3ds Max :: Crash When Using Modifiers

Dec 27, 2011

recently downloaded 3ds2010 for game modding purposes. Running into aggravating problem. After I convert an object to editable mesh and attempt to using the Modifier List drop down menu under the modify tab..the program crashes. It freezes and becomes unresponsive.

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3ds Max :: Selected Faces Still Red When Using UVW Modifiers

Aug 13, 2011

I switched to MAX 2012 recently and it's hard for me to texture my models because of selected faces being highlighted red while using modifier like UVW Xform, UVW Map and Unwrap UVW.

On older MAX release when you selected desired polygons to apply UVW Map for example, faces stoped being red, now it's not and I can't see how my texture is applied on my model because of that.

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3ds Max :: Does It Have A Weight Feature For Modifiers

Jul 21, 2011

I want to blend one out instea dof just turning it off.

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3ds Max :: Fine Tuning Modifiers When Using AudioFloat

May 9, 2013

using AudioFloat and then fine tuning Modifiers assigned to AudioFloat.

First, I think I understand that the Min/Max of the Audio Controller allows you to vary the intensity by which AudioFloat affects the Modifier's execution synchronized to the song, although I don't fully understand exactly what the Min/Max are doing, (btw - Max's help menu doesn't seem to have anything about AudioFloat, at least not that I could find).

For example, I find that when I vary Max, when using Bend as the Modifier, I can change how much the object bends to the right (higher values seem to make it bend more).

However, when I start to adjust the Min up with positive values, that seems to push the object more to the right, but when I adjust the Min with negative values, that seems to completely shift the objects bending towards the left and totally eliminates the right bend...

When I flip the relationship (hold Max negative and vary Min positive/negative), I get the reverse. So I can't seem to make the bend go BOTH left and right. Right now I seem to be able to only make bend go in one direction.

Also, I can't figure out what Threshold and Oversampling do. I have noticed that Threshold as it approaches 1, makes the bend stiffer so that at 1 there is no bend. As for Oversampling regardless of what number I enter, I don't visually see any change.

Finally, I don't seem to be able to control how the Modifier is synchronized to the instruments in the song. Right now, it seems like the Audio Float is synchronizing the Modifier to all of the instruments and the result is kind of like watching Speedy Gonzales on speed or something- it's just way too much motion but I can't figure out how to modify the synchronization.

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3ds Max :: How To Make Default Values For Modifiers

Mar 28, 2011

For example:

all Extrudes = 5
when applying Normal Modifier - Flip Normals is ON
Weld for everything = 0.001
Blur in Bitmap Parameters = 0.01
Spline interpolation = 11
Plane - length and width segments = 1
and so on......

could it be custom script in Scripts/Startup folder?

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3ds Max :: Hiding Object Modifiers In Script?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a script that runs through multiple modifiers (extrude, Quadify mesh, and Turbo Smooth) on multiple spline objects and I would like to hide these modifiers when I send the file to a friend. In my current script, I convert each object to an editable mesh, which does the trick, but it drastically increases the size of the file.

Is there a more efficient and size saving way to disguise or hide these modifiers in my script?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Wall Modifiers With Multiple Components?

Apr 4, 2011

I need to have 4" piers ont my exterior wall. We are will be using 12" cmu at the piers with 8" cmu at the typical wall with 2" insul wrapping around it all. I am trying to use wall modifier to do this.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Spline Cross Section And Surface Modifiers

Oct 22, 2013

Im totally new to max. Im trying to draw a ship hull. I draw frames and placed in positions then i tried applying coss section modeifier and tried also to connect vertices manulay.

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Photoshop :: Remove Alt / Ctrl And Alt+Ctrl Modifiers Completely?

Nov 9, 2013

as the place I work at recently upgraded their PS version to CS6 and basically rendered my Intuos 4 completely useless because of the damn Alt/Ctrl modifier, which seems to control the "drag to create a copy of the layer function" regardless of the tool you're using.
It might be specific for my region, but Alt+Ctrl or Alt Gr modifer is used in order to reach certain keystokes, such as ], [, @, so when by default the brush size function on my wacom is linked to a "[" (alt+ctrl+f windows function), my tablet completely flips out and starts sending a mix of Alt, Ctrl and Alt + Ctrl function controls instead of the [ which I'm trying to use.
Alt + w/e functions work just fine, but I can't use any modifer using the alt+ctrl+w/e combo that involves creating a symbol, even while using the keyboard. For example, I can use the alt+ctrl+z command to undo something, but if I linked my brush tool to a "§", which is invoked by calling the alt+ctrl+m windows command, it will act as a normal ctrl + m command and open the curves window.

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Photoshop :: APP Crash CS6?

Feb 24, 2013

I am suddenly plagued by Photoshop Crashing, for reasons not immediately understandable by moi.Here's the crash data:
Log Name:      Application
Source:        Windows Error Reporting
Date:          2/24/2013 9:54:30 AM
Event ID:      1001


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Photoshop :: XP - In PS CS2 Crash

Mar 28, 2007

PS CS2 just up and stopped working.

I can no longer create new images or open existing ones. Instant crash 100% of the time.

I have done everything I can think of..... including....

re-installed it.
uninstalled, then done full re-install
Uninstalled it...then...
Bought Norton, ran everything
Bought System Works, ran everything
Ran Memory & HD tests
Defragged the drive

Full re-installation......... same deal.

Core 2 Duo / XP Pro / 2GB RAM / CS2 9.0.2

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Photoshop :: PS3 Crash?

May 11, 2009

Has anyone been able to figure out why PS3 crashes? I can not open it, it says Photoshop CS3 has stopped working.  I have removed and reloaded the program and it still will not open.  Can't keep production up with this,

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Photoshop :: CS3 Always Crash?

Jun 14, 2009

If the file size is larger than 15MB it crashes before it opens the file.I fixed this the first time by reinstalling my OS.I fixed this the second time by moving my files from their folder to the desktop then opened it from there.I can't seam to fix this for the third time and I'm soooo frustrated. It works until it crashes then it never works again.So for instance, it worked everyday for a month, then I stopped using it for a week and came back and now it keeps crashing on files over 15MB.Here's my computer set up:Win XP SP3 ProAMD Athlong 62 x2 DualCore Processor 4200+2.20GHz, 2GB of RAM1GB NVidia GeForce 9400 GT Photoshop Error Signature:AppName: photoshop.exeAppVer: bib.dllModVer: 0000c632

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Crash On Mac With OS X 10.8.4

Feb 26, 2014

3 days ago, after few miutes of lr usage it crashed. And later, on same day, it crashed often after few minutes of usage. It crashed also with different catalog. Also other applications crashed. Reboot solved for all the apps, but not for lr. Since this first crash, now it crahes very often. From console log, the only error is about segmentation fault: 11.
I have a macbook pro (late 2008) with osx 10.8.4 and lightroom 5.3. No update or new installation from sunday.

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Photoshop :: How To Activate CS After PC Crash

Mar 26, 2013

Am a loyal Adobe customer. Have had PS since 1997 starting with PS 4.0. Upgraded very year up to PS CS.  Then my wife became ill with breast cancer (died in 2008 from it), lost my job, lost our family home to for closure in 2010, my 20 year old son diagnosed with luekemia in 2011 (still fighting on chemo) yada yada yada.
Bottom line, I cannot afford to upgrade my Acrobat Pro, my Photoshop, my Premier etc etc etc.We sometimes don't have enough money to eat.
So my pc crashed the the other week. I just finished rebuilding using a new hard drive,  Photoshp CS in installed again, and running perfectly. BUT I keep getting a need to activate alert.  And can't do it.

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Photoshop :: CC - Consistent App Crash?

Oct 21, 2013

I consistently get this crash 3-5 times a day, if not more. Happens when dragging over images from Windows Explorer and dropping into a PSD. Or if I select color picker. And random other misc. tasks that seem to trigger a crash. It's to the point where I sometimes might have 3-5 recovered PSD files.
Windows 64, E5630, 8GB ram
GPU: Quadro K2000

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Photoshop :: Why Would CS5 Crash When Try To Print (Mac OSX 10.8.2)

Dec 3, 2012

I trashed the prefs. Photoshop is usually bulletproof, but this is something new. What is going on? Next I will re-assign the printers.

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Photoshop :: Why Does CS2 Crash After One Minute

Jun 8, 2013

I use CS2; Photoshop quits unexpectedly about one minute after launch. Why? Here is the crash report:
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [560]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop CS2.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS2
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0.1 (9.0.1x294) (9.0.1)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  launchd [108]

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Photoshop :: Why Does CC Crash As Soon As It Launches

Oct 18, 2013

Recently downloaded CC incl. PS, LR, BR. They all work fine except PS. As soon as I launch it it crashes. Happens in less thana second. What's going on here? Can I re-download PS?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Reports A Crash

Jun 6, 2013

When I quit CS6, it seems to think that it crashed and I get an error message. What could be causing this? I'm on an i Mac in OSX 10.6.

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Photoshop :: CS 8.0 Crash - Startup Mac?

Oct 11, 2012

Know it's old, but have been using Photoshop CS 8.0 on office Mac Pro and home iMac for years with no problems. OSX is 10.5.8 Leopard. Still works fine on Mac Pro, but has just started crashing at startup on iMac for no apparent reason. Graphic layout comes up and then shuts down. Reinstalled the application with same result.

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Photoshop :: CC - Consistent App Crash

Sep 23, 2013

I consistently receive this error at least once a week, if not daily when working in photoshop CC. Using W7-64. It is so bad that I have had to change save settings to store every 5 minutes and lose quite a bit of work.

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Photoshop :: CC Crash At Launching On Mac?

Jun 18, 2013

The software only appear for 3 sec and completely disappear

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crash On Start Up

Apr 23, 2013

i moved some files around in my "Documents" folder in win 8 , the next day when I restarted my laptop I got two errors about AAM Updates, so I looked into the folders that I moved around & see that a folder labeled "Adobe" that was usually in my documents folder was in the new folder where is was moving things to, so I moved it back to my documents folder.

I tried to open Photoshop & it didn't open, didn't even come up with a error, so I assume that I should check my running processes to see if maybe it is just hanging but it wasn't even running so I figure next things to dod is check my event log to see what kind of error it is leaving there. So I am left to think that I messed something up by accidentally moving that "Adobe" folder, I was wondering two things...Is there another folder that is placed in windows "Documents" folder besides the adobe folder that I may have not noticed that got moved, can someone verify what folders get placed in "Documents" folder upon installing Photoshop & other Adobe apps & second can I just repair my Photoshop install instead of uninstalling & reinstalling?
Also it my event viewer error log it is saying something about MSVCR100.dll...maybe that is what is crashing.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Crash - RAM Corrupted?

Oct 5, 2012

I have had a problem with CS4 crashing.  It does not happen at the same point of operation but it does it often.  I thought I had resolved this problem recently when I discovered corrupted RAM I have replaced it.  Here is the latest crash report.

Process:     Adobe Photoshop CS4 [49249]Path:        /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Adobe Photoshop CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS4Identifier:  com.adobe.PhotoshopVersion:     11.0.2 (11.0.2x20100519 [20100519.r.592 2010/05/19:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch]) (11.0.2)Code Type:   X86 (Native)Parent Process:  launchd [172]
Date/Time:   2012-10-05 10:01:36.856 -0500OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)Report Version:  6

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crash While Using Tablet

Sep 4, 2013

I keep getting an annoying crash every few minutes when using my tablet with cs6. I'm running windows 7 64 bit. every few minutes in the middle of work I get a box popping up saying could not reference memory address click OK to close. I've tried making more memory available in preferences and also running the program as administrator but it still keeps happening. A friend of mine is also having the exact problem on his computer when using a tablet.

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Photoshop :: CC / HDR Efex Pro 2 - Crash?

Sep 17, 2013

but if I order HDR Efex 2 Pro out of CS6 - anything works. Nik-Software don't really know an solution?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Crash On Load

Feb 23, 2012

So when loading Adobe CS4 it quits after about 10 seconds for no apparent reason. The error is "An unexpected and unrecoverable has occurred because the point you clicked on is not inside the vector mask of a visible layer. Photoshop will now exit".why this is happening, was fine until today..Here is the Crash Report log:
Process:     Adobe Photoshop CS4 [19187]Path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Adobe Photoshop CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS4Identifier:  com.adobe.PhotoshopVersion:11.0.2 [11.0.2x20100519 [20100519.r.592 2010/05/19:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch]] (11.0.2)Code Type:   X86 (Native)Parent Process:  launchd [246]

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Save As And Crash

Aug 17, 2012

Quite suddenly I'm having real problems with Save As. (I haven't installed the service pack yet, having read Foster's dire warnings). 

Yesterday, Coreldraw crashed 3 times on saving - resulting in a lot of work being lost and an unusable file. Today I received the attached message even though there was no other 'process' or program open.  

I've tried F8 and repair.

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VideoStudio :: Crash When Importing MOV To X3

Dec 26, 2011

I'm having with x3 when I import MOV files from an IPhone 4s onto an HP pavillion dv7 4270us laptop with 4 gb, 1.80ghz.

The playback is very choppy and almost paralyzed, while the audio does fine.Also, x3 constantly shuts down with a brief error message telling me to contact corel support.

Should I be converting these video clips before I import them into my capture folder on corel?

I'm trying to preserve quality since the iphone4s takes a pretty nice video, definitely rivals my canon dv and most HD flip cams I've seen.

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VideoStudio :: MP4 Render Crash

Jun 19, 2011

It's an element contained in a .vsp. Right now I'm trying to "connect" & render 1 video file + 4 .vsp (inttertitle card.mp4, segment1.vsp, ... segment4.vsp). Each contains segments that run continuously and I need to combine into just one video file (mp4 HD format). But every time the render reaches that file (above) (17% of the total render), it crashes. There's nothing else on that timeline except that mp4 file and a wav file. I don't understand why it's happening. I have done it successfully before in Youtube HD format.

Smart Proxy is enabled, but I don't see how that's relevant to rendering. I have tried re-converting the video file into versions: one has .mpeg4 codec, the other has .H264. I also downloaded & installed VSPX4 SP1, updated my codecs, drivers, downgraded Quick time. But the result is still the same as far as rendering the whole project goes: crashing at 17%.

There were enough RAM & CPU when I did the rendering so I don't think this is a hardware issue. I also tried disabling Smart Render just to see if it will react positively.

There came a time also when the render passed 17%, but it crashed when it reached 94%. Interestingly, when I rendered segment1.vsp only (to mp4 HD), it also passed 17%, but then it failed to finish also. Right now, I'm going to re-convert the file to a different format to see if the whole crash is related to mp4 (I have rendered many mp4s just last week and they were successful).

So I'm curious, is there a limit to how many "connected" .vsp files one can render successfully? And is there a certain mp4 type that VSP can't handle properly?

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