This is for .MXF files shot on a Canon XF300. Things were working fine, but suddenly I am unable to open those mxf files in AE CS6. Even projects previously created with AE CS6 now won't open, and give me the 'file damaged or unsupported' error message in AE. The file locations are identical.  I've found workarounds, but they fall a very long way short of the convenience of using Dynamic Link from the Premiere Pro CS6 timeline. There are lots of hits if you Google, but most go back a version or two, or suggest converting the MXF clips to an AE friendly format.Â
So I just downloaded and ran the updates for lightroom 3 (now 3.6) and now when I open folders to view my picture files, the canon raw files are no longer associated with lightroom. Let me further explain.  After shooting, I would plug my card into a card reader and see which pictures I wanted to view in lightroom. I shoot in jpeg and raw so I could view the jpeg thumbnails to see which raw files I wanted to open in lightroom. The raw files would be "labeled" with the LR icon and I would then doulbe click the raw file I wanted and by doing so it would initiate the opeing of LR. However, now the raw files do not have the LR icon assocaited with the raw files and I can longer clcik the raw files to automatically open lightroom.  Did something change with the update?
Everything has worked perfectly until today. Yesterday evening, I received an update notice from Adobe for an update called Adobe CSXS INfrastructure CS6 and I agreed to let install. It installed.
That seems to be where the problem started. Now, when I send an image from LR to Photoshop, it does not open. The "Edit in" command isn't working. PS opens, but the image does not appear.
I just downloaded and reinstalled PS CS6. I then asked PS CS6 to update, which it did. When finished, there was an error saying that Adobe CSXS INfrastructure CS6 could not install. Error code: U44M1P7  The good news is that now it all works again! So, the problem lies in the Infrastructure update, which I will not allow to update again.
Windows 7, 64 bit Photoshop CS6, all updates Lightroom 4.1, all updates
I ran MacKeeper the onter day and it actually fixed all my woes, however, when I went to open Photoshop, it only opens in 64bit mode. Could be a coinsidence.I quadroople checked that it is selected to open in 32bit mode in the "Get info" window and rebooted many times, but I can't get Photoshop to open in 32bit mode.I was hoping that there is something I am missing before I have to reinstall.
After a computer crash, all my files and programs were restored, and most everything is working normally again. However when I open Photoshop Elements it no longer opens my catalog. How do I locate my catalog?
My properties dialogue box no longer opens on my screen. I've tried opening it uning the icon and the command line with no luck. When I click the icon my screen will flicker bun the box does not open. how to get it back?
I have been using PSE 6 happily on my iMac under OS 10.6.8. Now it won't open fully. I get a blank opening screen and functionality. Tried deleting and copying my programme from backup but same result. The installer only works once. What can I do.
The Organizer and the Editor stopped working together in just 1 of my catalogs. It happens to be the catalog in which I have done the most image manipulations such as renaming, stacking, albums, rating, etc. Now, when I select a photo in Organizer and click on Fix, Edit, the Editor window comes up but the photo does not appear in Editor. The only way I can get an image into Editor is to pull it directly into Editor. Then, when I want to save it as a Version Set I have to choose File> Organize Open File in order to save the image as a version set. Other than deleting and re-creating the catalog, how can I get Editor to open the image from Organizer like it used to do?
...and it had no problem doing so last week.  Windows 8 64-bit Photoshop Elements 11 updated today Canon ImageClass MF4270 with updated drivers  I was scanning pics no problem last week then all of a sudden today I can no longer import with WIA support. At first the error message indicated that Elements couldn't connect at all. Now after a fresh install of drivers and updates for Adobe & Canon it interminably attempts to establish a connection to no avail.Â
Just recently I have started up after effects cs6, and the start-up and the new project will come up. But when i click, create new project, the top bar only comes up.(the bar that has the red x and the yellow - and the green +) I tried uninstallin it and re-installing it but it continues! I am on a mac version 10.6.8 You can only see the bar at the top
I have been doing a lot of photoshopping lately involving the lighting effects filter. Unfortunately after producing about 7 images, the lighting effects option is no longer available. When i click on filters>rendering>where it normally gives the option for lighting effects, instead it is a grey text saying lighting effects but i can't click on it. I've tried re-installing but that didn't do anything. I have photoshop CS and Windows Vista.
When launching a render, the message "background processes initializing / this may take a while" gets stuck more than 70s in CS6, whatever the project, whereas it was never on more than 10s in CS5. We're back to the CS4 delays here. Â On a side note, the multiprocessing is a bit weird: Â Before it was pretty straightforward : When 10 cores were used for the render, the frames were rendered by batches of 10. With CS6 it's different : A first batch of 3 frames get rendered, then another one of 14 (!!), then I lost track of the process. Is multiprocessing so different in CS6 ? Â Mac Pro 12-Core / 32GB RAM Mac Os 10.6.8 Â AE MP settings : 2,5GB per core / RAM reserved for other applications : 4GB CPU reserved for other applications : 4
I've noticed that After Effects CC takes much longer to save my current project than previously (about 2-3 minutes). I'm used to saving quite often so this is slowing down my workflow. Â The project was imported from AE CS6. I've tried starting a new project and importing the previous one manually (instead of a conversion). Same lag. Â All unused footage has been taken out and the footage has been consolidated. Â The AE CS6 project file and AE CC file are about 15mb so CC is not any bigger. Â There are about 50 files in Arri Raw 3K, the rest is in DPX and ProRes 1080p. Â I'm working from a Macbook Pro Retina 16GB Ram and all media and cache are on an external Lacie Big Disk thunderbolt Raid SSD. Â My impression is that AE CC is indexing all the files before saving so it's going through all the RAW sequenced files. This could slow down the saving process quite a lot.
I have Elements 10. I have installed a number of photo effects. They have all been working and visible for a long time. Now all of a sudden they are no longer visible. They are still resident in the appropriate folder on the C drive. How do I get them back?
We just did a :30 commercial spot and delivered it to several outlets for regional broadcast. Most of them accepted our compressed output just fine (an H.264 QT, 1080 @ 29.97, PCM audio) but one outlet kept rejecting the file for being TOO LONG. We measured the file in several programs on the Mac (AE, FCP, QT 7, QT X) and it always came up as exactly 30 seconds every time. Even AE pegged it at 899 frames, so we definitely weren't over.  AUDIO was running long, not the video. He sent us a screenshot from Vegas Pro (I guess their system is all PC-based) and it showed the video stream at :30.00 and the audio stream at 00:30:29 -- nearly a full second longer than the video! How could this happen? I always thought the length of each stream was identical, so why woudl the audio come out slightly longer?  One clue: the actual AIFF file used in the output comp is itself 00:31 long. I shortened it in the composition to fit within the time, and every setting for 'Duration' that I know of was set for 00:30, but it's like it just ignored the duration on output of the audio and exported the entire length of the track into the audio stream.  Here's my workflow -- I did use other programs to make the file so maybe something else is the culprit:
Finish in AECS6, render out to ProRes 4444 Master @ 23.98; re-import the file and drop into 29.97 comp to correct the frame rate for broadcast, render out to another 4444 Master file @ 29.97; dropped that into Apple Compressor to make H.264 file with PCM audio.
When I am editing text, GIMP will no longer apply italic nor bold effects. (Underline works though.)
I just upgraded from 2.8(.2?) to 2.8.6, and now I have this problem. I also just upgraded from Win XP to WIn 7 and upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit, so I don't know if that is a factor.
I have files I created with the last version of GIMP that I can open and see the text properly formatted, but if I adjust the text the formatting disappears and WILL NOT come back.
GIMP won't print anymore either. My printer is set up correctly and I can print from other programs, but when I print from GIMP, it LOOKS like it went through, but the printer fails to do anything. I wind up having to tell GIMP to print to the microsoft xps writer (which DOES work) and then open the xps file I just made and have windows print it.
I believe it is opening the jpeg preview stored with the DNG. Is this true or does Preview support DNG an RAW natively somehow? The particular image I opened, just to try it, looked brighter and more saturated than opening the same image in a converter.
When I open up a psd files they open at 0.13%. Really small. Today they all opened at this size. I'm using CS4 on a Mac Pro running OS 10.7.5. How do I get files to open at 100%.
I installed the CS4 Suite. When Photoshop comes up the background layer is transparent. This happens even if I open a file with Photoshop. In that case, the Layer icon shows the image but what I see on screen is only the checkerboard pattern. The proper way for the New file to show up is with the background a solid (specified) color and for an opened file the actual image being opened.Â
Since I updated to CC I've had a bug that drives me a little nuts. Because I have a Retina MacBook Pro connected to an Apple Thunderbolt display, Photoshop seems to get confused about the size of the window to open. It thinks it should be sized to fit on the Retina screen (which I use as secondary), but at 100% on the non-retina screen (the primary display).
The end result is that every time I open a document the window is only showing the top quarter of the document I'm opening. I always have to hit command plus, command minus to get it displaying right.
im using vista x64 and PS CS4 (updated). the problem occurs on both 32bit and 64bit versions. when i open an image with PS (does not matter which type or which way to open it), PS seems to open the file correctly, but does not display it at all.everything looks like the image is opened (f.e. small thumb of it in the layers window and the name of it in the title bar), but where the image should be displayed in fullsize you only see the grey PS seems that besides this PS works completely fine. f.e. when i use the paint bucket tool on the grey area in the middle, the layer thumb changes to the color used..another strange thing: when i switch to another program and switch back to PS the grey background is gone and instead you see whatever program is beneath PS at that moment.. you can move the PS window and see right trough it, only the PS control windows are still displayed. thats what you see in the attached image: there is no screenshot of my explorer loaded in PS,
My understanding of Auto Recover is that when a working file is saved and closed, the corresponding Auto Recover psb should be trashed automatically.  Every evening I save and close all my work, quit Photoshop and shut down the Mac. Every morning when I start Photoshop, at least one Auto Recovery file opens. It's the last file(s) I was working on the previous evening.   I've toggled Auto Recover on/off, trashed the folder and had CS6 recreate it. Nothing works. Every morning, I am presented with a psb of the previous evening's work.  My scratch disk is a dedicated 100gb SSD. I have triple verified that CS6 is not writing recovery files to a different location.
My normal workflow consists of opening RAW files in ACR, making adjustments, then moving on to Photoshop where I apply retouching and build clipping paths. I then save the file as an 8bit TIFF. I rarely reopen these 8bit TIFFs again, but when I did so recently what I encountered was not what I expected. Â My Photoshop (CS6) is opening 8bit TIFF files as Camera Raw when selected by "right click" followed by "Open with Photoshop CS6". I remember being able to open 8bit TIFF files directly in Photoshop, but I think this change has occurred since installing CS6.
Again, files in question began as 16bit Raw files, but were worked on in Photoshop CS6 (retouching) and saved with clipping paths. This would reduce them to 8bit files. When placed in page layout, clipping paths work properly, confirming that paths are intact.  When I want to open the files again - say from Bridge or a Finder window - by the method "right click - Open with Photoshop CS6", the file is opened first in Camera Raw, and then in Photoshop, and the path(s) is missing.I can open these TIFF files and access Paths but only if I locate and select the file from within Photoshop (File/ Open.../). The Open window gives "Format" as Camera Raw (which it isn't, having been saved as 8bit file). If I override format to "TIFF", the file opens with clipping path shown.
When I open a file it takes about 3 to 10 min, even more. I make rubber stamps so my files contain circles with text fitted on it and no more than 10 rubber stamps models.
I reinstalled Corel Suite but no hope.
If I create a new file, draw a rectangle (or a rubber stamp) and save it, the next time this file opens instantly. If I open an old file, after finally opens, I delete everything in it and save it, the next time it will take several minutes to open. Also, the empty file is about 700 KB long, comparing to a new empty file which is about 12 KB long.
The Corel stuff no longer supports Corel 12 (even if I've seen the same problem on other forums, reported  for higher versions, with no real solution).
NB: Old files are the files created before reinstalling Corel Suite; and they are a lot
I have Photoshop Elements 11 running in Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Â When I double click a jpg file to open it in the editor the editor opens but the image does not open. However if I open the editor and open any jpg file then double click on another file it will open.
I'm running Adobe Illustrator CS4 on my Mac Pro running OSX 10.7 Lion and for some reason I am no longer able to open any new or existing files. Illustrator boots up just fine but 'File>New' gives me nothing. 'File>Open' gives me my usual search box but once a file is selected, again, I get nothing. Dragging a file into Illustrator gives me this response',
Before promptly quitting. Â I have tried deleting all the files from my Illustrator Preferences folder but doesn't seemed to have worked.
In Lightroom 4.2 when open and I want to edit in PSE 10, I go to Photo, edit in PSE 10, and PSE 10 opens, but there is no image. I want to edit in PSE 10 and can't. Using LR 4.2, and attempting to edit in PSE 10, PSE 10 opens but no image opens to edit
Is CS4 now obsolete? If there is something I need to do to reinstall an updater or some such thing--easy peasy step by steps instructions for this granny--nothing that refers to roots (do you mean carrots?). . I hate to think a program that cost over a $1000 has gone the way of the dodo.