3ds Max :: Curve Editor Is Blank?
Feb 6, 2012
My Curve Editor has gone virtually blank except World shows up. Nothing else. No curves, no keys, no scene objects. NOTHING! I'm experienced with it but alas, I am stumped. I've tried every combination of Curve Editor settings. I've also erased the 3dsmax.ini file. Older files exhibit the same absence of data. Used to work!
Using 3ds Max 2012 x64 on Win 7 64
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Mar 21, 2011
So i've rigged some characters for a school project. Now when I start animating it's fine, but when I've animated a bit (3-4 key poses) and I want to adjust things in the curve editor, the curve editor is really slow. Can take up to 3 min to adjust a block of keys.
Now the scene it self is running ok, and I'm using proxy meshes to get more speed, so I guess the problem is in the rig. Is there any way to trouble-shoot my rig, and optimize it to gain more speed?
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Mar 13, 2013
To make it possible for every parameter i could put the key like as in Xsi...You can make keys as in Cinema 4d - the first press m-mode modeling, the second key - e - extrude.
when i press Alt+Q, I want to see the object and his material in the material editor, I do not want to find material..i want mirror X and Y option in curve Editor like Cinema 4d - easy make reverse animations
Tools for animation as the camera when shooting handheld and most importantly to usability..I have a lot of ideas how to improve 3DS max. I have experience with almost all these programs for 16 years. Contact me on Skype, telling what you can do better - for a long time. Final3d1
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Sep 15, 2011
If I have Curve Editor open and I playback my animation (fairly complex character) by clicking "Play Animation" button, animation won't run smoothly.
Curve Editor Open (minimized and or maximized) = 6 fps
Curve Editor Open while dragging time slider manually = 15 fps
Curve Editor Closed = 28 fps
Also if I have "Statistics" info shown (shortcut 7) to see fps, it will slow playback about 40% more.
Would be nice to have some sort of fix on these As an animator having to close Curve Editor all the time is annoying.
3ds max 2012 was great leap towards better and faster experience, but there are still tons of old bugs and "still not working very well", like random numbers in reaction manager, or having different keyboard shortcuts for Edit Poly modifier or Editable Poly mesh (please combine). Graphite Modeling Tools was good addition, but would be nice to have it integrated completely with tools found in Edit Poly modifier and Editable Poly. Chamfer also needs upgrading, it still doesn't work very well with more complex places.
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Feb 22, 2012
Is there a way to "filter" all the junk I don't need from the curve editor? I need to select all the "z-axes" of 2000+ objects and randomize their keys. But ONLY their Z-Ax keys
I'm working on an animation
You can find a screenshot in attachement
Intel 7 - 2.8Ghz
NVidia Quadro 4000 2Gb GDDR5
3D Studio Max Design 2013 x64
Windows 7 x64
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Apr 1, 2013
I am attempting to use 3ds Max 2013 at my job, and I have run into a rather painful bug/problem. Every time I open the curve editor, my cursor starts flickering between normal pointer image and hourglass, the buttons in the top of the editor flicker randomly, and I cannot select and type anything in the input boxes in top or bottom. All this flickering lasts for about 10-20 seconds, which is not a long time if it just happened once, but I have noticed that it happens after every time I move a key. What 3ds Max goofed up to cause this problem?
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Oct 3, 2013
I have a long animation. I want to use populate at frame 12000. But populate frames won't let me go over 10000 frames. How can I get my people to animate after frame 10000 as you cant adjust the start point in the curve editor.
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Apr 8, 2012
when I open the curve editor, nothing shows up except for the "world" track icon...I tried checking and unchecking filters but everything seems fine..
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Nov 26, 2011
well I was working on my animation, but the toolbars in the curve editor are gone since yesterday. First I tried the "Load Layout" and "Show Toolbars" function. Then I deleted the 3dsmax.ini and Trackview.ini without result. In the end I reinstalled 3ds Max2012 but nothing changed.
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Jan 22, 2013
I occasionally have the ACE become inaccessible at the bottom of the GUI. Can still get it on "F5" but no editorial buttons. How to get it back without restarting.
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Mar 5, 2012
My Animation Graph Editor is only showing one animation curve (for one attribute) at a time after I have set multiple keyframes for the character set and various attributes. I select multiple attributes, and hit View-Frame All, and it only shows the top attribute of the selected attributes as one curve.
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Mar 10, 2013
correct process for animating a Material color change using AutoKey and the Curve Editor.
Right now, I am only able to crudely manipulate the color change by setting the material color change while the AutoKey is active.
The problem is that I am unable to control the speed/time at which the color change actually transpires in the scene.
So far, the only solution I have found, is to set the color change hundreds of frames after the point at which I want the color change to actually occur.
Normally, I would go into the curve editor and and manipulate the keys for the color change to slow or speed up the transition, and to control the exact timing.
However, even though I am able to locate the color change key(s) in the Curve Editor, I either do not know how to properly manipulate them, or I don't know what keys I actually want to manipulate.
I am accustomed to sliding keys left and right and using null keys to hold a key frame (in the this case the color prior to change, which is grey, and then the color after the change, which is fuchsia. however sliding keys around in the curve editor, when I have the "fuschia" key(s) selected (I misspelled the name, so in the file it is "fuschia" not "fuchsia"), does not seem to affect the actually timing of the color change.
FYI, the material that I am attempting to animate is the "fuschia" material in the Compact Material Editor.
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Dec 29, 2013
I want to create a Curve table for an alignment.
You are able you get range of properties, i.e length, chord length, start/end chainages, mid-ordinate.
I've notice lets for arguement sake 'chord length' text component editor is: <[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> but is it possible to modify the code so i can insert half a chord length.
Ive tried
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>/2 ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]/2> ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)/2]> ---- doesn't work
<[1/2*Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> ---- doesn't work
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Feb 19, 2013
I want to draw hyperbola curve whose equation is x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2=1. May I use equation curve tool to make the above hyperbola.
I have also made a hyperbola curve of aforesaid equation through conventional method on mathematical ground in the past.
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Dec 31, 2013
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
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Mar 21, 2012
Why in LR4 is the Tone Curve default set to Custom with a contrast lowering curve? I would like the default to be linear, but I can't remember how I set that up in LR3.
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Apr 6, 2013
Can I create A B-Spline curve and a NURBS curve in the Adobe Illustrator?
If yes, how to do it?
Also, how to create a breakpoint, that will add a new control point, on a curve, in Adobe Illustrator?
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Mar 13, 2012
We've just started using an attribute in a dynamic block and I'm curious if there is a faster way to edit the text, like how you just click outside the dtext or mtext editor to save and exit. the editor.
We only need to edit the value field, not any of the other attritubes. I really like how the dynamic block is saving us some time, but the outdated editor is really irritating, and it's not always convenient to hit Tab then Enter on the keyboard.
Is there perhaps an alternate editor, or a way I can edit the value text in the mtext editor by default rather than opening up the Enhanced Attribute Editor?
System specifications: AutoCAD 2014 64-bit SP1, Windows 7 64-bit SP1, Intel Core i7-2600K, AMD FirePro V4900
16GB RAM, Crucial M4 SSD, 3 Dell Monitors (2 30" 2560x1600 & 1 20" 1200x1600)
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Jan 1, 2013
I saw one video in which a Photoshop geek quickly launces his raw editor by clicking on a small, illegible icon in the lower right-hand of his Layer Icon in his Layers Dialogue but of course he doesn't explain how that works, and there is no such corresponding little sub-icon in MY Layers icon, and the word Raw doesn't even seem to show up anywhere in any menu. I know this has to be possible. I can open a raw file (.nef, in this case) the obvious way, but after switching it over to Photoshop I can't switch it back to the raw editor (?)
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Jul 15, 2013
I'm sure it's something basic but whenever I close a PS file, I end up with an empty frame. Tools and menu bars are there. When I close the file, I want to see my desktop, not a blank PS window. How do you get rid of that blank frame?
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Oct 2, 2012
Printout is blank when job is send for printing.
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Mar 17, 2006
For some reason the upper left pane in my PS 7 browser is blank. How do I show the tree view as shown in the picture of the browser window in the help section of the program?
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Feb 24, 2008
When the mouse/pen is held following a crop the image and pallette windows go blank, and when the pointing device is released the image and pallettes are restored. Again, problem is not easy to replicate, but can happen with the marquee and ruler tools as well - was this issue ever resolved ?
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Aug 16, 2007
I received a PSD file from a client that I want to pull an image from. When I open the file there is a background layer and Layer 1, but in the layer window they're both blank. However, on the screen is the image I need.
I try to select the image, or use lasso or wand but it treats the image as a blank image (no matter what layer I'm on). Even when I drag and drop the image to another file, it comes up blank. The only time I do see it is in the original file, but I can't seem to do anything with it.
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Oct 26, 2012
I just transferred my Maya software over to a new Mac, It works normally except that the channel box shows nothing when an object is selected. If I click in the blank fields the values show up, but I cannot see the descriptions of what those values are for. I have tried the following: Dumping the prefs, reinstalling, contacting support (since it is a student license the y do not provide support, but did suggest the prefs idea), followed by deleting all Maya files and folders, library prefs and reinstalling from scratch. the result is the same. I am running Mac Snow leopard, which is new to me.
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Jul 31, 2013
I am running Autocad LT 2013 Windows 7 on a MacPro OSX using Fusionware. I am working in Model space.
When I want to plot a pdf using either the Plot command and Cute PDF writer, or the Output to PDF command, the preview shows up as a blank page. If I continue to Plot the pdf is written correctly, I just can't preview it to confirm it is correct.
When I try this via the Plot dialog box I get a white screen with a "Preview Job Progress" window and 2 buttons, Help and Cancel, neither of which is clickable. (See attached) I have to right click>Exit to get back to the dialog box. I have been using this method to print pdfs for 5-6 years with no problems.
When I use the Output tab I just get the white screen, which I then close and go back to the tab controls. The same thing happens when I use the Page Setup manager.
I don't know if this is connected but I have lost all ability to send prints to any of the printers in our office. I have downloaded the drivers again to no effect. So now I have to make pdfs, save to a file on our server, switch to the Mac side of the computer, and send the pdf to the printer.
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Nov 20, 2013
When I try to access illustrator, photoshop etc. the file opens and then the Registration box opens (I think that is what it is) on top but is blank. The box title is Adobe Design Suite Standard CS3, only the minimize button is live. I cannot edit or work on the art work as nothing in the menu is live and selection tools don't work correctly. When I first open files they appear blank but the artwork appears if I increase or decrease the image size so they are there! - but I can't work on them. I always clicked 'later' on the register box before but can't do that now and it is blocking everything. I am running mac OSX 10.5.8 - I saw some info on a forum about finding the file for registration and ticking 'never' so it should never open but it was all for windows and I could not follow it on mac or find any equivalent file.
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Mar 7, 2012
I upgraded from LR3 to LR4 yesterday and was excited to dive into the Map module. Unfortunately, the map seems to be blank. I have selected an image with GPS information. The Map module correctly looks up the location of the photo (Magdalena, New Mexico). This seems like a rendering bug.
Just to check, I installed LR4 onto another OS X 10.6.8 machine that had not previously had Lightroom and imported the same picture. The Map module worked correctly. So, I tried re-installing LR4 on the original machine. Unfortunately, it still does not work. I tried creating a new catalog and backing up and then deleting all preferences. The map is still blank...
I am open to all sorts of alternatives, including but not limited to: Running dtrace to look at library callsattaching XCode to debug (though I would assume all the objects have been stripped), or Starting up a WebDialogs/WebEx/VNC/TeamViewer/etc server for a dev to pry around on it or debug with XCode. Of course a debuggable build would work with this.
I created a new user on the system that is failing, started LR4, created a new catalog, imported the test photo, changed to Map module--still blank. Something on this particular system is causing the rendering failure. My next thought was that perhaps it was an issue with the non-accelerated graphics. So I disabled the graphics switching. Still a blank map..
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Mar 23, 2014
I'm having real trouble generating a Table of Contents.
I have three different paragraph styles:
I select them from the TOC menu but when it generates it turns my forty page document blank.
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May 10, 2012
When I open an image, sometimes one or more of the "panes" or "panels" does not display, i.e. there is the blank checkered screen in that section of the image. If I zoom in or out, all the image will display, until I get back to that magnification and again there are one or more blank spaces. If I close and re-open the image, it usually, but not always, displays fine.
Sometimes I need to close and open twice. I would say this has happened about one out of ten times I opened an image so far in the two days I have been using the program.My first thought was to update my video display driver, but I already have the latest one (using Nvidia Geforce GT220).
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Sep 26, 2012
Every new file in Photoshop CS5 is suddenly too large. For example, an 8 1/2 x 11 document at 300dpi (created simply with the Photoshop preset), is now 80MB on the disk drive after saving. In the past, it would be only 1MB.
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