3ds Max :: Creating Car Via Blueprints - Tube Outlines
Oct 2, 2012
I watched a youtube video on how to create a car via blueprints the guy on youtube used the tube tool started from the middle of the wheel outwards to create the arch
My problem is when i scale out from the middle of the wheel the outline is happening at the back of the blueprint
How to have this at the front e.g where im scaling out from ...?
I have drawn a shape as you will see in the attached. The white 'arches' are not there as objects in their own right, they are as a result of the orange objects and the yellow ring.
I will be passing this to a laser engraving machine and need to cut-out each object seen in its own right, including the 'arches'. Clearly in a normal printer I could just put a coloured circle behind the other objects but on a laser I need the actual shape.
I don't want to manually try to fit a bezier as the cut-out parts need to be a perfect fit as it is going to be an inlay. Each colour will be a different type of wood. Is there a macro tool that would do it?
Is there a way to select all of the text on all artboards and CREATE OUTLINES using Javascript? The text that Adobe provides for scripting has this option for saving to FXGs which is preserveTextPolicy or something similar, but I need the same type of solution for saving as an AI file or as a command before the save. I'm currently working in windows, but am writing this script for use on a MAC. If there isn't an internal way of doing this through Javascript? I would imagine it would be possible through Applescript since it can access the application's GUI, but I'm not sure. A javascript solution would be preferable, but any solution would work at this point.
I'm trying to draw the following bench in Autocad but I'm getting bogged down trying to figure out how to create the following tube with an angle on it and how to achieve different shapes at the top of tube.
To draw the cope end I subtract one tube from the other, this creates a taper from wall thickness t at the intersection of the inner tube face to zero at the intersection of the outer wall face. This loss of wall thickness is not ideal. To get rid of this less than full thickness material I create a slicing plane through intersection of non-cut tube 1 and the inner wall of the tube to be cut, I establish this point by drawing a 2D cross section.
I realize this a bit of a hack and it never works out spot on as the slicing plan never seems to match exactly the intersection point of the 3D tube inner wall.
I have tried to get a work around. i.e. :
- drawing a tube inner radius only subtracting from that then shelling-this only re creates the taper.
-offsetting the intersection edge of the inner wall and trying to project onto outer at 90deg-this does not offset correctly due to the complex geometry.
1. How to create a mitre maintaining full wall thickness. 90 degree intersections. 2. How to create a mitre maintaining full wall thickness. Non 90 degree intersections. 3. How to create a mitre maintaining full wall thickness. Tubes angled in 2 planes i.e. : for triangular space truss. 4. How to create a mitre maintaining full wall thickness. Tubes angled in 2 planes centers lines not coincident ie internal members offset to enable 2/3 to meet at same node. 5. How to deal with the above when using non round tubes.
Currently running inventor 2013 premium still on the free trial until it runs out and i register it.
I am trying to create my own tube and pipe style for a 22mm copper heating pipe run.
I have been through and created the parts and successfully published them into a user contents library.
I start a new tube and pipe run in an assembly. then go manage>tube and pipe styles.
I then hit 'New' i fuill out the details, select my pipe, bend and coupler...everything seems ok, i hit save.
it doesnt appear in the styles selection menu to the left (where it should and did on the tutorial) and whats more when i try and exit or do anything else the 'Save Edits?' warning comes up (clicking save doesnt work) This is the second tube and piping run in this assy. but is a whole new run rather than route.is it a bug? or lack of privileges?
I'm playing with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended for a friend. He provided an .obj file of a tool part and it opens just fine as a complex, shaded object.
Question: Is there a way to generate simple outlines of the object and export those outlines as paths to Illustrator?
I have a question about calculating the maximum tube length. Why do i ask this, because you can just measure it on drawing?
I'm building a parametric model for building simple storage tanks, and the goal is to get a complete BOM out of the model without any difficulties.
I have 4 possibilities of tube positioning on the tank. (see image)
1. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank.
2. A tube that stands in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
3. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank.
4. A tube that doesn't stand in the center of the axis of the main tank, but under an angle
These 4 possibilities can be flush with the inside of the tank or not.
Is there a easy way to determinate the longest point from the front of the tube? This longest measurement will be the length i need to get into my description for the BOM.
I use tubing in inventor, I always attached tube to whatever fittings I am using and everything is fine but if something gets moved that the end of the tube loses its contraint I'm ready to jump off a cliff!
Is there any way to get the end of the 3D sketch contrained to the fitting again?
Up until now I have always had to deleted the route and started over. Inventor Pro 2014
best way of setting them up to uses in Corel X5; these are what i wish to use in constructing my card models that i intend to make of Buses and othe vehicles in 1/76 and 1/100 scale.
I downloaded the blueprints for a Cobra Helicopter, and the side and front blueprints are not lining up correctly at all. I am not sure if this may be an issue with the actual blueprints themselves, or something I may be doing incorrectly. Below illustrates the problem, the green and red lines show areas where the front and side blueprints do not line up at all. Here are the blueprints I am using, I cropped both the front and side blueprints from the top and bottom most point. [URL]
I'm a hobbyist model builder, and I'm starting my first, homemade model. It's going to be a miniature of Wimbeldon's famed centre court. While, the object is not to make an exact miniature version of the real thing, I would like to make it as accurate as possible.
That said, I need to create a sketch (see examples @ [URL) based on real pictures of the stadium. Is there a way to do this using Illustrator? I've tried the various trace options, but nothing even comes close to accomplishing this. I hampered by my inability to draw freehand and my lack of experience with CAD programs.
where to find some useful links of Blueprint of a Plan, either Architectural or Mechanical. I want to practice myself using any types of commands in AutoCAD.
How do I "get outlines" in Illustrator CS6. Option was available in version 4, but now is gone. Have tried copying an InDesign-created outline but it will not copy.
How do I snap (objects or, especially, guidelines) to the outer edge of an outline? The guideline always snaps to the edge of the object, if the outline is behind, or within the outline if it's in front of the object.
I usually employ workarounds such as converting the outline to an object but that's not always convenient.
OK. I know how to make a Pen Outline scale with an object when I create the pen outline. But is there a way to give the scale with object attribute to all pen outlines in a compound object such as a vector clipart I purchase (or even some of the Corel clipart)? The most recent example is a state highway map I just downloaded. All the roads, lakes, rivers, county lines, etc. are created with pen outlines, but none of them scale when I scale the map larger or smaller. As you can guess there are literally tens of thousands of them on the map. Is there a way to make all of them scale without also making them all the same color and thickness?
I've got a JPEG file that I want to enlarge in PhotoShop except that when I enlarge it, the outline becomes all fuzzy. How do I preserve the crispness of the image?
Any ideas how to turn a photo into outlines, for example I have photo of myself that i want to turn into funky outline figure that I can use for design or turn it into a stencil , but would like to achieve nice edgesso the shape is recognised.
How do you add two stroke outlines to text? Meaning, the first stroke should be colored white, and the next stroke outside of the white color should be red.
I have made three geological profiles with coreldraw x6 for my study. I want to remove the bottom outlines and leave them colored. But when i try to remove the outline with object properties the outlines become lighter but they never disappear. How to remove the outlines.
I often need to convert all outlines to objects in a design before I send it out or when I create a flash base for screen printing. I know how to convert and outline to an object, but my question is:
How do i convert ALL outlines to objects at the same time? Is there a function I'm missing or possibly a macro? Also, I don't want to have to select every outline myself. I'm already doing that and ctrl/shift/Q. Also, If I'm forced/limited to doing it myself manually, there's always the chance that I miss one. I cannot believe that this isn't a native function.
We get .eps files from a customer and the fonts have been converted to "outlines" or "curves". This one font they used is Avant Garde Condensed and whenthe lowercase letters "f" and "i" are used together like in the word "fish" are connected together with no dot over the "i" (see attachment).
My question is this:
Is this supposed to look this way (see attachment) is this some sort of special character in the Avant Garde font family? Or is this some sort of freak accident caused by converting fonts to outlines?
I'm placing a view in .IDW file (making 2D working drawing). Outlines of a part, assembly or anything you put into that .IDW are kinda thick. and whenever I move the sheet by pushing mouse roll button lines become much thinner and model becomes more sharp-shaped so to speak.
And whenever I turn off visibility of one part in assembly drawing then the whole assembly becomes kinda thin. It is much easier to see later on a paper those parts and also easier to see them in .PDF files. I attached picture to this message. On vie number 1 is a standard view and 2 view is with those thin lines.
Tried to change it somewhere, but couldn't find a representation of this option.
I am trying to put a border, or color around a Font, or Picture. It has to be able to detect the edges of the picture or Font. I remember that I was able to change the color and width of the border very easily and quick.
I use Photo Shop and Corel Draw. Does any one know how to do this on Both Programs???
If anyone could get back to me asap, that would be awesome. Are there any other good forums out there, or is this the best one?
I have a friend still using PS 5.5, OK, OK it's me. How would I create a SHARP outline around text or anything else. I've tried outerglow, stroke and expanding the selection. The problem is, wherever the font or shape has a sharp or 90 degree angle, the outline rounds off at that point.