3ds Max :: How To Measure Orbit Framerate After Import

Mar 29, 2011

I am having problems with framerate after importing linework from AutoCad. The orbit rate drops immensely. I am drawing these from Rhino and importing as .dwg or .dxf.

In hopes of poly modeling from there, but the framerate is unbearable. Is Max not friendly with line drawings? Is there settings that I can adjust?Also, how do I measure the orbit framerate with in Max?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: DWG / DXF Import Measure Lines With Arrows

Feb 26, 2013

Is there any way to import DWG/DXF files with  measure lines with arrows.

system configuration:

Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.

corel version:


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VideoStudio :: Super Low Framerate In Preview Window?

Aug 5, 2012

I am using VideoStudio Pro X3, and am having a lot of difficulty with the preview window.

When I play the video I have been working on, it runs the video at about 1 frame per second or so, and renders the program useless. The odd thing is, when I select an individual clip and click run, it runs at a proper frame rate.

Is there some sort of codec or driver that I am missing?

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Premiere Pro :: Change Framerate Sequence Of Project?

Jan 16, 2014

I did a project with one sequence at 24fps, but I need change framerate of sequence to 25 fps for not have that reedit all, now. Is possible change framerate of sequence and that automatic way the editions be adapted at this framerate?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 3D Orbit Stuck In Continuous

Sep 17, 2013

Over the last few days my all my AutoCAD 3d orbit commands have become continuous orbit.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 3D Orbit Causes Fatal Error

Nov 15, 2013

Sometimes 3D orbit works perfect, and sometimes it causes a fatal error before you even get started with it. I originally thought it was just large 3D objects causing it, but now I think it's just a 2014 issue...because I've had simple 3d surfaces (3d polyline with a surface) that have caused it to crash, yet have other larger surfaces that orbit without issue. I'm mostly using it to compare 3D polylines to surfaces, usually on as built alignments that we're working on.

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Revit :: Orbit On Middle Mouse Button?

Sep 16, 2013

I need to be able to work back and forth with sketchup, and revit. Unfortunatly the orbit and pan commands in revit are the exact opposite of sketchup( mmb = pan in revit) (mmb = orbit in sketchup) (shift + mmb = orbit in revit) (shift + mmb = pan in sketch up) 
these commands are ingrained in my muscule memory and going back and forth is like writing one sentnce with your left hand and the next with your right. it is totally dibilitating. 
Is there any way to customize these in revit? Can i change the MMB to be orbit and shift+MMB to be pan ? 

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AutoCad 3D :: Web Based Orbit Type Of Interface?

Aug 30, 2013

Any web based 3d orbit type of interface?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adjust Settings In Pan / Zoom And Orbit

Apr 19, 2011

Is there a way to adjust the settings in pan, zoom, and orbit. I've been using these commands with my mouse button and wheel. These 3 commands are not behaving properly. Whenever I make a small scroll on my mouse, the view port zooms all the way until I cannot see anything, which is very unlikely. The same goes when I use Orbit, a small movement/click in my mouse, makes a very big difference in a view port.

But everything goes well whenever I start new drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Keep COGO Points Visible In Orbit

Mar 1, 2012

When I go into 3dorbit, or orbit mode, as I am panning moving around in space I can still see the points.  As soon as I press 'Esc' or 'Enter' the points dissapear, how can I get them to stay visible?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Polyline Drawing - Orbit View

Apr 18, 2012

I have an existing drawing with 3D polylines, I try to orbit to veiw it in a different view and all i get is a line.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 3D Orbit For Surface-2d Banding Too Slow

Apr 19, 2013

I have a surface volume analysis with 2D banding..Regardeless of it is a +- surface and it is not at the right height location, I want to see it in 3D. uffffff, 30 seconds waiting to acad ....

I have a good pc (wirth a superb nvidia) (I have no problems with any other software or 3D actions)

First , I have to wait almost 30 seconds before have the 3D mouse movements avalaible. 
Second, every mouse move ( to change the point or view, etc ) means 3 seconds of delay.

 The model is little , 400 x 600 meters. (It is an example from mastering c3d) .

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3ds Max :: Studio 2012 - Orbit Tool On Selected Object

Apr 21, 2011

Is it me or is the viewport-orb tool changed?When I select an object (in perspective mode, not otho) - and press Z to zoom-extend the chosen object, I can rotate around it, but when performing a second "orb"-around, the "zoom-locked-extends" is gone and he orb-rotates around the SCENE and not the chosen object anymore?

what gives?... (same principle when in sub-object mode - 1st orb-rotate around the chosen object is good. When going out of orb-rotate and orbing around to the other side of the object or whatever, the "zoom-extends-region" is "scenafied" as in scene-a-fied bug or new feature? if new feature, how the hell to turn it off.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Orbit With Mouse Scroll Wheel?

May 7, 2008

I've just started with Inventor 2009 and have found that you as default you cannot orbit around by pressing in the mouse scroll wheel, holding ctrl (or shift) and moving around.

This works in AutoCAD 2009 3D and all other 3D software I have used, so I'm assuming that there is a simple setting somewhere to activate this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Do Snap With Surface On Orbit View?

May 6, 2013

I have my surface, I'm seeing it in orbit view mode . (also it doesn't work on 2D...) 

I'd like to create a 3d Poly using some points on the triangles of my surface.... 

I'd need a transparent Inquiry tool , to use when I create points or  3dpols

I think it is basic.... 

I know _AeccFeatureElevsFromSurf

but i'm talking about a 3d Snap....

Civil 3D (2013) how much you have to improve....

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Crash When Making Orbit In 3D Model?

Feb 22, 2013

Some times it happens that when I make an orbit to a 3d model it seems that Autocad could not process it and it shoots down with a fatal error message. This is occuring quite often. why is this?

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AutoCad 3D :: Orbit Does Not Work With Shift And Mouse Wheel

Nov 28, 2012

When trying to orbit while pressing the mouse wheel & holding shift nothing happens. I have looked into CUI and everything is set up correctly under mouse buttons. Clicking on the navigation wheel allows me to orbit but using shift and mouse is so much quicker. I have just upgraded to AutoCAD 2013 perhaps that is the problem?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Center Of Screen Orbit Pivot

Jul 3, 2013

I have a three button mouse.  I can use Shift + Center button to orbit my drawing.  problem it, the stuff is always flying off the screen because the pivot point is at the center of the drawing / part / assembly/etc.  This annoys me to no end.  How do I change the Orbit Pivot to default to the center of the screen?

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Maya Modeling :: Automatically Center Orbit When Pick Different Object?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to tell maya to automatically center orbit to whats selected without having to hit "f" key everytime you pick a different object, vert, edge, etc.?

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After Effects :: How To Rotate Objects Along Horizontal Orbit Facing Camera

Feb 28, 2013

I want to rotate three objects along a circular orbit, horizontally. But I want the objects always facing camera. I added the three objects to my comp, added a circle shape layer and rotated it to lay horizontally, then placed each object along the circle shape, rotating it slightly for each new object, then parenting each object to the circle once it was in the right place. From there, I added a camera and a null, parented the circle shape to the null, and set keyframes to rotate the null along the Y rotation.
The result is that the objects indeed rotate along the circular orbit, as I want, but they TURN as they rotate, which is not what I want. I've tried applying "Auto Orient...Orient Toward Camera" and "Orient Along Path", neither of which work. I've applied this to the null, the circle shape, and the objects. They all still turn.

Here's a screen for some context: Using CS5, but have a trial of CS6 if that's useful

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AutoCad 3D :: 3D Orbit - Unable To Do Detailed Design Work On Small Scale

Nov 18, 2008

I hate 3d orbit with a passion on autoCad / Revit. It is impossible to do detailed design work on a small scale because every time you need to pan around a corner junction for example the whole screen shifts and you lose what you were doing. I understand the way that the 3d orbit tool works is that it picks the pivot point according to the closest object to the cursor.

This however does not work at all well. It always picks the same point on the screen no matter where you are working or where the cursor is pointing. There are times when it does work, however the majority of the time it doesn't. This is where sketchUp is good - the orbit tool is excellent along with its perspective projection. It seems to intuitively pin point exactly where you wish to pivot. Unfortunately everything else about sketchup i hate.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Imitating Full Navigation Wheel Orbit / Pan / Zoom

Jul 17, 2012

I've been trying my best to get familiar with the Autodesk Inventor COM API for the purpose of integrating a new 3D input device (the Keyglove) for intuitive control. I have worked through the "My first plugin" example, and I have basic COM integration working using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010. I've been able to rotate the camera's view around a single axis by applying a rotation matrix transform to the camera's UpVector property:

Dim Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
Dim appInventor As Inventor.Application
Dim oCamera As Inventor.Camera
Dim oRotAxis As Inventor.Vector
Dim oRotMatrix As Inventor.Matrix
Dim oUpVector As Inventor.UnitVector

But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to achieve what I'm really after: a programmatic equivalent to the "Orbit" action that is done on all three rotational axes at once. I would ultimately like to reproduce all aspects of the Full Navigation Wheel through the COM API, but right now I'll settle for 3D orbiting. The pan and zoom operations seem to be doable through the ComputeWithMouseInput() method, though I'd imagine there's a better, more direct way to do that with raw camera eye/target transformation as well.

When using the Orbit tool on the Full Navigation Wheel, the mouse X/Y axes control orientation about the Y and X axes respectively, centered around the pivot point. If you hold down shift to enable "roll" mode, the mouse Y axis is ignored, and the mouse X axis controls orientation about the Z axis. The Keyglove provides angular rotation data on all three axes at once, so there is no need to toggle between X/Y control and Z control; it should be easily possible to do them all at the same time. I can't figure out how though.

lacking in familiarity with the COM API and/or the ability to visualize and code the correct spatial geometry calculations.

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AutoCad 3D :: Constrained / Free Orbit - Screen Automatically Start To Move

Jan 16, 2009

For some reason, now when I click on Constrained Orbit or Free Orbit the screen automatically starts to move, its like I have just pressed on Continuous Orbit. Free Orbit works OK if I hold shift and use the scroll button, but I am used to using the icon .

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After Effects :: Rotating 3D Cube With Orbit Camera And Keyframes - On Playback It Keeps Zooming In And Out

Feb 4, 2014

I created a 3D object (a Doctor Who TARDIS) just for fun and I'm trying to figure out how to animate it spinning in space with the orbit camera and keyframes. I do the orbit and the keyframing works fine, but when I play it back the whole thing zooms in and out madly, almost like it is throbbing in and out. This funny "throbbing" happens in between the keyframes.
The zoom attribute in the camera options is actually locked, the only attributes changing as I move along the timeline are the position attributes, which I am keyframing off.

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AutoCad 3D :: Make Video Clip Of Free Orbit (3DFORBIT) In 2010 / 2011?

Jul 7, 2011

Is it possible to record a video clip (avi/wmv/MPG) of free 3d orbit shaded animation what you see on autocad screen (without specifing particular path).

There are animation settings in 3dorbit right shortcut menu, but it doesn't have option for recording a video clip.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Put Default Orbit Center To Center Of Screen?

Aug 22, 2013

I'm having some fits with the constrained orbit center. It seems to me that It used to always be in the center of the screen when I would use Shift and CMB. Now it seems to be stuck on the center of my assembly/part. I know that I can hit F4 and long select LMB to re-center but I have never had to do that before the last day or two. I have uninstalled all the Beta Add ins I had installed and I have even uninstalled and reinstalled Inventor Pro 2014. 

Is there an option somewhere that puts the default Orbit Center to the center of the screen? 

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Photoshop :: Measure Tool

Jan 24, 2007

is it possible to measure the distance between two lines but is it possible to set the scale (calibrate) to customize the dimensions. For example, we have pictures with a ruler in them and we need to set the scale in PS to equal the scale on the ruler.

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Photoshop :: Measure Width?

Oct 13, 2006

how do you measure the width of a layer/rectangle? I have tabs for links which I now want to have as the same width, but the info tool shows nothing for width or height and the rules are to high up to make use of. Apart from physically using a ruler and measuring myself, any simple way of knowing the exact width of a rectange in photoshop?

Edit: For now I'm using a line I've drawn the same width as the largest tab, then comparing it to the rest. Here's a related question:

How can I center the text within each tab?

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Photoshop :: Measure Tool CS Vs CS4

Dec 9, 2008

In CS, I observed and confirmed with other users the following behavior:

1. Use Measure Tool to establish horizon

2. Image > Rotate > Arbitrary

3. Image > Adjust > Levels

At this point, Measure Tool reverts to Eyedropper Tool. For my workflow, this is lots of extra clicking. Would someone please check this in CS4 and see if the Measure Tool stays as Measure Tool?

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GIMP :: Using Measure Tool In 2.8

Jul 28, 2013

Software: GIMP 2.8 part of Ubuntu software (13.04 - 64 bit)

I am unable to use the measure tool. When I use it, the distances and angles keep adding to the last reading and these cumulated readings are of no use.

How to start a fresh set of measurements within the same session?

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Photoshop :: How To Measure And Fill With The Same Transparency

Jul 25, 2012

for example creating a fill using Edit > Fill with a random Color and Opacity in the Fill dialog, then later without the original information about the Color and Opacity but just the file, how can I make exact same fill and opacity again?

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