3ds Max :: How To Add Texture From Motion Tracked Footage
Jan 5, 2013
How to add a texture from a motion tracked footage (Motion tracked in Boujou) onto an object in 3ds max.
For example: Around 0:04 in this video [URL].... the guy smashes into the wall and it collapse. The wall is obviously recreated in 3ds max. But how did they make it so realistic? How did they take the texture from the wall and applied it onto an object?
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Jan 15, 2014
I am trying to use a mask and keep it still while a motion tracked video moves around inside it.
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Feb 2, 2013
I'm specifically looking into using motion vectors to control the position of a texture. For a better idea of what I mean. See this video, especially at 1:08
I'm sure some people will call this the "Paperman" effect.
I see a lot of information out there on how to use motion vectors to do motion blur, but not much else. I'm sure they are capabable of soo much more! All that movement information from 3D in a 2D environment sounds great!
I have motion vector channels correctly exported from Maya and I'm wording which CFX combination I would use to composite a texture in a way that it was controlled by the movement information of the motion vector channel.
I know these 4 CFX can read motion vectors.
Motion Blur Node
Timewarp Node
Pixel Spread
Motion Analysis
But so far, no luck in achieving the desired effect.
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Jun 19, 2013
I'm new to After Effects and struggling just a bit. I tried searching this forum but found no obvious reference to my question. I have figured out how 3d Tracking works for a single object, but don't know how to handle multiple tracked objects on the same video clip. How do I go about tracking more than one object or Text Object in the same clip?
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Apr 17, 2007
How does one create a texture similar to this?
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Nov 5, 2012
For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
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Mar 4, 2012
I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?
I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:
Lava Ground
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Apr 14, 2013
I have a Sony camera wich can record 1920x1080 50p.It's the absolute best quality that camera can capture. The raw footage looks marvelous. After open in Videostudio X6 it plays ok but the final disc blu-ray or avchd even on dvd format the footage looks juddery especially on pans and moving subjects.
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Jul 20, 2011
What settings I should use to put HD footage -after editing in VS4,using smart proxy etc..- to DVD with a minimal loss of quality. I'm using the Ulead and Corel products since years but I'm a newcomer on the level of HD-editing. I use a Pansonic HDC-SD90 with the following specifications.
Signal System 1080 / 50p, 1080 / 50i, 540 / 25p
Recording Format <Original Format>
1080 / 60p : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
<AVCHD standard compliant>
HA / HG / HX / HE : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
<MPEG-4 AVC file format compliant (.MP4)>
iFrame : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
Recording / Playback Mode
(1920 x 1080) 1080 / 60p (28 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HA (17 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HG (13 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HX (9 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
HE (5 Mbps / VBR), (1920 x 1080)
iFrame (28 Mbps / VBR), (960 x 540)
Audio Recording System 1080 / 60p / HA / HG / HX / HE : Dolby Digital (2 ch) iFrame : AAC (2 ch)
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Jul 29, 2011
It seems VS always output a video file with 29.970 fps even if the footage was taken at 24P, 30P. Can video studio output a video that is the same as its capture fps rate?
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May 12, 2011
I can see that saving my 50p footage as 25p would be ideal as it would just drop every other frame. However vsx3 doesn't give me the 25p option. mp4 hd 1080x1920p only offers 30p
Is this because I set vs up as PAL region ? If I changed it to ntsc would it then offer me the 25p option?
I'm really trying to find my best "saving " option for my 1920 x 1080p footage. I use 50p so I can get good slow motion but 25p or 30p would be good output if it plays nicely..
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a DVD of some old 1937 film footage. It was obviously taken as a direct transfer from degraded film stock. I have loaded it into Videostudio from the DVD (which VS has loaded as .mpg files) I have applied some sharpening and visual filters and want to export the footage. Is it best to export to DV and then use that to remake a DVD or burn the DVD direct from VS? I am assuming that trying to reburn the DVD will involve some re-encoding anyway, so either way isn't going to make a difference other than having a DV file to archive.
what I am trying to do with reference to the file conversion aspect and minimising loss of quality.
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Feb 16, 2014
I want to import footage from a DVD (self burnt). Can I do this directly with Premiere CC or do I need a programm like Handbrake (I'm a Windows user)?
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Jul 22, 2013
i have an issue with ae cs3 , when i import my footage is black solid , i can't preview my footage.my footage is wmv,mp4.
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Nov 8, 2013
i am animating film footage in Photoshop Cs6. i have used the paint brush tool to draw an image over my film, which works nicely. but i have to do this frame by frame--e.g. as i move to the next frame, what i draw is gone, and i have to reanimate every frame. is there a way to hold what i paint in one frame on to the next, so that i am producing a progressive image over the film?
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May 4, 2012
I have a project that was filmed in DVCAM and captured as an AVI file. I want to mix in some footage that was filmed in HDV, on the same camera. Presumably I can capture it as an AVI too and just add it to the project? The project is:
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
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Apr 4, 2012
You can see what I mean by spasming: [uRL] ... (jump to about 30 seconds in).
The above video is the 1st time that happened. It just happened to me again for the 2nd time, yesterday. I checked the raw footage and it doesn't spasm, so it's not my recording software. I loaded it into Sony Vegas and it doesn't spasm. It's JUST in VideoStudio. But it also displays as spasming when rendered out.
Why it has happened only twice in about 1000 opportunities. And, to show it's not a fluke... when it happened yesterday, I re-did the work immediately after and it still spasmed. However, I recorded something else today and it worked perfectly.
I use WMCapture for screen recording and also had Audacity running for capturing my microphone. However, I did the same thing a week ago, with no issues. It's 2 completely isolated incidents.
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Jun 10, 2011
Well, I bit the bullet, and I'm slowly learning the tricks of Video Studio. Here's my question... is there anyway I can "park" footage on the lower video tracks without them showing up in my preview video? In other words, I typically place clips on lower timeline tracks and eventually insert them into the final video after tweaking the main video track. When "other" clips are parked at the lower tacks, they appear in the preview footage, which I do not want to see.... yet.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 and my operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm trying to put together a film, including some sequences which have been filmed on an IPad (I think) for which the aspect ratio is a thin vertical rectangle. I would like to change the shape to a horizontal rectangle by removing segments at the top and bottom.
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Aug 11, 2011
Any way you can take 5D footage and convert it from Lin to LOG?
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Mar 18, 2014
I am currently working on a 24fps project with R3D footage in Premiere.Some of the footage for a new sequence I am working on was shot at 48fps (and will need to be exported to 24fps while retaining 48fps' slow motion effect).
Can Premiere play back in the program monitor at 48fps? Can it interpret/render 48fps footage to export to 24fps while retaining the original attributes of the 48fps footage? Or would I need to use additional software to accomplish this?
I would like to be able to edit/playback the footage at the correct frame rate within Premiere as I need to synchronize it with music to see which segments of the clips I have will work best.
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Feb 14, 2014
I have two compositions, second is a copy of the first. On the second's layers i use other footages with other start points, while the keyframes of the layers should stay there (related to the layer). I have replaced the the second's footages by alt-drag&drop. But i can not set other start points. So how can i shift the footage behind the layer?
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Mar 12, 2014
I am performing some compositing tests using 4K footage (3840x2160, Apple ProRes 422 HQ, from BM Prod. Camera 4K) in AE 5.5. However, when I import the footage, the resolution is listed as being 1364x767. Closer inspection reveals that the footage is truly being treated and displayed at that lower resolution; thousands of pixels are essentially being ignored. When the footage is dropped into a 4K composition, it occupies only a small area at the center of the screen.
Mac OS X 10.9 (my operating system) incorrectly reports the footage resolution in the file properties (in Finder, listed as 1364x766), However, upon opening the file with Quicktime, the footage is displayed correctly and the "inspector" window reports the correct resolution dimensions (3840x2160). So the file is ok; all of the 4K data is there and Quicktime can read/interpret it. Why then can AfterEffects not do the same?
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Apr 15, 2014
Is there a way to have a certain preset of effects activate on any and all footage dragged into the timline? I'm working in a 24FPS 2K timeline with 60FPS 1280p footage. To have it play the way I want I have to drag down the footage, set the scale of the clip from 100% to 150% so it fits the screen. Then set the time playback to 50%. Is there a way to have the time playback and scale change automatically affect every piece of footage dragged into the timeline?
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Feb 10, 2013
I am using native .mxf - MPEG-2 HD footage shot with a Canon XF300, and nearly every time I place it in the timeline or or viewer and scrub AE freezes and crashes. Non mxf footage doesn't cause AE to crash.I am running a newly built Windows 7 64bit system
Dual Xeon 2687's
EVGA Classified SRX motherboard
3 SSD (operating system and applications on one, scratch and cache on others)
GeForce GTX580 3GB
internal 10K raptor drive (footage)
External OWC 4TB Qx2 RAID 5 / 0 (switched configurations in an attempt to resolve issue) (footage) - connected eSATA / USB2.0
I have adjusted the preview resolution settings, the preferences, the location of scratch disks, changed the location and connectivity of media hard disk, I have attempted older drivers, and ive switched video cards - I previously was using Quadro4000. I have reinstalled the Adobe Suite, and just yesterday did a complete reinstallation of the OS. And that hasn't seemed to solved the issue.
In the Windows event log, the error reads: Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAfter Effects CS6Support FilesAfterFX.exe.Faulting module path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe After Effects CS6Support Filesmc_dec_mp2v.dll
I am new to .mxf and I have only been using this footage format for a few months, however the crashing issue did not occur until about a month ago. Im not using proxies I believe it was around the time when I applied the latest AE update. I cant say with confidence it was the update because I also was switching GPU drivers to resolve Premiere Pro crashing. Essentially AE worked when Premiere Pro didn't, and now visa versa.
It always catches and crashes before going into adaptive resolution. Are the hard drives not able to keep up? Footage runs fine in Premiere Pro Hardware seems to check out.
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Dec 8, 2013
I've been editing a piece recently that requires me to do a lot of green screen keying, I've just started out using premiere and whenever I finish keying something and then force rendering it, it cuts my peice in half at a slight angle and no matter what I tweak it doesn't change.
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Mar 9, 2014
Once I have imported my footage how do I rearange them in the project bin. I can't seem to grab a clip and move it into the position in list I want ( similar to arranging clips in PP or FCP )
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Apr 4, 2014
i preview my footage and it looks fine, but when i drop it in the time line it cuts alot off
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Jun 7, 2013
basically my 24fps footage isn't rendering smoothly ON X5 Ultimate.
What i've done is put the same clip together twice, as strangely the first clip is smooth, then subsequent clips are all jerky. This has been going on for some time, so switched to 25fps. 25fps from my Canon 5D MKII wasn't as good as 24fps, so switched back and decided to try and sort this out.
I have been through multiple settings, deleted all older versions of Corel, removed then re-installed X5, made sure all patches and updates were installed - made no difference.
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Feb 28, 2012
I've been using Corel Video Studio X4 to edit the footage from my Muvi HD camera which is usually mounted on my bike frame or cycle helmet.
If I upgrade to X4 Ultimate it comes bundled with some software that is supposed to stabilise the recorded video. (proDAD Mercalli SE)
Any experience of this software plugin, is it worth upgrading for this component, or any alternatives to steady video recordings?
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Sep 21, 2013
When you are burning HD footage (video type H.264, Upper Field First) to a DVD, do I keep the project input and output on UPPER FIELD FIRST? Or am I supposed to change both to FRAME BASED?
This is what I know:
SD is Lower Field First
HD is Upper Field First
"Still Photos" is Frame based
I had a videographer tell me today that to burn HD to a DVD i'm supposed to use FRAME BASED. And HD to a BLUE RAY disc is UPPER FIELD FIRST. I thought Frame Based was only for Slideshows.
I'm currently using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Ultimate
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 480, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-NTSC), 16:9
Video data rate: 8000 kbps
Audio data rate: 128 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)
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