When im tray to input some jpg resolution about 1200x720 that resolution doesn't work. and my resolution after import is 245x100.Downloading file of jpg image is 1200x720..when i'm import that resolution change in 280x100.
I have a problem with previewing effects in Illustrator. When I do this:
- create or select object - go to appearance panel - choose FX -> Stylize -> Drop shadow... - check Preview in the effects window (it works as expected) - now uncheck the Preview checkbox (when unchecked, the fx is still visible)
So, unchecking this Preview checkbox doesn't work right. It is very annoying. It is broken for most of the effect in illustrator. Strangly, it works fine with rounded corners effect. But other effects... not.
I want to fade a text layer with bevel, gradient overlay, and stroke, and mask only seems to fade the gradient, not the original text color, so it doesn't blend with the bg. I can't use gradient overlay for fade either because I'm already using it and it won't fade the stroke anyway.
First one, it is created by some other in which text effects along with text are in vector form...where as in pdf created by me, the text is in vector form..but text effects are in low resolution raster form.I created the second one in photoshop and saved it in pdf. How can I create text effects without losing information?
I know CC definitely won't work, but I'm on a 13 inch Macbook Pro. The system requirements for CS 6 state you need 1280 x 900, but mine is 1280 x 800! Will the software be buggy and messy? Or will it run alright? Also, I have an external monitor which I can lug to work tomorrow, and that definitely has enough pixels, but I'd really prefer not to do that! Is any success with these dimensions?
I have a 1920x1080, 17.4 laptop. That is approx 126.6 ppi screen resolution if my calculkations are correct...So in order to set PS to display real size of the images according to the zoom, I go to edit / preferences / units & rulers and set the screen resolution to 126.6 instead of the default 72ppi.
But nothing changes...what am I doing wrong? 100% zoom is still showing much larger image than real (as if 72ppi screen resolution was unchanged). I have tried extreme ppi like 10 and 1000 to see if anything chaged but still nothing, I have restarted Ps and the laptop, and the preferences are correctly saved but zoom still wrong..
I am learning Photoshop on my own. I am using CS4. I need some help in understanding the resolution thing.
If I have a photo taken with a digitala camera at 6 megapixel and I want to load it on Photoshop for a few tweaks and adjustments what resolution should I assign? I usually choose 200 pixels/inch.
Secondly, does it affect the image if the resolution assigned on Photoshop is lesser than the camera resolution?
I do not take prints of my Photoshop works. Just in case I need to print them I need to make sure that the resolution is appropriate.
how to use layers, and how to get the colors under the black ink-lines. The results are so good, I am able to do professional-level work with this excellent coloring/image-manipulation program. Yes, I'm doing paid work with GIMP 2!
However! As I am still experimenting with several techniques [I found that scanning in at 600 on my scanner produces good-enough quality linework to color etc], I tried one cartoon frame at 1200 and although the resolution is excellent, the higher res has meant the program is slow in shutting down/flattening layers, etc. GIMP works fine in 600 resolution and I will stick to this in future.
Is there any way I can convert the resolution down from 1200 to 600 halfway through, which would save me from starting the color from scratch again? I may also have a problem e-mailing the finished pro cartoon artwork at 1200.......The image is in xcf format.
After Effects 12.1 doesn't recognize my GTX 780M (latest IMAC 2013) and it's impossible to activate "Enable untested, unsupported GPU for CUDA acceleration of ray-traced 3D renderer.” I've tried to add it in the "raytracer supported cards.txt" file but nothig happened.
I installed Adobe CS6 (As a Trial, i'll install the license in three days)I
It does have the Video Format h264, and not the codec h264, and i need it because i'm rendering videos (AVI) that ends with like 60 GB (11 minutes) and that's pretty bad. ( I tried with MPEG-DVD but quality is horrible on a TV Screen)
how to get h264 codec? Does it come with the license?
The PS I downloaded from CC doesn't work -- no illumination and some other functions -- I deactivated and re-uploaded -functions and then crashed agian -- computer is new and shouldn't be the problem.
Firstly - when I create a document at 48x48 at 72ppi, it comes out as you would expect, 48x48 on a screen. However if I enter 48x48 and try to enter 326ppi, it doesn't adjust the canvas size at all.
Also when I have my 48x48 72ppi document open and go to image > image size, and adjust only the ppi to 326...it does nothing! What should be happening is the canvas become 72:326 ratio larger to reflect the new ppi, or in other words, make the canvas size larger in proportion to this so when you take your new 326ppi image to the iphone it is retina at 48x48...however this is clearly not happening.
In Photoshop CS2, I select Help > How to fix and enhance photos > to touch up spots, scratches, and wrinkles. Instead of help on that, Adobe Help Center 2.1 shows up with nothing in it.
I am working on a motion graphic, it contains a background a camrea and a couple 3d layers, when a I render it it a 2 of the 3d layers shake randomly. This does not happen in the preview. Using CS4
I recently purchased a LaCie external SSD solely for the purpose of storing my After Effects disk cache. The SSD connects to my MacBook Pro via Thunderbolt.
When I check the info on the SSD, it says it has 254 GB available, so I set the maximum disk cache size in AE to 200 GB, and created a folder on the SSD for the cache. Then I pointed to that folder in AE as the specified disk cache folder.
When I relaunch AE, though, it tells me I don't have enough space in my disk cache folder to accomodate the 200 GB max I set, even though I have 254 GB free on the SSD when I check.
Does this have to do with me creating an empty folder on the SSD to house the cache? Do I have to just use the root folder of the SSD to make use of all the available space?I just found out AE doesn't even let you use the root of a drive as the cache folder, so that can't be the problem..
I'm coming into my second week of desperate attempts to make my After Effects CS6 (Volume License) work in the cursed Mac OS 10.9. I'm back to using CS5.5 which works, but my clients are getting irritated by having to down-save all documents to CS5.5 for me.
– I've installed CS6 OK.
– I'm trying to patch it to 11.0.4, message keeps saying "Adobe Application Manager is damaged or missing, please reinstall"
– I've tried loads of ways to remedy this; CC cleaner, surgical removal and reinstallation of all Adobe files in various order, silent installs, all kinds of permissions repairs and adjustments, reinstalling AAM, installing AAM for volume licensing, studying the PDApp.log, install and crash logs,
I've considered wiping my entire system and trying to downgrade to Mac OS 10.8 in order to get my CS6 back up and running
When I turn on "Ray Traced 3D" I get an error message. CS6 and CC. "Out of page mapped memory for ray trace tracer. Your project may exceed GPU limits. Try closing other applications. Try updating CUDA driver. (5070::2)"
I have 6 gigs VRAM and 32 gigs RAM.
The project is 1080 with one bitmap image a vector graphic and some type.
I have an old version of the creative suite that is all right for what I do (information for a charitable organisation for medical research) installed in 2008. For quite a while now every once in a while when I start up I get a screen asking me to register. But since I already am registered Adobe just said to click on later and go on working. But this morning the screen is empty so I can't click anywhere. I've tried restarting and even turning off the computer and trying to restart my day.
i have photoshop extended CS6 since yesterday and today when i was going to save an animation, go to file- save for web, this appears "the operation could not be completed".
OpenCL doesn't seem to work for me. I have it checked in prefs, have the latest drivers, and a GeForce GTX 660M. Yet when I run an iris blur filter, it's extremely slow, and only uses 1 CPU. Under System Info, it lists the video card and OpenCL 1.1.
I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS6, and did the update to v13.04. Get a message with Save for Web: "The operation could not be completed. A write permissions error has occurred." There is a bug fix for v12 for exactly this, but CS5.5 (not sure which version of 12 it was) worked fine on this machine. On a Macbook 17 inch running OSX 10.7.5 with 8gig Ram and 2.5 Ghz I7.
When I tried to add text it doesn't really work. For example: Let's say I type in "Whats your name?" It won't show I typed unless I go click on a different tab and then go back to it. And the question mark will be in the front instead of in the back. And if I try to erase it, it won't erase.
I have a Geforce 8600M GT in my Macbookpro 10.6.8 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Core with 4GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM. I tried using it for 3D in PS6 but it doesn't seem to be 'enabled' and OpenGl unavailable. In the preferences in PS it states that graphics hardware unavailable and that I should upgrade my driver or card but on the adobe specifications for PS6 my card seems to comply and I can't find anything to update.
how to overcome the horribly sluggish load time for photoshop CC?That is, when the app loads, it takes at least a minute before I can load a file, most of the time 2-3 minutes.I am running a quad processor 2.4GHz computer/8G ram that's less than 6 months old. Seriously adobe... This is ridiculous.
It seems like all your content works similarly too. the "Creative Cloud" app is something of a joke. Takes 2 minutes to load, andother minute or 3 to show info, and when an app needs an update, well, jsut look out. You're in for a long wait while adobe chugs along at 1980s connection speeds. (I am on a 24 down 7 up connection, there's no excuse)
My company used autocad 2009 and a printing Plug-in which was made by VB,they worked perfect.But when my company uses autocad 2010,the problem rises:The printing Plug-in doesn't work.
Although I downloaded and installed the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Module 32bit (from URL....), the printing Plug-in can not work with autocad 2010.the commands from the plug-in cannot be recognized.
Firstly I install autocad 2010,then VBA,next printing Plug-in.Is there anything wrong?
(visual studio 2010 c# and AutoCAD 2010 )I'm trying to create a new layer with ARGB color but SetRGB doesn`t work this way.
// Color is a System.Drawing.Color private static void NewLayer(string layerName, Color layerColor) { LY_Rutas = gbl_doc.Layers.Add(layerName); LY_Rutas.TrueColor.SetRGB(layerColor.R, layerColor.G, layerColor.B); }
Suddenly the Alt key doesn't work with Clone and other Tools. When it's pressed, it shows a double arrow (black/white)cursor and a selection is not defined ...