updated their settings across the network. Now, when I step away from my computer for longer than 10 minutes a screen saver automatically comes on. Upon entering the password and getting back to the desktop, AutoCAD comes up with a FATAL ERROR:
Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception at 54122e86h
I cannot disable the screensaver, I'm running AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 (updated with SP2); Windows XP Pro SP3, 3.25 GB RAM, Matrox M9128 LP PCIe x16 (Latest Driver) dual monitors.
We are getting attached window of Autodesk report in mid-way of working on Inventor .
What is the reason behind this window coming while working.
After putting email-id in the box then clicking on the 'Send report' how we get the solution .
I am currently using AutoCAD 2010. I'm placing some length dimensions on partial sections of a circle and the arc dimension comes straight out from the chosen points as a dimension of a flat line does. I would like it to look like an angular dimension without having to use a text override. Is there any way to change that to where the placed dimension lines follows the edges of the section instead of coming straight out?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a prob with my system in that when I close a drawing with a 3d view in a viewport and reopen it, I lose the 3D view and it flattens out, maintaining the view but losing all perspective. I can easily restore the saved view, but it is bit irritating.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have some aligned dimensions in model space - they look ok, text is oriented according to WCS. Also I have some viewports with UCS (I used commands UCS, PLAN) where dimensions look wrong, text is not oriented correctly. Is it possible to "update" dimension in viewport to orient text as in model space?
Programmatically created dims in viewports oriented as in model space, not considering current UCS.
I am using AutoCAD 2012 (Electrical). I have a few blocks that I pasted in a drawing with text that is contained in attributes.
I would like to explode these blocks so that I can make some changes to them, but when I do this, I lose the text that is contained in the attributes. After exploding the blocks, I just see the attribute names rather than the text that they originally contained.
I hate to have to re-type all this info. If I could somehow choose to choose to convert the text originally contained in attributes to plain old static text, that would be perfect for me.
I have a layer VPORTS. I create viewports in this layer
On a 10 sheet drawing. viewports are visible and selectable on 9 sheets. Only one sheet they have dissapeared
I cannot select or edit vports on this one sheet
I have rebooted.. turned on and thawed all layers.. can see the viewports on sheets 1 thru 9 and edit them but not on sheet 10
I have two viewports in a drawing file. One is for existing and new conditions and one is for existing and demolition conditions. So, I want one viewport to freeze some layers and the other viewport to freeze other layers. After picking and freezing certain layers in each viewport, I created New Layer States - One called New Floor Plan and the other called Demo Floor Plan.
When I click inside one of the viewports and select the appropriate layer state it changes both viewports to the same layer state. That is not what I want. Is it possible to have one layer state in one viewport and another layer state in another viewport?
I am trying to organize my drawing in model into different viewports for printing purposes. However, in Layout # 1, once I delete an item it also deletes the item in model space. In Layout # 2, can't edit, select, highlight or anything ( I am in Layer 0). How can I fix that ? Basically, I want to create several layouts, each layout will contain a certain section of my drawing in model space then. I am not "layout savvy", trying to get hang of it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedACAD MEP 2012..Yes all the typical settings are correct.I have a 2-d drawing with 4 viewports, 2 of which will not print Black & White? Thought it might have to do with visual styles but changing them had no effects.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a command to lock all vieports within the drawing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I tell when a viewport (any viewport) in paper space is currently active.
This is actually related to a .NET programming error, whereby even when the drawing is in Paper space, if a viewport is active, I am unable to programmatically access the Layout. I need to be able to, at a minimum, detect this condition, then switch back to full paper space (i.e. de-activate the viewport) if possible.
He's got a series of roadway plans where the North arrow shows up fine on some sheets, but the fill (solid hatch) in the arrows doesn't display on others. The arrows are blocks, all the elements in the block are on layer "0" (zero).and the blocks reside in model space.
Just for grins. I had him expand a viewport (where the arrow looks fine) to capture a problematic arrow and... it looks fine. So, it's not an arrow/block/layer issue. It's a viewport issue.
I am working on a sheet which curently has the MAXACTVP setting set at 30 which is adequate for the number of VP's currently on the sheet but the contens are still not visible unless i move them.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a hot key that will lock viewports on/off. The command is MVIEW / L / ON OR OFF. What I would like to do is have VPL lock viewports and VPLL unlock viewports. How can I do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy problem is: after any command or repeating it, the mouse pointer disappear for few second, when I just have installed the software I won't have this problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have imported a .dxf file of a surfboard from another program as seen below. My plan is to create various cross sections of the board in order to cut out a wooden frame. It seems like it should be simple enough but I usually use pro/engineer for any 3d stuff and I have had no luck using the section plane feature on autocad so far.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem plotting any viewports that are not set to 2D wireframe. All viewports set to 2D wireframe plot correctly but anything set to hidden of conceptual plots as a black square.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLet's say you create a floor plan, and you use the Layer State manager to separate the framing plan, finish plan, reflected ceiling plan, etc. Now, when you go to create a sheet, you xref this plan into model space with all of the layers thawed/on, go to your titleblock in paper space and make a viewport.
Currently, if I click into a viewport and use the Layer State manager to show just the information of the RCP, it will freeze all of the layers I don't need, but it will freeze those layers in model space, instead of just within the viewport. It gets very time consuming doing it the way I always understood to do it; making sure all layers are thawed/on in model space, and then going into each viewport and manually VP-freezing each layer I don't need.
So can Layer States be set up to work within viewports, to only have those layers VP-frozen?