AutoCAD 2010 :: Jumpy / Smeary Crosshairs When Hovering Over Objects?
Feb 6, 2012
I am using an ati 6950. (yes i know its not a suggested card) but it runs great other than after 20minutes to an hour worth of use it will freak out when you hover over an object and that object turns to dashed lines. The crosst hair will turn into like 50 diagonal lines and start smearing on the screen. I went in and changed to options from DASH to THICKEN on hover. This has been working for about an hour now.
when working at this workstation, the crosshair gets very 'Jumpy' and slow as it gets near or cross over a dimension line. is there possibly a setting that is on or off that is causing this. It has nothing to do with the file. It happens on any file on this computer, but if i switch to a different workstation all is well. And this is a much faster workstation than the other. The issue also happens to a much lesser extent when crossing any drawing object. The cursor (crosshairs) will pause slightly. It is a very long pause when near the dim lines though. it is almost impossible to select or snap to an object or line if it is near a dimension line.
My aperture / crosshairs seems to have a magnetic attraction to all objects in drawings. Over an empty area, motion is smooth. When crossing over any object(s), be they in Model Space or a Layout, the cursor is attracted to objects. Is this an AutoCAD setting that I'm not aware of, or is this a graphics card / hardware acceleration issue?
I am testing out ACAD LT 2013 I've narrowed it down the the hatch. why theres no issue with Autocad LT 2010 using the same hatch pattern. Tried making the adjustments. Turning off the hatch is really working the best
Running Win 7 , 64 bit quad core AMD 2.2 gig processor 4gig ram Gigbyte MB with on board graphics
When I am in ISO view and chose anything other than wireframe, like "Realistic" panning and zooming are very slow. Even a smaller drawing does not act normal. I use a 3rd party software for modeling ductwork and piping, the drawings work fine on our other machine, so it's not the modeling software. It's also not the drawing file, I have tried other drawings that I had no past issues with but it still bogs down.
I have tried the following:
Updated video driver.
Tried different settings under "Options" "Display" and "3D Performance"
Ran AutoCad repair.
Checked and turned off all snap settings and grid.
AutoCad 2011 Intel Core i5 3.60 GHZ 16GB ram Windows 7 Profesional 64 bit NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
why my crosshairs stutter after I select an object? I first noticed it after the AutoCAD release that added vertex control options to plines. Crosshairs hang for a second or two after selecting an object that has vertices. Seems like CAD is evaluating the vertices.
I recently installed AutoCAD 2012 and have noticed that my crosshairs are moving as if a grid is turned on. I checked my settings and have turned everything off however, the crosshairs continues to move in "jerk-like" movements.
In a drawing, the directions aren't pointing at a 90-degree angle with relation to the command ribbon above it. It's rotated a little clockwise, as are the crosshairs. How do I get the crosshairs and viewcube to be parallel with the command ribbon? I don't need to rotate any objects in the drawing, but I think this is messing up what I see in my viewports in the layouts.
In ModelSpace, when I drag the crosshairs over to the right edge of the screen, the crosshairs will vanish and reappear on the left side of the screen. This is a major problem: If I am reaching for an object off to the right and overshoot with the mouse a little, the crosshairs will suddenly be way over on the left. But much worse than this, I have a toolbar oriented vertically on the right side of the screen. I literally cannot get to that toolbar because the crosshairs swap over to the left side of the screen, instead of changing over to an arrow cursor to make use of the menus.
I type in the command ( I'm an old school typer, hate the buttons ) BLOCK....then the next thing that happens is (after hitting enter of course), my crosshairs instantly turn into the Windows arrow.
I wasn't playing with any switches. I was just trying to make a little block with a number in it.
Yes, I restarted AutoCAD, restarted the computer, did not reload in AutoCAD.....AutoCAD 2011 by the way.
I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
I have to do a WBLOCK to make the blocks I need to bypass this odd behavior.
I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.
When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
I'm not seeing in the tooktip display the description and ID of each Pay Item that has been assigned to a sturcture. I have gone thru Rollovertips but can't seem to locate it. Where can I find this to add to the Tooltip Display?
I have created a surface, when I hover over a contour on it I used to get name,style, layer, elevation. Now I get them all except elevation, I didn't change anything (not on purpose at least) in my drawings.
You know that small window that pops up when you hover the crosshair over an object? It displays color, layer, and linetype for regular objects. I was wondering if it's possible to somehow change what is displayed in this window?
When hovering over icons, such as the “Constrain” function, the helper graphic appears over top of my product tree. After the graphic is finished playing it doesn’t go away. I can’t select anything in my tree structure that is behind the graphic and when I try to select the “I” (New, Save, Etc), I can’t select anything from that menu dropdown which is under the icon either.
I’m running Windows 8.1, and I’m using a trial version of Autodesk Inventor Pro 2014.
So when i would select a line, hover over one of the endpoints, the length and angle would be shown, as a quick dimension. for some reason that has stopped, all it does now if i select the line, hover over an endpoint the only thing it says is stretch, or lengthen.
RANT!!! (come on 2013, thats stupid, stretch and lengthen are basically the same thing, dont you think if i stretch something it would automatically lengthen something, and if i lenghtened something, it in fact would also be stretching it. and to see you replaced the simple dimensioning of that line with a pointless i wouldnt call it option. now to figure out the length i have to keep the properties file open, or i have to draw a faux line over the current one just to check its length, or literally i have to draw a dimension line.) EnD!!
What option might have been turned off? and that the new array no longer gives you a box, but you do it all through the command line. or the dynamic input. That was an AWESOME box that i do miss dearly, and no longer have the option to bring back..
Trouble with embedded OLE DWG objects in word 2010 not opening with AutoCAD 2012
We have a user that can't open some OLE DWG files from within a word document. He had 2010 AutoCAD LT on his machine for a while then was upgraded to 2012 AutoCAD (non LT) once that was there LT 2010 was unistalled. since then he has not been able to open certain embedded OLE files within Word. Other users that have other ever had AutoCAD 2012 have no issue opening this embedded DWG files.
i found this thread (URL....) which sounds exactly what is going on with my enduser. But the fix provided is for AutoCad 2000-2012 not the LT versions.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I have a sluggish jerky cursor (and it’s not the operator) when you are NOT in a command and while you are creating your selection set in the command. The cursor jumps and reappears @ ~1 sec intervals so you have to anticipate your mouse move to do anything. OH...and it's only happens in model space.
I tried several settings I found on the internet but nothing works. It's only doing it in 3 drawings right now. The latest one was working fine until ~10:00 this morning, then it started issues before this.
It really makes AutoCAD 2011 basically unusable as it takes 5X longer to complete each command!
I am using AutoCAD 2011. I am taking an ellipse from CAD and converting to DXF and then placing the DXF into a CNC program (Partworks). When the program is run on the CNC router the ellipse is segmented. I have worked with the CNC program and know that the problem is in the CAD or DXF programs. If you can change the size of the segments of an ellipse when it is created or if there is something else I can try?
In previous versions of Max, if you locked an object and were in the Move command, the move icon would show up no matter where you were in the viewport. Now, even if the object is locked, it will only show up while hovering over the object. My question is, was this intentional, or is there a way to turn it on and off? For my workflow this is a highly annoying change. I work without gizmos on. I only use axis constraints and I lock everything before I move it. I can still move things from anywhere in the viewport if the selected object is locked. The problem is that I can never tell that things are locked because the way of knowing (move icon always on) is now gone. I can always look down at the lock icon, but getting used to this is proving difficult.
I've been using the CC version of AE on my MacBook Pro since the evening it came out and all seemed similar to previous AE versions on my home and work Macs, but I just switched to a high-powered Windows workstation and was surprised to see how indexed (not smooth) the CTI was on RAM-Preview. I couldn't care less about UI animation except that it is pretty distracting when watching animations play back aa there is a vertical red line jumping 15 frames at a time. The playback is smooth and previews aren't set to skip frames.
Why is this behavior so different than the OSX version? Can I fix it?
I experience heavy slowdowns and increased CPU usage of mutliple background processes (Chrome, Task Manager, Explorer, DWM and Photoshop for example) when clicking on a menu item which opens the drop-down list. The more images I have open the worse it gets.
This is on a laptop with a i7-2640M CPU, 8GB memory, SSD and NVidia GT520M videocard.
As I move the Selection tool over a path I see what looks like a white anchor point that moves along with the selection tool as I hover over the path, however, there are not anchors other than the beginning and ending of this path. Are these anchor points or something else?
I was drafting away, and all of a sudden my crosshairs and pickbox disappeared. Once I move the mouse there's nothing in my drawing plane. I can type commands, and when I move the mouse up to the menu area I can pull down menus. I've opened up other drawings and the crosshairs and pick box are there.
What can I do to resolve this? Of course it happens during a deadline.
Using Autocad version 2009, windows 2007, Professional
I opened a multi-tab CAD document, and my crosshairs disappear when I go into a viewport from paperspace. I can still select things, but I can't see what I'm selecting because the crosshairs are gone! The viewports in the other tabs are fine, I can see my crosshairs in those. I've looked for some setting that accidentally got changed, but can't figure it out. I'm running AutoCAD 2010.
My crosshairs are not moving smoothly in my workspace. They are jumping big spaces. I typed "snap" and click "OFF" but it had not effect. I can't click on objects.. or draw from.. my mouse moves smoothly in every other application of my computer..just not in CAD workspace.
In AutoCad 2012 I have a large drawing with 30000 entities in it. Most times (althoguh not always), after saving, the crosshairs then vanish and I have to exit the drawing and open it again to get them back.
It doesn't happen in all drawing files, as far as I can tell it is just this large one.