3ds Max Animation :: Making Eyelids Conform To Rotating Eyeball?
Apr 3, 2011
There's a great bog eyeball, which, as most eyeballs, is not perfectly spherical, and has a bug bump where the cornea juts out over the iris area. The eye is open, with eyelids above and below the iris, the upper covering the top of the iris somewhat. As the eyeball rotates, it should deform the eyelid, esp. the upper eyelid. What's the next way to make eyelids conform to the eyeball as it rotates, we can use cloth if necessary, but if there's an easier way, with constraints, lattices, etc. Like if there's a lattice on the eyelid whose control points get pushed away by the front of the eye, then fall back as it rotates away, or something..
it seems that i've got myself stuck on the eyelids. I've made a Stickman for animation training because animating interests me. After rigging the whole body and creating the face controls i bumped into a problem i just can't solve. That problem is the eyelids. I've been trying to animate the eyelids to close and to open.
Big problem = Eyes,
they are to big and stick out a lot which prevents the eyelids to close correctly. I've been wondering how they do this in movies and games where they have big eyes but the eyelids close perfectly
1. How do I make the angle of the Gizmo appear when I'm rotating the gizmo plane with 'e'?
2. Also, how do I rotate the gizmo itself, so that i can rotate it in any ambiguous axis as well if I wanted to.
For example, let's say I'm slicing a hollowed box usnig Shell modifier. I want to cut the box diagonally. I make the slicing plane vertical using x rotatin axis (red) at perfect 90 degrees (this is why I want to see the angle displacement when rotating a gizmo), then becaue I want to cut it vertically, I rotate the plane on z rotation axis (blue) 45 degrees. Now, I want this cut to be slanted. That means I have to change BOTH x and y axis with equal amount to achieve symmetrical cut I want. ("5 snaps of rotating the slicing plane on x axis and y axis" something like this)
What I want is change the orientation of the gizmo itself so that x or y rotation axis becomes the angle I want the box cut to be slanted at.
3. I've been using 3ds max for rendering most of the time, and didn't really have time to ask myself, why is it such a pain in the a** to get the correct effect I want from max? Viewport and renderd product doesn't match at all for me. Rendering should be just a way of making the viewport image much prettier, not turning garbage into an artwork. Because of the difference between the viewport and renderd image, I constantly have to do test render at 320x240 to see how it looks.
When I say the two doesn't match, it includes but not limited to:
-Lighting Both daylighting system and artificial lights(photometric/standard) -Intensity -Shadow casting accuracy -Material
Scale mismatch of rendering and viewport.
-Color -I'm guessing it may be because of the lighting that the colors are very off. -Unexpected glow on my model from other surrounding objects.
Sketchup or Rhino shows vaguely how it's going to look when it's rendered, just poor quality. Why is it so not intuitive in max?
im having trouble with a rotational object. I Basically made a basketball system in the category of specialty equipment. i made several different families in the same category and have nested one big family in specialty equipment.. I then loaded the nested family into a Generic face base template and change the caegory to specialty equipment, after completeing the steps i then loaded it into another family that is just specialty equipment. My problem is that, im either getting constraint problems when i set up my angular dimension parameter and try changing it's angle or when i do get it to change angles the pivot point keeps moving around...The main point is how do i get my pivot point to stay still and have my angle parameter change without errors?
I have a video that I need to set in the background of my animation but it needs to be turned 90 degrees. Right now its is side ways. Is there a way to do that within max 20111? I currently have in my environment map and Effect menu common parameter tab my movie. I then have an instance of it in my materials area. Within materials area I can change my W: Angle to rotate that diffuse map where my video is listed and it rotates with materials menue but just not in my animation background. Can I rotate the video that is in the background of my animation?
I'm trying to do something very simple in PS CS6 that's proving to be, well, not so simple (for me at least). All I want to do is animate a layer in a clockwise direction and end up with a seamless looping animated gif. I discovered rotation can't even be animated unless you convert the layer to a smart object, first of all (and by accident. And the "Motion" function doesn't seem to work much at all, where there is a "Rotate" option.).
And of course simply copy-pasting the first key frame in the timeline to the end of the timeline just makes the layer rotate clockwise, then counter clockwise back to it's original position.
how to make a rotating animation (rotate an image) with image ready. I have tried to rotate the new second frame but this also results in a rotation of the first frame and visa versa.
How can i apply a skew modifier to rotating wheel and preserve skew gizmo from rotation? I am trying to achieve a cartoon like fast moving car. Seems to be simple thing to do but I can`t get it.
I am making a cart that whenever you move it, it should rotate the wheels automatic. I did this using expressions. At this moment I have a code what makes the wheels spin when the cart is moved on the Z-Axel but now I want to have it work on the X-Axel as well so the cart can make turns.
This is the code I'm using on the wheels: frontwheels.rotateX = cart.translateZ*40;
I am fairly new at animation. If I want to simply create an animation of an assembly just simply rotating in 3D space which I then can import in Showcase for a presentation, how would I do this in Inventor?
I want to know after rigging why should i orient joint in the attribute editor using the channel "joint orientation". Because i can easily fix the rotational axis after rotating the bone and freezing transformation.
Considering the use of sequences of still images (e.g. created through vector software as Corel Draw), whether “VideoStudio Pro X4” is able to make the following kind of animation?
Apple Keynote Animation [URL]
If yes, which are the name of techniques/resources to be employed?
This was done in CorelDraw. How can I do this in Photoshop. I don't care about the texture I just want to make the text conform to the shape of the circle.
I'm currently trying to conform an XML from FCP 7 into Smoke 2012 (Linux). The issue I have is that the files I want to conform with are MFX, however the files used in the FCP timeline are PRORES, therefore have a '.mov' extension. This means the Smoke is not seeing the MXF files due to the extension & the only way around it I have found, is to edit all of the '.mov' extensions to '.mxf' extensions in the actual XML. This works well, but is a complete nightmare, particularly as I'll have to do this for 13 half hour episodes!!!!
I have tried all the different combinations of Filename, Timecode, Tape, etc, but none work due to other metadata issues from the filming of the footage to it being delivered to our edit suites!!!!
Any way of making the Smoke ignore the file extension?
I'm trying to make a pile of sponges for a dock, So I'm using PhysX to drop a hundred of them but After I run the simulation and stop it. it looks good. But it will not hold that final simulation location. How do you Key Frame the animation.
Now that Smoke 2013 PR3 has conforming tools again, I'd like to run the following questions by you before I look at producing more training videos on conforming for the Smoke Learning Channel.
In the legacy Smoke 2012 videos, I showed a workflow for working with RED R3D using Final Cut Pro 7 and QT proxies going to Smoke 2012 using the original R3D media. Would you still consider this valid and should I do the same again ?
There are quite a few variations and you already know so I am interested in your workflows so that I can make videos addressing them and the questions that will come up during this process.
I just tried to conform an aaf file which gave me lots of trouble before and with the new conform tools it worked really well. Nice, I really like the way they work.BUT:after fixing missing links and some stuff I went to the timeline to have a look at the edit. There were still some unlinked edits so I wanted to go back to the conform tab to fix this and Smoke instantly crashed.
I cannot go back to the conform tab with this edit without crash. I have to admit, that the aaf is probably very crappy and not well prepared but thats real life and smoke shouldnt crash.If I make a new sequence I can go to the conform tab. If I select the edit again and try to go to the conform tab I will crash again...
UPDATE:it only crashes if the timeline is set as record timeline (red)
i'm using 3ds max 2014, i'd recently installed it, and i've problems with the "conform" tool in the graphite modelling tools. i select the mesh i want to draw on, but the tool doesn't fit my mesh how i want, it just move it around the viewport with no sense. Iwas working in 3ds 2012, and it never happend
I think I'm missing the "Conform" buttons from the Freeform panel. I create a plane with 20x20 segments and convert it to Poly but the Confrom buttons are not there?
i'm trying to link my edl with the correct clips. So when i got a green check icon , indicating that smoke have found the matched clip. But before i link it i just want to make sure that it's the correct clip. So in the bin, the clip is highligted and i double click it to open it up in the viewer. The problem the viewer split control is disabled so i can't do split screen to match that clip with the guide/offline (in the edl sequence i've inserted the guide movie). all i can see i have to link it first then go back to timeline and now i can view in split screen.
I have a problem with making joints in Maya 2013. When I use joint tools and try to make a chain, it won't connect and goes in random direction. I've attached the screenshot. I've just started using Maya.
I have rigged a character and made it into a character set in which i have locked the scaling attribute , I have then saved this file. I have then referenced this file and and have done a walk cycle animation and saved this file. I have then realised that I needed the scaling attribute when I have added other parts of my scene. Is there a way to unlock the scaling attribute in my walk cycle animation file or will i have to go back and change it in the rigged file, create a new character set and do the walk cycle animation again?
In the timeline panel in CS6 EXTENDED, you have a video feature, where you can animate three things:
Position Style Opacity
What I would like to know, is: How can I animate rotation of a layer? I want to rotate my layer at an angle and animate it. But when I rotate, the first animation frame is also rotated, resulting in NO animation between the frames.