I have my video and what I would like to produce is have a text bubble pop up with a picture inside of it instead of text. I need to have a border around the bubble as well.
I need to produce about 100 videos from a single project changing some images and texts.
I found out that editing aepx files for the project I can change the images paths and do the renders with aerender.exe without needing to enter AE.
The problem are the texts, I found the text part in the aepx, even in Hex format, but when I try to swap one hex word with another, the change simply doesn't reflect in AE nor aerender. It just display the original text.
Is there a way to change the text content directly in the aepx to let me automate the 100 avi production without even entering After Effects?
how to change a picture that he took with a web-cam holding a placard. The note he's holding say some random thing on it, and I want to replace it with something outlandishly silly. How would I go about doing this, AND how would I go about adding a placard/note like that to pictures of his where he isn't holding anything
I've made a fabulous Smoke Text effect that I then insert the .mov file into Final Cut Pro. The smoke effect I downloaded from the tutorial has a black background and therefore when rendered out, it's a basic white text against a black background. Once in FCP, I have to turn the file's opacity down in order for it to layer over a video file and not black out what I layer over it.
How can I make the file transparent? A simple toggle of the transparency grid isn't going to do it. I need to make or find a video of smoke that is transparent?
I used a combination of effects on a picture and got a great result. I saved the picture. The next day I wanted to put the same effects on a new picture, but I could not remember the effects I used on the first pic. I clicked on many effects in the palette and just couldn't find the same ones as the first pic. I want to use them again.
I have a picture that was edited by someone else, what I need to know is, how do I remove the effects he put on the picture?
Apparently he wrote (using an editor) something on the background, then using an editor, covered it up with and effect. I need to see what he wrote before covering it up.
I really would like to know how to editor picture in general for I find this really really cool!
So, I'm currently making a 3 minute news film at school, and am trying to add a picture into a video, so at the beginning of the news, I want to add a picture either right up or left up corner of the video something like this...
so,,, how do i insert a picture like that into a video?
and, additionally, is there a way to make it look like when transitioning the screen, the picture would magnify and fill up the screen.and the film begins
so in the example, the bread/snack picture would enlarge, fillup the screen and another video would resume.
I am trying to recreate the following pic below, I am not sure how to do the effect of the User Interfaces (UI) which around he guy? Can anyone help? I need to know how to achive the filp on the side of the UI.
I have a .psd picture of a tank and try to animate it in AE by rotating its wheels and tread (or track?). The only solution i have come up with is to slightly change tread layer's x and y positions in every frame, making it to vibrate. However it does not create rotation illusion which i'm after - the tread vibrates, but doeas not revolves around the wheels. If there are other solutions to make tread layer rotate around tank's wheels, i would be glad to hear about them. All 7 tank's wheels are separate layers and the tread layer is above them. The rest of the tank's layer is above tread layer
I’m trying to add some text effects over my video, but I’m really stuck right now getting After Effects and Adobe Premier to work together.
From the tutorials I’ve watched online, I’ve been trying to create a dynamic link between the two programs so I could easily create texts and other effects in AE that immediately show up on my timeline in Premier. I've been able to create texts, but whatever I create in AE is not showing up on the Premier timeline. Am I missing a step? Also, when I load up my sequence into AE, all of the color correcting that I’ve done with Looks inside Premier goes away, and the clips appear as they did right out of the camera.
I am trying to sample a picture of a moving river and add Layer effects to it. I am having trouble with Cloning Tool, have never used Slicer Tool, and really lost to be honest.
Basically I'd like to draw a river and add samples of a real picture of a river, like rocks from the river, etc.
i have a photo montage at the end of a video and im looking for some way to automate the moving/scrolling/flow of the pics. i have a particle element (with a trail) that comes in flying through in 3d space. im trying to have the photos dissolve in one at a time in 3d space like they're flying at the camera slowly in front of this particle effect.
trying to not have to animate every single one of these by hand.
I think I may have made a big error. While adding text and applying (experimenting) various "Effects" with the text, I used the garbage can icon to remove the "Effect", thinking it is going to remove the 'Effect" from the text, until I realized I had to remove the "Effect" with the edit button, not the garbage can. Have I now permanently removed the various "Effects" permanently or just off the screen? How do I regain them back onto the menu column? How many "Effects" should be visible in order to have the complete set? This was my first experiment with the lettering effects and hope I haven't lost them forever.
I use After Effects CC and am having trouble with the 3D camera tracker. Here is a link to the video where you can see my problem.URL....
The video works fine, until at the end, when the camera moves through the text. When it moves through the text, it starts to "shake" the text. When the camera moves back away from the text, it stops shaking again.
I'm wanting to create transparent text over a picture with only the outline of the text showing. So basically, I need to only see the stroke of the text and have be picture show thru from behind.
I have to replace text in a banner image with different text. Maybe if I upload the banner, it would be more useful...
I have to replace "Customer Satisfaction" with some other text. The text is embedded in the image; so, it's not that easy, at least for me, to replace it without making it look amateurish. Of course, I duplicated the background and worked on that layer.
First method I tried was using the clone stamp, zooming in to 1600% to painstakingly erase it. But then when I zoom out, the background where the text was placed over does not match its surroundings and looks like someone shaded it. If you zoom in real close, before making any changes to it, you'll see that the "green" (what the RGB is) touching the text is different than the "green" in areas not touching text.
Next, I thought of using the magic wand to select the text for me and that looked liked it worked. But the problem is once I select it, how to delete it or blend it in with the background. That is, if I select the "C" in "Customer Satisfaction" with the magic wand, for instance, pressing delete does nothing. Then I found I can fill the area, after I select it with the magic wand; however, what the RGB combination is of the background. Is there a way I can find out what the RGB value is of the background, then apply that to my fill color and effectively delete the "Customer Satisfaction" text?
Once I'm able to get rid of the text, I can use the text editor plugin tool I downloaded to replace the text.
That's my logic, anyway. How I can replace text in an image, preferably as neatly as possible.
Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.
I have a Quicktime render of a project I made a few months ago that was originally created at 23.976 FPS.
I now need to prepare this Quicktime render for digital projection in a movie theater -- the file I need to give my client has to be 24 FPS progressive.
I'd like to try and convert my Quicktime and audio without going back to the project itself, as this is a complex project and would take a really long time to re-render at 24 FPS.
Best method to convert my 23.976 Quicktime movie? Are there specialty plug-ins I should look into?
I'm an exotic automobile photographer in the Houston area, and I edit tons of photos of mine a day. New challenge, me trying to change a background. I'm having trouble doing so.
How to change the background behind the green Ferrari in the picture? I was thinking in the middle of a rural road or something similar. Making it look very realistic as if it was there.
How to change the format of the picture? When im saving the photo and sending it to my phone i cant open it up it says its the incorrect format? How to change this?
I have a picture that I like to change the colors on. I have attached the picture. I used the tool select by color which seemed to work but then the instructions I have found said to use the Color Exchange tool but that does not work.
I have an image made out of a stack of layers of vector shapes, grouped together. All layers have same (10 px stroke) effect. Is there a way to change it all at once, without clicking and editing every layer effects?