Photoshop :: CC Large File Opening

Nov 12, 2013

I'm having huge problems with opening large files. They're slowing down my entire machine, and even minor things such as resizing a layer with the file can result in 10 minute waits. I'm hoping I don't have to reinstall the OS, but I really cannot work out why there's such a jump in performance. It's becoming impossible to work with files approaching 1GB, leat alone some of the 2-3GB files I need to, which previously weren't a problem.
I've recently upgraded to CC from CS5 on a 2.6GHz i7 MacBook Pro (less than a year old, circa. Jan 2013), with 8GB RAM and 500+ GB free memory on a 1TB hard drive. I don't have any third party plug-ins, and am very careful with fonts.
I've let Photoshop use 80% of the 6440MB of available RAM.Activity monitor is showing PS uses about 60% of the CPU when saving, otherwise only 30/40%, about 5GB of virtual memory, and I have plenty of space on the disk.I don't know if it's odd, but my sleepimage file is about 8.6GB, which seems large? Also, there are at least 14 swapfiles all at least 1GB - should there be so many?
Should probably say I'm also using an external monitor, but performance doesn't change when I disconnect.

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Photoshop :: Opening Large File

Jan 3, 2013

I just large sign for a hockey rink. I created it in Photoshop and saved it as an eps( the printer requested it be submitted in this form.) The file is very large( 600 mb) and now that I need to open it to edit it Photoshop just crashes. I am using Photoshop cs5 on 3.06 ghz duo core mac with 4 gb of ram.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Opening Large CDR File

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to open a large file (1.2gig) but corel is having a error reading (dialoge box pop up). I have another file 1.19 gig which takes a few minutes to open but is fine.

I have 2gig ram so just wondering what the limit for file size in x3 file is? The file in question was running sweet yesterday so I didn't realise it was so large.

Is there any way to recover the contents ? I can see it in preview so I don't believe it is corrupt....the back-up has the same issues.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Ultimate Crashes When Opening Large JPEG File?

Mar 16, 2012

Whenever I try to open jpeg files larger than 2MB PSP 4 crashes.

The files open fine in PSP 3

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Photoshop Elements :: Creating Large Collage - Large File Output For Printing

Mar 10, 2013

I am looking to create a collage made from 100 photos (all taken high res) to be printed large, approx 120cm x 50cm. To be able to print this size I need to keep the high resolution and hence looking for a large file output.

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Photoshop :: Opening Large PSD Files

Nov 22, 2012

We have 5 designers sharing design files across a windows network. Everyone is running  photoshop CS6 cloud subscriptions (which have auto updated to 13.0.1). The team have created and opened PSD files fine since July. Over the last 3 weeks we have had 5 files so far become unopenable - we get the message: “could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version”. Could it be that they are too large? The problem files are larger than the rest at around the 1GB mark. We are running HPZ210 PCs with Windows 7, solid state drives for the software, regular HDD for the data, and 16 GB Ram. One file at least was housed on a hard drive as well as the server and neither the local or network version of the file opens so it doesn’t seem to be a server issue. Five people on different subscriptions and computers have tried opening the files to no avail. Files were working ok one day, then not opening the next.

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Photoshop :: Large Files Not Opening In 0.7

Apr 24, 2009

I'm having problems opening some large files I've been working on in photoshop7. Win XP pro sp3, HP dx2250 AMD athlon 64 3800+ 98MHz, 1.87GB RAM, 79.4GB free space on C:When I try to open these files I get a dialog box titled 'New', instead of the opening progress bar starting to fill up. The 'New' dialog box has the correct file name, image size listed as only 452k, when the file is actually over 2GB, Preset sizes set at Default photoshop size, width 16.02cm, height 11.99cm, res 72dpi.Actual size of file is 2.2GB, 96cm wide x 66cm high at 300dpi. Clicking on the "New" ok button opens up a blank background layer and no others ie it is opening a new file and not the one I have been working on. This happens to two versions of the updated file with separate file names (v3 and v4). I've opened the original file (v2, which still opens ok)) and have been enlarging the canvas size and converting from rgb to cmyk. It appeared to save okay. This happened yesterday, too and I thought I must have not saved it correctly, so redid the work and saved again. Now I know something not right as I can't open the saved files. I've cleared the preferences file but no change.

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3ds Max :: Large Files Not Opening On A High End Machine

Jun 27, 2011

I've a scene which is a city layout (30 crore polygons)which now dosent open on my opened up sometime back on a comparatively low end machine but not on my current machine which is 12 core xeon with 48 gb ram and a quadro 600 1 gb card.

This file is a flythru of city with detailed models and 2K substance maps, thats all. I've gone thru a lot of threads on memory management but so far i was not able to open this file.I dont think it could be a hardware issue as the machine i'm using is quite high end.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Not Opening Large Files?

May 30, 2011

We have tried this on 5 different machine configurations from XP (SP3) to windows 7 (SP1).

We do magazine outlays and therefore require large files. As soon as we go above certain size ( about 1.7GB), then the file will save. But try and open the file then we get an error. Disassembling the file gives an error on opening hte RIFF file. Try and import then erro is "cannot import empty file".

Quite a few people have given advice on using smaller files, but that is impractical. Our only viable solution at the moment is using files split into 10 to 20 pages each. Importing all the section, then creating the PDF and do not bother to save the complete file. We even went as far as building a test machine with up to 24GB of RAM and all the bells & whistles and only windows barebone + updates, no other 3rd party software except Coreldraw X5.

what the size of file is that Coreldraw X5 can handle? WHere are the limitations and is there a swap file setting?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Effects Of RAM Speed (opening Large Assemblies And FEA)

Aug 3, 2012

It seems every year our assemblies get bigger and bigger.  Most projects I work on have 5,000-15,000 occurances and load times can start to cut into productivity when I'm opening 30 different projects a day.

I am currently running 16GB of PC3-8500F (533 MHz) DDR3 Patriot 1600EL RAM. I am running windows 7 with an i7 2700k OC'ed to 4.0 Ghz.  Load times are sometimes around a minute with the normal being just under 30 seconds.  On top of simply opening assemblies, I've also noticed complex FEA simulations almost filling up my 16GB of RAM.  I don't where the bottle neck is in today's computers, so any testing to see if faster RAM would speed things up. 

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Illustrator :: CS6 (Mac) Crashes When Opening Large Documents With Drop Shadows

Aug 2, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro ver. 10.6.8 i7 Core, 8 Gb Ram, and I am running Adobe Illustrator CS6.
I have a document that is 18" x 42" and contains drop shadows. It was created using CS6. When I apply a graphic style (gradient and drop shadow) It has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes. I recreated the document, and I am having the same issue repeatedly.
In order to do what I needed, I had to ungroup the letters recieving the graphic style and apply it to each letter individually. If I try applying it to more than one object, the freeze happens again.
I saved the file I created, and now I can not open it. On load it has a progress bar that says "Drop Shadow" and it fills up and freezes.
I can open the same document in CS4 on the same system with no issues, it takes less than 5 seconds to load.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Large Texture File From Small PNG File

Mar 8, 2013

I have been learning about Textures and I've been playing around with different ones and so I have come across a great site with lots of Texture files for download ...

Well, the files are small eg: 38x38 and 76x76 and how to create a larger image with these small images. Also, they are in .png format... if that matters.
From what I've read a Texture is a Pattern ... right? So, I have searched the FAQ's, the Manual etc. for things like: How to make a large Pattern, How to use a small file for a large Pattern and so forth but I can't find the right info.
Am I suppose to use them to create a Repeating Pattern? Can I do this and have them be seamless?

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Photoshop :: Large Banner File

Jun 8, 2011

I created a design for my fraternity's new rush banner we need to have made. It's going to be 10ft x 8ft. I originally sent the design scalled down to 1000pixels x 800 pixels. The gentleman working with us replied that I must send him the image scaled down at 350 dpi or in real size at 72dpi. After changing the resolution to 350 pixels per inch (I'm assuming that means dpi), I tried scaling it up just to make sure everything looked correct. *The problem is though that when scaled up to 120in X 96in, the text as well as edges of the colors have a haze around them. Will this come out when printed?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / PDF File Saving Too Large?

Feb 27, 2013

I have CS5 and whenever I try saving any file type to PDF it maximizes the file size tremendously. I have flattened the layers so that is not the issue, and it doesnt seem to do it with other file formats, so it makes me think there is a hidden preset that i cant find pertaining to PDF formatting. Example: Opened up a PDF file sized at 3.1M, and saved it without making any changes and it jumped to a size of 10.3M. (I tried doing the same thing in Photoshop 7 and the file stays at the size of 3.1M.)

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Photoshop :: File Is .3 Too Large, How To Shrink?

Mar 4, 2008

I've designed a shirt I want to send to the press to have made for a premiere. The file (flattened) is 16.3MB. The press allows an upload of 16MB. When I asked what formats they allowed they told me to send the PSD file. This is going to sound dumb, but is there a way to shave .3 from the file, yet keep the content? Maybe resize the file just a bit?

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Photoshop :: Large EPS File Won't Open In PS Or In...

Oct 8, 2008

I have this project I need to print in a newspaper. It's a PSD in CMYK, 300dpi (20 cm x 32 cm). I was told it need to be a TIFF or a EPS with text layers converted to paths.
So I've "turned into shape" every text layer I've had (it's tricky 'couse this way 1 text layer = one font color ... so if I had a block of text with 3 different colors I had to break it into 3 different layers ... anyways) and saved it as a TIFF and EPS. Just to see which one will be better (resemble my original PSD more?).

so after "saving as" TIFF my file grew from 177mb to 208mb and I still had layers and eveything (I've never actually used TIFF files as the main project files). I can preview the file in IrfanView - I understand TIFF still contains all my paths right? (well it should being a 200+ mb file ;))

I then tried the "Save As Photoshop EPS". Now the file is 95mb aaaaaand I cannot open it with any Adobe software. why is that?

Photoshop says:
"could not complete your request becouse the parser module cannot parse the file"
and Illustrator says:
"The operation cannot complete becouse of an unknown error"

By the way - I've always thought that EPS is a paths-only format. It seems it can also contain raster graphics?

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Photoshop :: Large PSD File Overwritten With A PDF...

Oct 2, 2008

I'm working with a large PSD (100+ layers, over 170MB). I wan't to preview it as a PDF. I click Save As ... and I make a new file on the desktop. I minimize Photoshop, go to desktop and open the PDF. Ok everything's ok. I go back to photoshop (just maximize it). I work work work .... Ctrl+S every once in a while ... and I suddenly realize that the file I'm working on has changed its name from project2.psd to project2.pdf (I see this in the top bar of the window). I minimize photoshop, go to the folder where my psd file is stored and I check it for weight -> it's now 24MB instead of 170MB. Ok, Istead of going back in history I decide to Overwrite my original project2 (which is now a pdf as the windows explorere shows ... [oh yeah, and the pdf I've created on the desktop is still there as a totally separate file]) with the project I have currently opened in photoshop (I still have layers in the layers pallete and everything, it's just the photoshop shows the name of the file in the top bar "project2.pdf"). I do that. Now I close all the projects opened in photoshop (I guess that's the moment I really screwed up) - though I don't close the program itself if that matters at all - and I reopen my project2.psd.

it opens as a PSD ..... but it's flatten. No layers.

why after creating a new pdf file on the desktop the whole project I was still working with turned into a PDF file.

I wan't to get my 170MB 100+ layers file
Does Vista store some temp files anywhere? I suppose it won't be there.

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Photoshop :: Large File Compression

May 11, 2009

I have CS3 extended and have been compiling a series of high resolution photographs into one layer in photoshop.  I have copy and pasted each photo and then stitched them together resulting in a file that is 1.35Gb.  I want to compress the file, keeping the resolution as high as possible, so it is easier to use in illustrator and import into ArcGIS.  I have tried saving the file as a jpg, pdf and tiff with variable compression qualities.  As soon as i open the image up in a different programme and zoom in I loose the picture, eitehr to a blank screen or a message saying 'invalid format/picture'.  Opening the file and saving is taking so long too do as well...

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Photoshop :: PDF File Size Seems Too Large

Feb 27, 2008

I can't for the life of me figure out why a 9 page PDF containing only outlined text, is ending up at 4.5mb. It's pretty intense lines and text, etc. But still. It seems too large.

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Photoshop :: Automatically Added File Info When Creating New Or Opening File?

Sep 13, 2012

I used to be able to just open any image and my copyright info would be inserted into the file data. I guess it was a droplet, "when the file is opened or created then add file info from a xmp file". I still have the xmp file with all the data in but i am unsure how to implement it being automatically opened and added to the file when i create a new one? I thought i could handle it, i assume its a droplet of some sort.

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Photoshop Elements :: Opening RAW - File Format Module Cannot Parse The File

Apr 21, 2013

When trying to open a raw file in PSE 5 I receive the following error message

“Could not complete your request because the file format module cannot parse the file”

I checked and my camera Nikon D3100 is listed as a supported camera.

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Photoshop :: Open A Large PTIF File

Jul 29, 2012

I downloaded an image from the NASA LROC Site that is around 10,000 x 68,000 pixels in size. It is HUGE! But I get an error message from Photoshop when attempting to open the file:

Photoshop can only decode JPEG encoded images up to 32767 pixels wide or tall.
The file is a PTIF file around 70mb in size. How do I get PS to open this file? (I am using Photoshop CS6 Extended on Windows 7).

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Photoshop :: How To Convert Large Raw Or TIFF File To PDF

Jun 28, 2013

how do I convert a large (1-3.4 GB) .pbs, .raw or .tif file to a pdf or back to a .psd?  I made a large psd file to keep as much detail as possible for a 24" x 16" actual size graphic without pixelating and with sharp edges.
The vendor wants a pdf file.  How do I convert back without reducing quality of the graphic.  I am using photoshop CS4.

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Photoshop :: Open LARGE JPEG File

Apr 3, 2013

I was scanning a roll of drawings on a large format scanner, and I ended up with JPGs that are larger than 30k pixels wide. (I understand this is a limitation PS has)
The issue is, I spent hours scanning all these rules, and now I have a few JPEGs files that are very large (45k x 10k pixels), that I cannot open at all).The JPGs open fine in the windows viewer, so I know they are not corrupt.
If I can find someway to open them, I can then resize them slightly to fit within the limit, or save them as (PSB - Large Format).One of the ideas I had was to find some other software that I can use to open and re-save, or to split the JPGs in 2 or 3 pieces, and then piece them back together in Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: File Sizes For Large Banners

Jun 22, 2006

Im currently trying to produce some banners that are quite large 80 inches x 34. I dont know how to scale that down to a managable canvas in photoshop but at the same time not loose any quality.

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Photoshop :: Coretion Over Large File (like 200mb And Even More)

Nov 29, 2002

when you need to make correction (level color) on really big file... something likes 200mb and more!

1) Open your image

2) Go to file size and reduce the size to a really smaller image (something like changing the resolution from 300 to 72) to get a much smaller file size, but make sure you still see some details.

3) Save this file over a new name (ex: LowFileName.psd)

Now we have a low-resolution version of our file, one that will be much easier and faster to work on.

Now here come the part where we will use a cool feature of Photoshop... Adjustment layers...

Make all your correction with adjustment layer, like lever, color, hue and saturation, until you like the results... you an also use mask.

4) When you like the results you will need to group all you adjustment layers...

5) Open you Original file

6) Drag all you adjustment layer over the original size

And voila, all you adjustment are over you Hi-Rez image!!! I you used mask you will need to adjust their size with Scaling!

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Photoshop :: CS4 Large File Very Slow Load

Mar 11, 2009

I'm working with a friend who's got perhaps unusual Photoshop needs. He's working on a 10000x20000 pixel 16 bit image with maybe 6 image layers and 12 total layers. Loading the file takes about 20 minutes.

The system is a 2.6 GHz quad-core i7 with 12 GB RAM and a 32GB SSD primary scratch, 200 GB of secondary scratch, with a 1 GB Radeon HD 4870, running CS4 64bit on Vista 64.

What seems odd to me is that memory usage climbs steeply for the first perhaps 4 GB, looking like the load might complete in a minute or two, then the CPU kicks in for the long, long remainder of the load. The file on disk is roughly 5 GB.

We've got issues aside from this, but I'll detail them in another thread.

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Convert Large PSA File

Feb 16, 2013

I have two catalogs created in Photoshop Album 3.2 and I downloaded Elements 11 and had no difficulty finding and converting the smaller file, but the function will not display the larger file to be selected for conversion. Is size the problem, and if so, how can I cope?

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Photoshop :: How To Print Large File On Multiple Paper

Jun 24, 2012

I have 1 large photo (33cm x 200cm) i like to print on A3+ paper. Not cropped or reseized, but on about 4 papers i can glue toether after printing and so get 1 large file.
So in all i'm looking for a way to print from PS cs5 so that , part by part, the image is split on the 4 sheets i like to use.
I can of course manually 'cut' the photo into 4 pieces myself, but i really hoped PS CS5 could do this job automaic for me.
Is their a way i simply did not find yet?

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Photoshop Elements :: Error / File Size Too Large

Oct 23, 2013

Some of the thumbnails on elements 12 organizer have an error message of "File Size too Large" and are not displaying.  All of the photos are jpeg file and are aound 8mb. 

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Photoshop :: Original Shot Raw File Opens In CS6 Almost 5 Times As Large

Dec 11, 2012

Why is the file so large when I have not made any changes? there any thing that can reset to keep the original file size? I am using CS6 and Lightroom 4

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