AutoCAD 2010 :: DWG File Is 9MB More Large

Aug 6, 2012

I have a dwg file with >9.8MB. When use Ctrl-c Autocad freeze for 15 seconds aprox.I can open and manipulate this file with other CAD Software and regenerate this file in only 531Kb (that is true for my file), with the same elements (identical file).

I try to purge, reset scalelistedit, but nothing.(I want to attach >9.8MB file but is to large for this discussion group)

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Photoshop Elements :: Creating Large Collage - Large File Output For Printing

Mar 10, 2013

I am looking to create a collage made from 100 photos (all taken high res) to be printed large, approx 120cm x 50cm. To be able to print this size I need to keep the high resolution and hence looking for a large file output.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Size Too Large?

Aug 4, 2013

I am currently working for pepsi factory with huge machines in their factory building. My problem is that these drawings are very big and not loading quite well even in high performance systems. My current drawing size is about 120MB, without any hrefs.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Certain Blocks Display Large Box Around Them

Jul 28, 2009

I am having a problem with a bunch of existing drawings. The drawings displayed fine with Autocad 2009 but with 2010 the blocks have huge rectangles drawn around them. (so big they extend off the title block) We have a few machines running older versions and the drawings display fine but any machine with 2010 all displays these boxes.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publish To DWF Results In Large Black Areas

Mar 16, 2012

I have a drawing with multiple layouts which is of a road plan and profile in 2 view ports.

When I publish the multiple drawings to DWF the 2nd viewport with the profile in it is completely black, but when I plot to DWF a single layout, it works fine which I don't understand. Surely the publish command publishes to DWF with the same settings as when you do a single plot to DWF, no?.

I have attached an example of the publish result.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2000DWG And R13DXF Files Super Large?

Jun 5, 2012

I am designing grid arrays using CAD2012 but I need to save them in 2000DWG and then R13DXF for working with an old machine.

I don't know why 2000DWG much larger than 2010DWG and even worse when I save in R13DXF.

I am not sure whether it's my design or something is wrong with the setting. I only use basic structure (rectangles and lines).

I attach one section my 2000DWG drawing without hatching and explode here. The real design would have 9 of this grid with labels and with solid hatching and explode all the components.

I tried the full strusture with solid hatching and explode all the components then save as R13DXF for the machine to read it. The 2000DWG gets >5mb and R13DXF becomes >50mb which is crazy. I tried purging but it doesn't get better.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Split Large Drawing Into Smaller Files?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a large map style drawing I'd like to slice into smaller files. I dont want overlap, but a clean line in common. See attached image for details for a 4-quadrant map.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insert Large Amount Of Coordinates As Block In DWG

Aug 21, 2012

I have an excel spreadsheet with a lot of coordinates. I know how to insert a large amount of coordinates as an block in my dwg. But what I want is to connect my Excel to my dwg, so if I change my Excel automatically the blocks in my dwg change.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Large / Dense Hatch Patterns (Missing Dialogue Box)

Oct 8, 2013

A work mate here at sometime or another clicked on the "always perform my current choice" check box when the "Hatch - Large, Dense Hatch Patterns" dialogue box appeared.

Question is, is there anyway to reset this so the dialogue box comes back up?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Use Vault With Outside Vendor That Controls Large Master Layout

May 25, 2012

How do we use Vault with an outside vendor that controls a large ‘master layout’ directory of AutoCAD drawings that is given to us each week by way of FTP? How do we update the files in vault without having to check out dozens of files or folders then copy the new files (which often have missing xrefs that have to be fixed before Vault will accept them) into the working directory then check back in the files. This is way too time consuming and complicated to do on a weekly basis.

The simplest procedure we can think of looks like this:

1)     Download new set of drawings.
2)     Open these drawings in AutoCAD reference manager to fix/remove broken xrefs so Vault will accept them.
3)     Check out the entire folder that needs to be updated from Vault
4)     Paste the new drawings over the drawings in MyDocsVaultVendor
5)     Check all the drawings in through Vault, solving any vaulting issues that may have been missed in the reference manager.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Linetypes - Text Extremely Large When Copied To Drawing

Mar 12, 2012

I created some custom linetypes. When I copied them over to my drawing, the text in the linetypes came in extemely large. I really need to get this figured out as I am setting up a template for a new customer, and they want all these included.

I have attached the dwg for reference.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: When Open Large Facility Building Drawing - Mouse Is Jumping On Screen

Dec 17, 2012

When I open a large facility building drawing my mouse is "jumping" on the screen.

The resolution of the mouse does not allow me to select obejects on the screen because the mouse jumps in large increments.

I do not have this problem on smaller drawing, such as electrical schematics.

Is there a setting to increase the resolution of the mouse movemrnt id AutoCAD?

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Photoshop :: How To Make Large Texture File From Small PNG File

Mar 8, 2013

I have been learning about Textures and I've been playing around with different ones and so I have come across a great site with lots of Texture files for download ...

Well, the files are small eg: 38x38 and 76x76 and how to create a larger image with these small images. Also, they are in .png format... if that matters.
From what I've read a Texture is a Pattern ... right? So, I have searched the FAQ's, the Manual etc. for things like: How to make a large Pattern, How to use a small file for a large Pattern and so forth but I can't find the right info.
Am I suppose to use them to create a Repeating Pattern? Can I do this and have them be seamless?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Grey Lines Flick White When Working In Large Dwg / Cutting And Pasting As Block?

May 4, 2012

when I am working on a large drawing and/or pasting as a block, all the grey lines (colour 8) turn to white. When I select a grey line, it flicks back to grey, but de-select, and it's white again.

If I toggle on hardware acceleration, the problem is fixed for a short while, and also if I turn it off, it is fixed for a short while, and also if I save, close and re-open it's good untill I paste a block....

I suspect it may be because of my setup and an un tested graphics card:

Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate - running through bootcamp on a macbook pro

Autocad 2012 Lt

Machine Configuration
Processor Speed : 2.2 GHz
RAM : 8103 MB

3D Device
Name : AMD Radeon HD 6750M
Manufacturer : AMD
Chip set : Radeon HD 6750M
Memory : 707 MB
Driver : 8.17.0010.1063

Your machine contains a 3D Device that is not certified.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Large SAT File

May 17, 2012

A customer has sent me a .sat file that is 297MB.  Inventor is grinding at it, but its taking a very long time to open.  Part count is up to 4323 open documents and the "Importing SAT Bodies-54%".

This has been running for two hours and it seems like it is getting slower and slower.  My concern here is that this machine will run out of memory before it completes.  It has 8GB of installed ram.

Any tips on bringing these large files into Inventor?  Would a different neutral format be any faster/better?

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AutoCad :: Blank DWG With Large File Size

Feb 29, 2012

Ive got this blank DWG with a file size of 4MB... ive ERASE > ALL on all layouts, then PURGED a few times, i cant see any layer filters. The STATUS command says it has 241007 objects. but i cant find or get rid of them.

Take a look at this DWG and let me know how i can clear it out and reduce the file size?


Uploaded to DropBox... the DWG was too big to attach to the post.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Surface Generation - Large Image File

Apr 20, 2011

I have created a point cloud and surface from LiDAR data.  The point cloud data was relatively large from what I am familiar with (approximately 30 GB all told), and ESRI ASC surface file (approximately 8 GB) was generated after a laborious wait.  However, when I attempt to add the ASC file as a raster to view the surface, MAP 3D crashes and loses connection with my PC (i.e. window freezes, and I have to force MAP 3D to shutdown).  My computer is fairly updated with quad core processor, 3 GB RAM, etc.  Is this not enough power to process such a large image file, or have I error ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: File Size Seems To Be Quite Large In Proportion

Mar 21, 2013

I have a file that doesn't have a lot of stuff in it, but the file size seems to be quite large in proportion. Is there a way that I can use DBList, and export the data to a spreadsheet? It would be a lot easier to search through than the F2 way.

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AutoCAD LT :: Printing DWG To PDF - File Size Too Large In 2013?

Apr 5, 2012

I have successfully printed a dwg to a pdf but instead of its file size being 450k it is 1.4 m. This makes sending pdfs via email too cumbersome. It seems that even though the outcome is B&W somewhere along the line "it" thinks it is Color. I noticed that in Page Setup I no longer have the option of "DWG to PDF.pc3".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Large File Size For Part With No Features

May 23, 2012

why I have a part file that is almost 12MB in size yet it contains absolutely no features? I would attach the part but it's too big to upload.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Repairing Assembly With Large File Size

Dec 1, 2011

Sometimes an assembly file can become really very big.

Try to delete all components, all custom ViewReps, Positional Representations and Level of Details and save the file. If the file empty is till very big, then this post might be interesting.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IAM Export To DWG File Size Extremely Large?

Jul 22, 2013

What is the best way to reduce the file size of an Inventor IAM 3D Model when exporting to a DWG format?  My client only needs a couple of 2D views in order to take measurements in AutoCAD.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Large Assembly To Step File?

Nov 14, 2012

In my company we work with quite large assemblies, a small project im working on now, contains 527 documents with a total of 3088 occurrenses. Our customers often request STEP files which is a real pain for us to create.

Usually we have to start exporting the assembly at closing time and let the computer work over night, and the product is often a file in the 200mb range, which is too heavy to handle via e-mail, and also takes a lot of time to import to other CAD software.

Using the Task Scheduler is not an option since our file server isnt compatible and refuses to let go of files unless they are checked out manually.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Large File With Polylines Causes Crosshairs To Hang

Dec 13, 2011

I have a large drawing with 5 meter contours that are 2D polylines on elevation. In Civil 3D 2012, when the crosshairs touch a polyline the drawing hangs for quite awhile.  I've cut a piece out of the drawing so it is 28mb instead of 121mb and now the hang time is much less but it still does it.  It does not happen in AutoCAD 2012.

Windows 7 x 64
Intel i7-4770 CPu @ 3.40 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro K2000D
Civil 3D 2014 (i.108.0.4, SP1)

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AutoCad :: Excel File With Large Amount Of Technical Data

Oct 12, 2012

I'm currently working on building up a library of 3D models of crane rigging for a new job. Specifically, I'm creating wire rope slings (like this 3/8" wire rope sling) but with less of an emphasis on visual detail and more on precise measurements.

In order to simplify the process a bit, I created an excel file to enter the basic four measurements of a sling (length, rope thickness, eye width, and eye length) which then calculates and displays for me the coordinates and measurements of all the objects needed to make the sling (arcs, lines, circles to sweep along those lines, etc.)

I realize now that I'm really just creating a task of endless copy/paste, and I'm looking for a better way to get through the process. How to make this work as efficiently as possible.

Is there some way that I could point AutoCAD to the Excel file and have it read all the coordinates and measurements to draw everything automatically? I also considered creating a line in Excel that would give output that I could copy and paste into a .scr, but I have never used any scripting in CAD before, so it would be new territory for me.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: PDF File Size Is Large When Printing Drawing With Rotated Views?

May 15, 2012

I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?

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Illustrator :: Why EPS File So Large

Oct 15, 2012

I have an .eps file that contains a couple of dots and some hash marks, but the file size is ~4.2MB.  I have deleted the unused color swatches, bringing the file size down to ~3.3MB.  At this point however, I cannot figure out why the file is still so large.  Judging from the number of unused color swatches, thousands if not tens of thousands, I am thinking that the user has been importing artwork into this same template for years.  With that in mind, what other objects can accumulate to create an unusually large file size?  I believe we can have the user create a new template, but I would like to know exactly what is happening so that we can prevent this issue from occuring in the future. 

Illustrator CS4 OS X 10.4.6

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Photoshop :: Opening Large File

Jan 3, 2013

I just large sign for a hockey rink. I created it in Photoshop and saved it as an eps( the printer requested it be submitted in this form.) The file is very large( 600 mb) and now that I need to open it to edit it Photoshop just crashes. I am using Photoshop cs5 on 3.06 ghz duo core mac with 4 gb of ram.

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Photoshop :: Large Banner File

Jun 8, 2011

I created a design for my fraternity's new rush banner we need to have made. It's going to be 10ft x 8ft. I originally sent the design scalled down to 1000pixels x 800 pixels. The gentleman working with us replied that I must send him the image scaled down at 350 dpi or in real size at 72dpi. After changing the resolution to 350 pixels per inch (I'm assuming that means dpi), I tried scaling it up just to make sure everything looked correct. *The problem is though that when scaled up to 120in X 96in, the text as well as edges of the colors have a haze around them. Will this come out when printed?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / PDF File Saving Too Large?

Feb 27, 2013

I have CS5 and whenever I try saving any file type to PDF it maximizes the file size tremendously. I have flattened the layers so that is not the issue, and it doesnt seem to do it with other file formats, so it makes me think there is a hidden preset that i cant find pertaining to PDF formatting. Example: Opened up a PDF file sized at 3.1M, and saved it without making any changes and it jumped to a size of 10.3M. (I tried doing the same thing in Photoshop 7 and the file stays at the size of 3.1M.)

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Photoshop :: CC Large File Opening

Nov 12, 2013

I'm having huge problems with opening large files. They're slowing down my entire machine, and even minor things such as resizing a layer with the file can result in 10 minute waits. I'm hoping I don't have to reinstall the OS, but I really cannot work out why there's such a jump in performance. It's becoming impossible to work with files approaching 1GB, leat alone some of the 2-3GB files I need to, which previously weren't a problem.
I've recently upgraded to CC from CS5 on a 2.6GHz i7 MacBook Pro (less than a year old, circa. Jan 2013), with 8GB RAM and 500+ GB free memory on a 1TB hard drive. I don't have any third party plug-ins, and am very careful with fonts.
I've let Photoshop use 80% of the 6440MB of available RAM.Activity monitor is showing PS uses about 60% of the CPU when saving, otherwise only 30/40%, about 5GB of virtual memory, and I have plenty of space on the disk.I don't know if it's odd, but my sleepimage file is about 8.6GB, which seems large? Also, there are at least 14 swapfiles all at least 1GB - should there be so many?
Should probably say I'm also using an external monitor, but performance doesn't change when I disconnect.

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