After Effects :: Error - Could Not Convert Unicode Characters
Apr 13, 2014
If I try to add effects like Text-->Numbers or Obsolete-->Basic Text to a solid in my comp, i get the following error message "After Effects error: could not convert Unicode characters.". I have done some research on this and found people that had the same issue when trying to import footage or images. I get the message just by starting a new comp adding a solid and then try to add the effects mentioned above, so their is no footage or image involved here.
I`m running on Win7 Professional 64bit service pack 1 (english) and After Effects CC ( I don`t think this is part of the problem but here are more hardware infos (just in case):
I am trying to type Tamil text in Photoshop CS3. I typed Tamil text using Google Transliteration [URL] then pasted in Photoshop, but it is not working. As Google Transliteration uses Unicode, it must work in photoshop as well (if Photoshop supports Unicode).
Does photoshop support Unicode? If so what am I missing?
If photoshop does not support Unicode, how can I type Tamil text in photoshop?
I need to access certain unicode characters (namely the x/8 fractions). I have the appropriate font installed, and the characters display in every other program on the machine, but they are not displaying correctly in Illustrator. If I type the characters in using alt codes, the 3/8 character displays as "", the 1/8 character displays as "[", etc. Is there some setting I need to change to enable support for Unicode characters?
If I type the character in another program, copy it, and paste it into Illustrator, it shows up as a box with an X through it. If I highlight the box and change the font to one that supports the character, then the character does display correctly. Is there a way to type the character directly into Illustrator?
as you know, you can write chars on text screen easily: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122"))
but if you want to write chars to a text file, this command does not work: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122") TxtFileVar)
Here is a part of my code to test: (defun C:HexGen ( / d f S w x y z h c)(setq d '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F") f (open "c:\0000-FFFF.txt" "w"))(foreach w d (foreach x d (foreach y d (progn (setq S "") (foreach z d (progn (setq h (strcat w x y z)) (setq c (strcat "\U+" h));;;<===character (setq S (strcat S " " (strcat h " = " c ))) ) ) (write-line S f) ) ) )) (close f)(startapp "notepad" "c:\0000-FFFF.txt"))
I'm running into an issue when conducting an XML Merge.The situation:
- Document has been structured using tags so that it could be exported to XML - The XML document was then translated by professional translators into Russian from English - All XML tags in English/Russian version are the same, no XML has changed - XML Merge is conducted and all content is placed into the the InDesign document and the English/Russian content both has the proper tags selected - Russian content however, does not include any special characters such as line breaks, or spaces. This is causing Paragraph Styles to be wrong, and essentially the whole document is formatted incorrectly
The Question:
- How can you include special/hidden characters such as line breaks into the original XML Export? I keep getting the error "Content contains characters that can not be encoded" - If line breaks are included and are inserted into XML, when I conduct the XML Merge will InDesign recognize these codes/characters that are between the XML Tags?
I'm getting the same error on a project. Originally created in CC/Mac, down converted to CS6/PC (I don't yet have the exact version release). The sequence is 10 layers deep, and throws this error if we try to preview. If 8 of the 10 layers are turned off, then the sequence will preview as normal. So, is this a bug and is there a CS 6 version release that fixes this, or am I looking to reallocate RAM?
I made a graph in Illustrator. So I imported all of my layers as .ai layers, and I've come to a point in the tutorial where I'm supposed to convert the vector object into a path in After Effects, but when I right-click it the option isn't there.
I am trying to add an animation to a Photoshop Layer.I have Imported a Photoshop Layer In After Effects CC.When I try to convert It to a Editable Text, I get this Error message.
I'm only an occasional Photoshop user; but most of the things I need to do to tweak or fake screenshots I can manage. Today's challenge, though, has me stumped. I want to enter two unicode characters U+2776 and U+2777 or and – see, no problem for a mere browser.I managed to copy/paste from FrameMaker. The file/layer information in the tab renders the characters correctly, the layers palette renders them correctly, but the drawing itself just displays the x-on-box "problem" glyph. What's more, while I can select these glyphs and try to apply a different font (Lucida Sans Unicode), PhotoShop sticks with MyriadPro.A patient, step by step explanation of how to use the font of my choice and enter these unicode characters.
Been getting this error for a couple of weeks.Updated to the latest version - 11.0.4 - no joy.Have just completely formatted and reinstalled everything and still getting the error.
How do you get ArcText to recognize special characters.
If I create a string in MText with special characters IE "Rotate the handle 45 %%d" or "Rotate the handle 45 U+00B0", I get a text string in the drawing with the degree symbol.
If I enter the same string in the ArcText input box, the degree symbol does not show up in the drawing, only the control characters.
In researching this problem, the only thing I could find, anywhere, was a Rev14 ArcText update specifically for special characters.
According to adobe, Illustrator CS4, CS5 have the unicode font support for asian languages. but when i pasted the text in CS4 , it shows junk characters. I applied unicode font(Vrinda) my target langugae.
What are the details to paste the text in unicode.
I am running W8 with i5 3350 and a GTX 640 and 20GB of 1600 Mhz RAM (all at default settings). I am using AE CS6
I am using a dedicated 256 SSD for my cache drive------i.e. the ONLY thing on that drive is the AE cache information. I have allotted different sizes in the cache preferences, from 140- 220GB (The drive has 240GB free space when formatted).
The problem is, that no mater what the size of the cache that I try, if there is less free space on the drive than what the specified cache size is I will get the error
"your disk cache folder is on a drive that does not have enough available space" when opening After Effects.
( 240GB formatted capacity)
160GB of cache specified in preferences + 100GB of information currently cached on drive = 260GB = The error message upon opening after effects
160GB of cache specified in preferences + 60GB of information currently cached on drive = 220GB = No error message
I do NOT get the error if I make the cache small enough, or delete the cache before opening AE, but that completely destroys the purpose of the cache in the first place.
With that, I have two questions:
1. Is there a fix for this that tells AE to cool its jets a little and recognize that the information on the SSD that is taking up space and making not enough space available is AE's own cache information?
2. If the answer to (1) is no, then is this an error I can just ignore without any major issues?
Right now it seems that this means that I can only make my cache<50% of the total formatted capacity of the drive, which seems a bit over zealous.
I've recently updated CC from 12.1 to 12.2 and I cannot launch it anymore. After Effects launches its UI and after 2-3 seconds it crashes without any error message or crash log. My specs:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Intel Core i5 3450 3.1GHz Geforce GTX 560 Gigabyte P67A-D3-B3 motherboard 16GB ram
I've already reinstalled After Effects about 4 times, deleted media cache, deleted preferences, updated graphics drivers, rebooted my PC dozens of times but I still can't run it.
i gotta problem wit 'Element 3D v1.6'window version. when im animated E3D and then trynna 'Ram preview' in that case.i gotta error message like below,'element has encountered an unrecoverable error' 'after effect warning: a frame failed to render while using render multiple frames simultaneously. allocating more memory to the background processes in Memory & Multiprocessing preferences may fix this problem.'
but im did it everythin in M&M preference and this error only Rampreviewing wit E3D, anything is cool. My issue is Few days ago Upgrade VGA card n Driver and Element3D v1.6 update.
When I take a clip from Premeire Pro with no effects on it, replace with after effects composition --> then try to apply the 3D camera tracker in After Effects (CS6) I get the error message "3D Camera Tracker analysis doesn't work with Collapse Transformations (514) ( 25 :: 101 ).
It's done this twice before, but has been fine lately. I have a last-minute deadline job that just came in and I can't get AE to even start! Last time this happened, I just kept trying and after about 15 attempts, it launched...not doing that this time.
I am using PS CS5 extended and while typing in Malayalam, the stage render the font incorrectly. But the layer name appears correctly. This is a sample text i have captured. Irrespective of the font i am using, the same error is coming and the word is getting displayed correctly on my MS Word. I typed the text using URL....
I have to look at a PC tomorrow that has either CS5 or CS5.5, it's running Windows 7 64 bit with 16 GB of Ram.
The error being given is: "Unable to allocate 0.000Mb of memory. Either decrease the memory requirements for the rendering of this frame or install more RAM. (123803/U.Mem Tracked Object)"
I had my Mac crash on me a few days ago and since then I've been only able to work on my current project for ten minutes at a time before I get the above dialogue come up.
It's not just this file that suffers from this and there doesn't appear to be a pattern to which file is affected. The files that are mentioned in the dialogue are outputs from both FCP and from AE itself, they are always Quicktimes and they are compressed with the Animation codec, although I've used a number of other codecs and it doesn't seem to make any difference. If I quit and restart AE, I can continue working for a while on a composition with the same file that caused the dialogue to appear, until it happens again, often with a different file mentioned in the dialogue.
We have re-installed the CC suite after an uninstall and clean-up, but to no avail.
Do we need to reinstall the OS? Could it be a quicktime thing?
2. I have downloaded and applied the patch that was released.
I can open, edit, and export my files just like pre-Mavericks; however, when I go to import them into Premiere via Import, I get an import error:
"The importer encountered a generic error."
Oddly, when I look at the exported files in Finder (which, by the way, do not throw an error during the export process -- I have clean logs), I don't have a preview thumbnail like I did before. Now, it's a placeholder Quicktime logo. Hitting space bar to preview them only offers the information window, which show "Zero KB" as the file size... but in Finder, it clearly shows the correct file size.
Opening the files in Quicktime gives me a "converting" message before opening (these are .MOV files that shouldn't need converting at all), and exporting them from QT won't allow for an Alpha channel, ruining the transparency of the lower third.
I'm running After Effects CS6 11.0 on MAC OSX and everytime I attempt to apply text, either by creating a new text layer from the drop down menu or dragging open a text box I get "Unable to Access Resource P_TextSmallCaps_Sm_N_D (type png)"
Is this a png file missing from the program, a fixable bug or what?
Yesterday AE CS4 crashed and told me to save the project. Unfortunately i overwrote my only existing file.Now i can't open it any more, i always get the error message displayed above. Anyway, im surprised by the fact that the file still has the same size as before, so there has to be the same data in the file, hasn't it?
I also tried the capslock method and the importing method, non of them worked.At the capslock method AE only imported one audio file, but not a single composition. How to restore it?
I have a problem with After Effects CS 5 on Windows 7 64 bit.When I try to render out quicktime formats in After Effects I get an error message:
After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file "E:/ . Unable to open file. (-1610153459)
Rendering to other drives, like C: or D: works fine but as soon as I try to render to the E partiton.I get this error.... It must have something to do with permissions on that partition.I don't want to reinstall windows.
I bought Adobe CC 5 days ago and everything worked fine. When i continued to work on a project i started 3 days ago AE suddenly crashed and I got this error:
After Effects Error: internal verification failure! {Plugin ID is invalid}
I don't know why this happened but now i can't open any projects any more and if i start a new one and create a new comp i get the same message and after effects crashes again. In my last project I was mainly using the keylight and liquify plugin and a bunch of masks...
System Specs:
Win 7 Ultimate 64bit 16gb ram cpu: q9550 @3.99ghz gpu: gtx770 60gb ssd with os and ae + 4tb hdd (1tb+1tb+2tb)
Im on AE CC. If I try to command+drag a text layer I get an error that says "( 17 :: 45 ) After Effects error: unable to invert matrix. ( 17 :: 45 )" and the text jumps to some random location.
What is this? I have never seen this and I have always used command to drag.