Attached is a zip file with a standalone program to aid in cleaning up the Recent Documents list for all flavors of AutoCAD, 2009-2013.
It's pretty self explanatory, just be sure to run it with no sessions of AutoCAD, or vertical products, running. It should refuse to run if it sees any Acad.exe application in the running tasks list. Once the dialog opens it will show you all of the Autocad related products you have installed, select one and it will fill in the first list of recent documents. Then select a profile for that product and the second list will populate with the SSM related recent documents saved for that profile. You can then select any item from either list, if the same DST filename exists in both lists it will automatically select them both. Use the standard selection methods to select more than one (shift-click, control-click, window).
Be sure to Unblock, if needed, the zip file before extracting the exe file. (Check the file properties)
I am in ACAD 2012 and want to delete sheet sets from my "recent" list. Many of them are invalid now. How can I do this? I would expect it is a registry entry but I don't know where.
The "recent" file list when I right-click the AutoCAD icon in my task bar only lists .dxf files. No .dwg files show up. Is there any way for me to change this so that my recent .dwg files will be listed?
From the inventor file menu how to get an in correct recent files list? I get a list that i never worked on. When I carefully take a look, it shows a combination of couple files i worked on and a many files that my colleagues worked on.The tool tip shows it reading from c: empxxxx
I downloaded a Copy of AutoCAD Recent Documents Manager.exe from the autodesk website and it won't run on any of the computers in our system. I was thinking about writing a LISP routine to delete the filenames with a DST suffix by replacing them with the next filename in the list. My question is If I replace the file with the next one above and the filetime,filepinned and class respectively. When I reach the end of the list can I just use "" for the file,filetime and class and integer 0 for filepinned (it looks like it requires a double).
My Recent Files list not longer updates so that, when I start Revit from the Start menu, I can't specify the file to open at the same time that I start the program. Once Revit is open, the Recent Documents list, from the Application button, is correct. All other programs, including AutoCAD and Inventor, show up correctly in the Start menu.
I have been working on a project all week, including today. I saved my project again today at 5:00 p.m. closed Illustrator and went to dinner. Came back home, logged into Illustrator at 6:30 p.m. and my project is not there. When I go into "open recent files" the only files that come up are dated last week.
When I start Lightroom from the schortcut to Lightroom 4.1 in the Windows Start-menu it works fine.In the Startmenu there is also a list of recent files that appears on "mouse over" on the Lightroom shortcut.When I click one of those recent files, my computer starts an installation process (for the 64 bit version) as if Lightroom weren't installed already.After 30 seconds of searching for the installation files at a standard location, the program states that it didn't find the files.
Because LR already is installed I click Cancel to terminate this process and just try to aviod clicking the recent files next time.
I installed a lightroom 4.2 and i was about to import my pictures but lightroom cant read my files in my computer. It can read files but those files are from years ago. I wonder why my recent files cant read. I dont know what to do. I already reinstalled it but then again its still the same. I dont think it was on the installing the lightroom but i am suspecting that it has something to do with the catalog?
In previous versions this was unlimited. It allowed me a quick way to view catalogs I have worked on even months ago.There are no options inside Lightroom 5 to adjust this that I can find.
So is there a file I can modify in the Lightroom system folder or in the registry that will remove the limited number or increase the number allowed in the list?
Every time I launch Paint Shop Pro X5 my recent file list is empty. I thought the program was supposed to remember the last four images that were opened. I then have to select File > Open but now the program defaults to a folder called My Pictures. I store my images in my own folder elsewhere. I would like to set my folder to be the default folder. I have to navigate to my folder ever time I launch the tool. If I go to File > Preferences, I do not see a place where I can change the setting.
Upon startup of CorelDraw X4, I get an error message and the debugger opens (macro) and highlights a line of code in the Recent Files macro. I suspect it may be a Windows 7 update since about 15 updates were installed today.
P.S. - resetting workspace by pressing F8 at startup is not an option.
I am running Mac 10.6.8 and recently upgraded to PS6. I can no longer print to my Epson 3880 nor can I open NEF files. I have applied all udates from Apple, Epson and Adobe.
I then needed to remove it, but it keeps coming back. I deleted the file (even from the recycle bin), deleted my preferences, and rebooted the machine. But when I start Illustrator, as soon as I press Ctrl + N or choose File/New, the profile automatically gets recreated in the New Document Profiles folder and shows up in the Profile drop-down list of the New File dialog.
I am trying to add an excel document to a cad drawing using ole. I wish to make it transparent so that only the cells themselves are visible and not the white background and empty cells. (I hope that makes sense).
why is it when i open excel and run document properties, i input information into "Author", "Title" and "Subject", if i am in Detail view in windows explorer, and i have these columns visible, they show right up. But when i run DWGPROPS in autocad and i input information into "Author", "Title" and "Subject", they do not show up?
My company is building a template library, and I want to fill in the .DWG document properties by extracting the information from a the block attributes
For example we need the following document properties (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD) to be filled in from the same block attributes (TITLE, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD). The template we have now has this information manually input, but we would like to "automate" it on the .DWG document properties.
How do we do this, use a macro or is there some other way to do this automatically?
how to export attribute data from a block to a MS Word document template. I am looking to create a check sheet for a drawing, i.e. open a drawing, click a button and a check sheet will be printed out that the operator can complete and sign. However all the drawing info from the title block would already be complete (extracted from the titleblock block attributes).
I got some information from my fried like PDF (Portable Document Format) files are not dependent on operating system. For document exchange PDF files are used.